this video is 100% serious.
all of the given information is 100% real / true / factual / tested in science / proven in a court of law.
in this new edition, the following topics are discussed:
a brief recap of the current status of roxor, and the in the groove franchise.
the long awaited answer to the question plaguing mankind for centuries - "is that your house?"
a detailed explanation of the all-important dance bag, and all the necessary tools no dance game player should ever be without.
for those of you familiar with the original video, true life profile of a dancing game player ( ) you understand these simple concepts: my name is adam. i talk out of my ass. i enjoy making random videos for no reason.
although this video is just chock-full of knowledge and useful information, i feel there are several issues i failed to address. perhaps more TLP installments are in order? i'll let you, the viewers decide. if there is enough demand for it, i'll have no choice but to deliver.
recorded 7-29-10
True Life Profile of a Dancing Game Player: 2K10 Edition
Passed 10 footers
bag(1.5x or 2x cant remember)
sakura(shouldnt be a 10 foot song)
max 300(just got it tonight

paranoia survivor(...nothing to put lol)