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snakebite019 Trick Member

Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Location: Deltona Florida |
20. Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:39 pm Post subject: |
alrite well i have been playing some songs and here are my thoughts
Soapy Bubbles- confusing steps, crossover stream. i would say it should be an 11
Tension- alot of jumps...annoying "123-123" step stream. could pass off as an easy 11
Liquid Moon- i'm not sure WTF they were smokin when they gave this a 9...the beginning is tough, but only the beginning. the middle to the end isnt very challenging at all. i would say a 10.
oh yeah and i checked, robotix only says the beginning speed when you play it on mDaWg's ITG2 but i went into the file and it only goes up to 1200.
EDIT-WOW! second page on the first day of the post _________________
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DarkCore Trick Member

Joined: 28 Jul 2006 Location: Ontario, Canada |
21. Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:19 am Post subject: |
Yeah, Liquid Moon is far from a nine. Compare it to another nine like Hip Hop Jam.
Soapy Bubble's crossovers are really easy at the beginning, but at the end, they complicate alot. Seems about as hard as Charlene, just less stamina draining. |
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Tyrgannus Trick Member

Joined: 19 Oct 2005 Location: Not about to tell |
22. Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:16 am Post subject: |
In alphabetical order:
Charlene: This stepchart is quite......uninspiring, but not necessarily bad. What it may lack in creativity, it at least makes up for in entertainment. I personally find the song fun. Easy? You better believe it is. 10? No, I actually agree with the 11 rating. 700+ combo, mines galore, decently annoying jacks, and long step jump sections, with all of those it's still easier to pass than Tension sure, but it is noticeably harder to pass than most 10's, and I'm a staunch supporter of rating songs by passing difficulty. Scoring wise? Yeah, scoringwise it's a 10 easy. Ok, moving on.
Clockwork Genesis: WTF??? THat's what everyone says the first time they play the chart. The rhythm? Odd. The footwork? Odd. Tempo changes? You betcha. Odd tells and backwards tells? Yup, they're there too. But, whether you are a critic or not, you half to admit that the steps DO follow the song. Is the song hard to pass? Hell no. This song is about as hard to pass as Visible Noise, it's just crazy to score well (Kind of like Visible Noise too.) Ok, next.
Destiny: No, the 16th run in the beginning doesn't follow the music. If you say it does, you're mistaken. If you believe I'm wrong in saying this, go listen to the music again. Ok, that being said, Destiny is a massively fun chart. The runs are fairly fast, sure, but they aren't candley so they're easy to just glide through, and the jumps make this song SO FUN! Is it hard? Well passingwise it's a mid-11, very benchmark due to the 16th runs. Is it hard to score? No. In fact, like CHarlene, it's about as easy to score as a 10. Who cares, if it passes like an 11, it's an 11. Also, seriously guys, this chart is mega fun. Ok, what's next.....
Hardcore Symphony: Yeesh, if this isn't a nasty one. 12? Nah. Candidate for hardest 11? Possibly, but I argue it's still not the hardest. Hard anyways? You better believe it. Most songs start you off getting a feel for the song before they upon all hell on you, until you reach the double-digit songs, but this one just thrusts you into an inferno. BAM! 16TH STREAM AT 174 NOW GO! Destiny does it too, but I find that run easier somehow. Anyways, there are 3 major parts of this stepchart, the runs, the jumpy-candley gauntlet, and that break with the freeze arrows. Of the 3, you better believe the jumpy-candley gauntlet is the hardest, and NOT the runs. THe runs are very BSable, but the majority of the song isn't. Passwise, hard 11. Scorewise hard 11. Funwise, not at all.
Infection: Be honest, before you ever played this song, you looked at the mine count and got a little scared, right? I did actually. 260 is a daunting number when you're just trying to pass 11's. Honestly though, if you can avoid mines, you can pass Infection. It's a tutorial on advanced mine evasion. Half the song is just an 8th stream with a few crossovers and jacks at 170 with the occasional drill. THat's it. Sure, there are a few runs, but the long runs in the beginning are just glorified rills as well. Whoop-de-doo. Is it fun? Sure. Is it hard to pass? Only if you suck at mines, but honestly, it's an easy 11 passwise. Hard to score? Harder than you think. Most people hit 1 or 2 mines during the song, which drastically reduces score, and along with the fact that mines might scare you to go early or late on a note and cause excellents, this is a formiddable scoring opponent.
July: This has more steps than any fact, it has more steps than 9 of 10 12's and 2 of 3 13's ranking it as the 3rd highest combo in the game. Sheesh. Do you know what July is? 2 minutes of nonstop short candley bursts, and yet for some odd reason, it isn't as tiring as it looks. Though it is fairly fast (170 BPM), and is littered with candles, it is less tiring than oh let's say Pandemonium Hard. Is July hard to pass? Yes, I believe it is a hard 11. Is it hard to score? Other people find this song very easy to score, as in ****able, but honestly, I don't know how they do it. I put this as a mid-difficulty score on an 11, granted you have the footspeed and stamin of course. Is it fun? Not really, but it doesn't yet feel like work like some of the higher difficulty songs.
Monolith: 196 BPM 8th streams with some drills. I was told long before I ever tried it that this was the hardest 11, and other people said it should be a 12. After sightreading over 80% on it (Back when I had less than 90% on Charlene), I realized that either a) I just clicked with this song, or b) most people really suck at this speed of song. I personally don't see the problem with this song. No runs, a few drills, and a few step jumps. Didn't we all play DDR? If you can PA HVAM and pass Bouff, then Monolith shouldn't even be hard for you. Though almost everyone disagrees with me, I rate Monolith as an easy-mid 11 passingwise, and a mid-difficulty scoringwise. I just never found the reason why this was so hard.
Mythology: And now for a completely opposite explanation. Mythology is regarded as easy by many, unless you're me. I know the song shouldn't be hard, it's slow, and only 10 measures of the entire song are 11 worthy. That being said, those 10 measures are quite the hassle for me. I've never comboed them, ever. This is one of those songs that you either can or can't do, and I'm leaning on the can't side. It's a crossover test, and not a very fun one at that. Passingwise, well, that depends on if you can crossover or not. Scoringwise, well, even I think it's pretty easy to score, and the **** record on it confirms it. Is it fun? Well, I think most of the song is fun (I actually enjoy the jumpy section.)
Pandemonium (Hard): This is my candidate for hardest 11. Period. This thing is a stamina beast with it's 839 combo, and is one big jumpy candle from begging to end. This song plays and feels like a 12, and I have better scores on many 12's than on this. Personally, I would have rated this a 12. I couldn't pass this song when I was passing VerTex, !, Go 60 Go, Euphoria, Tell, and Energizer. Yes, Energizer. Passingwise, I think it's the hardest, and scoringwise, I think it's right on up there. (I consider Clockwork Genesis the hardest to score still). Is the song fun? In a way, because it feels like an accomplishment when you you finish it, but while you're at it, it feels like work.
Robotix: Lol. That's all I have to say. This song barely feels like an 11. In fact, it feels similar to a 150 BPM Spin Chicken half the time. Man, this is the easiest ITG2 11. This is pitifully easy to pass (Like Charlene) and is only hard to score if you can't keep a rhythm in your head without anything to go by, and since I'm an audio player, I just use my feet and listen to them. Easy money. I'm not going to talk much more about it, easy to pass, easy to score, and pretty fun. Bam.
The Beginning: This is, the beginning! Be honest, the first time you played ITG, you expected The Beginning to be an easy 11 seeing as it is the slowest 11 out there. Yeah, we weren't expecting a 100+ note 16th crossover stream, were we? This song has odd crossovers and technical fottwork through and through, making it difficult to pass, but even more difficult to score. While it's not the hardest 11 out there, this song sure as hell isn't "the beginning" of the 11-rating in difficulty, pass or score. Fairly fun once you get it down though, especially since the song is awesome.
Utopia: Oh boy, how can you talk about Utopia without having the right arrow syndrome come up? Personally, I'm of a mind to say that it goes to something, because honestly, I hear it in the oscillation of the synths. Some people are adamant it's not there, others are adamant it is, but I found that when I listen to the song, I can get the rhythm better. Interesting.... Anyways, this song is really easy to score. Other than 8 measures of runs (which aren't even candley), this song passes like a 10. Scorewise comes into a few bumpy spots due to the purple and orange, but nothing to deter from a high score, just a perfect score. SOng is awesome and, whether you think it's synced or not, the song is massively fun.
VerTex2 (Hard): YES! Mines, tempo changes, and odd technical footwork. So what. This song is not hard to pass if you can read it, though many people find it difficult to find an appropriate speed to read VerTex's without getting disqualified and rightly so. They unfortauntely cover a vast BPM range. Passwise it's cake, just put on Hallway or mini, or just learn to speed read. Score wise, well score wise it's quite interesting. It's probably on the top 3 with scoring, with Clockwork Genesis still reigning supreme. The technical footwork, the tempo changes, and the mines make the song hard to score, not to mention those quads interlaced in a minefield. Yeehaw. Still, it's decently fun, unlike it's Expert mode counterpart.
Xuxa: It's pretty easy to pass and score. There are no big tricks about it. Is it an 11? Yeah, it's 16th streams are way too extensive to be a 10. Scoringwise is it a 10? Quite possibly, it's not that bad. I'd talk more about this song, but quite honestly, I'm getting bored of this post. _________________
AA Bob wrote: | Summer is as much of a 12 as PSMO is a 9. |
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Katya197 Trick Member

Joined: 26 Jan 2005 Location: NC |
23. Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:20 am Post subject: |
This interests me because this is right in the range of what I can pass and can't pass. As far as 11's go, the only one I really think maybe isn't one is Charlene. It's the only one I can pass easily, and I have 89.xx on it, which is far better than many of my scores on 10's. It's a little bit of a stamina drain, but no worse than something like Know Your Enemy, one of the harder 10's. I think all the rest of the 11's ARE 11's. The only other one I've passed is Xuxa, and even then on a machine with the difficulty level set to two! Most of Xuxa is 10-ish but that one part in the middle makes it an 11.
As far as difficult 10's go. I see things mentioned like Tension and Know Your Enemy. Those were a couple of the last 10's I passed and are certainly on the difficult side of the 10 scale, but definitely 10's I think. Soapy Bubble I can't pass, but I can get near the end then the fast crossovers kill me. I SUCK at crossovers so I think it's me, not the song. I think it's a 10. I'm surprised I haven't seen Disconnected Hyper mentioned. To me, that song is like Xuxa. Most of the song is 10-ish, but to me, the end is ridiculous. I think the end of Disconnected Hyper is longer and harder than the middle of Xuxa. It's the only 10 I really do think should be an 11.
So the only switching I would do would be Charlene = 10 and Disconnected Hyper = 11. |
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snakebite019 Trick Member

Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Location: Deltona Florida |
24. Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:36 pm Post subject: |
Tyrgannus wrote: | In alphabetical order:
Charlene: This stepchart is quite......uninspiring, but not necessarily bad. What it may lack in creativity, it at least makes up for in entertainment. I personally find the song fun. Easy? You better believe it is. 10? No, I actually agree with the 11 rating. 700+ combo, mines galore, decently annoying jacks, and long step jump sections, with all of those it's still easier to pass than Tension sure, but it is noticeably harder to pass than most 10's, and I'm a staunch supporter of rating songs by passing difficulty. Scoring wise? Yeah, scoringwise it's a 10 easy. Ok, moving on.
Clockwork Genesis: WTF??? THat's what everyone says the first time they play the chart. The rhythm? Odd. The footwork? Odd. Tempo changes? You betcha. Odd tells and backwards tells? Yup, they're there too. But, whether you are a critic or not, you half to admit that the steps DO follow the song. Is the song hard to pass? Hell no. This song is about as hard to pass as Visible Noise, it's just crazy to score well (Kind of like Visible Noise too.) Ok, next.
Destiny: No, the 16th run in the beginning doesn't follow the music. If you say it does, you're mistaken. If you believe I'm wrong in saying this, go listen to the music again. Ok, that being said, Destiny is a massively fun chart. The runs are fairly fast, sure, but they aren't candley so they're easy to just glide through, and the jumps make this song SO FUN! Is it hard? Well passingwise it's a mid-11, very benchmark due to the 16th runs. Is it hard to score? No. In fact, like CHarlene, it's about as easy to score as a 10. Who cares, if it passes like an 11, it's an 11. Also, seriously guys, this chart is mega fun. Ok, what's next.....
Hardcore Symphony: Yeesh, if this isn't a nasty one. 12? Nah. Candidate for hardest 11? Possibly, but I argue it's still not the hardest. Hard anyways? You better believe it. Most songs start you off getting a feel for the song before they upon all hell on you, until you reach the double-digit songs, but this one just thrusts you into an inferno. BAM! 16TH STREAM AT 174 NOW GO! Destiny does it too, but I find that run easier somehow. Anyways, there are 3 major parts of this stepchart, the runs, the jumpy-candley gauntlet, and that break with the freeze arrows. Of the 3, you better believe the jumpy-candley gauntlet is the hardest, and NOT the runs. THe runs are very BSable, but the majority of the song isn't. Passwise, hard 11. Scorewise hard 11. Funwise, not at all.
Infection: Be honest, before you ever played this song, you looked at the mine count and got a little scared, right? I did actually. 260 is a daunting number when you're just trying to pass 11's. Honestly though, if you can avoid mines, you can pass Infection. It's a tutorial on advanced mine evasion. Half the song is just an 8th stream with a few crossovers and jacks at 170 with the occasional drill. THat's it. Sure, there are a few runs, but the long runs in the beginning are just glorified rills as well. Whoop-de-doo. Is it fun? Sure. Is it hard to pass? Only if you suck at mines, but honestly, it's an easy 11 passwise. Hard to score? Harder than you think. Most people hit 1 or 2 mines during the song, which drastically reduces score, and along with the fact that mines might scare you to go early or late on a note and cause excellents, this is a formiddable scoring opponent.
July: This has more steps than any fact, it has more steps than 9 of 10 12's and 2 of 3 13's ranking it as the 3rd highest combo in the game. Sheesh. Do you know what July is? 2 minutes of nonstop short candley bursts, and yet for some odd reason, it isn't as tiring as it looks. Though it is fairly fast (170 BPM), and is littered with candles, it is less tiring than oh let's say Pandemonium Hard. Is July hard to pass? Yes, I believe it is a hard 11. Is it hard to score? Other people find this song very easy to score, as in ****able, but honestly, I don't know how they do it. I put this as a mid-difficulty score on an 11, granted you have the footspeed and stamin of course. Is it fun? Not really, but it doesn't yet feel like work like some of the higher difficulty songs.
Monolith: 196 BPM 8th streams with some drills. I was told long before I ever tried it that this was the hardest 11, and other people said it should be a 12. After sightreading over 80% on it (Back when I had less than 90% on Charlene), I realized that either a) I just clicked with this song, or b) most people really suck at this speed of song. I personally don't see the problem with this song. No runs, a few drills, and a few step jumps. Didn't we all play DDR? If you can PA HVAM and pass Bouff, then Monolith shouldn't even be hard for you. Though almost everyone disagrees with me, I rate Monolith as an easy-mid 11 passingwise, and a mid-difficulty scoringwise. I just never found the reason why this was so hard.
Mythology: And now for a completely opposite explanation. Mythology is regarded as easy by many, unless you're me. I know the song shouldn't be hard, it's slow, and only 10 measures of the entire song are 11 worthy. That being said, those 10 measures are quite the hassle for me. I've never comboed them, ever. This is one of those songs that you either can or can't do, and I'm leaning on the can't side. It's a crossover test, and not a very fun one at that. Passingwise, well, that depends on if you can crossover or not. Scoringwise, well, even I think it's pretty easy to score, and the **** record on it confirms it. Is it fun? Well, I think most of the song is fun (I actually enjoy the jumpy section.)
Pandemonium (Hard): This is my candidate for hardest 11. Period. This thing is a stamina beast with it's 839 combo, and is one big jumpy candle from begging to end. This song plays and feels like a 12, and I have better scores on many 12's than on this. Personally, I would have rated this a 12. I couldn't pass this song when I was passing VerTex, !, Go 60 Go, Euphoria, Tell, and Energizer. Yes, Energizer. Passingwise, I think it's the hardest, and scoringwise, I think it's right on up there. (I consider Clockwork Genesis the hardest to score still). Is the song fun? In a way, because it feels like an accomplishment when you you finish it, but while you're at it, it feels like work.
Robotix: Lol. That's all I have to say. This song barely feels like an 11. In fact, it feels similar to a 150 BPM Spin Chicken half the time. Man, this is the easiest ITG2 11. This is pitifully easy to pass (Like Charlene) and is only hard to score if you can't keep a rhythm in your head without anything to go by, and since I'm an audio player, I just use my feet and listen to them. Easy money. I'm not going to talk much more about it, easy to pass, easy to score, and pretty fun. Bam.
The Beginning: This is, the beginning! Be honest, the first time you played ITG, you expected The Beginning to be an easy 11 seeing as it is the slowest 11 out there. Yeah, we weren't expecting a 100+ note 16th crossover stream, were we? This song has odd crossovers and technical fottwork through and through, making it difficult to pass, but even more difficult to score. While it's not the hardest 11 out there, this song sure as hell isn't "the beginning" of the 11-rating in difficulty, pass or score. Fairly fun once you get it down though, especially since the song is awesome.
Utopia: Oh boy, how can you talk about Utopia without having the right arrow syndrome come up? Personally, I'm of a mind to say that it goes to something, because honestly, I hear it in the oscillation of the synths. Some people are adamant it's not there, others are adamant it is, but I found that when I listen to the song, I can get the rhythm better. Interesting.... Anyways, this song is really easy to score. Other than 8 measures of runs (which aren't even candley), this song passes like a 10. Scorewise comes into a few bumpy spots due to the purple and orange, but nothing to deter from a high score, just a perfect score. SOng is awesome and, whether you think it's synced or not, the song is massively fun.
VerTex2 (Hard): YES! Mines, tempo changes, and odd technical footwork. So what. This song is not hard to pass if you can read it, though many people find it difficult to find an appropriate speed to read VerTex's without getting disqualified and rightly so. They unfortauntely cover a vast BPM range. Passwise it's cake, just put on Hallway or mini, or just learn to speed read. Score wise, well score wise it's quite interesting. It's probably on the top 3 with scoring, with Clockwork Genesis still reigning supreme. The technical footwork, the tempo changes, and the mines make the song hard to score, not to mention those quads interlaced in a minefield. Yeehaw. Still, it's decently fun, unlike it's Expert mode counterpart.
Xuxa: It's pretty easy to pass and score. There are no big tricks about it. Is it an 11? Yeah, it's 16th streams are way too extensive to be a 10. Scoringwise is it a 10? Quite possibly, it's not that bad. I'd talk more about this song, but quite honestly, I'm getting bored of this post. |
wow...this is a GREAT list.
except i disagree with your opinion on Pandemonium hard. it was actually the second 11 i passed, first being Xuxa, and third being Charlene (NOT because i think its hard because i thought it was a gay song so i never played it lol)
Utopia haas to be the most fun song in the game _________________
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OLC.Kanji666 Trick Member

Joined: 18 Nov 2006 Location: My mind. |
25. Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:27 pm Post subject: |
Pandy as your second 11...
I play at home on the soft pads that came with ITG, and i can pass every song in the game with the exception of Hardcore of the North expert (I'm very close to though), Euphoria expert (damn 32nds), and Pandy expert. Out of the elevens, i passed Pandy LAST...and so far in 2 months, i've passed it TWICE! |
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Asymptote Trick Member

Joined: 07 Feb 2006 Location: Alloway, NY |
26. Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:25 pm Post subject: |
DarkCore wrote: | Liquid Moon is more deserving of an 11 than Know Your Enemy and Soapy Bubble |
Are you on crack? Or have you just never played these charts?
Easiest 11: Charlene
Hardest: Pandemonium
Most fun: Utopia
Least fun: Pandemonium
Could be an 11 imo: Know Your Enemy
Could be a 12 imo: Pandemonium
And that's all I have to say about that. _________________
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IHYD.Blake Vivid Member

Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Location: Solar City, California |
27. Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:44 pm Post subject: |
The hardest 11 to score on is vertex2.
Thats my only non-99 11, and I think I have 92 on it. _________________
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Hands R' Us Trick Member

Joined: 15 Aug 2005 Location: Mars |
28. Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:36 pm Post subject: |
!: One of the hardest 11s (it used to be a 12 until it was downgraded in ITG PC). The biggest troubles you will face are the 24th drills and crossovers in the streams. The hands will add to the stamina-drain factor, too. Difficulty: 9/10
Charlene: Really difficult to pass at first, but after some practice with mine dodging, it gets easier. Difficulty: 5/10
Clockwork Genesis: Not many steps; however, the candle jumps and double taps will throw you in for a loop. Not too difficult, though; just complex. Difficulty: 5/10
Destiny: The only bad aspect of the stepchart is the jumps. Otherwise, the steps are decent. Difficulty: 6/10
Frozen Fire: The newest 11 in the series, which appears in ITG PC. The steps are just plain YUCK!! Ridiculous gallop patterns and 24ths clusters at the end of the song. Ueeewwwww!! Difficulty: 8/10
Hardcore Symphony: In my opinion, the toughest 11 on the block. Several long 16th swarms and jump streams that will drive you insane. Pretty tiring song. Difficulty: 10/10
Infection: The only thing that makes the song hard is the plethora of mines throughout. Otherwise, it would be just a mid-tier 10. Difficulty: 7/10
July: Despite being tiring, there are not really any complicated step patterns or crossovers. The gallops add to the stepcount, not difficulty, as with Tribal Style. Difficulty: 7/10
Monolith: Pretty badass 16ths scattered about, but not widespread. Gets rather tiring due to the speed. Relates well to Fascination MaxX in DDR SuperNOVA, except for the lack of tempo changes. Difficulty: 9/10
Mythology: The only reason for the 11 on this one is the stupidass neverending crossover stream at the end of the song. Every time I fail the song, it's because of the ending. Difficulty: 8/10
Pandemonium (Hard): Ouch! A hell of a beating if you ask me. The speed, odd-rhythm jumps, and streams make up one of the most tiring stepcharts in ITG. Difficulty: 9/10
Robotix: This is a relatively easy 11 if you know how to crossover on short 16th swarms. There is a huge section of the stepchart that is seriously lacking steps, allowing you to rebuild stamina after the first part. The 1200 BPM run gets pretty difficult if you do not time the taps too well. Difficulty: 5/10
The Beginning: As with Mythology, there are crossover streams, but 6 BPM slower. Speed makes a difference here; it's not too difficult to read the steps at a high speed modifier. It's still a force to be reckoned with, though. Difficulty: 7/10
Utopia: Probably the easiest 11 to pass. If you don't mind scoring bad, then clearing the round is cakewalk. The only thing to worry about, though, is the lengthy 16th stream halfway through the song. Difficulty: 4/10
VerTex2 (Hard): Speed is your main enemy here. If you can't handle complex jumps and gallops at a high rate of speed, then you will not succeed in this one. Overall, not very difficult to pass if you have good sightreading skills. Difficulty: 5/10
Xuxa: Very few swarms to deal with, but as with Utopia, there is a long one halfway into the song. No complicated turns as with Utopia, but a few more steps to contend with. Difficulty: 5/10 _________________
ITG home version expert difficulty progress report: All songs beaten except Pandemonium |
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DarkCore Trick Member

Joined: 28 Jul 2006 Location: Ontario, Canada |
29. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:19 am Post subject: |
Asymptote wrote: | Are you on crack? Or have you just never played these charts? |
I was confusing One False Move with Know Your Enemy, but I still think Soapy Bubble is easier to score on than on Liquid Moon because of the beginning. And I honestly don't see how Pandemonium (Hard) could be a 12. I find Hardcore Symphony, Mythology, and The Beginning harder. |
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snakebite019 Trick Member

Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Location: Deltona Florida |
30. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:21 am Post subject: |
Asymptote wrote: |
Easiest 11: Charlene
Hardest: Pandemonium
Most fun: Utopia
Least fun: Pandemonium
Could be an 11 imo: Know Your Enemy
Could be a 12 imo: Pandemonium
Pandemonium (hard) IS NOT THAT HARD. geeze idk why everyone thinks its the hardest 11. there is no way. i have passed this with 88.xx (79.xx first try) and i have passed july with 87.89. july seems harder to me.
Hands R' Us wrote: | Pandemonium (Hard): Ouch! A hell of a beating if you ask me. The speed, odd-rhythm jumps, and streams make up one of the most tiring stepcharts in ITG. Difficulty: 9/10
i agree with this, but i think it would be a 8/10 difficulty. monolith is harder than this. _________________
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Tyrgannus Trick Member

Joined: 19 Oct 2005 Location: Not about to tell |
31. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:29 am Post subject: |
snakebite019 wrote: | Pandemonium (hard) IS NOT THAT HARD. geeze idk why everyone thinks its the hardest 11. there is no way. i have passed this with 88.xx (79.xx first try) and i have passed july with 87.89. july seems harder to me.
monolith is harder than this. |
There's a thing I like to call "Strengths and Weaknesses".
Gues what, I find Monolith pathetically easy compared to either July or Pandemonium Hard, and find Pandemonium Hard the hardest 11.
It is hard to say anyone is wrong with these statements, because it's all relative to the skill set of the player.
Because of that, screaming Pandemonium isn't that hard when many others do doesn't really make you ma just be good at it.
Oh, and also, 88.xx and 87.89 are too close to accurately compare difficulties. If it was 98.xx and 97.89, that would actually be a different story, but in the 80's? Nah, that could be the difference of what shoes you were wearing or what you ate, heck, or whether you were thinking about that cute cheerleader. _________________
AA Bob wrote: | Summer is as much of a 12 as PSMO is a 9. |
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snakebite019 Trick Member

Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Location: Deltona Florida |
32. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:26 am Post subject: |
i guess
different people can be better at different types of steps. i hate jumps in the middle or right at the end of streams, where it is actually a part of the note stream (IE. MaxX Unlimited)
i find crossovers very easy though, and patterns that are like the fast steps in Hardcore of the North. where its like then another one except its alternating like that. (obviously that would be a little hard because of the double stepped down, but just giving an example) also i like jumps at the beginning of stream that isnt actually part of it. so its like
that could be a reason that i am good at pandy
its all that kind of stuff. at the beginning. then its just skippy stream. _________________
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DarkCore Trick Member

Joined: 28 Jul 2006 Location: Ontario, Canada |
33. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:26 pm Post subject: |
snakebite019 wrote: | Pandemonium (hard) IS NOT THAT HARD. geeze idk why everyone thinks its the hardest 11. there is no way. i have passed this with 88.xx (79.xx first try) and i have passed july with 87.89. july seems harder to me. | Tyrgannus is correct, but I really don't think that Pandemonium is that hard at all. I mean I have bad asthma and I get out of breath really easily but when I flat-footed and barely moved my feet during it, I didn't get majorly out of breath. I was just sweaty and shaking at the end. People just think "OMG PANDY" and assume it's going to be the hardest. I've passed all of the 11's on ITG CS except for The Beginning and Mythology; they're way harder than Pandemonium (Hard) in my opinion because of the crossover streams. I don't know, maybe that's just something I need to work on. |
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snakebite019 Trick Member

Joined: 27 Mar 2006 Location: Deltona Florida |
34. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:57 pm Post subject: |
i have very slight asthma, and if i try to do 2 harder songs in a row (pandemonium, delirium, july, those kinda of thing) i get tired and it gets a little har to breathe. but if i play pandemonium(hard) 2 times in a row, that doesnt happen. if i play july 2 times, it does happen, so idk. thats how i judge my difficulties, lol
pandemonium (hard) has no crossovers (almost), and thats what tire people out the most. when you have to move your foot from one arrow, to the opposite arrow, it is 2 times farther (ex. to you move your foot 2 times further than to ). thats what maked it easy. it almost always sets you up for what is coming next _________________
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TPF.Catch22 Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jan 2006 Location: Euphoria |
35. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:33 pm Post subject: |
Just a few thoughts regarding some of the 11's -
Unless you have excellent stamina, Pandy Hard is an absolute beast. I passed three 12's before I cleared this song.
Hardcore Symphony, Monolith, and ! all look closer to 12's than 11's (of course the latter was one, and I feel it should have remained as an easy 12, just for diversity).
Infection is difficult to score on, at least for me. I've never really learned the triplet-mine section around the middle of the song :/.
Liquid Moon as an 11?
Same for Tension, I suppose the jumps deserve the nod, but the chart gets simple after that. Disconnected Hyper and Soapy Bubble feel closer to 11's.
Again, just my 2 cents. _________________
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DarkCore Trick Member

Joined: 28 Jul 2006 Location: Ontario, Canada |
36. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:40 pm Post subject: |
Which 12's did you pass before Pandemonium (Hard)? The 12's that I've actually tried (VerTex, Delirium, Tell) seem to get me tired way quicker than Pandemonium (Hard) does, and I don't have excellent stamina. In fact I have asthma and my stamina is actually pretty awful. |
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TPF.Catch22 Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jan 2006 Location: Euphoria |
37. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:49 pm Post subject: |
I've passed the three songs you just noted.
I guess Tell was the most tiring out of those 3, but again, it doesn't throw stream at you like Pandy, excluding the short middle section. My Tell score is also worse due to the technicality of the chart and the 16th jumps. _________________
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OLC.Kanji666 Trick Member

Joined: 18 Nov 2006 Location: My mind. |
38. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:03 pm Post subject: |
DarkCore wrote: | Which 12's did you pass before Pandemonium (Hard)? The 12's that I've actually tried (VerTex, Delirium, Tell) seem to get me tired way quicker than Pandemonium (Hard) does, and I don't have excellent stamina. In fact I have asthma and my stamina is actually pretty awful. |
Although you weren't asking me, i also passed 12s before i passed Pandy hard. Those twelves would be Vertex, Delerium, and Euphoria (passed, not scored well XD). Pandy is in general faster and more consistant than to other 11s in terms of runs, as well as the jumps just kill me. I dont know if this has anything to do with it, but i play without the bar, so that might make some things easier, and some things harder.
Also, i found mythology and the begenning to be REEEEALLLY easy...but i actually like crossovers! Dunno whats up with that... |
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davidyko Trick Member

Joined: 05 Jul 2006 Location: San Francisco, California |
39. Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:15 pm Post subject: |
Since I have bad stamina, Pandemonium was the last 11 I passed. But if you ignore stamina, in my opinion, the order of hardness goes more like:
1. The Beginning
2. July
3. Pandy Hard
4...who knows.
And who knows why the last 11 I passed had the best score out off all my 11s. And why I have a better score on VerTex than all but two of the 11s, I have no idea. _________________
Mariogirl wrote: | Edit = lol I <3 davidyko |
David needs more challenges.  |
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