alright..I've been thinking about permanently modding my plywood modded soft pad (it's currently fastened with only masking tape) with the hardwood floor covering, as laid out by alot of guides. but..whenever I go to a friend's house, I have to rely on a 3rd friend to bring his unmodded pads, and it's sort of annoying that I can't use mine, because they're a pain in the buttocks to bring.
my idea is primarily based on the need of: a. the pad needs to be safely secured to something hard ...b. the pad needs to be fastened to something that does not slide...c. and the pad must be able to be transported easily, with or without the fastening
since I know that putting tape on and off is a royal pain, I was thinking about other ideas to fasten things temporarily, yet still have the effects of a permanent mod. I've come up with velcro, but ruled that out, since it'll either make the pad really slippery or mess up the person's carpet. my friend suggested that I just "nail the @(#$&@# down" and after further consideration, have a pretty decent idea (if it's viable)
how about I put holes in my pad all around the edges, like holes in notebook paper, and fasten it down to pre-cut holes in the wood? I know that if I do that, the pad will eventually rip (it's just soft plastic, as we all know) so I thought about putting brass\cheap metal fasteners on the holes, so the hole is limited to that metal ring. but..I'm not sure if I'll be able to actually fasten the metal things (the same things on pencil pouches you put in a binder).
but...if I could pull it off, I could transport my soft pad around to other people's houses, and keep it nice at my own house..
or maybe I'm just wasting my time and come up with a way to make a foldable hard pad that I've heard other people mention they were going to try and do..
sorry for all the typing..but..any input? am I just wasting my time? meh.. 
"Today fades away, but now is forever..choose the left or the right, the up or the down..just don't be afraid to make the step."
too much ddr? nah..feet aren't broken yet..
*snap* aww crap...too much ddr...