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MyMyBox Nexen/Blueshark/etc Official Thread
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80. PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

revenG: It took my tx's a week to ship; you could probably expect your Nexen in 3-10 days. =)

noctorious: Good move, make sure to review it for us.
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81. PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

noctorious wrote:
Ok. I'm sick of the afterburners at school cuz I keep tripping on the arrows (maybe I wouldn't trip if their tv wasn't hung from the ceiling and like a foot away from me... I'll eventually snap my neck lookin up).


I just ordered a nexen E4.gif Can't wait till it comes in !
I'm just hoping it wasn't a mistake, cuz everytime there is a mymybox discussion it always leads to the blueshark.. the nexen seems to be neglected when they start comparing. I don't have the monies for a blueshark.

Nah, it wasn't a misake buying a Nexen. The only reason everyone talks about the Blueshark is because it's similar to an arcade pad and if it's arcade-like it's automatically considered better. Be sure to give us a review of it when it comes; I'd like to see how good this pad would be on 11's/12's if you can do them.
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82. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll definitely give a review when it comes in; however, I'm a noob and can't do 10's+ lol. Workin on it though!

I'm getting impatient because I've asked them for tracking info and they hadn't replied yet. And the order was placed on the 24th too E2.gif
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83. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

noctorious wrote:
I'll definitely give a review when it comes in; however, I'm a noob and can't do 10's+ lol. Workin on it though!

I'm getting impatient because I've asked them for tracking info and they hadn't replied yet. And the order was placed on the 24th too E2.gif

lol you cant do 10's either eh, looks like were on the same level E4.gif
and yea i would DEFINITELY give reviews of the nexen, if they get here E19.gif
i placed my order on the 18th shocked.gif but yet i used money order, but still i mean its 10 days after and all i got was the receipt
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trob xD
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84. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:57 pm    Post subject: money orders Reply with quote

my mom ordered me a BlueShark on the 18th with Paypal, they gave her an email saying that the payment has been confirmed, but they still need to send an email when it ships!
its been 10 days and still hasnt been shipped, im becoming a little skeptical... erm.gif

could anyone that has ordered anything from MyMyBox give me an idea if im getting ripped off here or if they always do this..
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85. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:07 pm    Post subject: Re: money orders Reply with quote

trob xD wrote:
my mom ordered me a BlueShark on the 18th with Paypal, they gave her an email saying that the payment has been confirmed, but they still need to send an email when it ships!
its been 10 days and still hasnt been shipped, im becoming a little skeptical... erm.gif

could anyone that has ordered anything from MyMyBox give me an idea if im getting ripped off here or if they always do this..

w00t we ordered on the same day, kick @$$, well at least now i know im not alone
anyway, first i sent an email to MMB to see whats going on, the next day i got a response
yesterday i sent MMB another email yet almost 2 days later........ nothin, no response
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86. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

riiight.gif well ehm i guess all we can do is just erm.gif wait for them to email us back?
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87. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

and i always thought mymybox had good service, from what everyone else says ...

and trob, i see you are rockin my avatar D:<
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88. PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Update : so its 11 PM where I live and Ive decided to call MMB myself
w00t they picked up the phone, I was happy, then they told me they just confirmed my moneyorder and should get my tracking email tomorow, w00t im so happy *cries* infact they were so nice that they went to (blah blah blah) and gave me my tracking no. this second, so then they told me to expect my pad to arrive next wed or Dec 6
so for the both of you MMB shopper : go call them, theyll explain EVERYTHING you need to know
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89. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your ordering experience sounds similar to mine when I ordered my Nexen. MMB is a little slow when it comes to responding to email, but they eventually respond.

I think my order arrived withing their estimated timeframe if memory serves me right.

I love the Nexen pad! When I first received the pad, the arrow sensitivity seemed slightly lackluster, and there was a small, light crack near the edge of my bottom arrow. The delivery guys obviously did it by brutalizing the package, which was evident judging by the damage to the packaging itself when it was delivered to me. Anyway, the little crack at the bottom of the bottom arrow never spread and couldn't be felt on the top of the pad anyway, so I could care less.

As far as the feel goes, after using it for a couple days, it seems to have become more sensitive. Since I don't have experience with any other pads and since SuperNova on the PS2 was the first and only DDR game I have ever played, I have little to compare the experience to. I will say though, that this thing is excellent in my opinion. I'm not dissapointed at all in my decision to pony up 200 for the pad. It feels solid and I no longer feel afraid to step on it too hard. I weight about 165 pounds by the way.

I have been playing in socks and never hurt my foot (no cuts, scrapes, etc) on the pad anywhere, so I guess I can backup the claim that the Nexen metal pad is cool for people who want to play in socks. Hell, I played bare foot a couple times, but my feet get sore because they are not that used to pounding away yet.

One thing to note though, is that I ALWAYS wear 2 pairs of socks, regardless of playing DDR; I just like wearing two pair for comfort. That's more cushion on the foot than most people probably enjoy, but I still managed to get two blisters on my feet playing DDR last night. I'm 100% sure that it has to do with the way I have been teaching myself to play DDR. When I'm learning steps in songs that I haven't learned, I spend a lot of time stumbling on the ball of my right foot trying to figure out how to get the faster, complicated steps down.

Anyway, I'd DEFINITELY recommend the Nexen pad to anyone at this point. I play on it maybe an hour to an hour on days I play on it. I have been playing more and more lately because I'm starting to improve and it is less frustrating when you figure out how to get the steps and start to more easily see and hit arrow queues.

No regrets at all! I do have one closing thought though. Let me start by saying that I usually go for the best equipment I can afford when I get into something and hate compromising the experience. With that said, I often wonder that if the Nexen pad is THIS good, I wonder how good the Blueshark really is. How could it be that much better????? I bet I'd never know or realize it until I get to a higher level of play. Also, no Bluesharks were available for purchase when I was shopping anyway. MyMyBox was already up to their neck on orders to get out of the door for Xmas, so new orders had to wait longer.

I'm not good enough to pimp a video out yet, lol. The best I can score on 'difficult' mode while training songs is a C on the 120-140 BPS songs, and anything faster than that is downhill for me. I just started and it's getting a lot easier each time I play. This game is pretty pimp and the pad makes it pimper.
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90. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can anyone give me a quick comparison between the Nexen and a Cobalt?

Most likely I will be getting 1 of the 2, and I was wondering if the Nexen is actually good enough to compare with a Flux.
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91. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ashuras wrote:
Your ordering experience sounds similar to mine when I ordered my Nexen. MMB is a little slow when it comes to responding to email, but they eventually respond.

I think my order arrived withing their estimated timeframe if memory serves me right.

I love the Nexen pad! When I first received the pad, the arrow sensitivity seemed slightly lackluster, and there was a small, light crack near the edge of my bottom arrow. The delivery guys obviously did it by brutalizing the package, which was evident judging by the damage to the packaging itself when it was delivered to me. Anyway, the little crack at the bottom of the bottom arrow never spread and couldn't be felt on the top of the pad anyway, so I could care less.

As far as the feel goes, after using it for a couple days, it seems to have become more sensitive. Since I don't have experience with any other pads and since SuperNova on the PS2 was the first and only DDR game I have ever played, I have little to compare the experience to. I will say though, that this thing is excellent in my opinion. I'm not dissapointed at all in my decision to pony up 200 for the pad. It feels solid and I no longer feel afraid to step on it too hard. I weight about 165 pounds by the way.

I have been playing in socks and never hurt my foot (no cuts, scrapes, etc) on the pad anywhere, so I guess I can backup the claim that the Nexen metal pad is cool for people who want to play in socks. Hell, I played bare foot a couple times, but my feet get sore because they are not that used to pounding away yet.

One thing to note though, is that I ALWAYS wear 2 pairs of socks, regardless of playing DDR; I just like wearing two pair for comfort. That's more cushion on the foot than most people probably enjoy, but I still managed to get two blisters on my feet playing DDR last night. I'm 100% sure that it has to do with the way I have been teaching myself to play DDR. When I'm learning steps in songs that I haven't learned, I spend a lot of time stumbling on the ball of my right foot trying to figure out how to get the faster, complicated steps down.

Anyway, I'd DEFINITELY recommend the Nexen pad to anyone at this point. I play on it maybe an hour to an hour on days I play on it. I have been playing more and more lately because I'm starting to improve and it is less frustrating when you figure out how to get the steps and start to more easily see and hit arrow queues.

No regrets at all! I do have one closing thought though. Let me start by saying that I usually go for the best equipment I can afford when I get into something and hate compromising the experience. With that said, I often wonder that if the Nexen pad is THIS good, I wonder how good the Blueshark really is. How could it be that much better????? I bet I'd never know or realize it until I get to a higher level of play. Also, no Bluesharks were available for purchase when I was shopping anyway. MyMyBox was already up to their neck on orders to get out of the door for Xmas, so new orders had to wait longer.

I'm not good enough to pimp a video out yet, lol. The best I can score on 'difficult' mode while training songs is a C on the 120-140 BPS songs, and anything faster than that is downhill for me. I just started and it's getting a lot easier each time I play. This game is pretty pimp and the pad makes it pimper.

Thank you so much for your review E1.gif . Knowing that a new player loves the pad DOES make a difference, for many of my friends started out and didn't want to continue because they had crappy pads.

Oh, they've responded with a tracking number; the estimated arrival is next Monday. E1.gif You're right that they're slow, but as long as they get it done within a reasonable amount of time, it's fine with me.
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92. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I payed my items with visa on 14th. Still waiting for my order to ship, 2 days and no answer with mail. It takes 7 days to ship, all the way to Finland. Im going to get such a hurry for this all, because Im building my own pads, and should get them ready for christmas.
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93. PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You might want to just slap a little piece of tape over that crack or something.
One of my TX's had a little crack like that when it arrived (although it wasn't the fault of the shipping; that thing was so cased in styrofoam, a bomb wouldn't have gotten to it.
Anyway, the point is, it took 3 months for that panel to have a sunburst crack covering about a quarter of the pad.
I used it another 2 hours, and the crack now comes within an inch of each side.
Just warning ya; watch it like a hawk.
I used to be active here lol
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94. PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DancingTofu wrote:
You might want to just slap a little piece of tape over that crack or something.
One of my TX's had a little crack like that when it arrived (although it wasn't the fault of the shipping; that thing was so cased in styrofoam, a bomb wouldn't have gotten to it.
Anyway, the point is, it took 3 months for that panel to have a sunburst crack covering about a quarter of the pad.
I used it another 2 hours, and the crack now comes within an inch of each side.
Just warning ya; watch it like a hawk.

Cool, thanks for the heads up :-) I'm going to keep an eye on it. I think a replacement Lexan arrow isn't too expensive, so I might order some in advance just to have spare parts on hand incase I'd ever need them in the future.

On another note, I found out that MMB was making an Xbox 360 interface for the pad too. I can't wait to see how cool DDR Universe looks on the 360 overall.

I'm really liking DDR more and more after every play. It becomes even more fun when you get noticeably better with practice. Anyway, I'm extremely glad to have found these forums and to have had the opportunity to read as much as I did here on DDR, pads, and related things. Thanks to everyone's feedback and experience, I ended up making what looks to be a pretty good decision on a pretty nice metal pad. I can't imagine having to play on anything less than a metal pad now. Anything that flops on the carpet wouldn't make it feel the same to me.

I hope everyone else who ordered the same pad has as good an experience as I have been having. If I get a 2-3 years of use out of my pad, I'd be happy. Anything more than that is just gravy in my opinion, but I'll hope that it lasts forever E4.gif
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95. PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How much weigth can the Blueshark hold, i'm 210 and if i buy a blueshark will there be any way that it will break, cause i was wondering can it work if i dance Max unlimited standard with all those jumps, but if it does break theres always that 6 month gaurrentte, and i always dance every day for 1 hour on my crappy softpad, so is it built to hold a 210 pound person?
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96. PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

JCRRSDawgs wrote:
How much weigth can the Blueshark hold, i'm 210 and if i buy a blueshark will there be any way that it will break, cause i was wondering can it work if i dance Max unlimited standard with all those jumps, but if it does break theres always that 6 month gaurrentte, and i always dance every day for 1 hour on my crappy softpad, so is it built to hold a 210 pound person?

from what ive heard i think 210 is no sweat for the BS
ive seen a few pics of the BS parts and from what ive seen i dont think it will break in anyway
and yea u got that warranty to back you up
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97. PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

revenGmyass wrote:
JCRRSDawgs wrote:
How much weigth can the Blueshark hold, i'm 210 and if i buy a blueshark will there be any way that it will break, cause i was wondering can it work if i dance Max unlimited standard with all those jumps, but if it does break theres always that 6 month gaurrentte, and i always dance every day for 1 hour on my crappy softpad, so is it built to hold a 210 pound person?

from what ive heard i think 210 is no sweat for the BS
ive seen a few pics of the BS parts and from what ive seen i dont think it will break in anyway
and yea u got that warranty to back you up
210 on a BS is the equivalent of putting 5 pounds on a tx1000 or AB
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trob xD
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98. PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 2:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i called MyMyBox and they said my BS should be sent by December 6 and estimated to be here on the 14th!!

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99. PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

so i just got bad news thing is i wont be getting a blueshark E2.gif cause it almost comes to $400(with shipping i think) so i think i will get a Nexen(i think they cost like $200) so can this pad be played with shoes on and it it support my weigth cause i dance hardcore for everyday and i don't want it to break or not work with all the songs i dance like Afronova(heavy and some other hardcore songs) so can this pad last me for some years?So is the Nexen a good pad like the Blueshark or is a Colat Flux better than a Nexen
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