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Mostly_Harmless Trick Member

Joined: 12 Feb 2006 Location: Cranford New Jersey |
0. Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 7:42 pm Post subject: step ratings..... |
so hum what do u guys think about itg's step ratings? and what do u think of them compared to other games like DDR and PIU? I for one find ITG's the most accurate when it comes to difficulty. DDR's rating to me are just silly to have so many easy 9's then on 10's make them more like 11's. PIU difficulty confuses me i find some of the hards are harder then crazy's....when i passed my first 15 in piu i almost oragasimed w/ excitment and went immedietly over to ITG 2 to try some 11's and failed misserably i was like dammit i'll never get passed 10's : ( anyway what do u guys think of the ratings systems? u don't have to talk about ddr cuz i hate that game now ever since i tried itg and pump im sry but it's just too childish for me now and look they even have a kids show about it >_> jus wondering what is the highest rating for piu dose it go to like 29? thanks guys <3 |
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cody change your username Trick Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006 Location: San Diego, CA |
1. Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:11 pm Post subject: |
hum i dont no but its rly hard 4 me to read long unstructured paragraph riddled with run on sentnces and spelling erors and poor punctuation so i gues this resonse is apropriate but NEways ^_^^ i like the itg ratings and i like hte ddr ratings bt ive never played piu so i cant say rly anything aboyt that game but ill try it 1 da bcause i like dancng games and i personaly like itgs step ratins the best but the differentces betwen 10s and 11s nd 11s and 12s are so steep iw as like OMG :( byt i eventually passed them all it was greta mom was proud and everythig now i can pass eveyrthing on that game its colol
(decipher that and you get a prize) |
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Marq(uistadorous) Trick Member

Joined: 03 Aug 2005 Location: Arvada, CO |
2. Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:24 pm Post subject: |
Yeah, ddr 9s are way too easy. ddr 10s are weird. I mean stuff like sakura should definately be a 9, but things like psmi should be an 11. Itg is usually pretty accurate though... _________________
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XOR-SYS Trick Member

Joined: 04 May 2005 Location: Canada |
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Mostly_Harmless Trick Member

Joined: 12 Feb 2006 Location: Cranford New Jersey |
4. Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:04 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | Author Message
XOR-SYS Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:24 pm Post subject:
"ITG rules, DDR and PIU are stupid."
Did this mindset really need a new thread?
ummm don't be an idiot ok yea no duh itg is #1 on my list too but piu is seriosuly fun....yea alot of the songs kinda suck mostly the spanish ones but the steps can be really fun man.....and yea also the graphics are cartoonish but ah well don't be so damn harsh on for DDR the only respect i can give to it is that it's the first dance game ever thats about it..and as for challenge while itg maybe able to beat out piu in difficulty piu absolutly destroys itg in please don't be so simple minded about piu! >: / |
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XOR-SYS Trick Member

Joined: 04 May 2005 Location: Canada |
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0rion Trick Member

Joined: 02 May 2005 Location: Kirby will explain it to you. |
6. Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 1:50 am Post subject: |
While I agree with what you just said 100%, XOR, bear in mind what message board you're posting on. Finding ego here (particularly on the ITG board) is like finding sand in a desert. _________________
-Sir "O"
There's a little yellow bird on my avatar. (Brawl FC: 4640-1720-6690)
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Synaesthesia Trick Member

Joined: 03 Apr 2005 Location: Crushing all deceivers, smashing non-believers |
7. Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 7:27 am Post subject: |
PIU ratings are probably as every bit as screwy as IIDX ratings. The ratings can appear to be even more skewed when you're going from 4-panel to 5-panel, and you can easily do stuff like Turkey March and Csiko's Post CZ, but then the turns in Pump Me Amadeus HD rape you because you don't know how they're supposed to be done. As as far as everyone hating on PIU ignore them because from the tone of their arguments they would probably hate Pop'n Music too. _________________
im a lasagna whale
G_G |
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Tyrgannus Trick Member

Joined: 19 Oct 2005 Location: Not about to tell |
8. Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 3:23 pm Post subject: |
Sir 0rion KAMENORI wrote: | Finding ego here (particularly on the ITG board) is like finding sand in a desert. |
Sig'd _________________
AA Bob wrote: | Summer is as much of a 12 as PSMO is a 9. |
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The Wise Fool Trick Member

Joined: 27 Jan 2006 Location: Western Washington |
9. Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 4:26 pm Post subject: |
Without the quotebox, I might add. Give people credit for their funny/inane/stupid quotations! |
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