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What do people do while playing DDR that really angers you?
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2340. PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i don't really have anymore problems at the arcade.except when i play DDR. People normally say "OMG how did you get so good?!?!?!?" (while getting a B on ATNO blink.gif ) good to people who don't play=fast taps.

when i play ITG, people are MUCH more mature, are generally Silent when someone is playing, and if they make a comment, it's inbetween songs. Pretty much everyone at the arcade i go to is a bar raper and speed mod addict (myself included). i have never had a problem with little kids ('cause most of them don't hang out around ITG, but they killed the DDR extreme).
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2341. PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

now that ive finally visited a ddr in an arcade, heres my gripe list

*the bunch of 4 girls come in the afternoon, then put in 8 tokens ensuring for the next half hour noone else can use it
*one pair of those girls played captain jack 6 times in a row in light
*and 6 more times when that pair got a turn again!
*look above
*everyone of them hugged on the bar for dear life...yes, in light and beginner
*mothers clapping when their little bratty sons are trying to stomp and break the pads...i had to tell security to stop them
*one guy thought it was cool to kick the start button to begin the game
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2342. PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:41 pm    Post subject: Arrrghhh Reply with quote

Today while I was in a theater doing ddr a little girl comes up behind me and starts to step on the back arrow. I told her to move 'please' and she did... for about 7 seconds. I smashed her foot and she startes to cry. Her mom came over and cusses me out then I cuss her out and in the end we both got 'politey asked to leave' And i didn't even get to see my movie!! disgust.gif

Little kids annoy the hell outta me so bad disturb.gif
I threw a rock at the ground... and missed..
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2343. PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That would make me go beserk.

The last arcade I went to (in a bowling alley place) had a lot of kids who were annoying as hell. There was a boy who seemed to be the big brotherly figure trying to stop them from doing stupid things. Like, this guy had his credit in, and then the kids came up and pressed start. He told them they took his credit and fortunately I gave him my four tokens and I took the game he lost, but later on the same kids pressed start while I was recording my scores (I was gonna spaz when they chose my song for me).

THEN they went as far as to ignore their big brotherly figure and press start after he made a valiant effort to stop them. The same guy brought it to their attention that they took his credit once again and the boy paid back the guy (fortunately).
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RBCF retunes
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2344. PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's a video on YouTube of somebody playing DDR while holding her baby, and I witnessed the same thing. This woman was playing with her two kids. They played So In Love Beginner three times in a row, and one time she was holding one of them while the other played on the other side.
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Dancing Mad
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2345. PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

RBCF retunes wrote:
There's a video on YouTube of somebody playing DDR while holding her baby, and I witnessed the same thing. This woman was playing with her two kids. They played So In Love Beginner three times in a row, and one time she was holding one of them while the other played on the other side.

My god...I hope I never see such a thing, the arcade attendants would go berserk if they saw anyone playing either DDR machine while holding their baby.

But then, I don't see many babies where I play anyway...parents always take them outside, thankfully.

I've got one note from today: When I'm playing, don't go trying to block my view of the screen, unless you want to be on the receiving end of a spin kick. Yeah, this happened today, someone out of nowhere came and stepped in front of me while playing. He's lucky he moved so quickly.
I'm still a newbie to DDR, no matter HOW good you think I am...considering how long I've been playing compared to everyone else. E13.gif
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2346. PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dancing Mad wrote:
RBCF retunes wrote:
There's a video on YouTube of somebody playing DDR while holding her baby, and I witnessed the same thing. This woman was playing with her two kids. They played So In Love Beginner three times in a row, and one time she was holding one of them while the other played on the other side.

My god...I hope I never see such a thing, the arcade attendants would go berserk if they saw anyone playing either DDR machine while holding their baby.

But then, I don't see many babies where I play anyway...parents always take them outside, thankfully.

I've got one note from today: When I'm playing, don't go trying to block my view of the screen, unless you want to be on the receiving end of a spin kick. Yeah, this happened today, someone out of nowhere came and stepped in front of me while playing. He's lucky he moved so quickly.

lol@ holding a baby while DDRing....sheesh it is so funny and it is stupid as well with a lack of concentration.i have seen so many people hold other things in their arms or hands when they DDR and it is not good to watch.cell phones,cigarettes,sandwich which could drop crumbs on the machine. E18.gif along with sodas which can spill and could do some damages too.

on the part about holding a baby;it made me flashback when one of my friends were piggybackriding their girlfirend while doing the song "Cowgirl" on Heavy.the good thing was my friend passed the song his piggyback rider.the gallops were hilarious!!!


Shout out to those DDR moms:"So in Love" was an odd experience for you all,and do not even think about doing a fast song like the Max series,Paranoia series,or Healing Vision series while holding your baby.
if you do make sure you are willing to risk everything especially your child's life.and to be on the saftey side of talk....maybe a helmet would be good at hand for the baby.
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2347. PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dancing Mad wrote:
RBCF retunes wrote:
There's a video on YouTube of somebody playing DDR while holding her baby, and I witnessed the same thing. This woman was playing with her two kids. They played So In Love Beginner three times in a row, and one time she was holding one of them while the other played on the other side.

My god...I hope I never see such a thing, the arcade attendants would go berserk if they saw anyone playing either DDR machine while holding their baby.

But then, I don't see many babies where I play anyway...parents always take them outside, thankfully.

I've got one note from today: When I'm playing, don't go trying to block my view of the screen, unless you want to be on the receiving end of a spin kick. Yeah, this happened today, someone out of nowhere came and stepped in front of me while playing. He's lucky he moved so quickly.

I'd do that too, I've kicked people before for not listening when I told them to stop stepping on the pad I was using. I'd kick someone for blocking the screen.
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2348. PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 3:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The people who come in my arcade..... Ugh, They think by bar raping they look uber-cool, they usually dissappear after my friend Rice bust out with Max300 Heavy mode barely using the bar.

People who completely ignore the "Coin on the numbers means you get the next game deal" I've had people try to jump in front of me obviously not paying attention to the coin slot thingy! ugh, that irritates me to no end

Hmm.. Little little kids who try to play and literally pound as hard as they can on the arrows... I know they are trying, but damn! I want the machine to last longer!

Another thing.. The people trying to play with uber-big boots on.. Theres a sign that clearly states" NO BOOTS!" TENNIS SHOES ONLY!!!" above the cabinet..

People who are out of town who get pissy when they can't get there turn when they are too stupid to read the rules of the DDR machine.. I've had a couple with her 2 snotty little kids call security on me because I didn't let them go ahead of me... I know that may seem rude of me.. but if they read the rules, they wouldn't have gotten embarrassed.

What else? oh.. Yea.. the people who take 10 billion years to select a song....I admit sometimes I take a little while.. but that's usually me listening to the song getting the beat and taking a slight break.

Yea, and those people who are beginners who put no effort into trying, Because they are embarrassed.. I understand being a begginner.. but when you get pissed because you failed for not trying, don't complain to the manager saying " your machine is broken!"

What else? oh. people shadowing me without permission, that royally pisses me off. I tell people to ask before shadowing, because on some songs, I prefer to be BY MYSELF ON THE DECK for COMPLETE and UDER concentration.

Hmm. let's see.. That's about it.
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Dancing Mad
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2349. PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

MasterInuYasha wrote:
People who completely ignore the "Coin on the numbers means you get the next game deal" I've had people try to jump in front of me obviously not paying attention to the coin slot thingy! ugh, that irritates me to no end

Another thing.. The people trying to play with uber-big boots on.. Theres a sign that clearly states" NO BOOTS!" TENNIS SHOES ONLY!!!" above the cabinet..

People who are out of town who get pissy when they can't get there turn when they are too stupid to read the rules of the DDR machine.. I've had a couple with her 2 snotty little kids call security on me because I didn't let them go ahead of me... I know that may seem rude of me.. but if they read the rules, they wouldn't have gotten embarrassed.

What else? oh.. Yea.. the people who take 10 billion years to select a song....I admit sometimes I take a little while.. but that's usually me listening to the song getting the beat and taking a slight break.

What else? oh. people shadowing me without permission, that royally pisses me off. I tell people to ask before shadowing, because on some songs, I prefer to be BY MYSELF ON THE DECK for COMPLETE and UDER concentration.

Not to be mean, but don't you mean complete and "utter" concentration? Just a thought.

Following through on your last thought, I'm not fond of shadowers who come out of nowhere, but those who were watching anyway I don't mind. I have sufficient concentration to ignore distractions when I'm in a good mood. happy.gif

Starting from the top, don't have to worry about coin lines, and while regulars still place an empty card (card that has 0 credits on it) in a visible place on the machine, the arcade does not recognize a card line, so it's left to the players to enforce it. There's only a problem when someone just shows up and tries to go ahead of 1 or 2 others, but that's rather uncommon. We play on an honor system. Most of us anyway...

I've suggested signs for the games, most notably "Do not stomp on the pads" as it is commonplace for kids and, sadly, regulars who score one Great or obtain what they swear is a pad miss (no it wasn't, I watched your foot hit metal and miss the panel completely). Refer to my first post for more on this. I've only seen one person play in boots, but he steps pretty lightly in them, relatively speaking.

I don't know how many out-of-towners come through the arcade, but very few people actually gripe about you going ahead of them. They actually realize you were there first. We still get the odd person who insists they go ahead of you when they just got there, but then they become subject to us telling them to wait their turn. The only exception I make is when they are leaving soon, so I play a set with them.

Fortunately I don't see many people take forever to pick a song. I do on occasion, but that's usually because I am playing through one of my wear-me-out sets and need to rest after a song. At least then I cycle to the song I plan to do next anyway. E4.gif

Now that I think of it...there is one other thing I really don't like. People who tell me to play a certain song on a certain difficulty. Not ask me, TELL ME. disgust.gif
I'm still a newbie to DDR, no matter HOW good you think I am...considering how long I've been playing compared to everyone else. E13.gif
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2350. PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dancing Mad wrote:

Now that I think of it...there is one other thing I really don't like. People who tell me to play a certain song on a certain difficulty. Not ask me, TELL ME. disgust.gif

OMG, I hate that too.. I've had people shout at me saying" DO MAX300!!!" or " OMG DROP OUT LOLZ"
Sorry for the typos in my last message.. I wrote it at like 5 AM.. hehehhe.
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Dancing Mad
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2351. PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MasterInuYasha wrote:
Dancing Mad wrote:

Now that I think of it...there is one other thing I really don't like. People who tell me to play a certain song on a certain difficulty. Not ask me, TELL ME. disgust.gif

OMG, I hate that too.. I've had people shout at me saying" DO MAX300!!!" or " OMG DROP OUT LOLZ"
Sorry for the typos in my last message.. I wrote it at like 5 AM.. hehehhe.

lol. I have been told to play Max 300 before, immediately following MaxX Umlimited Standard. As that was my intention anyway, it didn't bother me.

There's only one time I was told to play a song that I did and glad I did so. On SuperNova I was told to play Xepher Expert as my final stage. Reason I'm glad is because I cleared it with a B on my first try. happy.gif

I'm generally up late all the time, as well, so I'm more than familiar with typos caused by fatigue. riiight.gif
I'm still a newbie to DDR, no matter HOW good you think I am...considering how long I've been playing compared to everyone else. E13.gif
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2352. PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

People that make a big deal over "WOAH! I AAA'd it! I'm the poopy!"

Wow. They got a censor in here! When did that happen??
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Dancing Mad
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2353. PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dj_sammylvr03 wrote:
People that make a big deal over "WOAH! I AAA'd it! I'm the poopy!"

Wow. They got a censor in here! When did that happen??

You got me on when it happened, though thinking of people who like to AAA things, I've heard some say "I've AAA'd this before!" and yet I see the average at least 15 Greats...these same people gripe whenever they get a Great and hold their hands up as though to say "WTF?!"

It's all fine and good when they walk off their game while working on a PA, but my god, a Great or worse isn't the end of the world. Stop wasting your credits and finish the song, sheesh.

I've only ever walked off a song ONCE, and that was tonight playing Waka Laka Heavy. I walked off because I simply didn't have the energy to finish the song. riiight.gif
I'm still a newbie to DDR, no matter HOW good you think I am...considering how long I've been playing compared to everyone else. E13.gif
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2354. PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've had people tell me to do songs before. Once some girl (not little by the way, just acting like it) who was watching me would NOT stop saying "DO THE BEETHOVEN ONE! DO THE BEETHOVEN ONE!". Of course I didn't, and for two reasons. One, that song is too easy. Two, there's no way in hell I would do a song for someone if they were order me to do it. I do take requests, but only if they say it nicley, like "Hey, could you do that Beethoven song? I like it and want to see someone do it on heavy". That would be acceptable. But this girl was so annoying. Eventually she got the hint (took longer than it should've though) that I wasn't gonna do the song, so she left.
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2355. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it was most likely a freak out than this being an anger but hell it is true indeed.. Yesterday when I went to port authority to play a few DDR songs before I headed home I kinda picked some easy going songs as I started playing them. As I was playing my selected songs this random black guy walked up and watched me and after I finished the first song he seemed impressed upon how well I did as to me it was a sucky day.. And as I was pickin the songs the dude said that the machine said and I quote "I was an ordinary person." .... I said ok to my thought I think he needed to clean the wax out of his ears or something as he acted like a total fool and started to shout out "You're just and ordinary person.." So I pretty much ignored it cause pretty much he was making a total a$$ out of himself so I paided no attention... But here is the breaker.. He started to do a comparison to my stamina and asked me how many girls I well... I "scored" with.. That pretty much freaked me out as after I finished my last set I kinda gathered up all of my stuff and bounced out fast as the fool didn't notice I disappeared from the arcade.. Damn that was a weird Tuesday night.. riiight.gif E19.gif

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2356. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really hate it when people take of their shirt, and leave on their under-shirt as if them playing "is extremely serious and cool" - which also leads to the thought that I hate it when people show off almost as if it's a "show" that they want you to watch. It's just a freakin' game! - OK - we know you can play on expert - you don't have to put on a show and act as if you're on the spotlight. lol
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That guy with the afro...
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2357. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

crunchwrap wrote:
I really hate it when people take of their shirt, and leave on their under-shirt as if them playing "is extremely serious and cool" - which also leads to the thought that I hate it when people show off almost as if it's a "show" that they want you to watch. It's just a freakin' game! - OK - we know you can play on expert - you don't have to put on a show and act as if you're on the spotlight. lol

I take off my hoodie and one of my shirts off. It gets really sweaty and all, but I would never go down to my undershirt.
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2358. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hate when people know the song so well that they stare at you while playing when you are on the other pad. It's really aggravating!

Also, I hate people who bar rape.
It's okay to grab for balance when you are doing 10 footers or something I guess, but I hate when people constantly hold the bar.


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2359. PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hate when people take their video games too seriously. Like, I play at a Casino with a buch of other really advanced players (most of them can kick my arse) and almost everthing mentioned here either doesn't happen or is considered a joke.

Joint premium means that I NEVER get shadowed, or play alone.

Little kids are not present, and persons under 14 require parental escort
(doesn't happen).

No one thinks you're good because we've all seen someone better.

Screwing with people while they're playing is SOP: I'm talking sneaking stealth onto their options, downgrades to beginner, airhorns, flying objects, physical interference, or my personal favorite: standing next to someone and saying "great great great great great..." to the exact rhythm of the steps and watching their skill dissappear lol.

My only complaint is elitists who refuse to talk to you until you can SDG every song in the game. Or, rather, all of the songs that they can SDG; with a couple of random AAA's; on 2x Solo; without the bar and with crappy posture and tard arms; 10 footers and Extra Stage don't count because they can't do such things with perfect scores.

It wouldn't bug me nearly so much except that they really aren't that good.
Singles is for wimps.
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