Rebirth Basic Member

Joined: 27 Nov 2007 Location: Missouri |
0. Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:47 pm Post subject: ITG RF Project (ITG Custom) |
Rebirth wrote: | We've got the RFpack for keyboard simfiles. So you all know we need something for pad simfiles. I think we're gonna try and do our pad project a little differently though...
While this is going to be a pad simfile project, that is not all ITG RF is going to be. ITG RF could almost be called a new ITG game. We're going to create a whole new theme for the game, grahpics, background videos, new mods*, new courses, and everything else a new ITG game would have. All of that plus 70 or so new songs, most with full stepcharts to go along with it
(We're going to attempt to do most or all of the above IF POSSIBLE)
We're going to need a handful of graphical artists, which we have already, to create the graphics for the themes. We're going to have to find people that can work with the code of stepmania to develop new mods, or learn how to do them ourselves. And for the simfiles, we're requiring that you have permission to use the music by the song artist.
Lucky for you guys, we've got FFR. All of FFR's musical permissions were granted under the condition that the songs were to be used for non-profit intentions.
For a list of what artists and songs we can use, visit these threads on FFR:
Artist Blanket Permissions v1
Artist Blanket Permissions v2
Jimerax's Permissions
DrugstoreCowboy's Permissions
DJ Swabber's Permissions
and probably quite a few more that aren't in those threads
Before we can kick off the project, we need a handful of people to be the staff of this project. We'll need some simfile judges, and some graphical artists (Which I believe we should have) mainly. Along with the opinions and suggestions of every member on RF |
RF stands for Red Fraction. Red Fraction is the bemani game based website I own (Though we're mainly DDR/ITG/SM/FFR)
We're basically creating a custom version of ITG with pretty much custom everything. Its an obligatory post on the ITG related forums because its you guys that are going to be using the finished product.
Since the name of the project is ITGRF, I'd really like it for all of the real project discussion and stuff went on in the RedFraction forums, but if that cannot happen, here is fine I guess. But please, if you guys have no problem with it, register on the site and post about this thing in there, so hopefully we can work on this as one big community and not as 5 or 6 communities split up. _________________