PGwojowski2 Trick Member

Joined: 22 Jan 2006
0. Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 3:09 pm Post subject: How To: Modify Your BeatMania TurnTable |
After purchasing BeatMania US a few months ago, my skills finally built up to the point where I needed to use my pinky to scratch. Only problem: The US Turntable is stiff and is hard to spin for any type of response during a more difficult song. (lol edit)
After digging through all the pages in these forums, I finally found "somewhat" of a modification guide. Seeing that this board doesn't have a thread about how to modify these turntables, I just thought I'd quick make my own.
I found the process actually extremely simple, and opening up the turntable was not nearly as much as a project as I was expecting.
You will only need Four basic things:
A Phillips Screw Drive
Some Wax Paper
A scissors
And either a Pen or Pencil
If you don't know what any of these objects look are, I think you are not very smart, but I will help you anyways by providing a picture.
First you will want to remove the keyboard from the turntable. Press the blue button at the bottom of the turntable and lift up on keyboard. It will pop out.
After you pop it out, turn the table upside down. Begin unscrewing all of the screws. It doesn't matter the order you unscrew them, or what socket they belong in. They are all the same size.
After you unhook the bottom, which pops off quite easily, you'll see some wires and the bottom of the turntable. It should look like this.
Look at the bottom of the turntable for a screw. It will look just like this:
Unscrew it, and some parts will come out with it (A spring and some other parts). Make sure they all remain the same way they came out, or atleast know what order they go on while putting the turntable back together.
There are also two white plastic peices that held the screw in place with the spring. Keep track of these peices. I almost lost one of mine after it fell on the floor.
Lift the table up, and the "disk" and two plastic circle "wheels" should fall out.
Now get your wax paper, a scissor, and a pen/pencil. Trace the edges of the plastic peice (both inside and outside) with the pen or pencil. After you have traced it, begin cutting it out with a scissors. I found this the most difficult part of the entire project.
This is my pretty ring I made on the wax paper.
Once you have cut a duplicate out of wax paper, set one of the plastic wheels where the "disk" should be lying, and set the plastic wheel on the bottom side of the "disk" followed by the peice of wax paper you have just cut out.
If that paragraph really made you confused, hopefully this picture will aid you a little better.
Plastic Ring in the main turntable slot, and wax and other plastic ring should go into the bottom of the "disk"
Put the plastic ring into the bottom side of the turntable, and then set the wax ring on top of it.
Put the "disk" with all of the peices inside carefully back into place where it originaly lies on the controller. The order of the pieces under the "disk" should go:
Plastic Wheel>Wax Wheel>Plastic Wheel>"Disk"
Once you have it all in place, turn the turntable upside down. Make sure to hold the bottom of the "disk" so it doesn't fall out along with all of the plastic and wax paper.
Once this is done, set the small white plastic peice back into its original spot, and then set the larger white plastic piece on top so that the large round side is at the bottom.
If you have the original screw along with the spring, everything should fit right back in place perfectly. The tighter you tighten the screw, the stiffer the "disk" will spin. You can just test it out by screwing/unscrewing, and then flipping the turntable over and test it out.
Once you have made your adjustments to your likings, set the blue base back on the bottom, and begin screwing everything back into place. The base should fit right into place just fine with no force involved.
If you want to modify your turntable, and you think this all looks too complicated, it really isn't. I was cautious and a bit nervous about doing it, but it only took me about ten minutes, and it was much easier than I had expected. You don't have to dink around with wires or cords. You pretty much just simply cut out a peice of wax paper and put it under the disk. I was expecting this to be quite a project, but it was very easy.
If you are having any other troubles or questions, just IM me on AIM at PGwojowski. If you don't have any troubles or questions, I hope this thread helped you and your skills with BeatMania. It has helped mine.
Oh yeah, I forgot the disclaimer thing. If you break your turntable, it isn't my fault. I really don't see how you could break it with this being such an easy project, but the chance is always there that something could come out of place or detach. |