I have 2 Cypher Games soft pads. I have had them for about a year, I moded the first one about 8 months ago and I just recently started to play double so i decide to mod the second. I moded it the same way and it was woking fine, then i took it to my friends house and it stopped working. The odd part about it is that it is one of the pads that has the lights that come on when you step on it and the lights still work, however it does not send the "signal" to the ps2 that i have pressed ____ button
. If anyone elses has this problem or if you know how to fix it please tell me thanks. 
"I am Jack's smirking revenge."
"I am Jack's cold sweat"
"I am Jack's raging bile duct"
"I am Jack's broken heart"
"I am Jack's complete lack of surprise"