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Swinky Trick Member

Joined: 31 Jan 2003 Location: Fort Collins CO |
0. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 1:08 pm Post subject: Annoying DDR friend |
Does anybody have any friends who you just can't stand to play DDR with? In an hour or so, I'm supposed to go play it with this friend of mine, but it drives me nuts whenever I do.
He always plays songs that are way above his skill level (like R&P and Healing Vision Angelic Mix on heavy), fails really fast, then explains to the nearest person waiting to play that he used to be good when he still played. He then continues on to say that back when he played a lot, he could FC Orion.78 (AMeruo mix) on heavy (which if he ever could, I'd eat my hat because his PA was always worse than mine, and mine is not exceptional). After the hard songs kick his butt, he always insists on playing Witch Doctor on standard. I still can't do it on heavy, and if I have to do it one more time on standard I'm going to kill him. He then tells anybody who can pass harder songs than he can that they are losers because they do nothing other than play the game. If there's nobody else around but there's a large group of my friends, he always hogs one of the sides of the pad while everybody else rotates on the other one. This happens until he tires himself out, to the point where it hurts for him to breathe, so he lies down, then complains about how he could do more if he had an inhaler. He also thinks he's better then me and my friends because he can do easier songs with a bunch of "crazy mods" as he puts it, like reverse 2x sudden dark.
Ok, griping over. But that felt good. Now I need to go get ready to play DDR with this guy. _________________
"I am a banana!" |
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stardf29 Trick Member

Joined: 04 Oct 2003 Location: Jet World! |
1. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 2:09 pm Post subject: |
It sounds like your friend here has a problem with humility. Being humble about your skills opens up a path for you to get better. If you're bragging all the time about how good you are, it only annoys people and keeps you from improving, especially if you're always doing easy-level songs (Witch Doctor standard) or songs well above your level of playing (Healing Vision Angelic Mix heavy).
My little brother brags that he can do Heavy songs. Namely, Remember You, I Need You, and Think ya better D. Then he goes and does six footers (on whatever difficulty) and is very lucky if he passes.
My suggestion is that, as a friend, you should tell him that he should be a lot more friendlier with guests. That means no hogging the game, letting others play whatever they want to play sometimes, and no putting down others' playing skills. If he doesn't listen, well... friends are supposed to listen to friends. That's all I can say.
If your friend's not asthmatic, the inhaler thing is a joke. The "crazy mods" thing doesn't really work to well; I would be more impressed if someone could do Witch Doctor on Heavy than on Standard with x2 Reverse Sudden Dark, although x2 Sudden is a good impresser. _________________
News Flash!
Piano Concerto No. 1 "Scorpion Fire" rivals Kakumei as Best Bemani Song Ever! |
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Irennicus Trick Member

Joined: 10 Jun 2003 Location: Austin, TX |
2. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 2:37 pm Post subject: |
Yeah, this kid definately needs to learn to cool his rockets. We don't normally get those kind of idiots around here except for 2 people. They're both very sure of themselves even when they aren't exceptional. Then if someone beats them, they get very mad at them and give them glowering looks.
So my suggestion to you would be to tell him politely to stop what he's doing. If he doesn't stop put the pressure on, say things like "Jesus, get off the pad already, other people want to play!", and things like that. If he still doesn't comply, kick him, hard. |
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Otla Trick Member

Joined: 05 Jul 2003 Location: Mitten Land, Er Detroit |
3. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 2:48 pm Post subject: |
I have a friend like that too.
He used to be way better than me...but then he stopped playing and I shot up to playing 7 footers (now I play 9) and he had to start complaining every time he lost.
But what's worse is friends who act like they know what the're doing but can't pass Midnight Blaze on Light mode. _________________
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Irennicus Trick Member

Joined: 10 Jun 2003 Location: Austin, TX |
4. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 3:03 pm Post subject: |
T3h V1nC3 wrote: | But what's worse is friends who act like they know what the're doing but can't pass Midnight Blaze on Light mode. |
IT GIVZX ME TEH BONAR!!!1!!!11one |
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Pop'n Usagi! Trick Member

Joined: 17 Nov 2002 Location: Your mum |
5. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 3:39 pm Post subject: |
Irennicus wrote: |
IT GIVZX ME TEH BONAR!!!1!!!11one |
A have a few friends like that who (not bragging) want to play songs like max300 and EE on heavy, but just can't do it, so they shadow me and "freestyle" then go back to light afterwards.. _________________
[quote:8b1ee61c71="rampage in oct '04"]
I'm sure if it was sold for profit, Konami would clamp down on it (I'm sure it's a matter of time before they clamp down on ITG).[/quote]
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Chowie of 3D Basic Member

Joined: 24 Nov 2003 Location: McFarland Ca |
6. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 3:45 pm Post subject: |
My cousin is probably the worst of all the people. Im way better than him, he knows it, i know it. So this one time the whole familly went to the pizza where they have a 4th mix machine ( ). I go up first, I do: Dead End, Drop Out, and Parinoia Evo (sp) all on Heavy. He gets up, he does: Buring the floor, Dream A Dream, and BB$. Eveyone is all like, "gosh, hes way better than Raymond". They only saw that because im fat and he's skinny. _________________
Team 3D |
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endless Trick Member

Joined: 28 Sep 2003 Location: highland, CA |
7. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 4:05 pm Post subject: |
I have a friend like that he says he can pass every song on heavy, but he can't even pass 1,2,3,4,007 on heavy. I just tell him he's full of it. He also tries to push me off the pad when I'm winning. |
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gecko21189 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Mar 2003 Location: Somewhere else |
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L1nK Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jun 2003 Location: Kansas |
9. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 5:30 pm Post subject: |
I say that you find some way to expose your friend for the phony he is. Bring another friend's inhaler along, and if he does the "I could play more if i had my inhaler," bring it out and say "Here, now get up."
You said that he will try hard songs on heavy, and then do witch doctor on standard. Well, in a loud voice, say "You know, if you have to do witch doctor on standard, a (whatever footer), why do you always insist on playing a 9 footer at the beginning?"
You also said that he calls people better than him losers. You are better than him, so next time he does that, say "If they are better than you and they are losers, then i'm a loser cause i'm better than you." Then walk out the door and drive (if you drive) away.
If he thinks he's better cause of his "crazy mods", you learn how to do some "crazy mods" on higher difficulties.
hmmm, about the pad-hog thing......let me think on that one..........tell him to quit hogging or you and your friends are going to leave. Better yet, have whoever is up with him fail, get off, then have you say, hey, we are going to (some store), meet you there. Leave, then find a place where you can see him but he can't see you. After he passes, go back to the machine, and play till he comes. Then think up some excuse why you weren't there. Then have somebody else hog that pad, so he has to wait.
I'm all out of ideas right now. If you give me more of what he does, i'll think of more what to do to him! _________________
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Swinky Trick Member

Joined: 31 Jan 2003 Location: Fort Collins CO |
10. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 7:03 pm Post subject: |
I got back from playing a little while ago, and he actually was not as bad as he usually is, partially because he has gotten somewhat better (no witch doctor for me! YAY!) But it did reveal a few lesser things that he does:
1) He will sometimes, but not always, shadow without asking. It gets on my nerves when people do that to me and I've heard how much other people dislike it.
2) He really has no patience when it comes to the coin line. Rather than asking "who is next?" he'll just say "I don't see anybody here right now, let's go again." Luckily, when he did this today we were really the next ones up, the person ahead of us just forgot to take theirs away. Not a humongous thing, but it is rude.
3) He will talk, rather loudly, about the person playing, how they're doing, talking about how "I could do that, but this song is all about memorization. I don't play this enough to memorize songs like that", and other similar things. I don't know how many other people find this annoying, but I know I do.
And yes, he really does have asthma. He had it when he was younger, it went away, but now it's comming back. He got a new inhaler awhile ago so he now brings it when he plays DDR. _________________
"I am a banana!" |
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L1nK Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jun 2003 Location: Kansas |
11. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 7:19 pm Post subject: |
When the people in front of you are on their last song, have him go get you a drink or something quickly. When they get off and he is still gone, get on and use his tokens and yours to play doubles. When he comes back and asks why his tokens are gone, say, "Sorry, I didn't know those were yours."
Any song can be about memorization. I'm with you, that has to be so annoying.
Oh, I didn't know he has asthma, i thought he would fake it when you said the thing about the inhaler.
You should still try the loser idea. _________________
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Otla Trick Member

Joined: 05 Jul 2003 Location: Mitten Land, Er Detroit |
12. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 7:28 pm Post subject: |
L1nK wrote: | and then do witch doctor on standard. Well, in a loud voice, say "You know, if you have to do witch doctor on standard, a (whatever footer), |
It's a 4 footer I think _________________
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D2RTeen17 Trick Member

Joined: 13 Jan 2003 Location: A little town known as none of your god damn business. |
13. Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 11:52 pm Post subject: |
My friend claims to have passed 10 or so 10 footers but he does them when only one witness is around. The only 10 footers i have seen him pass are PS, Sakura, Bag, TLOM, and Max 300 on doubles. Its crazy how he is always doing this but when i go and tell him to pass it again he cant. Oh and another thing, he is always saying that good songs like Air, Spin the disk, Silent Hill, Kind Lady, and other good songs are stupid and suck but when some one makes fun of a song he rapes in the ass he gets mad and says He dont care what anyone says. And one thing that really gets me pissed is that when someone plays song he hates, he yells from across the arcade that that person i a loser. He also gets everyone mad when he trys to pass a song he has passed before but fails he hit the machine screen and walks off. When he walks off, he goes to the other place where there is a DDR machine and hits it too. He makes a big-o fus and trys to get people to wonder about him. Its a mircle he had not been kicked out of both places from all his foul language and unessary break-outs of anger. _________________
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Chocobo_Dancer Trick Member

Joined: 29 Nov 2003 Location: Nebraska, land of corn...yay |
14. Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 1:42 am Post subject: |
ah, that reminds me of something...
awhile ago, my friend had gone to an arcade (he averages about mostly 8 footers and some 9s). everyone, everyone I tell you, was playing light mode, except this one punk, this one cocky punk. he was challenging random people, and beating them, then gloating marvalously about it. So anyway, my bud walks in, and instantly, the cocky punk challenges him. he asks my bud how long hes been playing, and he says 4 months, and the punk laughs and says hes played for 5. anyway, they procede to play (Extreme I think). the punk chooses standard, and asks my bud when he chooses heavy "Can you do that or just just do it to look important?" well anyway they start. the first song I believe is drop out. the punk starts out good and says to himself "I'm good" and seemingly after that fails. my bud wins it. next is R&P, and the punk loses terribly (fails) again on standard mind you, and my bud yet again beats him on heavy mind you. by now there is a crowd of people surrounding them, the people who had lost to the punk, now laughing at him as he fails. finaly, the last song, legend of the max, both do on standard. one fails, the other passes with a nearly AA. you can guess who won. well, he explained (quite funny too with these related stories) that my bud was lucky he didn't have asthma. funny thing is, he seemed to have plenty of tokens jingling in his pocket, but left anyway...crushing the pride of the cocky is fun, so try it when ever you can lol _________________
never play dance dance with a chocobo. if they lose, they'll maul you yelling "WARK WARK" |
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LyNeX Trick Member

Joined: 02 Sep 2002 Location: Northwood (Outside of Toledo), OH |
15. Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:59 am Post subject: |
Swinky wrote: |
1) He will sometimes, but not always, shadow without asking. It gets on my nerves when people do that to me and I've heard how much other people dislike it.
Go to Cali, go ddr where ever JSB plays. Have your friend jump up and shadow him. Video tape the whole thing.
However, if he did that around here, he'd have everyone else throwing him off the pads and quite possibly the management throwing him out the door. |
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L1nK Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jun 2003 Location: Kansas |
16. Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 7:18 am Post subject: |
Hat_Man wrote: | crushing the pride of the cocky is fun, so try it when ever you can lol |
Yes, i love that. This one kid i played excuse was, "I haven't done this in a month". But I will never be cocky to anybody who is better/worse than me. There is no need to do it. Help out the noobs, practice more to get better than the better.
I would love to see that video, even though I don't know Cali or JSB, but i can tell it would be hilarious. _________________
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BTTB Trick Member

Joined: 10 Dec 2002 Location: Deep in you. |
17. Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 7:42 am Post subject: |
Ugh, I had a friend like that, but I can't stand him anymore, I'll get to why in a second.
So I'm pretty good at DDR. Not AAA material, but A/AA on some heavy songs. I never try to be an asshole, but my brother likes me to, but that's besides the point, and more than you needed to know.
I knew this kid, he was probably A bit older that me, and he started off this year, or so he claims. He started off as teh suck, but I helped him, I have a soft spot for begginers. So I give him advice, tech him the basics, give him a little DDR history, explaining that ddr has started in 1998. So he eventually gets better. And better. And cockier. And cockier. And ruder. So, I start to like him less. He makes fun of obese people. That REALLY gets on my nerves. There was this overweight guy playing Paranoia light, and my "friend" started snickering. "100|< /-\7 |-| | |\/|!"
And stuff like "fatbuttocks" behind his back. I swear, if that guy had heard him, my "friend" would have gotten a breakdown.
Now, he's bragging about how he can FC Across the Nightmare. "I'm so great! I'm better than you because I can FC this!!!1one" And "I thought you were GOOD?!?!?" And mean stuff like that. I now loathe him, and chuckle every time he fails what he can't keep up with, like D2R. Ha.
God I hate him. I crush him at every turn, R&P, Sakura, etc., and he's like "I won!!!..... oh wait... this isn't possible, you won. They turned down the difficulty". How does difficulty affect YOUR scores then?!? It's not different on both sides, asshat. _________________
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Agilab Contributor

Joined: 10 Mar 2003 Location: Baltimore, MD |
18. Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:36 am Post subject: Re: Annoying DDR friend |
Swinky wrote: | Does anybody have any friends who you just can't stand to play DDR with? In an hour or so, I'm supposed to go play it with this friend of mine, but it drives me nuts whenever I do. |
Yes, and they're obviously not only un-likable on the pads, but on this forum too. _________________
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L1nK Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jun 2003 Location: Kansas |
19. Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:46 am Post subject: |
Tell your friend i'd like him to meet my friend. My friend likes punching bags. _________________
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