Kommisar-5150- Trick Member

Joined: 11 Apr 2007 Location: Moncton NB, Canada |
0. Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:13 am Post subject: Kommisar's OCTOZOOKA Pack |
Finally got off my buttocks to upload this. Pretty big too.
the different cd titles show different eras of my steppings
July 2005- April 2006
May 2006-July 2007
August 2007-September 2007
October 2007 - December 2007
January 2008 - Present
Iced Earth - 1776
//gfx by Kommisar
Rushjet1 - Almost there
//gfx by Yesssss
DJ Sharpnel - Are you Ready
//gfx by Dragoonhead
KeeL - Aurora
//gfx by Sulferdragon
BanYa - Beat the Ghost
//gfx by Dragoonhead
DJ Chucky - Blue Mirage
//gfx stolen from Malice
Jun Chiki Chikuma - Bomber Jet
//gfx by Kommisar
Jun Chiki Chikuma - Bomber Slider
//gfx by Kommisar
DJ SCL - Break Through
//gfx by SCL
Pokemon Pearl/Diamond - Champion Cynthia
//gfx by Kommisar
ParagonX9 - Chaoz Fantasy
ParagonX9 - Chaoz Survivor
//gfx by Dragoonhead
TMNT IV - Climactic Battle
The Offspring - Come out Swinging
//gfx by Kommisar
Damekko Dobutsu
//gfx by Kommisar
Paper Mario 2 - Doopliss Battle
//gfx by Kommisar
Dr1010 - Dr0p
//gfx by Silvuh
TaQ - DXY!
//gfx by Konami
Scott Brown - Elysium
//gfx by Some FFR dude
In Flames - Ergonomic
//gfx by Sulferdragon
Falcom Sound Team JDK - Euro Beat Poco
Rushjet1 - Fighting for Control
//gfx by Dragoonhead
BanYa - Fire
//gfx by Kommisar
Sonic Team - Flying Battery Zone act2
//gfx by Kommisar
DJ Sharpnel - FuriFuri
//gfx by Kommisar
TOMOSUKE - Gamelan de Couple
//gfx by Dragoonhead
BanYa - Gun Rock
//gfx by Dragoonhead
DJ SCL - Hard Beat Jam Section Version 2132
//gfx by Kommisar
Kirby 64 - Horobita Star
//gfx by Kommisar
Scissor Sisters - I don't feel like Dancing
Sonic Adventure DX - Introduction
DJ Technorch - Kamaitachi
//gfx by Necros
Beautiful Day - Kan Kan
//gfx stolen from Kevin_18
Rushjet1 - Konamized
//gfx by Sulferdragon
Becky - Less Than Three
//gfx by Roxor
DJ Promo - Let the Bass Boom
//gfx by Kommisar
Killingscum - Let's Nyancing!
//gfx by Dog_E
Ernest & Julio - Lipstick Kiss
MOSAIC.WAV - Love Cheat!
Makkocchi - Sakura Saku
//gfx by Kommisar
BanYa - Love is a Danger Zone 2
//gfx by Unknown
Jun Senoue - Metal Harbor
//gfx by Kommisar
DJ Sharpnel - Moonearth
//gfx by Dog_E
BanYa - Moonlight
//gfx by Sulferdragon
DJ Sharpnel - NaiNai69
//gfx stolen from Paradox (i think or some chilean dude)
SeeSaw - Obsession
//gfx by Kommisar
Paper Mario - Over Shiver Mount
//gfx by Kommisar
DJ Sharpnel - Papaver Rhoeas
//gfx stolen from Unknown
BanYa - Phantom
//gfx by Unknown
Pokemon - Pikachu Rap
//gfx by Kommisar
SSBM - Pokemon Battle Theme
//gfx by Kommisar
DJ Sharpnel - Pretty Green Onions
//gfx by Kommisar
HANA Wakusei Music - Rapid Stream
//gfx by Necros
AA.Kurtz - Retard Drums
//gfx by Legacy
Billy Talent - River Below
//gfx by Kommisar
Rushjet1 - Rocket Flight
//gfx by Sulferdragon
BanYa - Rolling Christmas
//gfx by Unknown
Sampling Masters Chang - Rottel-da-Station
//gfx by Sulferdragon
Khatchaturian - Sabre Dance
//gfx stolen from Dragoonhead
Kommisar - SCL BDAY SONG
MSI - Shut me up
//gfx stolen from Darkchao
Kors K remixed by DJ Technorch - SigSig (dark side remix)
//gfx by Dragoonhead
Kommisar - PIANO LOL
//gfx by Kommisar
DJ Sharpnel - Snows
KgZ - Starwolf (oni)
//gfx by Sulferdragon
Perry - Storm
Go Ichinose - Team Rocket Hideout
Tatsh Assault X - The Dirty of Loudness
//gfx by Necros
Celldweller - The Last Firstborn
//gfx by Kommisar
Yasunori Mitsuda - Time of the Dreamwatch
//gfx by Kommisar
MSI - Tornado
Hyun Jin Young - U Inside my dim Memory
//gfx by Professor Raine
SDMS - Un Deux Trois
//gfx by Sulferdragon
DJ Sharpnel - V.D. Kiss
//gfx by Kommisar
Vitamin C - Vacation
DJ Sharpnel - W@REZ
//gfx by Kommisar
The Offspring - Want you Bad
//gfx by Kommisar
Turtles - What's Goin' on?
//gfx by Unknown
Yahpp - Wi-Ex-Doc-Va
//gfx by Thanh
BanYa - Witch Doctor
Thank you for downloading! _________________