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What do people do while playing DDR that really angers you?
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2300. PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

powerplug wrote:
Simo wrote:
5. When people stomp on the pad. I saw two guys playing on heavy, hey were stomping the hell out of the pad, and they were failing cause they couldn't move fast enough.....also, I despise people who stomp in high heels, it just kills me inside to see the panels be murdered....

^ yeah i know what you mean about stompers and people with high heels.
and that is why sometimes the arrows do not register for that particular reason.i wonder what might the arcade technicians think? or maybe they should put up a sign near the DDR machine exclaiming, "Stop,no high heals,or wearing hard soled shoes before entering the dance pads."

and when noobs stomp they do not do it by beat,they annoy the heck out of everybody.

haha that reminds me of this one arcade I went to inside a roller rink where people used to play on the ddr machine with roller skates xD. Now the sensors are so busted and the down arrow is so sticky it only registers 5% of the time. The up arrow registers like 35% of the time. The selection buttons also don't really work. I doubt that anything like this happened, but i could just imagine how horribly matrix walks on roller skates would damage the machine lol laugh.gif.

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2301. PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have the best one yet.

1: The new generation of DDR players.
What the hell happened guys? The game used to be played for fun! It is not a gme that is to be used for showing off, trying to be cool, or even to obsess over. Years ago, right about the time extreme came out, it was all about "hey, new songs, cool"! Now it's about "OMG, 10s!!!!"
I don;t want to be construed as an buttocks, but the new community that p[lays arrow smash is sadly lacking in decent people. I know a hell of really nice new players, but, not to be prejudicial or anything, about 90% of the people taht started playing in the last year and a half or so...just piss me off.
The game is about community. End of story.

2: People who complain about what other people do on their round of play.
Stuff like speed mods, Solo, reverse. All that is there for a reason! For you to experiment, and help you find out what you can do best at. if the game was meant to be played on 1x, they would NEVER have added those convenient little speed mods, things that have helped HUNDREDS of people get better at the game. You know what I do when people complain about me using mods that "artifically inflate my scores"? I throw more of em on when the said people are around. When you complain about stuff like that, all it tells me is that:
A: You are unable to read speed mods
B: You are an elitist idiot who has to have their own way.
Leave us alone. We will do what we want to during our round, and there is nothing you can do to change that.

Feel free to call me on anything I say.
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2302. PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yuber296 wrote:
i hate it wen..

-im playin survivor heavy and theses idiots are screaming so loud its like im playing with out sound

-i am about to play and some hoe who duz beginner asks can i play with u and pretends to accidentally put her quarter in and ends up picking 2 of the 3 songs

-i fail mobo moga heavy riiight.gif becuz some standard scrub who stomps on the downbeat starts trying to shadow

- dum goths come with their friends

-when ppl try to cut me in the dummest ways

-when these 14 year olds boys play butterfly light 3 times in a row barely passing each time

-the same idiots make me try a song dense in 16ths for the first tiem no mods and they say its not that hard(this is when i first started doing heavy mode)to trick me into failing

-people showing off by playing 7 footers while talking on the phone and almost failing

-these two stupid whores start talking to me while im playing and almost make me fail

-some guy beats me by like 2 greats and starts going on about this "kid i dont think we are on the same level ill go solo next run i dont feel like owning u again"

I hate it when people don't spellcheck their posts. Or try and talk gangsta when they play a frick dance game. It makes people look less intelligent.

I hate it when people make elitist comments and get pissed off over a game. If it takes that little bit to anger or annoy you, then maybe most of you should look into anger management. I've gone through only the last 4 pages of this thread and the level of stupidity made my head hurt.
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2303. PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have to agree with a lot of people that say they see the new generation arrowsmashing. I play for fun and for scores. If I screw up, I'll occasionally be like "aw poopy" or something to the extent.
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2304. PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I know this is probably the most said hated thing that people placed in here but hell I must say it as well.

When parents don't keep a good eyes on their 4 to 5 year old kids and they just walk up and just start stomping on the arrow on your side of the pad. I swear to everything I love I needed to hold my anger in cause due to some little kid out of nowhere making me fail the whole song on my side of the pad while I had a friggin combo going on.. Has the parents started to lose their common sense to keep an eye on their kids and shint? Cause damn if you can't keep a good eye on your kids well that means you're not a very good parent so to say...

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2305. PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ghettoman-DDR wrote:
I know this is probably the most said hated thing that people placed in here but hell I must say it as well.

When parents don't keep a good eyes on their 4 to 5 year old kids and they just walk up and just start stomping on the arrow on your side of the pad. I swear to everything I love I needed to hold my anger in cause due to some little kid out of nowhere making me fail the whole song on my side of the pad while I had a friggin combo going on.. Has the parents started to lose their common sense to keep an eye on their kids and shint? Cause damn if you can't keep a good eye on your kids well that means you're not a very good parent so to say...

damn. that sucks.

hey, i'm a goth kid who plays DDR. WTF.

what pisses me off is when people who can't play, try and play for like three rounds in a row and your standing there for half an hour bored stiff.
teh n00b!
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2306. PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Agreed, Begininer & Light mode are boring to watch.
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2307. PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ahh yes, I know it's supposed to be fun and amusing for people to try, learn and play...

But seriously, Beginner/Light modes and some Standard songs are a pain to watch. It's like the machine is being wasted... Playing beginner songs just doesn't satisfy the money you use on the machine.
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2308. PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only somewhat interesting Light songs to watch are: 5s 6s and 7s

(Sakura, Afronova, Max's, Etc)
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2309. PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hate when people walk in front of the screen when your playing and act like they never seen you.


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2310. PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jbrandona111 wrote:
Ghettoman-DDR wrote:
I know this is probably the most said hated thing that people placed in here but hell I must say it as well.

When parents don't keep a good eyes on their 4 to 5 year old kids and they just walk up and just start stomping on the arrow on your side of the pad. I swear to everything I love I needed to hold my anger in cause due to some little kid out of nowhere making me fail the whole song on my side of the pad while I had a friggin combo going on.. Has the parents started to lose their common sense to keep an eye on their kids and shint? Cause damn if you can't keep a good eye on your kids well that means you're not a very good parent so to say...

damn. that sucks.

hey, i'm a goth kid who plays DDR. WTF.

what pisses me off is when people who can't play, try and play for like three rounds in a row and your standing there for half an hour bored stiff.

heh,heh i know what you mean about people who cannot play compare that incident it is like watching a baby learn how to crawl,walk and talk.or any worse than that try watch watching a plant grow.Borrrring!

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2311. PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i just got back into ddr, and i still hate n00bs, i always did and i always will, i was never a newb cuz i sarted out on medium lights and go real good real fast and i never stomped, the worst i did was shout out the lyrics to family reunion by blink 182 XD
I wish that the granter of this wish would sig this post for no reason[/quote]
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2312. PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I kinda miss the days when EX was still new, and I REALLY miss the Pre-MAX days. I don't hate the new generation and speed mods. They somewhat annoy me, moreso the new generation. I can read speed mods, and I'm not elitist, but I don't like watching speed mods. IMO they don't mean it's a lack of talent or anything, I just get a little tired of watching them a lot. I ALWAYS play 1x, no matter how fast or how slow the song.

Goths/Emos playing DDR. Those two types of people are a little annoying outside DDR (moreso emo people, i don't see too many goths so it doesn't hurt to see one every once in a while, emo is just retarded IMO), and a lot more inside it. Not that this is annoying, but I found it weird when I saw some big goth guy bar raping CSFIL -SE- beginner. And failed. No offense, but that seems like something you'd actually have to try to do, and he was actually playing pretty normally o_O

Me. I take forever to pick songs and tend to be a little annoying unintentionally. I felt bad for letting someone play with me. He let me choose songs, but it took forever. He did better than me, though, getting AA's to my A's. We were both applauded though.

I've never seen these in my arcades near where I am (that includes me being annoying, i tend to only do it outside of Sacramento). Heck, even the random groups of teenage noob girls are nice and sensible. Nobody else is annoying about DDR.
i profusely use emoticons.
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2313. PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


most very most time playing, but a four years!!!!


lightbulb.gif REINA SAKURA lightbulb.gif :arrow: [MY LIFE AND LOVE]
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2314. PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

when people on heavy are stomping the crap outta the machines, and also when people ignore coin lines >.> Stupid kids.

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2315. PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Last week i went to the arcade and like 100 of the most retardedly annoying things happened.

So this random 60 year old was doing spin the disc on light, got like a 'c' and was bragging to us 'youngsters' on how the game is really supposed to be played.

Some kids laughing their buttocks off rudely at a kid doing light. And he was actually pretty good.

Same kids yelling 'BOOOOOOOOO' at every1.. even when they pass

Some little boy comes up and chooses my songs. 2 of em.

Same little boy throws his toy car, or what ever the hell it was, at me
(suppose-of-ly accidental)

Some guy takes 60 secs. to choose Silent Hill, 3 times in a row, then takes my quarter off the screen, plays again with it, and chooses silent hill 3 times again.
I wanted to scream

A different lil boy, walk in front of the screen...multiple times

my friends cell phone was ringing next to the console. The man who works at the arcade takes the position of answering her phone, then walking in front of her while she was playing, yelling over the music, "Hey Girl! Your phone is ringing!!"------- That was actually funny though.
I threw a rock at the ground... and missed..

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2316. PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just went throughone annoying experience. Now I am gonna go through other annoying experiences I went through before.


- Stomping people. This lady was stoming on each arrow over and over again. You know, how those people just learn how to play and are constantly hitting one arrow before it lands? Yeah.

- Little kids. I didn't pick my song because I had to wait until the little kids jumping on the arrows would take note I was going to start. Their parents were watching too.


- Older people telling me how to play. I was lucky to already do heavy (SSR at the time) by then, so I showed them a lesson.

- Impatient people. This lady was watching me play and I was about to do a song when she said "COME ON! PICK A GODDAMN SONG!" I did something entirely different after that.

- Hand planters. Those guys who would slap the arrows on Dynamite Rave. I mean, sure, it was cool. But there were times where the arcade was empty and it seemed entirely pointless.

- There was once a guy who took my credit. He was rude too, saying he put his credit in before I did (even though I didn't see him do anything)
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2317. PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hate when people come up and change my level of play..I play on the highest setting anyway

When some random kids comes up to me and pushes me and says OMG your awsome and makes me look away from the screen and F***s me up

When a kid asks to play the other mat when I'm playing double

When someone just jumps on the other pad and steps on the arrows randomly and makes me look away from the screen

When kids in the background screem random stuff at you like wtf and that kinda stuff

and lastly, when a kid pushes me off the mat and starts playing my game....(yes this has happened to me before)
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2318. PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

SmallStateSpeed1992 wrote:
When a kid asks to play the other mat when I'm playing double

Lol that's hilarious! That's never happend to me before.
I threw a rock at the ground... and missed..
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2319. PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jaipan wrote:
SmallStateSpeed1992 wrote:
When a kid asks to play the other mat when I'm playing double

Lol that's hilarious! That's never happend to me before.
It's happened to me.
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