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MyMyBox Nexen/Blueshark/etc Official Thread
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1120. PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 12:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey guys. Anyone remember me? I haven't been here in so long.
Anyway, has anyone here gotten/evaluated MMB's PIU pad yet? I know they have a wonky reputation, but they make the only metal pump pad I can find. I'm looking for one because even though I have a CF, it's not right for Pump, and DDR has become so boring for me.
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1121. PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:07 pm    Post subject: Blueshark Pinout Reply with quote

For anyone who lost the Blueshark cable, you can construct a new one with a ps2 controller and some soldering. Check these pinouts again before using them, but to save someone time:

BlueShark 2" pinouts
1: Right Arrow
2: Left Arrow
3: Down Arrow
4: Up Arrow
5: Ground
6: Red Button
7: Unused
8: A Button
9: Unused
10: B Button
11: Unused
12: Unused
13: Unused
14: Unused
15: Green Button

Hope that helps someone.
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1122. PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

videoCWK wrote:
Hey guys. Anyone remember me? I haven't been here in so long.
Anyway, has anyone here gotten/evaluated MMB's PIU pad yet? I know they have a wonky reputation, but they make the only metal pump pad I can find. I'm looking for one because even though I have a CF, it's not right for Pump, and DDR has become so boring for me.

I wanted to get two of those pump pads as well, but I only heard bad things about them. Typical mymybox frown.gif
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1123. PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


So I was scratching an itch, touched the bracket of an arrow for whatever reason, and was shocked. This shock blew my PS2 control box out of the water.

After determining that my computer's Parallel port and adapter were fine, as well as the BlueShark's cable (since I've made it a habit to always have at least one backup control box, not only because it's MyMyBox), I can look back at it and LOL. But when my pad stopped responding, I was scared ****less.

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1124. PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Has anyone visited the MMB website lately? They've taken the Blueshark COMPLETELY off their page now. I guess they really aren't selling them at all anymore. Good thing I got mine before it was too late E7.gif.
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1125. PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My Blueshark pad recently stopped working. I stopped playing DDR for a few months and started playing again. I've also moved it around recently, but I doubt any of these things are likely causes for the problem. I've confirmed the problem is with the pad since the control box is still functional. However, since I have no knowledge on the hardware of my pad, I'm not sure where to start fixing the problem. Help?
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1126. PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:31 pm    Post subject: Re: Blueshark Pinout Reply with quote

For anyone trying to use this pinout, it's backwards. Pin 1 is ground, then up down left right. Sorry for the confusion. B is pin 6, A is pin 8, green is 11.

kahlandotorg wrote:
For anyone who lost the Blueshark cable, you can construct a new one with a ps2 controller and some soldering. Check these pinouts again before using them, but to save someone time:

BlueShark 2" pinouts
1: Right Arrow
2: Left Arrow
3: Down Arrow
4: Up Arrow
5: Ground
6: Red Button
7: Unused
8: A Button
9: Unused
10: B Button
11: Unused
12: Unused
13: Unused
14: Unused
15: Green Button

Hope that helps someone.
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1127. PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

question on making your own bars

i got an used 3" blueshark with the 2 holes to put the original bar, but i want to build a bar without needing the holes. is it safe to install your own bars right from on top? i removed the metal covering and i noticed that it's compressed particle wood. is it safe to install custom bars by drilling into that? since it's compressed particle wood, it might not be strong enough and it has the chance to crack.

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1128. PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

SML2.THV wrote:
Has anyone visited the MMB website lately? They've taken the Blueshark COMPLETELY off their page now. I guess they really aren't selling them at all anymore. Good thing I got mine before it was too late E7.gif.

Really? That's ridiculous. I'm so glad I have mine. After a couple years I still haven't had to fix it or even clean it once and it's perfect. If they would have gotten their act together and started selling a bunch more now, they could have made bank
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1129. PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MYMYBOX has sold all of its 2" and 3" metal pads.

WE Are now selling the Nexen & Pump It Up dance pad again, but for Pickup only. The Nexens & Pump It Up are in NEW condition and will go for the price listed on the website. UPS and Fedex will not be able to ship these pads to your location in working order.

ahahaha... How do Cobalt Flux pads ship?

Also, how is the Nexan pad? I may be in the market for a second metal pad soon..
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1130. PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:23 pm    Post subject: MyMyBox still in business? Reply with quote

Is MyMyBox still in business?

I ordered two soft pads from them a week ago and haven't heard anything: the order status hasn't updated (last time, they shipped within two days), they haven't responded to an e-mail, and their phone number goes straight to voice mail. This despite the order status page saying In the event you do not receive a shipping notification from us within two business days of ordering, we want to hear from you. Please contact us at 1-213-291-8789.

I'm not feeling too good about this.
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1131. PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:39 pm    Post subject: Re: MyMyBox still in business? Reply with quote

invalidname wrote:
Is MyMyBox still in business?

I ordered two soft pads from them a week ago and haven't heard anything: the order status hasn't updated (last time, they shipped within two days), they haven't responded to an e-mail, and their phone number goes straight to voice mail. This despite the order status page saying In the event you do not receive a shipping notification from us within two business days of ordering, we want to hear from you. Please contact us at 1-213-291-8789.

I'm not feeling too good about this.

MMB was actually out of business for a short time, I personally think it had something to do with the ebay scam they pulled.

I did note that they were showing up again, sans forum. I'd ordered over a week ago and finally today got an email from BNS that the Sparkle I'd ordered was out of stock. So I was actually thinking of ordering a soft pad from MMB, even though the last 2009 version I had for maybe a month before it asploded. The bottom layer of vinyl (the black) has this lovely habit of splitting in multiple places. I've had 3 of their pads and all 3 have had the same thing happen - in about a month. One came to me with the bottom all split up. I just taped the whole underside of that one.

They have HORRIBLE customer service. Then again, who has good service these days?

As to the Nexen only being available for local pick up *shakes head*

When I was fighting with mmb to get the defective softpad returned, they sent me a prepaid label and the darned thing ended up coming back to me because the shipping company was refusing to ship to or from them. Sounded to me like someone didn't pay a bill?

That you've heard nothing from them - no email, no update? Does not sound good at all. If you used a credit card and don't hear anything in the next day or so, I'd be contacting them for a charge-back, and just tell them you paid and cannot get in touch with them. You may need the order - print it out, and any emails you've sent them trying to find out what's going on as proof.
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1132. PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:57 pm    Post subject: Re: MyMyBox still in business? Reply with quote

yukihime wrote:

I did note that they were showing up again, sans forum. I'd ordered over a week ago and finally today got an email from BNS that the Sparkle I'd ordered was out of stock.

I'd say you're lucky. Last time I ordered from BNS, they shipped me crappy DDRGame pads instead of Fusions and Sparkles (which are probably my favorite pads). If you don't mind, please ack back if you actually get a new Sparkle.

yukihime wrote:

So I was actually thinking of ordering a soft pad from MMB, even though the last 2009 version I had for maybe a month before it asploded. The bottom layer of vinyl (the black) has this lovely habit of splitting in multiple places. I've had 3 of their pads and all 3 have had the same thing happen - in about a month. One came to me with the bottom all split up. I just taped the whole underside of that one.

I've had two of the soft BlueSharks for about a year. The raised inserts slipped out of position on one of them after two months and started a slow migration toward the center of the pad. The other developed a fold in the fabric on the top that eventually turned into a rip. But having said that, the sensors on both of them still work great after a year of daily use. Sensor-wise, they're the longest-lasting pads I've ever used, which is why I was inclined to go back to them.

yukihime wrote:

That you've heard nothing from them - no email, no update? Does not sound good at all. If you used a credit card and don't hear anything in the next day or so, I'd be contacting them for a charge-back, and just tell them you paid and cannot get in touch with them. You may need the order - print it out, and any emails you've sent them trying to find out what's going on as proof.

Well, I checked a few days ago and they hadn't charged my card, so I e-mailed and called to cancel the order, and then bought some el cheapo piece-of-crap HVG pads from, with the expectation that:

* Fry's actually ships stuff.
* Crappy HVG stuff will fail by Christmas, at which point I'll try again to find something nice

Now that my crappy HVG pads are en route via FedEx, guess what happens? 30 minutes ago, I get e-mail from MyMyBox saying "oh sorry, we've been moving and we're still getting set up; we'll ship your pads by the end of the week." Fortunately, they got through the rest of the stack and got to my "cancel this order" e-mail, and they say they've cancelled it.

So, that answers my question about whether or not they're still in business: they are. But I'm not getting my pads from them this time. Maybe when the crappy HVGs fail. Or maybe I can go back to BNS, if they're actually shipping real Fusions and Sparkles, and not DDRGame junk (please let us know if you ever get your Sparkle).
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1133. PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:20 pm    Post subject: Re: MyMyBox still in business? Reply with quote

invalidname wrote:

Well, I checked a few days ago and they hadn't charged my card, so I e-mailed and called to cancel the order, and then bought some el cheapo piece-of-crap HVG pads from, with the expectation that:

* Fry's actually ships stuff.
* Crappy HVG stuff will fail by Christmas, at which point I'll try again to find something nice

Well, they shipped, but oh my goodness are the HVG pads crap. The truly amazing thing is that if you step on two arrows at the same time, it sends the "start" signal to the PS2. In other words: landing a jump, or stepping with your left while already on an arrow with your right, aborts your game. Stunning that they could build something so utterly and obviously defective.
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1134. PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright guys, my Blueshark control box recently started fucking up, and I need some help. The issue is that whenever I plug my pad into my PS2 to play DDR, it immediately fails me out. Thinking it was something with the Start button, I plugged into my USB adapter and tested the input in ITGPC. I was right. The Start button is always registered as being pressed, even when I unplug the cable from the Blueshark. Halp.

tl;dr The start button is always pressed down even when it isn't.
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1135. PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm guessing it's a plastic box with raised plastic buttons sticking out of it?
Easy fix then. Open it up, unscrew the start button, snip the wires, and take the button to your local electronics store and ask for a suitable replacement.
Then, bring it home, and wire it back into the box. You can either solder it or even strip and twist the ends of the wires that attach to it and loop it through the button's pegs, if it has them.
Assuming your box is laid out as i'm guessing it is.

Or try ordering a replacement control box, either or.

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1136. PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi all !

I have been away from DDR for 2 years and a half but now that I have a house and a basement, it's time to get back at it E10.gif I am looking for a good metal pad. I obviously browsed the forums in search of info but there are so many posts it's hard to go through everything.

First, here is what I am looking for:

A pad that is accurate, sensitive and that will last. I must be able to feel where the arrows are on the pad. The pad must be PS2 and PC compatible. Also it's nice if it's repairable if it breaks.

I usually play with shoes but like to play in socks once in a while. When I stopped playing I was at 9-10 feet depending on the song.

From what I read it seems the blueshark is the thing but it's not for sale anymore. The next best bet seems to be the Nexen. Is this correct ? People seem to enjoy it more than the Cobalt Flux ? Apart from that I haven't heard of any other suitable pad and this is where I might be wrong as I have not read all the posts and reviews.

One last question; I don't use the bar much yet but I guess I will more and more as I progress so is it a good thing to get a pad with a bar or the only useful bars are the ones you build yourself ?

Thank you !
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1137. PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unfortunately, Cobalt Flux pads are about the only things available these days. I have one from 2005 or 2006 and I think they're great, but people who've gotten them recently don't seem to think they're too hot anymore. I couldn't tell you if they're just being picky or not.

As far as I know, Blue Shark and Nexan pads are unavailable, and I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for them to come back. Personally, if I were you, I'd just get a CF off craigslist or buy them new. Despite what people say, the design of the CF is so simple and durable that I can't understand how it's possible for these things to not work half-decently. Don't forget to check the marketplace forums on and your local craigslist to see if anyone has some blue sharks or CF's for sale. Although very few people post in DDRFreak's marketplace forum, it's still work checking once every so often, because a lot of people try to sell off their old pads there too.

As far as bars go, many people just use a chair as a make-shift bar. I personally would build my own, or use a handtruck or something and place it (or bolt it) to the underside of my pads.

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1138. PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nexen seem available on mymybox website, I made it to the credit card step even though the say they don't ship those anymore it did calculate a shipping cost for my location... Anyone knows if I will get one if I order it ?

No decent dance mat in my local craigslist frown.gif
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