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How good/bad were you when you first started playing?
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0. PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:52 am    Post subject: How good/bad were you when you first started playing? Reply with quote

I remember the first time I played DDR at the arcade. I played on Max 2 (which was brand-freakin' new) and played Nori Nori Nori, along with two other songs I can't remember on light.

My buddy and I sucked, but survived. We passed all 3 songs (albeit poorly) and finished up our set exhausted and confused.

Right after that, a young asian kid probably 10 years old and no taller than my leg goes up and ownz Burning Heat on (i think) Heavy. Man, I felt like a chump.

I've been playing DDR/ITG for years now, and I've seen many people go up for (what I assume) is their first try and they can't even pass a song on Beginner mode in Extreme. To be fair, I was a gamer before I ever stepped foot on a DDR pad, so perhaps my hand-eye coordination and reflexes are better than the average joe's. But seriously, when I watch someone step up and can't even grasp the game enough to pass a beginner song by the third stage, I have to wonder, wtf?

Are these people just completely uncoordinated or what? How was your first try? What difficulty was it? Did you survive or not? I'm just curious to know how other "DDR Freaks" started out.
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1. PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My first game consisted of Captain Jack, B4U and End of Century on light. I passed them all and my legs were on fire and whimpering in pain. I never thought light would be so draining and I never thought I'd ever get to heavy, much less standard. 5 years later and I play for 2 hours non-stop with no breaks between games, incuding non-stop, doubles and challenge mode and everything in between.
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2. PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

first time I played ddr I skipped beginner and played Butterfly and Daikenkai on Light. I think I passed with a B. That was 2 months ago. Now I've A'd Paranoia survivor and Max 300 heavy.

I think the skill you start out with and the speed you progress depends alot on your experience in video games. like, my brother, who's never played guitar hero of any other video game, almost failed butterfly on beginner the first time he played ddr.

I also think being able to play a musical instrument helps a TON. I've played classical violin for almost 7 years and I had no problem understanding the rhythms of gallops and 16th notes and stuff.
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3. PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i started out on a ddr 3rd mix and i looked through the songs and tried oparanoia rebirth as my first song >.< well after i failed instantly i just tried the first song that was on the menyu (upside down) and i passed it pretty well and i was able to do up to silent hill on my first day playing and quickly i weas able to pass butterfly, follow the sun and captain jack with A's. i entered my first tournament when i was ablek to SS butterfly on light but i didnt win lol
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4. PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My first time was on DDRMAX 2, console version, at a friend's house. My first song might have been Dream a Dream on Beginner, and I think I got an A. I was able to get B's on Light almost immediately.

The way I see it, those who can't pass on Beginner don't really know how the game works. They assume they have to step on the arrow as soon as it appears on the screen, rather than wait for it to reach the target. Even when they do know, they often step too early. I myself got a lot of early Greats at first.
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5. PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My very first time I played, my round consisted of It's Raining Men (shut up) and some other songs I can't remember and I played on Beginner. Beginner was too easy for me so I went to light the next time I played and kinda sucked and didn't play after that for like 3 months, then I got really into it, and now I have like a total of 115 AAA's on my local SuperNOVA machine.
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6. PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MyChemicalRomance wrote:
first time I played ddr I skipped beginner and played Butterfly and Daikenkai on Light. I think I passed with a B. That was 2 months ago. Now I've A'd Paranoia survivor and Max 300 heavy


You serious? From nothing to that in 2 months? I'm amazed!
If we compared you to a drag racer (in terms of DDR progression), I'd be the equivalent of a semi-truck.
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7. PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My first time playing DDR was when I got my son (9), a mickey mouse mat for xmas, (the one that you just plug in the tv). I was trying to show him, not even able to do it myself, but somehow got by. I decided to buy the Hottest Party for the Wii, and became hooked. I don't even recall playing beginner, just went straight to light (no speed mods in HP1, btw). I then got Max 2 about a month later (March). Fast forward to end of June, or beginning of July and had all the DDR's for the PS2, and was beginning to pass Expert/Heavy. Now I just play Expert/Heavy and try as much as possible to play at arcades. As for my son, he doesn't play as much as I do, because of homework, school and baseball practice, but he can play standard, but he prefers to freestyle and loves doing spins. He learns alot from going to CTF, D&B's, and Toys "R" Us Times Square.
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8. PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Of course I sucked at it!

I had poor coordination!

I was the only kid in my class that didn't do sports, other than Karate.
So, exercise was almost a stranger.
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9. PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I did light mode, without any mods for almost half a year, just to become good at that level.

Then I moved onto standard with 1.5.

Now I can handle some heavy/oni songs, but not most.
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10. PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 5:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't remember what my very first attempts were like, but I can still remember wondering things like, "Will I ever be able to do this??" when trying to do Tubthumping on Light. And my utter confusion when first encountering 8th notes. Looking back, it's hard to understand what exactly the mystery was.
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11. PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Man, you guys are unreal shocked.gif When I first tried the game, I could not pass light songs -- the only one I remember passing is After The Game Of Love, on which I made a D. Playing Dance Praise for 11 months moved me from failing light songs to making A's on most of them (although not always full combos). I have seen several people struggle on beginner and light songs, so I do not know if it is usually people with better potential/aptitude/starting skill for the game that really get into it. If so, I am an exception E4.gif Also, does age when one starts make a difference? The first time I played was about four months after my 20th birthday although I watched other people play like the day after my birthday.
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12. PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was... not good... tried candy heart on a max 2 on light and failed...
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13. PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Suko wrote:
MyChemicalRomance wrote:
first time I played ddr I skipped beginner and played Butterfly and Daikenkai on Light. I think I passed with a B. That was 2 months ago. Now I've A'd Paranoia survivor and Max 300 heavy


You serious? From nothing to that in 2 months? I'm amazed!
If we compared you to a drag racer (in terms of DDR progression), I'd be the equivalent of a semi-truck.

Aww you make it sound alot more impressive then it really is. Like I said before, i've been playing violin for quite a few years so I'm used to sight reading music, and reading arrows was pretty easy for me to pick up. Plus, I was already decent at Guitar Hero so I already knew the theory of Bemani games.

pleasedon'thurtme wrote:
I have seen several people struggle on beginner and light songs, so I do not know if it is usually people with better potential/aptitude/starting skill for the game that really get into it. If so, I am an exception E4.gif Also, does age when one starts make a difference? The first time I played was about four months after my 20th birthday although I watched other people play like the day after my birthday.

Here are a few factors the I think relate to your skill at DDR:

Musical talent and knowledge. If you know anything of music technique ( such as what the offbeat, triplets, syncopation is) and have a good sense of timing and rhythm you're going to have a definite advantage.

Physical Fitness. Obviously if your quick on your feet and fairly athletic Ddr will be easier for you.

Hand eye/foot coordination. If you are good at things like ping-pong, Catching a ball, Juggling.... That's another skill DDR requires that you'll have already learned.

As for age, the prime time to learn ddr is kinda hard to say as it differs for each person, some kids have good hand eye/foot coordination fairly young; It takes others quite some time before they have the necessary hand eye/foot coordination. I'd say somewhere between 10 and 20 is best since you're still developing and learning new skills comes easier.
I'm not saying that you can't progress in ddr quickly once you hit 20 or anything, like I said, it all depends on the person.

Ok I'm done now E13.gif
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14. PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

pleasedon'thurtme wrote:
Also, does age when one starts make a difference? The first time I played was about four months after my 20th birthday although I watched other people play like the day after my birthday.

I started playing when I was 20 or 21. It was my first experience with Bemani games, but I had played a ton of other games prior to this, so I think my reflexes were up to the task.

I do agree that people in their mid-teens seem to excel at this game. I think it's a combination of being young enough to learn, having considerably more energy, and also having copious amounts of free time compared to the 20+ year olds.

Most of the younger (12-16 y/o) players I know would usually play a LOT more often than I did, something like 15+ hours a week. However, they rarely stuck with the game for more than 2 or 3 years. I, on the other hand, have been steadily playing this game since 2002, without any "retirements", "hiatus", etc.
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15. PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I started on December 2001 (officially) on a 3rd mix korean 2 machine. We didn't have "beginner" like you whippersnappers - and note skins were a luxury. Also... I think 40 songs lmfao.

At any rate, I couldn't do one footers... but I was ok with two footers. My first pass was Bu Dam on light (basic). I was in light for about a week and a half, and in standard (we called it trick) for about two and a half months. I usually played about once a week for a couple hours at the mall. I didn't get "hardcore" until a year later (on a 5th mix machine).

We also didn't use the bar, so when we tried to be the first people in our region to pass max 300, we were trying to do it no bar.
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16. PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I first started playing when i picked up DDR Ultramix 3 back in '05. I was actual ok i passed begginner with an A on Body Rock and then an A on light. Took me a month or to move to heavy.
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17. PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why 10-20?

I'd say maybe 15-25 is a better range for peak performance.
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18. PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It took me 6 plays to pass my first one-footer, I'm Alive; back in Summer of 2000. First song I played/failed was actually TOGETHER & FOREVER. At the time, I was an MvC2 whore; and the DDR Solo cabinet made me want to try something different.

Life's never been the same since then. E1.gif
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19. PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Either you guys had some advantages over me, or I truly am inferior -- which is okay because there is nothing wrong with being the worst so long as that is good enough E13.gif I never really have displayed much aptitude with music or athletics and I am probably one of the worst coordinated people without a disability -- I do have bronchial asthma and allergies, but I do not think they are severe, nor do I believe they are affecting my performance with this game. You guys moved from light to heavy in a couple months, and here I am still failing a bunch of heavy songs after a year or two disgust.gif
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