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9th Style is HERE!!
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SamplingMasters PongAtari
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0. PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:38 am    Post subject: 9th Style is HERE!! Reply with quote

HOOHAH! First, I'd like to say two things.

1. There's a song called Silvia Driver. As an avid Nissan S-chassis enthusiast, that rules.
2. In the location test, Rottel-the-Mercury had a default video. This came as a shock to us, dude. The problem has been remedied, RTM's video deals with themes of yakisoba and fishing. Not only is it a worthy successor to Rottel-da-sun's video, it is my new god.

With that out of the way, 9th style rocks! I took a long lunch break to play it today.. went to 3 arcades, and it was nowhere to be found. At least I found a place that's really hooked up with driving games, and wasn't at work for an hour. I checked the good arcade again after work, and 9th was there!

Where to start.. the interface is really sharp. If you want more details on it, read Oogami's post about the location test. Load times are longer than previous styles. 9th style uses the same sort of card system as the new GF/DM and pop'n, but my arcade doesn't have a card dispensing machine yet. The new songs are great! Plenty of variety. My favorite that I've heard so far is moon_child - it kind of reminds me of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer. If post rock is a real genre and anyone here knows anything about it, please tell me! Lion Suki, Showa Kachou naninani, One or eight, rottel-the-mercury, Golden Horn, tons more I can't remember. There's a new drum'n'bass song called Karma by Taka or TaQ that's pretty cool. As for remixes, there's E-motion, Abyss, I Was The One (80s euro), and Let The Snow Paint Me Y & Co. remix (cool). Oh yeah, there's a song by Naoki and Paula Terry called... Hyper Eurobeat! Yes, that's the title and not the genre. Guess the poor guy is running out of ideas laugh.gif! If it were a non-eurobeat song that would be hilarious, but unfortunately it's generic Naoki eurobeat.

Videos - good stuff here too. In Dreamin' Sun, the street racing/drifter girls go to the beach drool.gif. Rottel-the-mercury, as I mentioned before, rules. Fanboys will love the video for ACT. The new artwork is pretty good too - I especially like the AAA pic. For those of us who suck, the usual A pic isn't too bad either.

Challenge - I suck so I didn't play anything too hard. For those of us who suck, there are some easy 7s, and a good number of 5-6 star songs. The new 7 star songs I passed were Golden Horn, Silvia Drive, Dreamin' Sun, and something else I forgot. There were some non-sucky players there beating up on the new flashing 7/anothers (and getting a lot of AA and AAAs). Rottel-the-mercury [a], moon_child [a], and karma [a] all look pretty painful to me. Nobody is playing doubles yet, since a game of doubles would cost almost $4.

In conclusion, 9th style rocks! If you guys have any questions about it, I'll try to answer them.

1994 180sx Type X
Boroboro jikozo!
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Smbu |L©|
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1. PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So is Hyper Eurobeat the same one from DDR Extreme?
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SamplingMasters PongAtari
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2. PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 2:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dunno, I've only played DDREX once or twice.

1994 180sx Type X
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3. PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd say there's a 99.9% chance that it is^_^;;; since you know Konami and its crossovers. It may be a slightly longer version, however, since on BM the songs are on average 15 to 20 seconds longer then DDR's.
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4. PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 3:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, after having been both to the location test and have played the final version a number of times, here are my opinions of the style so far:

-Sharp interface.
-Card system rules and you can now show off your high scores to your friends (see, I TOLD you I AAAed moon_child!), which you could only previously do in the home releases. Incidentally, I've spent 1500 yen so far on those damn cards. Got a 2nd Style, 3rd Style (the one with my data on it, since it was the first one I got), 5th Style, 6th Style, and the good 9th Style (the one with the new chick on it) card so far. Gotta catch 'em all, particularly old school IIDX (aka 1st Style), 4th Style, and 7th Style. Could really care less about 8th, but it'd be nice for completion.
-A number of the new songs really rock, and it's great to finally be able to play oldies like Jive Into the Night on an arcade machine (I had moved to Japan RIGHT before 8th came out, and it's not like there are any IIDX machines in FL).
-The art is to die for. I knew they were holding out in the location tests :-).
-No more continues! Not too big a deal since no one in Japan uses them anyway, but still, it prevents any potential n00b who sucks from holding up the line any longer. Then again, n00bs may not like this feature too much, as if they're playing 7 key (instead of light 7 and selecting 7 key mode like they SHOULD be doing) and fail the first song, it would cost them only 100 yen using a continue for another full game instead of another 200.
-Addition of Beginner mode. n00bs WILL like this change.

-NO EFFECTOR. WTF KONAMI!? It's even worse when the arcade keeps the volume at the normal level, which gets drowned out easily if other BeMani is being played (particularly asses on the 8th right next to me who turn on Surround 3 because they just absolutely have to let everyone else know they rock at Love is Orange with Random, Easy, Autoscratch, HS3 on). Why in hell did they disable this feature? I hope to God it's something that can be rectified in the operator's menu, but Pong says his arcade's effector doesn't work either, so that's not a good sign. So, it seems as if the days of rocking out with Surround on for you guys is coming to a close.
-Card system a bit touchy sometimes. There was a d00d in front of me who had to constantly feed and refeed his card in until it finally recognized the card as being legit. Hasn't happened to me yet, but I betcha one scratch in the wrong place and I gotta start over.
-Too many remixes! C'mon, Konami, is this DDR? Sure, IIDX has had its share of remixes in the past, but they tended to be (thankfully) few and far between. 9th has probably more than all the remixes in all the other styles ever combined. You have Distress (remix, a cool one), Rislim (remix, OK), Over the Clouds (remix, OK), Traces (remix, rockin'), abyss (remix, sux), e-motion (remix, sux), Let the Snow Paint Me (remix, OK), and I think a couple others I'm forgetting. I realise that at least two were fan-made, but there are a number of others which are not, and there's really no excuse for that. I mean, sure, some of them are really cool, but I was really looking forward to a bunch of all-new songs, which you can usually count on in a IIDX game. Oh, well.
-No extra stage in Light 7 mode? I dunno if this is true or not, but the first time I played the final version of 9th, I selected light 7 and selected 7 key for all the songs (just in case I failed the first). I passed a 7 star as my last song, yet I still got no extra stage. Worked when I played 7 key.

So, overall, 9th is a really good style. I'd hesitate to call it my FAVORITE just yet (lack of effector REALLY hurts), but it's surely an improvement over 8th, a step in the right direction. Now, as I (stupidly) hand over another 300 yen to the card machine tonight, HOPEFULLY I'll get a style I want. C'moooon, daddy needs a new 7th!
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SamplingMasters PongAtari
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5. PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 4:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Man, someone got the 7th card right before I got my second card yesterday too frust.gif. One more addition I forgot about - beginner mode (not that anyone here would probably care about that). The effector not working is a bit of a problem, since there's a DAMN LOUD gf9 machine pointed directly at IIDX here. 9th style was loud at first, then quiet yesterday (lunch), then loud again (after work). Louder is better, but there's a problem - the volume sliders also don't work! I'd probably get permanent hearing damage if I played Halfway of Promise on that machine now.

The only thing that pisses me off about 9th is easy songs with surprise monster endings.

I'm still liking 9th style a lot! But I've probably spent $20 or so on it since yesterday E2.gif. At least they're usually pretty quick about dropping the price on new bemani at my arcade.

1994 180sx Type X
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6. PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think the volume sliders ever worked unless the effector was on. But yeah, I'm spending an assload of money on 9th, too. And my arcade won't drop the price until I'm sure 10th is announced (since they waited until AFTER 9th was announced before dropping the price of 8th to 100 >.<).
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7. PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does anyone have the songlist made yet? I tried the link in the old thread but i couldnt find it. Also, does the upgrade come with the card dispenser or do you have to purchase that seperately, and do you know if the ugprade kit comes with the new stage, dvd drive, ect. like previously rumored?
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SamplingMasters PongAtari
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8. PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fortunately, the keikyatto usually keeps new bemani at 200 for about two weeks, then they lower the price to 100.

Not sure about the card dispenser. I'd bet that the kit comes with card readers for sure though. On the first day, there was no card dispenser at my arcade, but they had one set up yesterday. It definitely comes with a new DVD drive (yaaaaay IIDX has videos again!), and it comes with a new stage cover at least. The stage at my arcade still doesn't work.

1994 180sx Type X
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9. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 7:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

zdemigoth wrote:
Does anyone have the songlist made yet? I tried the link in the old thread but i couldnt find it.

From :

TRANCECORE / Abyss -The Heavens Mix- / dj TAKA Remixed by Ryu*

HARDCORE RAVE / One or eight / sampling masters AYA



ƒ{ƒf[ / ƒ‰ƒCƒIƒ“D‚« / AKIRA YAMAOKA

TURKISH PIANO'N'BASS / Golden Horn / Osamu Kubota




TECHNO / Lower World / D.J.SETUP

TRANCE / Power Dream / PINK PONG

HEALIN' HARDCORE / Cradle / positive MA feat. AKINO

HOUSE / Your Body / good-cool feat. Andrea L.Hopkins

FILTER HOUSE / The Biggest Roaster / D.J.Spugna

EUROBEAT / Two DAYS OF LOVE / tiger YAMATO with ƒ}ƒCƒN‹gì feat. ma-sa

LOLI POP / Let's say Hello' / Takuma Saiki



TRANCE / Prelude / NAOKI underground

TRANCE / e-motion 2003 -Romantic extra- / e.o.s Remixed by TAKA

R•B / Really love / ‘å•”^—R”ü

ELECTRO POP / Dreamin' sun / Yu Takami

EPIC HOUSE / u-gotta-groove-extend joy style- / dj nagureo Remixed by Mr.T

GABBA / rottel-da-Marcury / sampling masters MEGA

ƒeƒNƒmƒ`ƒ‡ƒbƒv / º˜aŠé‹ÆíŽmrŽR‰Û’· / AKIRA YAMAOKA

POST ROCK / moon_child / ­”Nƒ‰ƒWƒI




ELECTRONICA / The end of spiritually / EeL

NRG / Bad Boy Bass!!(DJ REMO-CON MIX) / Y&Co.


ELECTRO 2STEP / RISLIM -Remix- / ric Remixed by Hisashi Nawata

EUROBEAT / I Was The One(80'S EUROBEAT STYLE) / good-cool Remixed by NAOKI

POPS / Honey / good-cool

EXTREME GRANGE / I can fly,I've got reason / Yu Takami

EUROBEAT / I'm In Love Again -Y&Co. EURO MIX- / dj TAKA Remixed by Y&Co.

SOUL / lights / flare


TRANCE / Let the Snow Paint Me remix / Sana Remixed by Y&Co.

HOUSE / OVER THE CLOUDS-Flying Grind Mix- / Lala Moore Remixed by Flying Grind

2 STEP / traces -tracing you mix- / TaQ remixed by kors k feat. U

ULTRA ROCK BEAT / Be Rock U (1998 burst style) / NAOKI


EUROBEAT / MARIA (I believe in... ) / NAOKI feat.PAULA TERRY

HAPPY HANDBAG / Silvia Drive / dj TAKA feat.Noria


GOSPEL / Make A Difference / Lala Moore with CoCoRo*Co

Drum'n bass / Karma / TaQ


- The songs pulled from the Musicianship Trial are Lights by Flare and Festa Do Sol by Mt.Circle
- Paranoia Survivor Max is the Extra Stage
- There might be typos and such in this list, so anyone, feel free to correct anything
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Lepracon Artist
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10. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 8:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So what are the videos like? Any new character overlays and such. I MUST see the new Prelude video!

Lame horse!
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11. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 10:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


So what are the videos like? Any new character overlays and such. I MUST see the new Prelude video!
a .gif from the video to one or eight.
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12. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 11:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How does the new Andrea L. Hopkins/good-cool song sound? I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Gotta Get My Groove On.

Also, does Honey sound like I think it does. (g-c pop)
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13. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 11:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If Naoki is running out of ideas for some songs to make (which I highly doubt he is), I have this one song written that's his style of Hyper Rockbeat that he might like. The song I wrote that's his style of Hyper Rockbeat is called Fire Rising Style. Of course, I only wrote the lyrics. If I had a music mixing program, I could create all the parts of the song, even though it would take me a long time to do so, since I'd have to learn how to use a music mixing program.

On the topic, it's cool that 9th style is out. From the looks of it, it looks like a cool style. I'm looking foward to playing some of the songs. I'm glad that they finally put a Jungle song into IIDX (aside from Paranoia Max ~Dirty Mix~ and SP-Trip Machine ~Beatmania IIDX Style~), even though it's Paranoia Survivor Max, which is ok, since that song is cool. Many people say that Jungle and Drum & Bass are the same, and I'll give them credit that they are similar music genres, but I know there's a difference between the two. It seems that Jungle uses the synthesizer less than Drum & Bass does. Some of the remixes I'm looking foward to listening to. I can't wait to play it.
Champion of SP-Trip Machine ~Jungle Mix~
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14. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 11:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kyle_Snyder wrote:
If Naoki is running out of ideas for some songs to make (which I highly doubt he is), I have this one song written that's his style of Hyper Rockbeat that he might like. The song I wrote that's his style of Hyper Rockbeat is called Fire Rising Style. Of course, I only wrote the lyrics. If I had a music mixing program, I could create all the parts of the song, even though it would take me a long time to do so, since I'd have to learn how to use a music mixing program.

I would just like to say I've seen this song live and it owns the shit out of any of Naoki's songs any day of the week.
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15. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow i want 9th style so badly now drool.gif i hope our arcade upgrades our 8th style to 9th
3 Diamonds, 2 Liters, 1 Turbo, 0 Bullsh*t
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16. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well yay for the new songs or whatever, but what about the OLD songs? What old songs made it back? Is MBS2012 on it or not? E19.gif
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17. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

JustJeff wrote:
Is MBS2012 on it or not? E19.gif

that would be awesome if its on it =D that song is really good.
3 Diamonds, 2 Liters, 1 Turbo, 0 Bullsh*t
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18. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not sure EXACTLY all the songs that made it back, but the ones I can remember off the top of my head include: Over the Clouds, Regulus, Macho Gang, Jive Into the Night, QQQ, Reincarnation, 20. November, Kamikaze,...and I'm sure there are others. But when you have 30 sec. to choose a song it's not like I made a point to really study the songlist riiight.gif

BTW, effector is gone for good. My arcade put a sign on the machine saying that Konami took it out of the game; no reason was given, but if I had to guess it MIGHT have to do with perhaps people complaining about IIDX machines being too loud. It's a bunch of crap, I know, but I guess some arcades might have refused to buy 9th unless the effector was eliminated. That much is just speculation, but it seems as if there is no option whatsoever in the service menu to turn it on, so I hope your guys' arcades will turn up the default volume more than my arcade has :-(.
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19. PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2003 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BTW, re: extra stages and whatnot: extra stages are still earned in the normal fashion. You don't have to AAA a 7+ or anything to get an extra stage this time around. However, if Paranoia Survivor Max IS in the game (and I am still not entirely convinced it is, until I see some hard proof at either my arcade or from Konami), I guess you have to pull off some ridiculously high score to unlock it, though I'm sure once the unlock code surfaces that probably won't be much of an issue anymore. E7.gif
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