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NIQ9 Trick Member

Joined: 21 Jun 2006 Location: Michigan |
0. Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:45 pm Post subject: r21Twins Pack Released! |
The r21twins pack is the successor to the r2112 pack, and aims to be all its predecessor was, and more: a set of amazing files. Over the past two months, a group of us here at r21freak have slaved over a hot Stepmania and gone through gallons of blood and sweat to bring you just that. The "theme" for this pack is songs that are linked together in some way or another. Though the concentration was far more on quality music and steps than quality "twins", there are still enough decent links to bind the pack together.
While the r2112 pack was meant to be a revolution of sorts, to attempt to make certain rare, never before used, or even taboo stepping techniques commonplace, the goal for r21twins was different. We could never hope to try and achieve the same sense of incredible change that was previously accomplished, so we instead set out to make a group of files that embodies this site as a whole. We aimed for solid, fun, charts to great music, with ideas inspired by charts that we all had played over the past year at our growing community. That's of course not to say that this pack doesn't have its fair share of new things that will drop your jaw, but it is very much to say that if you weren't a fan of the r2112 pack, and especially if you were, then there's going to be stuff here that you will love.
As with the r2112 pack, the goal for these files was not to make stamina killing 200BPM 16th run charts to DragonForce, that has been done far enough, and is plentifully available elsewhere. The goal for this pack is to continue what ITG started, breathing life into a community riddled with too much of the same. Again, that's not to say that there aren't some ridiculously hard charts in here, but they aren't your typical 13's and 14's, so beware!
So even if you're still a bit wary to download and try this pack out, just throw away your inhibitions for a minute, and give it a try. There's nothing wrong with NOT playing Expert, especially in this pack, where each and every chart were crafted as carefully as if it were the only chart for that song. Just stop reading already and enjoy!
All files have a banner/background included as well as complete singles and doubles steps. All are synced uniformly, so if you need to change the offset on one, chances are you need to change the offset on all of them by the same amount. They are all patched to be able to play on all r21 enabled ITG machines, and have their volumes set to a good level.
DOWNLOAD THE R21TWINS PACK (registration is required)
Song List:
Amen Iraq - The Flashbulb
(twins with Golden Cross - same religious-y title)
Singles Expert - NEMO (14)
Singles Hard - sssmsm (13)
Singles Medium - NIQ9 (9)
Singles Easy - Kindan (5)
Singles Novice - Kindan (2)
Doubles Expert - Dark Luke (13)
Doubles Hard - sssmsm (11)
Doubles Medium - x0_000 (10)
Doubles Easy - NIQ9 (7)
As with the r2112 pack, what pack of stepfiles would be complete without at least one Flashbulb song? This is an interesting set of difficulties, with the Singles Expert being a 14, and the Hard being a mere 13. Don't let the 13 being on Hard deceive you though, it's still pretty tough. Those step-jumps get to you after a while.
The Doubles Expert is a nonstop arrow-fest, with a few breaks to allow you to catch a bit of your breath. Beware crossovers on the Doubles Hard and Medium though!
Dazzlin Darlin - HHH
(twins with MAX LOVE - same OST)
Singles Expert - sssmsm (11)
Singles Hard - x0_000 (9)
Singles Medium - SteveReen (8)
Singles Easy - Kindan (5)
Singles Novice - Yoko (2)
Doubles Expert - Insane Steve (10)
Doubles Hard - Mattatdi (9)
Doubles Medium - sssmsm (6)
Doubles Easy - x0_000 (3)
A great song from IIDX Troopers. The Singles Expert chart is one of the most technical Singles charts in the pack. Not only are there plenty of (amazingly fun) hands, but it also brings back spins, in an easy, yet insanely fun way. if you're not spinning the triplet part, then you're not having fun, I guarantee you. The Singles Hard chart has some nice spins of its own too, utilizing only three arrows in some sections.
The Doubles Expert and Hard are both, easy, yet ridiculously fun charts. There's even a nice spinning section in the Doubles Medium for non-ridiculous players to enjoy.
Golden Cross - dj REMO-CON Vs. dj TAKA
(twins with Amen Iraq - same religious-y title)
Singles Expert - NEMO (12)
Singles Hard - NIQ9 (11)
Singles Medium - sssmsm (9)
Singles Easy - Yoko (6)
Singles Novice - NIQ9 (2)
Doubles Expert - sssmsm (12)
Doubles Hard - x0_000 (10)
Doubles Medium - NIQ9 (7)
Doubles Easy - sssmsm (4)
A beautiful song from IIDX Gold CS that has some gorgeous, simple BPM gimmicks worked into it. The Singles Expert is a challenging yet fairly straightforward 12. Same for the Hard, only an 11 instead. If you like slow, easy crossovers, then Singles Medium may be your thing.
Doubles Expert is one of the few straightforward and very challenging Doubles charts in the pack. Crossovers are at a minimum, and only pure stamina remains. For those who don't enjoy throwing their feet around at a million miles an hour, the Doubles Hard chart is insanely fun.
Mappy Mappy - Ayako Saso
(twins with Opa-Opa! - same title-ish)
Singles Expert - Insane Steve (11)
Singles Hard - sssmsm (9)
Singles Medium - Yoko (8)
Singles Easy - [ICNH] (7)
Singles Novice - Kindan (3)
Doubles Expert - Dark Luke (11)
Doubles Hard - x0_000 (10)
Doubles Medium - NIQ9 (9)
Doubles Easy - NIQ9 (6)
This chart has an interesting gimmick in the middle. While it most likely won't cause you to fail, even if you've never played it before, there's a 100% chance that you will love it. The Singles Expert takes full advantage of the gimmick, while the Singles Hard puts it to the players disadvantage. You'll have to play to see what that means!
Doubles Expert is a nice, technical fest, with some tricky footwork necessary. For those who don't enjoy their legs being all tied up, the Doubles hard is an immensely fun 10.
MAX LOVE- DJ YOSHITAKA feat. Hoshino Kanako
(twins with Dazzlin' Darlin' - same OST)
Singles Expert - sssmsm (11)
Singles Hard - Dark Luke (9)
Singles Medium - Professor Raine (6)
Singles Easy - Yoko (5)
Singles Novice - [ICNH] (2)
Doubles Expert - x0_000 (10)
Doubles Hard - Dark Luke (8)
Doubles Medium - NIQ9 (6)
Doubles Easy - NIQ9 (5)
Another awesome song from IIDX Troopers. The Singles Expert makes full use of jacks, crossovers and mines throughout, with a fun, stamina-draining burst midway through. The Hard is a nice, 8th note fest for those who would rather not strain themselves.
The Doubles Expert is one of the easiest Doubles Expert charts in the pack, yet it is also one of the most fun. There's some great footwork used throughout that's hard enough to be fun, but not upsetting. The Doubles Hard is, again, a world of 8th notes for 8-block players to enjoy.
OPA-OPA! - Haruna Hougaisa
(twins with Mappy Mappy - same title-ish)
Singles Expert - Dark Luke (12)
Singles Hard - sssmsm (9)
Singles Medium - Yoko (8)
Singles Easy - NIQ9 (5)
Singles Novice - ~Zero~ (2)
Doubles Expert - Gloves (11)
Doubles Hard - x0_000 (10)
Doubles Medium - sssmsm (8)
Doubles Easy - NIQ9 (6)
Watch out, the Singles Expert is a lot harder than it looks. With arrows that follow almost every beat, you'll have to move and jump real fast to stay alive. The Hard has some fun crossovers throughout, with some nice roll spins.
The Doubles Expert is a great combination of stamina and technicality, with a few hands that may surprise you. The Hard makes use of mines like no other and will have to stomping all over the place.
Party Bomb! - Sabrepulse
(twins with Storm Raid Battle - same artist)
Singles Expert - Mattatdi (11)
Singles Hard - Yoko (10)
Singles Medium - NEMO (7)
Singles Easy - NIQ9 (5)
Singles Novice - x0_000 (2)
Doubles Expert - Insane Steve (13)
Doubles Hard - Mattatdi (11)
Doubles Medium - x0_000 (8)
Doubles Easy - NIQ9 (5)
One of the most varied songs in the pack, the Singles Expert will never leave you bored. There are a few BPM changes throughout, but most likely nothing that would cause you to fail, even on your first try. The Hard is a great, toned down version of the Expert for when you're just too tired to hit that many arrows.
The Doubles Expert is a bit insane. It goes back and forth from being technical and hard to just plain hard. The Hard is a slightly nicer, slightly toned down version of the Expert.
Storm Raid Battle - Sabrepulse
(twins with Party Bomb! - same artist)
Singles Expert - mattatdi (13)
Singles Hard - Yoko (10)
Singles Medium - x0_000 (9)
Singles Easy - ohisian319 (7)
Singles Novice - Yoko (2)
Doubles Expert - Dark Luke (14)
Doubles Hard - Death4Te! (13)
Doubles Medium - Insane Steve (11)
Doubles Easy - NIQ9 (10)
Another nicely varied song that has a few gimmicks that will catch you by surprise, but once you get 'em, you'll love 'em. The Singles Expert is a tough 13, being mostly straightforward with a few technicalities thrown in. The Hard and Medium are great, easier alternatives.
The Doubles charts have some interesting difficulties, with none of them being below a 10. Sorry non-double-digits players, but you'll have to look elsewhere! The Doubles Expert is a real killer. It steps up the game from the other Doubles 13's in the pack, enough to be another block higher. Though it has a few breaks throughout, the anticipation of what's to come, and knowing what you've just been through may make the breaks more intense than the bursts of arrows. Same goes for the Doubles Hard, only with fewer breaks, and the Doubles Medium is a nice alternative when you just can't move that fast across the pads. Watch out for some tricky hands in the Easy, but if you're in a bullshitting mood, then they're pretty easy.
Thunder Cepter - Shinji Hosoe
(twins with WaterCube Pf - same element-ish)
Singles Expert - Yoko (11)
Singles Hard - NEMO (10)
Singles Medium - NIQ9 (8)
Singles Easy - NIQ9 (5)
Singles Novice - NIQ9 (2)
Doubles Expert - Insane Steve (11)
Doubles Hard - NIQ9 (10)
Doubles Medium - x0_000 (8)
Doubles Easy - NIQ9 (5)
The Singles Expert is a real killer with jumps, they just don't end. The Hard is a bit more forgiving, so choose that if you're not in a hopping mood.
Doubles Expert is pretty tough, one of the hardest Doubles 11's in the pack. The Hard is a nice alternative, but watch out for some pretty insane crossovers!
Tits of my Origin - Modeselektor & Pfadfinderei
(twins with Une Bande De Mec Sympa - same 1/2 artist)
Singles Expert - Macgravel (11)
Singles Hard - Yoko (9)
Singles Medium - Kindan (8)
Singles Easy - NIQ9 (6)
Singles Novice - Kindan (2)
Doubles Expert - Insane Steve (12)
Doubles Hard - NIQ9 (11)
Doubles Medium - x0_000 (8)
Doubles Easy - NIQ9 (7)
One of the only charts in the pack that has enough BPM gimmicks that may make you fail your first time playing it. Though the vast majority of them are intuitive enough, I would strongly recommend playing this in Stepmania or ITGPC before taking it to the arcade. They hardly require any memorization, and the parts that are more tricky, when you understand them, there will be no going back for you. The Singles Expert has a lot of great jumps and mines throughout, with some tricky jacks that may have you stepping over yourself at some points. The Hard is a beautiful, toned down version of the Expert.
Doubles Expert is a very hard 12, and the Hard 11 isn't too much easier. That's not to say that they aren't a blast though, of course!
Une Bande De Mecs Sympas - TTC prod. Modeselektor
(twins with Tits of My Origin - same 1/2 artist)
Singles Expert - sssmsm (11)
Singles Hard - Yoko (10)
Singles Medium - NIQ9 (9)
Singles Easy - Kindan (6)
Singles Novice - sssmsm (2)
Doubles Expert - NEMO (12)
Doubles Hard - x0_000 (10)
Doubles Medium - NIQ9 (9)
Doubles Easy - Yoko (5)
Another chart that may cause you to fail if you haven't seen it before. Again, I strongly recommend playing this one in Stepmania or ITGPC before taking it to the arcade. Unlike the other gimmicky charts, however, this one is extremely intuitive, similar to Dancingbox from the r2112 pack. The arrows are all the colors they should be, just sped up! The Doubles Expert goes right along to the music, with a few interesting crossovers, and the Hard has a few great bursts of its own.
The Doubles Expert is not for beginners. With some insane crossovers that will put any pro to the test, I highly recommend the Hard instead to anyone extremely confident in their stretching and vine-ing ability.
Wang Chung vs. The Real Wang - Mochipet
(siamese twin - twins with itself)
Singles Expert - NEMO (14)
Singles Hard - NEMO (11)
Singles Medium - NEMO (8)
Singles Easy - NEMO (5)
Singles Novice - NEMO (3)
Doubles Expert - NEMO (14)
Doubles Hard - NEMO (12)
Doubles Medium - NEMO (9)
Doubles Easy - NEMO (6)
The only file in the pack that was not even revealed to the group who put it together, until now! If there were to be a "boss" song of this pack, this is it. Not only are there crazy BPM gimmicks throughout, but you at least have to wait until the very end of the chart at least once to see a gimmick that (to our knowledge) has never been done in this way before. With that being said, this file is know not to work correctly in some builds of ITGPC and SM4, so be wary!
As far as the charts themselves, they pretty much speak for themselves. Enjoy!
WaterCube Pf. (RX-Ver.S.P.L.) - Takada Masafumi
(twins with Thunder Cepter - same element-ish)
Singles Expert - NEMO (10)
Singles Hard - NIQ9 (9)
Singles Medium - NIQ9 (6)
Singles Easy - Yoko (4)
Singles Novice - NIQ9 (1)
Doubles Expert - sssmsm (13)
Doubles Hard - Dark Luke (10)
Doubles Medium - x0_000 (6)
Doubles Easy - NIQ9 (4)
The only Singles Expert 10 in the pack, though still not an easy one, by far. Watch out for small, intense bursts, with some steps that you can choose to hit any way you'd like.
The Doubles Expert is extremely unique, being the only Doubles 13 in the pack with lest than a bajillion steps, and even having fewers steps than its Hard counterpart. What makes it a 13, then? Well, you'll just have to play it to find out. if you find out you don't like it, however, then the Hard is a great alternative.
So... that's all! Go DOWNLOAD THE R21TWINS PACK! (registration is required) _________________
Last edited by NIQ9 on Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:35 pm, edited 5 times in total |
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NIQ9 Trick Member

Joined: 21 Jun 2006 Location: Michigan |
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shurf Trick Member

Joined: 18 Feb 2006 Location: NJ |
2. Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:33 am Post subject: |
Nice. I'm downloading now. Knowing the guys who stepped these songs, this should be one great pack. |
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Russo` Trick Member

Joined: 21 Oct 2007 Location: Chicago! |
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