ygugsa295 Trick Member

Joined: 10 Nov 2006
0. Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:20 pm Post subject: Using english/metrics inis to change my Extreme skin |
I want to modify the inis in /StepMania/Data to change the appearance of my Extreme (Arcade) skin.
First, here is one of the most glaring problems of the theme:
The red arrow and circle indicate where the problem lies. Obviously, the marvelous is not given its space on the Results screen unlike in the default skin. I know DarkCore has an Extreme skin which fixes that but he doesn't know where he got it.
Second, this:
How do you add other options like those found in the default skin-and the song options as well?
There are a few other minor things I want to look at.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgD9_wYmqmE (can you embed a YouTube video in phpBB?)
Is there a way to modify the timing of the "Ready/Here We Go" message? And when the song is selected on the AC (arcade cabinet), there are two sounds-the selecting sound, and the "whoosh" sound. This is the same sound that is used when you select an options menu in "Main Settings" (on the theme). Watch the video and you'll know what I mean.
I'm wondering how to modify these things-by metrics/english.ini or else.[/url] _________________
SkhettiONOES wrote: | During my sophmore year there was some serious controversy when our star quarterback was discovered in the weightroom half-naked and in the arms of the Prom King/GSA president. What makes it even better is that they were found by the football coach, who, in addition to being one of the few teachers to disapprove of the GSA, happens to be the quarterback's father. ;/ |