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KonamixKing Trick Member

Joined: 17 Sep 2003
0. Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:45 am Post subject: I had dream... |
I had a messed up dream about DDR last night, I was walking into an arcade, looking for some ddr, but when i found the machine, man was it screwed up, It had an UP, RIGHT, and DOWN arrow, but where the left arrow was it was an O(CIRCLE) button like on a soft pad. Also the metal pad was like slanted at a 45 degree angle. In my dream i was like what the F??? but played it any way, and i was sooo pissed because there were no songs, just retarded minny games, like one i played i had to hit Left and Right back and forth to keep a guy balanceing on a log!!! AM I going Crazy?! any way it was a wack dream, have any of you had dreams about DDR, Tell them here. _________________
Sleep, Eat, Breathe, Live Konamix. |
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Dice Trick Member

Joined: 16 Nov 2003 Location: In that Desert AKA AZ |
1. Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 3:50 am Post subject: |
I think you need to spend some time away from video games my friend.
But as for me yes I did have a few odd ddr dreams when I first started playing. The dream usually was that I had to play this one song of doom or else something bad would happen.( I dont know why.) At first the song was ok but then the arrows got mixed up. For example, where the left arrow would go a down arrow would appear and you had to hit the down arrow. Plus this song was about going at 300 bpm but looked like bag on 1x Flat. I think I saw so many people failing the Legend of Max that it caused this nightmare. _________________
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Pyroblaze Trick Member

Joined: 19 Aug 2002 Location: Big Brother's lap |
2. Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 11:36 am Post subject: |
I don't think dreams about DDR are any indication of spending to much time on it. I've had vivid comic book dreams after spending 15 minutes reading a comic book. I think it has to do with the information youre brain is processing while you sleep.
Which probably just means you think about it all the time =/ _________________
NINZA wrote: | pyro ur a FAG |
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Isaru Trick Member

Joined: 18 Mar 2003 Location: Stockton, CA |
3. Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 12:11 pm Post subject: |
, _________________
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Syxx Trick Member

Joined: 20 Feb 2003 Location: Chicagoland |
4. Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 12:34 pm Post subject: |
Me have dream all time. _________________
whites |
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Beginning N¡gger Trick Member

Joined: 21 Jun 2003 Location: Behind the starting line |
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OniCourseMusha Trick Member

Joined: 03 Oct 2002 Location: San Furanshisuko |
6. Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:17 pm Post subject: |
I had a dream that I played a new Paranoia mix. It was totally weird!! It had a nonstop of 2 jumps 1/16 away from each other. I thought it was the hardest paranoia ever since Paranoia survivor max.
I had also dream that when I played DDR, I PAed really horrible. Then I saw 2 new songs highlighted in red. Sounds like a new Max (its not max300,maxx,lom, nor Max.(period)) and maybe new Paranoia song.
Scottish Forum
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Respect Paranoia Or Die! Trick Member

Joined: 20 Dec 2003
7. Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 8:13 pm Post subject: |
I had dream too!
from long ago.
Anyway, I have recently been studying Love Love Shine on maniac for a lot of spins, and My dream was in a completely pitch black room. I wasn't seeing out of my eyes either, it was like 3rd person view. I saw a weird dot, and I went to it, and it was DDR Omega Devastation mix. Only the Max songs and Rediculously hard songs were on it. I got up to it, and tripped, Because when I touched it, My sight went to 1st person, there was a little impact too... I hit the start button and it was pre-set to love love shine maniac. I start playing, and (HOLY crap!!! ) The first lot of arrows were the correct ones! I perfected there with spins as usuall, then after the first double freeze arrows, I noticed I sunk a quarter of a centemeter (Yes, i am observant, and canadian). I look down, ant the arrows have dissapeared. where they were, there were the slots where they should be. the dancing doesn't work, and the pitch black veil is lifted to reveal a big, Mutha Fuggin' huge crowd, in a perfect conditioned colliseum. Like a base ball feild with only a dance machine in the center. They start laughing at me cause I am failing the song. In absolute frustration, I punch the machines glass, and as if to react, the whole crowd shattered with the glass. It went to 3rd person again, It was all black again, and I saw a slightly big line. I go to it, back to first, and see that it is the set of arrows that dissapered. Then i saw a big machine forming arouned it. an exact replica. I had this sudden surge of hatred toward it, lifted a big missle launcher of the ground, and shot it at the machine. heres the weird parts. Right when i puller the trigger, The view changed. I was the machine! Right before the Boom, I awoke (Thank GOD!!!), and noticed a pain in my hand, where i punched the glass... I still love to play,BTW. _________________
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MikeOMG! Trick Member

Joined: 04 Dec 2003 Location: St. John's, NL |
8. Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:20 pm Post subject: |
seek help. _________________
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[DMB]ziggy4719 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Sep 2003 Location: DRK Mode zOMG liek hwat?! |
9. Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:23 pm Post subject: .. |
ok i had 1 ddr dream...
i walk into the arcade and see a ddr machine it was DDR:Massive mix 20th haha i had a dream about the 20th mix of ddr. anyways so i walk in and put a coin in. 1 coin goes in and i drop the second. i pick it up and when i put it in it shoots out and a guy picks it up and i start punching the he** outta him telling him 2 geve me my token back. so than the whole arcdae starts to catch fire and i run out and the whole arcade blows up.
2 things
1. im not mean liek that ive never beaten some1 up was only 1 token
2.i remeber about 1 out of 10 dreamd and the 1's i rember r nightmares. im so meesed up when it comes to dreams i mean nightmares _________________
Offical brotha of DRK mode |
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Kaleigh Trick Member

Joined: 18 Dec 2002 Location: Whole New World |
10. Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 10:05 pm Post subject: |
I haven't had any dreams involving DDR for a long time, but here's some I remember having:
1. When I just started playing, I had a dream that I walked into an arcade, and the arrows were extremely caved in on the DDR machine there.
2. Before I beat Drop Out Heavy, (about a year ago) I dreamt that I beat it, but instead of the usual ending, it was just a long freeze arrow. o_O A long time after I had that dream, I dreamt I passed Paranoia Survivor.
3. It didn't have DDR in it directly, but in yet another dream I had, my family, a few of my friends, and I were going to go see a movie about "Make It Better".
4. I dreamt that I went up an elevator in a hotel with my dad and my little brother, and we went into Naoki's hotel room, and I asked him what he thought of making songs for music games, and he said it he really enjoyed it. I also asked him if he played the games he made songs for, but he didn't answer that question.
I've had a few other dreams, like being in arcades where DDR is, but nothing interesting happened in them, so they're probably not worth mentioning. _________________
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AJmix Trick Member

Joined: 18 May 2002 Location: Monterey, CA |
11. Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 8:10 am Post subject: |
One time in a dream, I went to an arcade, and it had a DDR machine, and I saw a guy play a song on Doubles that sounded like Disabled the FLAW. (from Beatmania 6th Mix) The dream is right before I've gotten the soundtrack to Beatmania 6th Mix. Odd.
One dream I played DDR Konamix at home, but I sucked at it. Instead of a ranking screen, there was a blank screen, and the announcer said something like, "Hmmmm, what should I give you...hmmm, maybe a COMPLETE IGNORANCE AWARD?!" Then it shown the Complete Ignorance Award on the screen. The dream ended there.
Other Bemani Related, but in one dream I went to a arcade I used to go to, and I saw Pop'n a DancemaniaX machine.
That's all the DDR-related and other bemani-related dreams I remember, unless you want to count the time I dreamt about Konami Krazy Racers 2. |
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djmon Vivid Member

Joined: 01 Nov 2002 Location: Tokyo, Japan(i wish) at 559 area |
12. Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:28 am Post subject: |
Dice wrote: | I think you need to spend some time away from video games my friend.
But as for me yes I did have a few odd ddr dreams when I first started playing. The dream usually was that I had to play this one song of doom or else something bad would happen.( I dont know why.) At first the song was ok but then the arrows got mixed up. For example, where the left arrow would go a down arrow would appear and you had to hit the down arrow. Plus this song was about going at 300 bpm but looked like bag on 1x Flat. I think I saw so many people failing the Legend of Max that it caused this nightmare. |
indeed you need some time off DDR and other arcade games before you hurt yourself. i suggest taking yoga  _________________
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Cyd Trick Member

Joined: 09 Mar 2003 Location: Phuket, Thailand |
13. Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 11:08 am Post subject: |
aww and i thought this was a MLK thread, shucks. I dream, tho they are scary... _________________
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dabomb5001 Trick Member

Joined: 25 Nov 2003 Location: arcade |
14. Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 8:56 pm Post subject: |
One dream I played DDR Konamix at home, but I sucked at it. Instead of a ranking screen, there was a blank screen, and the announcer said something like, "Hmmmm, what should I give you...hmmm, maybe a COMPLETE IGNORANCE AWARD?!" Then it shown the Complete Ignorance Award on the screen. The dream ended there.
lol |
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L-chan Basic Member

Joined: 31 Oct 2003
15. Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:18 pm Post subject: |
One time, I had a dream that I was in an arcade where they have various types of games that was DDR related. When I went up to the regular DDR machine there, instead of a flat dance pad, the dance pad on that one tilts. (You know, like on those snowboard games where you have to stand on a snowborad that tilts left & right, but the pad on the DDR machine tilts on all sides expect the center.) I played on it & instead of the 4 arrows rising on the screen during the song, it was just tons of small stars, hearts, moons, & other pretty stuff that do not make great replacements for the arrows. (Also, the song selection was limited & there wasn't much time to choose a song.) There was also a DDR Racing game where you sit on a chair & the 4 Arrows on the dance pad was in front of where you lay feet at. I saw some of the other DDR related games, but I didn't play on them, & I even saw a fighting game called Orion .78. _________________
No Sig at the moment. |
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Lhiannon Sidhe Trick Member

Joined: 09 Sep 2003 Location: CFB Borden |
16. Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 10:28 pm Post subject: |
I once had a dream in which I got a gameboy version of DDR, not even gameboy advanced, just a regular gameboy. It was interesting, you plugged the pad into the bottom of the gameboy, and you had to hold the gameboy so you could see the arrows while you played. |
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Love Love Sugar PWNS JOO. Trick Member

Joined: 17 Nov 2003 Location: Um..........who cares |
17. Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 6:57 am Post subject: |
Yeah, I had one. I had one last night. OK here we go:
I was just going to the arcade seeing if anyone was playing, and there were these little 3 year olds doing Legend Of Max on Heavy and the AAAed, and they got to Extra Stage, so they choose PARANOiA Survivor, and I asked them "Are you sure you can do that?". They said "Yes..." and I just went like "OK" and watched them play, then they got a AAA. Then I went on and found out the pay-to-play price was nothing, so I just pressed start and chose doubles mode, and then chose Sakura, then half way through the song, the girl jumped out of the screen then I just hijacked a Dodge Viper, and the girl was behind me in the trunk .Then I threw her out of the trunk and she died but then.......
It just cuts off where I said "but then.....".
I also had another dream about 3 days ago:
My family had just got 2 DDR machines (note:this is a dream), a DDR 5th Mix and DDR Extreme. Me and my brother decided to play Extreme, and we both chose Heavy and MaxX Unlimited (which I can do on heavy )
and we both AAAed it, then we chose Love Love Shine, we AAed it, then we chose Nori Nori Nori and AAAed it, then, instead of saying "Try Extra Stage!" it said "I hate you and you suck!". Then we tried the DDR 5th Mix which had a pad with and and it didn't say that. _________________
omgf |
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Wang Trick Member

Joined: 23 Jun 2003 Location: Erie, PA |
18. Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 7:35 am Post subject: |
I just had a dream last night that the DDR screen was about 50" widescreen and when you stood on the pads, your face was right up next to the screen. I have boring dreams.  _________________
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tsugaru_man Trick Member

Joined: 13 Dec 2003
19. Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:27 am Post subject: |
DDRmaster597 wrote: | Yeah, I had one. I had one last night. OK here we go:
I was just going to the arcade seeing if anyone was playing, and there were these little 3 year olds doing Legend Of Max on Heavy and the AAAed, and they got to Extra Stage, so they choose PARANOiA Survivor, and I asked them "Are you sure you can do that?". They said "Yes..." and I just went like "OK" and watched them play, then they got a AAA. Then I went on and found out the pay-to-play price was nothing, so I just pressed start and chose doubles mode, and then chose Sakura, then half way through the song, the girl jumped out of the screen then I just hijacked a Dodge Viper, and the girl was behind me in the trunk .Then I threw her out of the trunk and she died but then.......
It just cuts off where I said "but then.....".
lol. i had one where while i was playing in an arcade these gymnastics people came in and started doing hand stands on my head while i was playing, and then they all piled on my head, and i got too heavy for the machine, and the machine broke through the floor and into this cave, and my friend ran up to me. then when my friend said "eric, i have something important to tell you!" every thing turned fiery like i was in you know where and his hair turned blond(it was originally black) and his hair grew up to the ceiling and he yelled and me "YOU LOSE!!!" it was really messed up. _________________
ok i haven't been on for a while, but now i am back on. MY PREVIOUS USER NAME IS HEAVY_IS_AWESOME. |
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