vandiemen911 Basic Member

Joined: 20 Nov 2004
0. Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 6:48 pm Post subject: My Cobalt Flux xbox cbox mod |
I have a Cobalt Flux pad that I wanted to use on my Xbox...the problem was that the control box that it comes with is for the PS2. I originally bought some ps2->xbox converters...but the delay in response was so terrible, there was no way you could play a beat oriented game. Thanks to the ideas about adding extra buttons to the controllers (keggerman & jeremydammit)...I deceided to go a step further and set up my controller to be used with my Cobalt Flux. This mod can be used with any pad...RO, CF or homemade as long as it doesn't have it's own control box. Pin#1 is common/ground...and 1-8 is a button on the controller. The newer pads have a 15 pin header...but mine has 9. My whole plan was to be able to use my controller as the cbox, but also be able to use the controller as normal. The biggest problem I ran into was that the xbox contoller is not like a ps2 controller in that the controller gets confussed when you press up and down at the same time (on a pad, of course) I had to wire the 4 directional arrows on the pad the the ABXY buttons...and the diagnol buttons as the UDLR. Anyways, here are the pics of the project. Feel free to ask any questions if you're up to this as well:
(PS - I admit it isn't clean with the hot glue...but I can't think of a good way...any ideas?)