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J. S. Mill Maniac Member

Joined: 28 Apr 2003 Location: New York, New York |
0. Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 4:40 pm Post subject: Revenge of the Idiots |
Throughout the last few weeks, a person named "Skater DAN 11" has messaged alot of people online. He claims to have AAAed Vanity Angel on heavy, but yet no one has seen him play. This culminated when he promised to go to Golden Token Amusement (my home arcade) and demonstrate for us. The following conversation resulted (contains some language, but nothing serious):
Unified Physics (5:14:58 PM): Was at GTA from 4pm to 11pm
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:15:05 PM): u were
Unified Physics (5:15:09 PM): yeah
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:15:10 PM): i went to boomers
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:15:11 PM): sorry
Unified Physics (5:15:22 PM): you messaged me saying you had gone
Unified Physics (5:15:34 PM): and "saw no one with an orange glove just alot of people who sucked at DDR"
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:16:12 PM): oh yeah
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:16:20 PM): i thought u ment today
Unified Physics (5:16:37 PM): I was there the day you claimed to be there
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:16:46 PM): i was there
Unified Physics (5:16:52 PM): the whole day as the arcade owner would im sure agree
Unified Physics (5:16:56 PM): Mike was there too
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:16:57 PM): didnt u look anyone named kazoo
Unified Physics (5:17:14 PM): no one who played other then me and Mike could even pass a song on heavy
Unified Physics (5:17:27 PM): wait, there was one guy who got over 100 greats on Era raping the bar
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:17:29 PM): oh
Unified Physics (5:17:31 PM): would that have been you?
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:17:31 PM): well i was there
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:17:38 PM): maybe u just didnt see me or somthing
Unified Physics (5:17:42 PM): no
Unified Physics (5:17:47 PM): I watched the machine the whole time
Unified Physics (5:17:51 PM): then I went over the tapes
Unified Physics (5:17:57 PM): since the DDR machine is videotaped
Unified Physics (5:18:03 PM): and I sometimes help the owner shut down
Unified Physics (5:19:11 PM): so were you the guy with the 100 greats on Era? or are you lying?
Unified Physics (5:19:35 PM): Mr. I AAAed Vanity Angel Heavy but mysteriously dont have a picture and no one has any idea who I am
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:20:54 PM): i did
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:20:57 PM): aaa vanity angel
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:21:03 PM): i play at my hjouse like all day every day
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:21:07 PM): i have a machinge
Unified Physics (5:21:09 PM): were you at GTA that day?
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:21:24 PM): yeah i think
Unified Physics (5:21:29 PM): you think??
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:21:35 PM): yeah im pretty sure
Unified Physics (5:21:36 PM): so when you sent me an IM
Unified Physics (5:21:37 PM): that day
Unified Physics (5:21:42 PM): saying I went there and didnt see you
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:21:44 PM): yeha i was im usre of it now
Unified Physics (5:21:48 PM): okay
Unified Physics (5:21:55 PM): and you mystertiously didnt play?
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:22:39 PM): yeha i didnt really get a chance to play cause i looking at my friends no car
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:22:42 PM): he got a matrix
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:23:04 PM): i played for like 10 mins though
Unified Physics (5:23:16 PM): and what did you do
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:23:28 PM): i played cow boy bebop
Unified Physics (5:24:16 PM): you said you played for 10 minutes
Unified Physics (5:24:26 PM): you promised you would AAA vanity angel for us mortals
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:24:27 PM): yeah
Unified Physics (5:24:32 PM): I was there the whole time
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:24:33 PM): no i didnt
Unified Physics (5:24:33 PM): you didnt
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:24:39 PM): i was kind of tired
Unified Physics (5:24:40 PM): I have the convo saved
Unified Physics (5:24:45 PM): where you said you would
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:24:51 PM): i have before
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:24:54 PM): but i didnt that time
Unified Physics (5:24:55 PM): where you agreed that if you didnt I wouild be okay to call you a liar
Unified Physics (5:24:56 PM): no no
Unified Physics (5:25:03 PM): you promised you would
Unified Physics (5:25:08 PM): you made it very clear
Unified Physics (5:25:13 PM): shall I dig out the AIM convo?
Unified Physics (5:25:18 PM): or shall we just agree that your a liar
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:25:18 PM): no its ok
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:25:24 PM): i ma not a lair
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:25:37 PM): im rob
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:25:44 PM): my nick name is kazoo
Unified Physics (5:26:11 PM): Rob lives in Irvine
Unified Physics (5:26:13 PM): Ive met him
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:26:21 PM): i know
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:26:26 PM): im the other rob
Unified Physics (5:26:43 PM): there is one person int he U.S. who can AAA Vanity Angel
Unified Physics (5:26:45 PM): Rob of Irvine
Unified Physics (5:26:47 PM): your not him
Unified Physics (5:26:53 PM): you are however a poser
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:27:08 PM): uh no
Unified Physics (5:27:54 PM): oh I see
Unified Physics (5:28:11 PM): so you mysteriously are better then everyone in the U.S.
Unified Physics (5:28:14 PM): but no one knows you
Unified Physics (5:28:26 PM): and you mysteriously managed to play in an invisible suit at GTA
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:29:23 PM): what the hell are u talkign about
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:29:28 PM): are u on shrooms
Unified Physics (5:29:39 PM): lemme talk simpler so that you can grasp it
Unified Physics (5:29:49 PM): there is one person who can AAA Vanity Angel
Unified Physics (5:29:52 PM): he did it once
Unified Physics (5:30:03 PM): you claim to be able to do it
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:30:05 PM): 3 people take rob and me
Unified Physics (5:30:22 PM): this would make you the best PAer in the US
Unified Physics (5:30:25 PM): but
Unified Physics (5:30:30 PM): no one knows who you are
Unified Physics (5:30:36 PM): your not on any high score board
Unified Physics (5:30:42 PM): you claim to be sponsored by a company
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:30:45 PM): i dotn play in comps
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:30:52 PM): addiddas
Unified Physics (5:30:52 PM): which doesnt sponsor tournaments
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:30:59 PM): screw u
Unified Physics (5:31:02 PM): you lie about going to GTA
Unified Physics (5:31:04 PM): and your a poser
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:31:11 PM): i hope to see u some day an kick ur buttocks
Unified Physics (5:31:37 PM): and Id kick the living poopy out of you
Unified Physics (5:31:43 PM): Ive studied Kenjutsu since I was three
Unified Physics (5:31:58 PM): as Mike would tesitfy
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:32:11 PM): u cant even AA cowgirl
Unified Physics (5:32:21 PM): I can AAA some songs on light, and ive gotten 1 great on Sync
Unified Physics (5:32:25 PM): Im not very good
Unified Physics (5:32:31 PM): but at least I dont lie and pretend to be
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:32:33 PM): bull poopy u poser
Unified Physics (5:32:38 PM): ask Mike from Santee
Unified Physics (5:32:40 PM): he was there
Unified Physics (5:32:46 PM): or observe my memory card
Unified Physics (5:32:50 PM): where its all saved
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:32:51 PM): im posting this convo on ddrfreak so every1 will laugh at u
Unified Physics (5:32:56 PM): feel free too
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:33:00 PM): ok i will
Unified Physics (5:33:13 PM): which forumn
Unified Physics (5:33:16 PM): ill look for it
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:33:20 PM): general'
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:33:29 PM): i havent yet but i will
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:33:53 PM): u cant even get a 50 point combo u freaking loser
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:34:04 PM): u homesexual poser
Unified Physics (5:34:12 PM): Ive FCed Max300
Unified Physics (5:34:18 PM): Chris was there
Unified Physics (5:34:22 PM): feel free to ask him
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:34:39 PM): ok suuuuuuure
Unified Physics (5:34:45 PM): go ahead
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:34:46 PM): i be chirs is some guy u mjade up
Unified Physics (5:34:54 PM): KingSSD3
Unified Physics (5:34:56 PM): unlike you
Unified Physics (5:35:01 PM): everyone knows who he is
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:35:08 PM): ur not even asain
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:35:09 PM): u poser
Unified Physics (5:35:13 PM): Im russian
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:35:18 PM): hahhahaha
Unified Physics (5:35:29 PM): It helps to play chess
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:35:31 PM): im asain through and through
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:35:53 PM): u lopser
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:35:55 PM): loser
Unified Physics (5:36:40 PM): loser? and why is that?
Unified Physics (5:36:45 PM): at least Im not a liar
Unified Physics (5:36:47 PM): and a poser
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:37:02 PM): go suck some rooster ur probablly pretty good at that
Unified Physics (5:37:12 PM): no thank you, sorry to disappoint you
Unified Physics (5:37:19 PM): you are good at infantile insults tho
Unified Physics (5:37:21 PM): nice job
Unified Physics (5:37:34 PM): when losing an argument insult the other persons sexuality
Unified Physics (5:37:38 PM): thats a good idea
Unified Physics (5:37:59 PM): it sends a powerful message: Im a freakin loser but I pretend Im cool
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:38:10 PM): alright u insobordinate loser u can just be jelous
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:38:12 PM): thats ok
Unified Physics (5:38:19 PM): insubordinate??
Unified Physics (5:38:26 PM): do you know what that word means??
Unified Physics (5:38:27 PM): lol
Unified Physics (5:38:27 PM): dude
Unified Physics (5:38:42 PM): your like the Sam Deathwalker of DDR
SKA ter DAN 11 (5:38:50 PM): eys i do
Unified Physics (5:39:03 PM): have you slept with 350 Women? Do you have the highest serverwide burst DPS?
SKA ter DAN 11 signed off at 5:39:29 PM.
There are many reasons why I posted this. First and foremost, this was hillarious. Also Skater DAN has annoyed many people in San Diego for a long time. The real reason tho, is that this conversation worries me.
I've seen some people exagerate their achievements before in DDR. Heck I did it too. I claimed I FCed Max300 long before I actuially did. But this sort of random flaming for the sake of flaming breaks from the norm. It resembles the worst part of Everquest and other MMORPG's and an element ive never seen before among the DDR community. Am I naive? Are there lots of people like this? Or can I rest assured that this Skater DAN is the only one?
Feel free to post your thoughts, and any other enlightening Skater DAN stories.
[Final Note: This is not meant to be a flame, I have no idea who Mr. Skater DAN is and the purpose of this thread is to have an intelligent discusion on the questions asked in my above two paragraphs.] _________________
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TL Trick Member

Joined: 11 May 2002 Location: Southern California |
1. Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 4:42 pm Post subject: |
seriously...that guy is full of s h i t from what i know. he just cant admit it......
BMiFrK2k2BoY: skater dan
SKA ter DAN 11: who is this
BMiFrK2k2BoY: you were proved wrong just admit it
SKA ter DAN 11: no
BMiFrK2k2BoY: theres no point in lying
SKA ter DAN 11: what do u mean
BMiFrK2k2BoY: whats to gain?
BMiFrK2k2BoY: GTA cameras caught you
SKA ter DAN 11: ok sure buddy
BMiFrK2k2BoY: how could you get 100 greats on era and AAA vanity angel
BMiFrK2k2BoY: tell me
BMiFrK2k2BoY: just tell me
BMiFrK2k2BoY: now
SKA ter DAN 11: go suck some c o c k ur probably pretty good at that
BMiFrK2k2BoY: is that all you can say?
BMiFrK2k2BoY: tell me how the f u c k you can get 100 greats on era and AAA vanity angel
SKA ter DAN 11: im good at ddr
BMiFrK2k2BoY: oh im good too
BMiFrK2k2BoY: and?
BMiFrK2k2BoY: that doesnt prove s h i t
BMiFrK2k2BoY: now tell me
BMiFrK2k2BoY: how the f u c k you can get 100 greats on era and AAA vanity angel
SKA ter DAN 11: i put my momey in the machine and play
BMiFrK2k2BoY: but theres a major difference in the scores
BMiFrK2k2BoY: 100 greats = AAA
BMiFrK2k2BoY: dont need to lie over a game
SKA ter DAN 11: yeha ok
SKA ter DAN 11: im good dont be jelouse
SKA ter DAN 11: jelous
BMiFrK2k2BoY: oh im good
BMiFrK2k2BoY: im really good
SKA ter DAN 11: im sponsered by addidas
BMiFrK2k2BoY: im sponsered myself you f a g whore
BMiFrK2k2BoY: how the f u c k you can get 100 greats on era and AAA vanity angel
BMiFrK2k2BoY: once again
SKA ter DAN 11: what ever later
SKA ter DAN 11 signed off at 5:26:55 PM. |
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Remy Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Astoria, NY |
2. Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 6:16 pm Post subject: |
This is going nowhere, and is only going to cause drama.
If anywhere, it should probably go on a regional board where people may actually care about this guy.
Locked. _________________
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