WillTalbot Trick Member

Joined: 16 Jul 2006 Location: West Orange, New Jersey |
0. Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:14 pm Post subject: PS2/PC Dance Pad Adapter |
Dudes n' dudets i need ur help!!! I bought arcade metal dance pad from ddrgame.com but since they were like out of stock of it, they gave me the more expensive champion metal pad for like the same price $$$ pwn4g3!!! Anywayz, I like have played all of the American Console Versions of DDR for the ps2 including supernova max1,2 and extreme 1,2 etc. and i'm like fricking bored of them now cause there liek to easy. I have ITG for ps2 also and its just kinda boring after a while. So the thing is I NEED to get an adapter or a control box or whatever ... something that can attach my ps2 oriented dance pad to like a USB port or something in my PC. Now see the thing is here ... I've seen 100000000x of them and i don't know which is the best + most of them cost alot of $$$!!!! like 20$. Does anyone know where to get a ps2/PC adapter thingy majig for like around 10$? |