uhm, okay. first of all, which metal pad did you order from them, cuz it must've been from their last manufacturer (bluespark pads/tx-1000 pads) and it would probably explain the reason why it sucks lol. you should've gotten their new pad, like me LOL .second, what you're talking about doing seems like a waste of time
. If I were you, I'd call BNS and ask for either a replacement control box or panels or SOMETHING, dont just sit there, cuz if you've received it and let it sit there, they aren't gonna help you out after like 3-4 months because its way past warranty. I think the latest i called them was 3 months after my purchase, and BNS still helped me out..
Let's say these metal pads don't work at all, and you still want to play 2-player. To have a soft pad over the metal pad is dumb, because even if you use duct tape or any adhesive material over the metal pad, it's still going to slip around on the metal pad's surface. Especially with the panel sections on the pad scratching against the bottom the pad, and damaging the soft pad sensors inside the pad with its ridges (bends the sensors).
I think you'll be better off getting that metal pad repaired. If you are out of warranty, then go buy a new control box or replacement panels. Plus, metal pads are 43araw3#!464sa54 times better than soft pads! what are u thinking! 
Patty cake, patty cake, microwave
These suckas make a square, damn I'm paid
I'm so cool, but I'm so hot, and I'm, I'm so fly, and you, you're so not