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foyboy21 Roxor Staff

Joined: 21 Sep 2002 Location: Seattle |
0. Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:50 pm Post subject: Old School, differant times, differant accomplishments |
In 3 months my 8th season of dance games will begin. I would like to reflect upon how the level of play has completly changed over the years. Accomplishments mean completly differant things dependant on when they were achieved. Please do not discuss anything more than 1 year after 8th mix as this is an old school thread, not a new school thread.
I would like to see what events were most meaningfull to you in your dance game carrears. Be sure to say what era your events took place as well as what event it was.
A SSS on a beginner song used to be groundbreaking whlie a AAA on heavy is no longer anything to talk about. Time sure have changed.
(fyi, this is where some players should hit the back button on thier browser if they don't want to ready about differant peoples accomplishments or favorite memories)
Welp, here are a few of mine to start of this journy through time.
First stop 1st mix days. We had only 13 songs to choose from, doubles only had basic and trick (maniac/heavy was only on singles play). Hidden was the only visual modifyer in exhistance. 30 fps and a grading system that had no special grade for all perfects. Flat was the ONLY note skin.
So there I was, the first and only time in my dance game carrer that I nearly quit playing. I could pass the hardest song on hidden shuffle, there was nothing left to do... or so I thought. The song was only an 8 footer called paronia 180. PASSING this song on hidden shuffle was unheard of, it made you a god. Full combo?!! no way. Perfect attack? Perfect attack hadent even been thought of yet.
#1 I passed paronia 180 on maniac hidden shuffle in either 1999 or early 2000
A short time later TEAM SEATTLE was born creatd by metroid23. Metroid and Megami lead Team Seattle leading myslef, GPF Lith, SanNoDea and other to many tournament wins. Team Seattle, in thier prime, was unstoppable.
Then, a long time later 3rd mix came out. Songs were so much harder, they had CATASTROPHIC songs, it was no longer simple to exhorbitant. NINE FEET OF DIFFICULTY!!!!
The top players were so excited about PASSING 9 foot songs.
And what is this? Sudden?!! What the heck is that and what is SSR?
Turns out if you entered a special code you would exit the normal game (1-8 feet) and enter Step Step Revolution (maniac only "there are no easy choices in this mode") The best of the best players were beginning to play HEAVY songs on Sudden and Shuffle; note that heavy mode was always in flat by default. In Cali the "elite" coined the phrase S4R standing for SSSSR-> Sudden Shuffle SSR -> Sudden Shuffle Step Step Revolution -> which meant sudden shuffle on heavy where flat was forced upon you (unless you entered in the vivid code).
DDR became fun again as once again there was a challange.
#2 passed Paronia Rebirth on Sudden Shuffle Flat Heavy
Now PA was begging to take off, the handfull of tournyment played during the 1st mix days were now being forgotten and the multitude of tournaments exploded in the 3rd mix says.
#3 I got a SSS on Am3P
I heard the male announcer yell "oh god... OH GOD!!!" it was very disturbing. oh, and the SSS was not on maniac or even trick. In fact, I am not sure if anyone had ever gotten a SSS on a trick song when 3rd mix first came out. That may have not happend until a couple months later.
3rd mix now had a "unison mode" in this mode the arrows for BOTH players scrolled in the middle of the screen. All 8 arrows were in only 4 colums. Each player had to hit only thier color of arrow. Thus SUDDEN UNISON was born. With the arrows being white in Unison Sudden (excluding the rare phantom black arrow) players could no longer tell which arrow was thiers or the other players. Playing unision sudden shuffle forced each player to try and hit all the arrows. 9 foot songs were now 10 foot songs with 3 and 4 arrow hits. In this time frame I could pass gentel stress and do it all night no unision sudden shuffle. I had never seen another player pass or even claim to be able to do this. Later on in 3rd mix days a very small amount of players began to pass these ( less than 5 in Washington state). Cynic (known as Entropy), just a kid at the time was one of them.
#4 passing Gentle Stress Unision Sudden Shuffle
USA mix came into light and kanomi would have the 1st ever US ranking. Metroid23 and I would both make the top 10 in the US at PA. We recieved special shirts, posters etc. OTTIS PITMEN would reighn suprime and was ranking #1 in the US. I never found out who this person was, or what his posting name on forums was. I would love to know the history behind that name.
#5 being offically ranked by kanomi as one of the top 10 PA players in the US.
Toward the end of 3rd mix I began making edits to give top level players something to challange themselves once again. Meanwhile GPF Lith was SSS'ing Heavy songs
4th mix was now upon us. The leaders of Team seattle stepped down, GPF Lith, Myself and SanNoDea now lead team seattle and continued to dominate. Competing in primarly in Canada, Washington, and California, Team seattle had never entered a tournament that they did not get 1st place in, often getting the top 3 to 4 spots.
I created a new rating scale for difficulity as 4th mix gave us no songs harder than 9. The songs above level nine were now subdivided into a b and c due to the difficulty rating be so large above 9. I created edits as hard as 11.b back in those days. no one used the bar and 1x with 30 fps was required as speed mods did not yet exhist. Creating and being able to pass my 11.b era edit was one heck of a feet considering many paronia rebirth was the hardest offical song avalible. Shortly later I would pass this edit on S4R no bar. Also Aaron in japan would go on to FULL COMBO this edit. My best was 4 goods, I could not full combo it during this era, Aaron was god like and still unkown to most in the US.
#6 Passing Era 11.b no bar 1x 30 fps
The Advent of bar usage. For the 1st time in my carrer I used the bar. WHY? Drop Out was avalible and the jewuled cup of the ultra elite S4R player. PASSING this was the "hardest feat" in the DDR world. I may have been the 1st player to full combo Drop Out S4R. I have never found anyone that had done it BEFORE I had done it. JSB, one of the old greats I belive was one of the first few people to Full combo it S4R as well.
#7 Full comboing Drop Out S4R
5th mix came, with 60 fps, a new grading scale, bpm stops, and new songs, 5th mix quickly became many plaers faverite mix. I would enter many freestyle competitions and win 1st place in all of them. (now remember, this is a sighn of the times, not a sighn that I am great at freestyle).
Players in japan were now AAAing 9 foot songs which would shock everyone else. We had no idea that that was even possible.
My days of S4R continued. Drop out was now down to a full combo with the greats in the low teens. JSB and I would go back and forth on who had the best score in the country on that song with those mods as we kept one upping each other. One day I had an amazing score and Full Comboed Leading Cyber S4R with only 3 greats. This score was so amazing that old school gods such as Take and Yasu belived this score to be a hoax. Not until picture proof and witnessed accounts did japan believe this score.
#8 3 greats on Leading Cyber S4R
Sixth mix was now upon us. Having played Solo 2k on reverse and high speed I hoped to get an edge on the competition as the new "extra stage" was supposeed to be on 1.5x reverse. With 6th mix came new mods and DDR finally did what PiU had been doing for years and added hold arrows (re named freeze arrows) and speed mods. I had hoped to pass max300 on my 1st try as no one in my state did (I am not sure if anyone in the US was able to do so on thier first try or not. Some players at this point had DDR on thier computers and thus could now practice NEW songs). Not having DDR on my computer at home I had hoped that my sight reading skills would be good enough to pass it on my 1st try. I could not belive how fast the arrows sped by as I faild the song. The next day I made it all the way to the finall freeze arrow, I threw my arms up in excitement as I completed the song. But due to weak sensors, the mear shift in weight caused one of the freeze arrows to give me a no good. I watched in horror as I FAILD the song. The next day I passed max300. I was the 1st to do it in our area, and months would go by until there was a second. With a crowd over 50, many screams and cheers europted, multiple cameras flashed as I passed max 300. The staff came out of thier offices and congratulated me. These sure were differant times.
*9 passing max300
To raise money for charity, several members in team seattle and team infinity of Oregon did the ultimate marathon of ddr. 6 of us smashed the old world record and 3 of us tied for the new guiness record. We shut off the cameras (as it all had to be recorded for guiness) at 36 hours. This way all 3 of us could "offically" hold the world record. However we did not stop there. We kept on playing. after over 40 hours of continus play I tried max300 on S4R as it had just recently been unlocked for normal play. MUCH to my suprise I passed max300 S4R for the 1st time ever. I may have been the 1st to do so.
*10 setting the offical world record of 36 hours, and going on to play for over 40 hours.
*11 passing max300 S4R
7th mix was now upon us and Oni was invented. The scene was chaning as many of the players I had started with no longer played. Those of us left were now the old of the old school (I don't even know what that makes now days). MaxX unlimated was orignally 1.5x reverse dark boost. However a last minute change removed the boost. MaxX was harder than Max300, but the level of play had incread among players. I passed it the 1st day it came out with little difficulity. The creation of 12 foot edits were now a reality. Use of the bar was now prevelant as this was the 2nd mix with speed mods, and speed mods were forced upon us during the extra stages. I started to see how fast I could play on shuffle. breaking 700 bpm was a huge step, passing So Deep 5x shuffle was unreal. Shortly later I would even pass Paronia Rebirth on 5x shuffle, finally topping out at 1008 bpm as my fastest durnig 7th mix days.
*12 breaking 1000 bpm
8th mix arrived, legond of max was super fast, but nothing too difficult as the level of play continued to increase. I continued with S4R and shockingly AAAed a 9 on S4R. New spread, and it was indeed the first AAA on a 9 in the world. It was Paronia Clean mix on 1.5x Sudden Shuffle Flat Heavy. JSB decided he wanted a pice of that action and worked toward repeating that goal. One day he told me he was now up to AAAing 8's on S4R. I asked him which 8's. One of them was EOTC. I informed him that EOTC was re-rated on this mix and that it was now a 9. So in fact he had just AAAed a 9 and not konw it. I belive he holds the 2nd ever AAA on a 9. This was one of the few things we did before the japan players did.
*13 worlds first AAA on a 9 S4R.
The world of dance games would change after this. Other dance games failed and ceased to exhist. With no more competitioin in the arcade for kanomi, kanomi would no longer make arcade games. They responded to letters sent by many players confirming that they would offically never make arcade games again. Much later ITG would provide competition once again and kanomi responded by releasing another arcade game. However with the elimination of competition once again, the future looks grim for new 4 panel games. |
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Zukin-Man Trick Member

Joined: 25 Nov 2002 Location: War Agony |
1. Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:48 pm Post subject: |
I was (and still am) all about some 5th Mix. I still remember how ecstatic I was when I first beat If You Were Here (B4 Za Beat Mix) on Maniac. I recall constantly repeating, "I'm never gonna beat this!" about ten seconds before I started playing it.
I have fond memories of how the hardest songs used to be Furuhata's Theme, Drop Out, and Leading Cyber, and what a big deal people would make if you could beat any of them on Maniac. _________________
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Nicx Trick Member

Joined: 07 Apr 2004 Location: hawaii |
2. Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:16 am Post subject: |
i remember back in 4th+ days my goal was to just pass every 9.
since then i have AAA'd 212 heavy/oni single on extreme LOL
we have a stepmania machine near me that has 1st through supernova.
and i play on it just for old school tracks,
god of romance
baby love me
of course there is alot more...
come on the old days were the SHIT!!! |
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cfusionpm Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: San Diego, CA |
3. Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 1:31 pm Post subject: |
i remember back most vividly when i played regularly on 4th+. i believe i was one of the first people to regularly full combo orion.78 on the following modes: normal (which is 1x, vivid, 30fps), flat, shuffle flat, sudden shuffle flat. i never got it down to do hidden for that song. that was always my favorite achievement because nobody else seemed to be as versitile in reading such cramped busy charts; especially on flat. i used that exact piece of knowledge to secure myself 2nd place at a tournament in 2001.
waayyy back (i think just around 3rd mix's release), the only machine i had access to was a 1.5 mix. i was able to do butterfly trick, and more impressively AM3P maniac on "ghetto stealth." since stealth (or sudden, or many other mods) werent available at the time, i was able to pass (and usually combo) these two songs on hidden (UDUDUDUD?) and mirror (LRLRLRLR?) while facing away from the screen. for old time's sake, i played AM3P on our supernova machine without looking at the screen (but facing forward) and while i did have to look up about every 10 or 15 seconds, i managed to get only 4 greats on it.
when 4th mix had just come out, i drove up to super arcade to play it. being a newb at the time, i really only played the songs familiar to me in my 1.5 mix and USA mix that were available near me. more AM3P stealth!
i remember being so proud of myself for full comboing the big four in US mix (since we didnt have a 3rd). paranoia rebirth, dynamite rave, afronova, and dead end. i was the only one in my area able to do that for some time.
that tournament in 2001 was awesome. i had entered the first one DDR Dragz, the year before, but like an uninformed noob, i picked a hard song for my qualifier (orion.78 maniac) i dont remember what score i got, but i seeded just out of the next round. at Dragz II, i seeded first with one great on rhythm and police basic (i would have loved to AAA [actually AA since it was a 4+] but oh well). i went undefeated in every match untill losing to mike ngo, who i believe seeded second with 4 greats on syncronized love MANIAC.... in 2001. anyway, like i said earlier, i won that last round before mike ngo because my summer love was selected, and my choice for forced mod was flat. i won that round much more easilly than any of the others, and ended up taking home a trophy, 50$, and a tshirt for 2nd place.
a very fond memory of progression was right as 5th mix came out. i was somewhat good at a few 9s, but not amazing. a nickel arcade near me got it right away, and i played there literally every day for 3 weeks. i left there with full combos on songs like rhythm and police, b4u glorious style, and a couple other really tricky ones. a huge step forward in skill progression, and i did it ENTIRELY by myself. i had no outside help, no people telling me what to do or how to play, no sites with tips, everything i learned i had to learn myself.
nothing big in recent (2003-2004; pre-"retirement") accomplishments other than stuff like a 5.1.1. AAA on sudden shuffle dark 1x, no bar on my 2nd try, a couple other S4R AAAs that i cant remember off the top of my head, 6 greats on rhythm and police 1x S4R dark a handful of double mode AAAs. and double mode in general. i learned double mode in a span of about a week and a half. within 3 weeks, i had SDGd several 9s, and soon after AAAd them. thats one of the big reasons why i advocate playing double; cuz its REALLY not that hard to learn. but i also always played (and still do) 99% on 1x and without the bar. _________________
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Razma Vivid Member

Joined: 20 Jun 2002 Location: Colorado Springs, CO |
4. Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:26 pm Post subject: |
FoyBoy, I just wanted to let you know that your post made me feel pretty damn old because I remember 1st mix.
Also, the memories of going back and listing all my accomplishments would be a little crazy for me. Also, I'm nowhere near as good as you are but back when 3rd mix had Maniac Doubles, I was the shit and people loved it.
Also, thank you for giving a very detailed description of DDRs evolution over the history of the games life.
ak47 pics
Last edited by Razma on Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total |
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foyboy21 Roxor Staff

Joined: 21 Sep 2002 Location: Seattle |
5. Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:45 pm Post subject: |
Razma, it was great to be a part of it, glad you enjoyed the remanising. We sure had a lot of great years. |
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Mariogirl Trick Member

Joined: 09 Sep 2005
6. Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:14 am Post subject: |
<3 _________________
PM me for my bank information and credit card number, or call me at my home phone (1-[secret mexican area code]-384-4838, or press down all three buttons on your jitterbug phone at the same time) for any other information you would like to know. |
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GotACoolName Trick Member

Joined: 28 May 2006 Location: Hales Corners, Wisconsin |
7. Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:38 am Post subject: |
Why do people call something "the shit" when when they think it's awesome, cool, or whatever? _________________
Brawl FC: 4725-7610-1200 |
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mistercow_pnoy Trick Member

Joined: 17 May 2005
8. Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:30 am Post subject: |
Oh yes! I am the Bjork! wrote: | Why do people call something "the shit" when when they think it's awesome, cool, or whatever? |
Because they can?
Also, foyboy, that was a very enjoyable read. _________________
This is an automated message from the DDR Freak Forums warning system. You have been warned for the following reason: flamebait, completely unnecessary and racist language that can only serve to promote flames. |
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Ottis Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Brea, CA |
9. Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:35 pm Post subject: |
foyboy21 wrote: | OTTIS PITMEN would reighn suprime and was ranking #1 in the US. I never found out who this person was, or what his posting name on forums was. I would love to know the history behind that name. |
Actually, it's Ottis Pittman. It's simply my first and last name. Ottis being pronounced Ah-tis not Otis. Sorry that there isn't really an interesting story behind it.
But, for what it's worth, thanks for the memories!
Take care,
Ottis |
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Cartoonist Trick Member

Joined: 13 Aug 2006 Location: Israel, moved to New Zealand 4yrs ago :P |
10. Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:11 am Post subject: |
Ottis wrote: | foyboy21 wrote: | OTTIS PITMEN would reighn suprime and was ranking #1 in the US. I never found out who this person was, or what his posting name on forums was. I would love to know the history behind that name. |
Actually, it's Ottis Pittman. It's simply my first and last name. Ottis being pronounced Ah-tis not Otis. Sorry that there isn't really an interesting story behind it.
But, for what it's worth, thanks for the memories!
Take care,
Ottis |
So you were that guy? Cool.
That was an enjoyable read. I play oldschool DDR all the time, but I never played 1st mix. Flat was the only noteskin? x.x _________________
Stop showing off your "haxing skills" with backwards info guys, this trick is ooooold news. |
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foyboy21 Roxor Staff

Joined: 21 Sep 2002 Location: Seattle |
11. Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:42 pm Post subject: |
Wow, It's the man himself. You are a pice of our history. So tell us a little bit about yourslef. Also, tell us your top scores and what you could do WHEN you were ranked #1 in the US.
If I remember correctly, you full comboed Paronia Rebirth 5 times in a row. Any idea how many greats you used to get?
For people that weren't around back in those days, full comboing Paronia Rebirth or Dead End was a HUGE accomplishment. Kinda like Passing both extra stages when 6th mix was around. |
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Ottis Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Brea, CA |
12. Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:05 pm Post subject: |
Heh, okay... This might be interesting. Be warned that the DDR portion is near the bottom. I've marked it if you'd like to skip ahead.
I got my start in "professional gaming" in 1997 when my youngest brother, Cody, won a tournament at GameWorks - Ontario (located in Southern California, not Canada) on Vertical Reality. This inspired me to enter a national tournament GW held the next month on The House of the Dead. During this time, I met Robert (known here as Tempest).
I won at Ontario and was flown to Grapevine, Texas. There I beat the finalists from Seattle, Las Vegas and Grapevine. I won $5000.
A short time after that, I got the world record score ( on it.
Now, Cody won his tournament in September, I won mine in October. My other brother, Matt, wins a tournament in December winning a Neo Geo 2 slot arcade machine. I don't know where GW got it, but it's much nicer than any Neo Geo machine I've seen since.
I decided that we needed to get more organized and started a small group of regulars at GameWorks. We had about 3 other people, so 6 total.
Skip ahead a few years and we are starting to do really well. We even split into three groups and won arcade machines in three different locations (Tempe, Las Vegas and Ontario) in a single night.
I got really good at "calling" tournaments making it easier for us to practice on only certain games.
Instead of promoting it, Corporate GameWorks decided that they were going to put a stop to us. They scaled the tournaments way back and eventually quit doing them. It also probably didnât help that DreamWorks pulled out.
***DDR begins here***
Jump ahead again and I'm standing in line for the midnight release of the Dreamcast at EB in the Ontario Mills Mall (9/9/99). My spot in line has me next to a big window of GW's. They were setting DDR up for the first time.
I told my brothers and the rest of the "team" that we needed to practice that game because it will have the next big tournament on it. Only Cody and I answered the "call."
One day at GW, an older woman asked me if I was any good at DDR. She said that she was an Anesthesiologist from Northern California and made many trips to Palm Springs. Through her connections she heard about a tournament and gave me the details. I wasn't sure about it because it wasn't going to be held at GW. Basically, I had no idea what the competition was. It was held at Southern Hills Golf Land (SHGL). I got two pad misses on Brilliant 2 U Trick. The tournament was based on score so a Miss meant you were out. I told the "officials" what had happened but I wasn't taken seriously. Later they did stop playing on that side because of it.
Jenith is playing on 2P side.
I only ran into that woman once more after that. She gave me $200 to use on playing the game. She said that she would just waste it gambling. I canât remember her name. I think she bought a DDR machine and invited the Nor Cal bunch over to play for free. Any of you up there know who Iâm talking about?
Forward to the end of May, 2000. I found another tournament being held at Santa Monica Pier, which had a better scoring format than SHGL (Perfect Attack). This was the first time that a PA tournament was ever held in the US. I just got back from a trip to Las Vegas where I scored 100% Perfects on Brilliant 2 U Trick at Circus Circus.
I told Cody that I was thinking about entering this tournament and he starts in about how good his friend, Mike, is at DDR. He says something about how if Mike entered, he'd beat me. It was a stupid argument really... Anyway, I offered to pay for their entry fees so they could prove it to me.
On the day of, they back out. Then I decide not to go. Then I get a phone call that they are down there. I don't know if it was a communication error or what happened. The tournament is going to start in about an hour and I live around 70 miles East of Santa Monica. Lucky for me, the power was out at the arcade and it started late.
In the qualifying round, Cody scores 100% Perfects on Brilliant 2 U Trick (this is not some kind of crazy typo. He did the same thing on the same song exactly a week after I did). Since he had witnesses who actually knew something about the game, he often gets credit for being the first in the US to score 100% Perfects.
The only flaw in this tournament was exposed by the way seeding was done. Starting with the number 1 seed, each player could put their name any place on the bracket. I suggested that Cody and Mike put their names on the opposite side from my girlfriend, Samantha, and I.
Cody and Mike got eliminated in the first round. I on the other hand, won the tournament without losing a single stage. The next day, I got a call from Tempest congratulating me. Then I see a similar congratulation post on the forum. This was taken the wrong way by some people (they thought I was posting and congratulating myself) who set out to attack us. You know, the usual internet BS. Samantha was my sister type stuff. Actually, they couldnât really come up with much better than that. But, a great deal of the DDR community jumped on the band wagon. People who didnât even know me, bashed me. The group that stands out the most is Team Changoland (TCL).
The DDR USA Internet Ranking is announced and a member of TCL, CrackPrOn, congratulates another member, Saikonip, on his first place win on the forum. I couldnât stand for that. I wanted to prove him wrong. Had he not done that, I probably wouldnât have even entered. Also, there was a great deal of talk floating around about how someone who plays at a GameWorks isnât a serious gamer. So, I had to squash all that!
I find out that Saiko had been playing all the songs on USA for over a year on an imported 3rd mix. I had only played 3rd mix once or twice and didnât even touch SSR. I think the IR lasted for three months. I didnât even know which song to play for the first month. I was trying to rank on Dead End Difficult/Standard. I read that I needed to play Paranoia Rebirth on Expert/Heavy somewhere online. I just played it over and over
People always posted about how terrible GW was to play DDR. High prices, loud ambient music, machine was on a wobbly stage and the crowds in there usually heckled the player. I didnât set out to be some kind of Champion of GW or anything. I hated the place myself by that time. It was mutual, so the crew would commonly disappear when I needed help or turn the music up in the place so you couldnât hear anything. They would also go around and erase any games that had my high scores on it. But, it was my only option if I wanted to enter the 5 song single category.
On February 13th, 2001 I got a call at work from Samantha about how TCL had taken over the top spots. She was very upset about it. My coworkers could hear her crying and asked if everything was okay. I explained the situation exactly how it was and asked for the rest of the day off. They said no and I said, âI quit!â I went straight to GW only to find that they were closing for a party in an hour and wouldnât be open the next day. The next day was the last day to enter scores. There wasnât another USA set to 5 stages anywhere near the area. I was so nervous that on the first game I played I totally missed the first step. On the very next game, I got the score that would win me the title.
I donât remember my exact Great count or the score. It was around 90 total Greats for the 5 stages. I usually got 15 to 23 per song. I read that I had less overall Greats than the person that won 4 Songs Single, Joey Cuellar. I had 433 more steps for those that donât want to do the math. I just really wanted to full combo it 5 times in a row because I knew that that was what I needed to do to win.
Here is the text of the email:
Dear Ottis,
Congratulations on placing #1 in the 5 Songs Single category in Konami's DDR USA Winter Dance Explosion. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your prize. Also, please confirm your mailing address by return.
We had a tremendous response to the contest, and we would like to congratulate all the players who competed. After reviewing the entries and eliminating duplicate entries/contestants and invalid input dates, we are pleased to announce the following prize winners:
5 Songs Single/Versus
1) Ottis Pittman
2) Saikonip - TCL
3) Kevin (D
4) Ferrari
5) Jeremy Rousu
6) Anthony Bui
7) Roger Teng
8) Avri Rahamim (Jim the Eternal)
9) Corey Prasek
10) Chris Foy
5 Songs Double
1) Hikari - TCL
2) MIC
3) Kevin (Dishes) Chan
4) Bryant Kongkachandra (Orochi)
5) Jeffrey Lind
6) Samantha Harris
7) Matthew Ragsdale
8) Robert "Nykkel" DeLoura
9) Wu Teng
10) Geordan Rosario
4 Songs Single/Versus
1) Joey (Mr. Wizard) Cuellar
2) Mike Ngo
3) Javi Mareno
4) Kanashimi
5) Seth Killian
6) John Taylor
7) Steve SDX
8) Graham Appleby
9) Kent Takamoto
10) Chris Punzalan
4 Songs Double
2) Kevin Kitagawa
3) Pat Reisen
4) Steven Stadnicki
5) RJ Tosoc
6) Max Ayco
7) Gilly Ruta
8) Chris Chappa
9) Jen-Neko-Han
10) Kevin Corey
3 Songs Single/Versus
1) James L
2) The One
3) Waterboy
4) Omni
6) BEBE!
7) Kelson "syx_64" Juan
8) I-Gene Leong
9) Austin Galliguez
10) MoJo Terry
3 Songs Double
1) CrackPrOn-TCL
2) Castel
3) Kid Zero TCL
4) Ponder
5) Hyun Ik Kim
6) Rupe
7) Mike Benitez
8) Kenichi Ishida
9) Erik Kjellman
10) Nebu Pookins
Thanks again to all the players who helped make the DDR USA Winter Dance Explosion so successful!
Best Regards,
Mary Hermanson
Marketing Manager, Coin-Op Div.
Konami of America
I beat everyone in the US at DDR and all I got was this stupid jacket.
Iâve still to this day, never full comboed Afronova Heavy except for when Iâve played it on Shuffle. Despite being 29 years old, Iâm still pretty much on the same level I was back then. But, I never bothered to improve on it because the tournament yield was so terribly low. I did plan to enter the SuperNOVA IR. But, so far, the courses suck IMO.
Today, I enjoy hanging out with my little gaming group in Rancho Cucamonga and playing Nintendo DS on Sunday nights.
Anything I miss? Something else I can answer?
Ottis |
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mistercow_pnoy Trick Member

Joined: 17 May 2005
13. Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:41 pm Post subject: |
You're awesome. _________________
This is an automated message from the DDR Freak Forums warning system. You have been warned for the following reason: flamebait, completely unnecessary and racist language that can only serve to promote flames. |
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foyboy21 Roxor Staff

Joined: 21 Sep 2002 Location: Seattle |
14. Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:08 pm Post subject: |
Holy chirst, that was a great read. What a great recap. I gotta make a few calls and have some of the old schoolers check out your post. Several of them are on that ranking you listed. I was quite suprised to see my name on that list when I first got the email.
If I remember correctly, didn't you actually have the #1 ranking for 3, 4 AND 5 songs?
To bad you didn't stick with music games, it would be very intresting to see what you would be doing on them by now.
I am really gald I finally got to know a bit about you after all of these years. I had always wondered who was behind that name. |
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wolf2ktd (DDRaHolic) Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jun 2002 Location: Baton Rouge, LA |
15. Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:42 am Post subject: |
This is truly one of the greatest threads on DDRFreak. I have always enjoyed reading old tournament threads and wish more old forums/forum posts were available to read. I guess I am just fascinated by the history of the game and community, and in particular, the West Coast, as it seems to have the richest history and the most fascinating player stories.
Thanks again for a wonderful read... what chance that you would have seen this thread and been able to respond to Chris' post!!
This thread, along with the "What Old-School Is. Post Your Memories" thread in the Socal forum are just gold to me. If any of you know of any other threads in this same vein, point me to them! _________________
thefantomfreak, on Konami's acquisition of ITG wrote: | Guys i figured it out.
This is payback for Hiroshima. |
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Ottis Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Brea, CA |
16. Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:57 pm Post subject: |
foyboy21 wrote: | If I remember correctly, didn't you actually have the #1 ranking for 3, 4 AND 5 songs? |
When it ended, I had 3 and 5 songs. I had 2nd for 4 songs.
GameWorks had the original US version (1.5) set to 5 songs. Then when they put USA in, they set it at 4. I asked a tech about it and he said that they were changing it to 5. Before they did that, I played a game and recorded the score. But, that score was later beaten and I ended up with a second place for 4 songs. There wasn't enough time to find a machine set to 4 songs at that point. |
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Marq(uistadorous) Trick Member

Joined: 03 Aug 2005 Location: Arvada, CO |
17. Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:28 pm Post subject: |
Wow, it sounds like ddr used to be much more relaxing and mabey even more fun than it is now. I enjoyed reading this thread. _________________
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cfusionpm Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: San Diego, CA |
18. Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:38 pm Post subject: |
Marquistadorous wrote: | Wow, it sounds like ddr used to be much more relaxing and mabey even more fun than it is now. |
oh yeah. its really gone downhill since ITG, IMO. its nothing but scores and tournaments now; the "fun" doesnt matter anymore. shame, really. 2000-2003 were the golden years. _________________
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The Wise Fool Trick Member

Joined: 27 Jan 2006 Location: Western Washington |
19. Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:48 pm Post subject: |
Man, this thread depresses me. I feel like I missed out on the prime of DDR.  |
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