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What happened to all the good songs???
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0. PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:55 pm    Post subject: What happened to all the good songs??? Reply with quote

I've been playing DDR for almost 10 years now, and it seems that every time a new mix is released, the song selection gets crappier. I'm at the point now where i'm wary of purchasing any new games. The last mix I purchased was SN2.

I want to know if there has been any improvement lately in the new mixes.

I know Konami has been streamlining DDR by making it more Americanized, but the song selection seems to be suffering as a result. I hate playing crappy slow Sean Paul mixes, etc.

IMO, the most fun songs to play are the Japanese or techno ones.

I haven't been paying attention for a while, and I would like to catch up with DDR again. So are there any good, playable songs coming out recently that I should look into?
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1. PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I should think that if you've played DDR for that long, it's about time to try some variety. In The Groove's songs selections were at the least consistent. SN2 was where it all went downhill anyway. X has good songs, poopy charts, and all X2 has on it is revivals, top 40 songs and latinbeatz.
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2. PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's the cause of all your problems:

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3. PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

PureBlue wrote:
Here's the cause of all your problems:

fixed. (Last I checked betson had no control over what actually went into the games, they just distributed them.)
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4. PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm aware Betson doesn't have creative control over the games, I was just making fun of the people who would blame everything on Betson. E15.gif
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5. PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Two Words: DANCEMANIA LICENSES. (In some cases you may replace "Dancemania" with "avex" but the point still stands).

Since then, Konami has relied solely on Bemani rehashes and USA Top 40. Granted, we still get some great new material from artists like Y&Co and whatnot, but without the licensing from the now-weakened TOSHIBA-EMI, we haven't had the fun Eurodance, Eurobeat, Silly Trance, overly sugary J-Rock from girl bands, and what have you. They ALSO haven't had a DDR Musicianship contest in a while, so they have no fresh material that reflects feedback from the fans. (Yes, I'm aware that it sounds sour-grapes coming from someone who didn't win it but the point stands; without keeping SOME contact with their fanbase, those in charge of the setlist run the risk of letting it grow incredibly stale as it has).

Konami can still remedy this; most of the artists from pre-Supernova (AC) are still around (for instance, Davide DiMarcantonio — you know him as "John Desire" or "Eurobeat Lovers" from installments past — has his own production company now and is still making the very kind of music that made him famous) and the time is ripe for a return to FUN licenses instead of TOP 40 licenses.

Used to be Zoupzuop2. Now I'm not.

[2016] Came back to see what a huge weeb I was. loloops
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6. PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2010 5:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Toraie wrote:
In The Groove

"remember that dancing game players make up their own terminology for music. musicians are noobs compared to itg players"
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7. PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2010 5:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Odyssey wrote:
Two Words: DANCEMANIA LICENSES. (In some cases you may replace "Dancemania" with "avex" but the point still stands).

Since then, Konami has relied solely on Bemani rehashes and USA Top 40. Granted, we still get some great new material from artists like Y&Co and whatnot, but without the licensing from the now-weakened TOSHIBA-EMI, we haven't had the fun Eurodance, Eurobeat, Silly Trance, overly sugary J-Rock from girl bands, and what have you. They ALSO haven't had a DDR Musicianship contest in a while, so they have no fresh material that reflects feedback from the fans. (Yes, I'm aware that it sounds sour-grapes coming from someone who didn't win it but the point stands; without keeping SOME contact with their fanbase, those in charge of the setlist run the risk of letting it grow incredibly stale as it has).

Konami can still remedy this; most of the artists from pre-Supernova (AC) are still around (for instance, Davide DiMarcantonio — you know him as "John Desire" or "Eurobeat Lovers" from installments past — has his own production company now and is still making the very kind of music that made him famous) and the time is ripe for a return to FUN licenses instead of TOP 40 licenses.

Speaking of which I hear there's actually an avex license in the location test for X2 - DAVE RODGERS FEAT.FURUTA - SUPER EUROBEAT so while I wouldn't expect a revival of 'Night of Fire' anytime soon, this defintely should prove to be an interesting chart.
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8. PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lmao, who cares tbh!
It's all about, "In The Groove" anyway.
I love this dancing to death. I'm striving to become the best, will I accomplish this? We will have to see. Be sure to watch out for my simfiles, videos, and posting new groovestats scores from day to day or something. I Will become the best.
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9. PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 9:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Russo` wrote:
Lmao, who cares tbh!
It's all about, "In The Groove" anyway.

This right here!

Nobody plays DDR anymore, only the emo kids at the mall.

Besides, Konami wants to put songs in the game everyone can relate to, not just the uber hardcore Japanese pop fans.

That's the reason why Guitar Hero was to sell better than Guitar Freaks.
In America: Sweet Child O Mine>Across the Nightmare

Ultimately, to make money.
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10. PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 10:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Da-RiSiN-sMoKe wrote:
Russo` wrote:
Lmao, who cares tbh!
It's all about, "In The Groove" anyway.

This right here!

Nobody plays DDR anymore, only the emo kids at the mall.

Besides, Konami wants to put songs in the game everyone can relate to, not just the uber hardcore Japanese pop fans.

That's the reason why Guitar Hero was to sell better than Guitar Freaks.
In America: Sweet Child O Mine>Across the Nightmare

Ultimately, to make money.

not to take this OT, but I kinda wish what konami had done with Rock Revolution was half licensed songs, and half KOs, yknow something for everyone?

And while I may not play DDR nearly as much as I used to, I have been known to bust out the PSX once in a while and play the old JP mixes... and I certainly wouldn't pass up a chance to play at the arcade, especially if its not a common mix like SN or EX.
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11. PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 7:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DarkTetsuya wrote:

not to take this OT, but I kinda wish what konami had done with Rock Revolution was half licensed songs, and half KOs, yknow something for everyone?

And while I may not play DDR nearly as much as I used to, I have been known to bust out the PSX once in a while and play the old JP mixes... and I certainly wouldn't pass up a chance to play at the arcade, especially if its not a common mix like SN or EX.

I love the old school DDR songs.

I used to make extra step charts for many of them on Stepmania. I never played them, but i still have them. Just for entertainment, not play...
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Liquid Zero
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12. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

But... I like SN2 and DDRX...;_;

But yes, songs were better in the past. Licensing and new music artists are what caused problems.
PARANOiA KCET ~clean mix~ - TRIP MACHINE ~luv mix~
Orion.78 ~Civilization Mix~ - La Senorita Virtual
Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~ - MAX.(period)
Fascination ~eternal love mix~ - Pluto Relinquish
2MB (~great remixing for intense gameplay~)

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13. PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is good that we've had some big Western songs put into DDR, but surely it would make more sense if they gave us something to appeal to everyone?

Let's say the latest DDR arcade game has 21 new licences - why not get 10 big worldwide hits, like Lady GaGa, Rihanna, etc, (they could choose remixes so that the songs are more dancey), and 10 "fan-pleasing" licences, including the classic mix of Eurobeat, Almighty cover versions, cheesy dance, Europop, etc? Add in some new music by unknown acts, and you have a killer defailt songlist.

The arcade version of DDRX2 has a pitiful set of licenced songs.
There are two kinds of people that play DDR, the fans that have come to expect a good mix of chart hits and Dancemania, and the newer players, who have grown up with Guitar Hero and other music games, and expect to see a lot of tracks that they recognise when playing such a title.
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