Okay, here's where I'm at - -
I double step a-lot. Songs with heavy streams kill me! Dance Seniorita is about the only heavy stream song that I can handle relatively well.. though I can't beat Cartoon Heroes on Heavy
Songs like Holic (Heavy) don't give me that much of an issue other than in the beginning before the song takes off.
Basically, I need to build up my ability to do stream. I don't use the bar and never have nor do I ever want to.. I have good enough Balance, I just can't keep up with the songs!!
Can anyone give me some pointers or help on how I can start building up to do songs like Paranoia Survivor, or even Maxx300?? These songs .. man.. I can read the patters to a point but my legs will - not - GO!!
Thanks for any Help possible!! 
AA's... AAA's... what do you think this is?? A Radio Shack!?
- Meself.