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Total Newbie: what to buy to start playing DDR? PC not good?
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20. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey eieio! - anyway - when you said "How can the X button stand for "Enter" - I agree with you! When I think of "X", I think of canceling. What's funny is that in Japan, the circle button means to select something, and the "X" button means to cancel out. By the way - you made a good choice with DDR Max 2 - that's my favorite home console version. Try out the song "Tsugaru" - it's my favorite. Oh - also try "Hysteria" - it has good steps and is really catchy.
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21. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

eieio wrote:
- i have done all 3 lessons (finished every part of each lesson) and tried to play the Game Mode. i cannot get the pad to respond at all! something's wrong!!! i have no idea and can't figure it out! if i can do the lessons, why can't i do the game mode? i picked that song "get down tonight" and got no steps right, which is just not possible as i've done ALL those lessons, which took quite some time! HELP please!

You're not using a Dualshock to select the songs, are you? That's all I can think of. You should be using the dance pad to do everything.

When you do get it working right, go into Options->Controller Settings (Controller Options? I don't remember what it's called) and turn off Dance Play Settings for both controllers. This disables the corner buttons during gameplay and prevents arrows from being triggered when they shouldn't be.

eieio wrote:
- the pad feels good to me, though it slips on my hardwood floor. i have no basis for comparison but it does feel like it has a good deal of that 1" padding which i stuffed in that zippered pad. if you guys have a better recommendation that is not 3 or 4 times more expensive, i'm game to return this pad and get something else. i really value reliability and comfort (really don't want to get my joints screwed up because of this game! so comfort, reliability etc are key points)

When it comes to reliability/durability, Ignitions are hit-and-miss. My first two pads were Ignitions and they both broke within two weeks. On the other hand, my cousins have had theirs for almost a year (although they are finally starting to break). They're much more likely to last if you're not playing on Heavy (and if you mod them, but I'm guessing you don't want to do that).

If it slips a lot, you can just use one of those no-slip rug mats.

eieio wrote:
- that 8mb card is quite a rip off. i wonder if i'd like to play with other people, should i get that blue and red "twin pack" of two 8mb cards? i have no idea how to save anything...i opted for the "auto save" mode.

Auto save is fine. You don't have to do anything special; it saves your scores and settings automatically.

eieio wrote:
i also find the navigation to be so not intuitive. those "X" buttons are supposed to mean "Enter"? who thought of "X" as the symbol for "enter"??? what planet do these designers come from? it was also hard for me to figure out how to navigate as in "returning" to the menu, etc.

You'll get used to that quickly. E13.gif

eieio wrote:
It said something like press "select and "Play" or something like that (2 buttons) simultaneously!

The only time you need to press two non-arrow buttons at once is when you want to reset (Start+Select).
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Emptyeye wrote:
So um, is it bad that awhile ago I was watching Family Guy, and when Quagmire came on, I thought something to the effect of "Whoa, It's AA Bob!" (I don't remember if the exact thought was "It's AA Bob" or "It's AA Bob's avatar", but I don't think it matters in this case)?
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22. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I did use the "controller", which i guess is called the Dualshock, right? it's that freebie (only 1 unit though) that comes with the PS2, to select songs.

i don't know how to select anything using the Ignition 3.0 pad. is that a "must" - using the dance pad to do everything? i can't even figure out how to do all that with the pad instead of the handheld game controller/Dualshock.

so what am i doing wrong? i'm using the handheld controller, which allows me to select songs, but that somehow would "disable" the pad???!?!?! i'm thoroughly confused. if the handheld works to select songs, why would that automatically disable the pad? what am i missing?

how do i select the song and everything else WITHOUT touching the handheld Dualshock controller? i seem to be more and more confused!

ugh. and here i was, proud of myself for having sufficient patience to go through all THREE lessons (with each and every single sub chapter), which took something like 1 or 2 hours, in order to familiarize myself a tiny bit with the steps!

please teach me what i'm doing wrong! very strange...this whole game...
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23. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

gosh golly, wonder of guys are right!! i turned the PS2 on again, sort of like rebooted it, then ONLY used the Ignition 3.0 pad to navigate. and now, i'm able to try out my first ever "game mode" song.

it is SO much fun E1.gif that disco song "get down tonight" is hilarious. those dance steps (despite being the most beginners' level) are funny, as is that cartoon guy on the screen!

i'm hooked.

what pad should i really have? should i return this ignition 3.0 pad and get something "better" online? i'm sort of concerned about what pad is "good" for my feet/ankles/joints, rather than getting one that works great but hurts or ruins my feet!
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AA Bob
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24. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Ignition should be fine on your feet; the foam provides a lot of cushioning.
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Emptyeye wrote:
So um, is it bad that awhile ago I was watching Family Guy, and when Quagmire came on, I thought something to the effect of "Whoa, It's AA Bob!" (I don't remember if the exact thought was "It's AA Bob" or "It's AA Bob's avatar", but I don't think it matters in this case)?
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25. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thx AA Bob...but some have mentioned that those expensive metal pads from utah, i think called Cobalt Flux or soemthing like that, are amazing.

are those "harder" on feet/ankles/joints? metal sounds harsher and tougher, though they might be metal that flexes... i just don't know.

any advice, gentlemen?

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AA Bob
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26. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Metal pads are definitely a lot firmer than foam pads, but it won't matter as long as you get shoes with good foot support (like basketball or running shoes).

And yeah...Cobalt Fluxes are awesome. biggrin.gif
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Emptyeye wrote:
So um, is it bad that awhile ago I was watching Family Guy, and when Quagmire came on, I thought something to the effect of "Whoa, It's AA Bob!" (I don't remember if the exact thought was "It's AA Bob" or "It's AA Bob's avatar", but I don't think it matters in this case)?
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27. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh, i didn't know you were supposed to wear shoes with the metal pads!

i thought that with the Ignition 3.0 pads, you were supposed to wear only sweat socks. am i mistaken?

continue to be confused about this whole ddr thing... E13.gif
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28. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

what other pads, may i ask, would be not too much more than the Ignitino 3.0? for example, the ignition 3.0 is around $80, what might be available that is noticeably better but, say, not more than $200?

the Cobalt Flux appears to be around $280 + ~$50 shipping = Total $330? is that right? please see this link:

$330 (incl shipping) compared with the $80 for the Ignition 3.0 is very different. for a newbie like me who's particularly concerned about feet/ankle/knee/joint problems, i am hesitant to spring for such a large/heavy/expensive Cobalt Flux pad without knowing more about it.

what are your thoughts, guys?

thx in advance!
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AA Bob
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29. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, you should wear shoes on metal pads. When I first got my CFs, I played in socks, but quickly found that it really made my feet hurt.

I think they say that you're supposed to wear socks on Ignitions, but I've found that playing with bare feet is easier.

As for the Cobalt Flux...
I see they're doing their holiday sale. They're usually $300. A CF is a big investment. CFs are for people who really like DDR, so you should make sure you're one of those people before spending that much money. Also, you should have some idea of how far you're going to progress. I'm not saying that you shouldn't get one if you're never going to get to Standard or Heavy, but you'll get a LOT more out of a Cobalt Flux if you play difficult songs. If you think you're going to be on Beginner and Light forever, you probably won't notice a significant difference in performance between a CF and an Ignition.

Edit: Of course, if you happen to be rich, disregard all of that and just buy the thing. E15.gif
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Emptyeye wrote:
So um, is it bad that awhile ago I was watching Family Guy, and when Quagmire came on, I thought something to the effect of "Whoa, It's AA Bob!" (I don't remember if the exact thought was "It's AA Bob" or "It's AA Bob's avatar", but I don't think it matters in this case)?
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30. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

AA Bob: thx for the info...

you know, this Cobalt Flux holiday sale isn't that much of a sale, right? if they are typically $300, and now, they are $280 PLUS $48 shipping!! that's like $330! that sale of $20 doesn't reallymake much of a dent!

may i ask what other optinos in terms of great pads that are superior to the Ignition 3.0 but less costly than the Cobalt Flux? i think that is a reasonable budget to go for: more than the Ignition 3.0 , better than that, but not as much as the Cobalt Flux.

i also am concerned about spending that much for a pad/accessory as someday will come when the ps2 is obsolete, then all the plugs change, who knows when that day is and the pads will either need expensive/troublesome modifications to be able to be used with the newer systems, or, worse yet, be totally obsolete!!

looking forward to hearing which pad is better than the ignition 3.0! thx.
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31. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Again, like I have said before, don't get an ignition. Go with a BNS Fusion because your still just a beginner and I wouldn't get too into the metal pad until you've reached standard/heavy modes. From what I hear, the BNS pads are VERY good.
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32. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

to be totally respectful, how would one know, or anyone know, how good or not good the BNS Fusion pad(s) is/are if they haven't played or owned it? Again, I emphasize that i'm not being disrespectful, but I honestly wouldn't be able to opine properly if I personally have not had the opportunity to either fully try it out, or actually owned it.

i've only had the Ignition 3.0 Pad for 2 days, and today, i haven't really had much chance to try it out.

that's because today, i went out to get an Optical Audio cable to connect the PS2 to my receiver for either surround sound or merely stereo sound (because my game is only the DDR Max2, which only has stereo but it is supposed to be the best game for true beginners like me), and also PS2 to Component Cables to improve upon the awful included cable with the PS2 unit! I have to say that the image quality is still very mediocre, but obviously improved over the standard analog (yellow) video RCA plug. (note: i have not tried out the S-video since it only has the quality of the mid point between the analog video and the component video: i went directly to the component video connection/cables).

i guess the point of this whole DDR thing is not video or audio quality, but you take what the "best" they give you, use the best connections/cables you can under your particular circumstances, and then just enjoy the game.

this is only day 2 for me, so i have much to learn. no time today to play, only to open the new cables and connect them all - hey, that took some time!

tomorrow and over the weekend, more practice!

any advice? thx in advance!!
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AA Bob
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33. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

eieio wrote:
tomorrow and over the weekend, more practice!

any advice?

Don't put your feet back in the center after each step. It's a bad habit that'll really slow you down later on.
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Emptyeye wrote:
So um, is it bad that awhile ago I was watching Family Guy, and when Quagmire came on, I thought something to the effect of "Whoa, It's AA Bob!" (I don't remember if the exact thought was "It's AA Bob" or "It's AA Bob's avatar", but I don't think it matters in this case)?
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34. PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually, I believe it says to play barefoot on an Ignition. It's dangerous as all hell in socks, since you will slide all over.
As for the Ignition pads, they really are hit or miss. I've heard of peoples' breaking in 2 days, but I've had mine for a couple (2 or 3, I think) years now. Which includes my friend playing on it (He's playing Heavy songs), my little sisters and other relatives stomping away on it, and even my dogs stepping on it. Plus, me playing daily on high beginner/low standard songs. I'm only just starting to have any problems with response. Plus, when it does wear out, you can call Red Octane and get a discount on your next pad.
I've never used a BNS pad, but I believe they're cheaper and a little thinner than the Ignition, aren't they?
I really don't think someone that's just beginning really should spend such a large amount on the metal pad.
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35. PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

thx, AA Bob, for the heads up on the "not on the center square" advice. the lady on the phone at Cobalt mentioned that tip as well yesterday - i only called to inquire, after i got scared away by the $280 plus $50 shipping price.

i'm kind of baffled: why are there so many people bringing up / mentioning / recommending BNS Pads? on top of all that, people seem to bring up BNS pads despite not having owned one.

for example, i just got my Ignition 3.0 3 days ago, so maybe in a couple weeks' time, i can opine on the Ignition 3.0, because presumably, i'd have some experience on that pad (and the game as well, since i'm a total newbie) by then.

however, quite a few nice people chime in and opine here with good intentions, i'm sure, but interestingly, people seem to like to mention the BNS pads, even though, seemingly, rather few has them.

price wise, aren't the BNS not much different from the Ignition 3.0? it just seems to me that the Ignition 3.0 is SO much more "tried and true", even though several have mentioned that the quality is hit or miss.

Ms. kyuuketsukikurai: May i ask how you got Red Octane's telephone number? you mentioned that you can call them up and get a discount on the next pad. On their site, they don't list a number. i found some corporate number for them, but you have to have an "extension" to dial after you call that number. there aren't any like operators or "dial 1 for customer service" type thing. oh, btw, the Ignition 3.0 is $80 at BestBuy, but on the Red Octane site, they go for more, something like $100 or $110, i mention that because if they give a "discount" on the next pad, but the discount is calculated from THEIR OWN WEBSITE's PRICE, then it's sort of a moot point. does that make sense? still, if you have a way to get through on the phone to them, it's useful to have for future reference. might you be so kind as to private email me with their number if it's not kosher to post their number here?


still, btw, there doesn't seem to be any real options for the Ignition 3.0 pad, right? i mean an option where people have experience with them and can genuinely recommend them over and above the Ignition 3.0. that's so surprising...there's got to be some competition! Ignition 3.0 is THAT popular and ubiquitous?? gosh golly, as a total newbie, i was almost sure that i might have purchased the wrong stuff...i only did a little bit of research! then i ran out and bought the PS2 silver, the Ignition 3.0, the DDR Max2 (thx to the recommendation of several here), and just last night, the component cables (for better video image), and the optical audio cable.
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36. PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

eieio wrote:
May i ask how you got Red Octane's telephone number? you mentioned that you can call them up and get a discount on the next pad. On their site, they don't list a number. i found some corporate number for them, but you have to have an "extension" to dial after you call that number. there aren't any like operators or "dial 1 for customer service" type thing. oh, btw, the Ignition 3.0 is $80 at BestBuy, but on the Red Octane site, they go for more, something like $100 or $110, i mention that because if they give a "discount" on the next pad, but the discount is calculated from THEIR OWN WEBSITE's PRICE, then it's sort of a moot point. does that make sense? still, if you have a way to get through on the phone to them, it's useful to have for future reference. might you be so kind as to private email me with their number if it's not kosher to post their number here.

I actually bought the pad off the website, so I got it with the pad, and they send me coupons (with the number) every few months for discounts (One of the big reasons to buy off their site, rather than through somewhere else). I don't have the number on hand, and will have to dig it up, but once I do, I'll be glad to give it to you. It is slightly more expensive through the site, but it's something like a $50 discount for your next pad, and you get alot more support for problems when you buy it directly from them.
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37. PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kyuuketsukikurai: thx for your info vis-a-vis buying direct! who'd have guessed that they would "provide more customer support" if one were to buy direct from them!! how odd! if i may say so! one would think they would provide the same level of customer support if it's the same product!

anyhoo, it did seem odd to me that there are several people who'd recommend the BNS pads even thought they themselves don't have experience with them. these things are like shoes: in that if you've worn them for some time, you'd know the quirks of each type of shoe, and each model of the shoe. but, you'd never really know if you haven't tried them out for at least some period of time, right? sounds logical to me. you must have at least tried pads for several weeks, if not more, before you really get a feel for whether they are different, or more or less responsive, etc.

i'm grateful for the suggestions, ladies and gentlemen, please don't misunderstand me, but for a newbie like me, i would have no idea of which pad is better/superior merely by reading about them. as of now, i have only one "reference point" - and that is the one and only pad i've ever Iginition 3.0. that was due partly to convenience (bestbuy had it right there) but also, to a great part, to the abundance of positive reviews that that pad received. if it weren't that good, then they must have some super duper great marketing PR firm to do their PR for them! i've just read, repeatedly, that they are good. nothing more, nothing less. since i haven't tried any of the pads, i had to make a calculated/educated guesstimate to see which might have the highest likelihood of being a very good choice for me - maybe not THE very best, but at least a very good option from a multitude of parameters, including: comfort, good for the joints/feet, durability, responsiveness...etc.
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38. PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

eieio wrote:

anyhoo, it did seem odd to me that there are several people who'd recommend the BNS pads even thought they themselves don't have experience with them. these things are like shoes: in that if you've worn them for some time, you'd know the quirks of each type of shoe, and each model of the shoe. but, you'd never really know if you haven't tried them out for at least some period of time, right? sounds logical to me. you must have at least tried pads for several weeks, if not more, before you really get a feel for whether they are different, or more or less responsive, etc.

It only took me a few days to decide my Ignition was not as sensitive as the Konami softpad, although that wasn't the reason I returned it. If it worked with Stepmania, I would still have it and be playing Doubles.
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39. PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh no, now, there is yet another pad thrown in...the Konami Softpad. I really know nothing about that one. May I ask what you all think about it?

How does the Konami Softpad compare with the Ignition 3.0, as well as the BNS that people talk about? Any others? i'm just trying to come up with something that's sort of the "best" that's less costly than the $300 Cobalt ones from Utah.

thx! Looking forward to hearing.
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