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How many female DDR players are there???
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140. PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i organized a ddr club at my school and i'm the best person there
uhhh not meaning i'm that good tho
and my dad says that girls are better than guys at dancing. oh yeah! rite and most of the time guys look really stupid doing ddr or something.
the guys i know can only play ONE song on heavy and that's the best of them.
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DDR Striker64
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141. PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well its awesome that you organize a DDR Club. I'm pretty much organizing a school Anime Club right now. And sadly, I feel bad for most of the guys up at your location.But if you look around the world, you know that there are a lot of guys and girls alike who are good in their own way.

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~musical melody~
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142. PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jooly queue wrote:
I saw him play at that tourney. He was pretty good for playing what, six months?

I was in his division and finished 12th in the Top 16. I was the Asian chick with the long hair in the denim mini-skirt; I dunno if I ran into you guys while I was there.

YEAH I DID C U!! I remember u! your really good to and wasnt jacob javits fun? I want to go again next year! I love ddr. I didnt enter the competitionthis year. only my brother did ,but next year if they have it again then I will enter next year. hope 2 c ya! E1.gif
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~musical melody~
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143. PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDR Striker64 wrote:
~musical me~ wrote:
my little brother is actually training me! isnt that weird! blink.gif and Im catching up. so I will kick your buttocks! E15.gif lol laugh.gif

~from melanie

I would like to see that happen. Maybe one day, we can have a lil match to see who fares in what lol

sure that would be fun. ~melanie
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144. PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

doiganpryde wrote:
i organized a ddr club at my school and i'm the best person there
uhhh not meaning i'm that good tho
and my dad says that girls are better than guys at dancing. oh yeah! rite and most of the time guys look really stupid doing ddr or something.
the guys i know can only play ONE song on heavy and that's the best of them.

that aint all true so your dad could be thinking that dancing is a women's world as well as this earth is well known as a man's world if i were to describe it in analogy.there are various kinds of dances not just one.DDR has plenty of genres and tastes,for his inforamtion.
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145. PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

At Palomar in San Marcos, there seems to be more female DDR players than male nowadays. Ever since Serge left and I basically quit Extreme, the amount of DDR estrogen has returned to a healthy and sane level.

It is good to be a DDR sexual-minority until you realize how damn lonely you are T_T.
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DDR Striker64
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146. PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sinborn wrote:
At Palomar in San Marcos, there seems to be more female DDR players than male nowadays. Ever since Serge left and I basically quit Extreme, the amount of DDR estrogen has returned to a healthy and sane level.

It is good to be a DDR sexual-minority until you realize how damn lonely you are T_T.

Ok, first off, are the girls in San Marcos actually good over there? Cuz honestly, I would really want to face off with them! And second, with the whole "DDR sexual-minority" thing, is a total agreeable case for me. I HATE BEING A LONELY DDR RONIN!

~musical melody~ wrote:

DDR Striker64 wrote:

~musical me~ wrote:

my little brother is actually training me! isnt that weird! and Im catching up. so I will kick your buttocks! lol

~from melanie

I would like to see that happen. Maybe one day, we can have a lil match to see who fares in what lol

sure that would be fun. ~melanie

Make up the time and place and we'll do battle laugh.gif laugh.gif

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147. PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDR Striker64 wrote:
Sinborn wrote:
At Palomar in San Marcos, there seems to be more female DDR players than male nowadays. Ever since Serge left and I basically quit Extreme, the amount of DDR estrogen has returned to a healthy and sane level.

It is good to be a DDR sexual-minority until you realize how damn lonely you are T_T.

Ok, first off, are the girls in San Marcos actually good over there? Cuz honestly, I would really want to face off with them! And second, with the whole "DDR sexual-minority" thing, is a total agreeable case for me. I HATE BEING A LONELY DDR RONIN!

We have a few green-feet chicks, but nobody that is really competetive. Otherwise I would be compelled to play PSMO again.
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148. PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We have DDR club at our school...
Of the people that can actually play (i.e. pass heavy songs), two are female, and two, including me, are male. So it's pretty even.
We own the girls though. They do 8-footers, while we do 9-10s.
We have a bunch of lesson mode/beginner/light/standard players, though, and they're all guys.
Mariogirl wrote:
Edit = lol I <3 davidyko

David needs more challenges. E10.gif
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149. PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm a female DDR player. I just started only two weeks ago, but I can already do five feet songs, just barely. I hope to be able to do 9-10 feet songs eventually... I'll keep practicing!
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DDR Striker64
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150. PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 7:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sinborn wrote:
DDR Striker64 wrote:
Sinborn wrote:
At Palomar in San Marcos, there seems to be more female DDR players than male nowadays. Ever since Serge left and I basically quit Extreme, the amount of DDR estrogen has returned to a healthy and sane level.

It is good to be a DDR sexual-minority until you realize how damn lonely you are T_T.

Ok, first off, are the girls in San Marcos actually good over there? Cuz honestly, I would really want to face off with them! And second, with the whole "DDR sexual-minority" thing, is a total agreeable case for me. I HATE BEING A LONELY DDR RONIN!

We have a few green-feet chicks, but nobody that is really competetive. Otherwise I would be compelled to play PSMO again.

Wow. SO pretty much, whenever you go to the arcade and see them dance their heart out, having the competitive feeling entice them, you would jump up and go join them, huh? E13.gif E13.gif

[EDIT] Man, I totally killed this thread now. ANYWAYS! Aside from my perverted lonely single life being shown on a DDR outlook E10.gifE10.gif, what do you guys think about female dancers being better than us guys. (Something to spark this thing back up)

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~musical melody~
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151. PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It depends.
most girls who play ddr are good at it.(almost all)
and SOME guys are good at ddr (alot of guys) but there are also alot of guys I know who cant even do the slowest beginer song.

so most girlsw who do play are good but not all guys are good

In conclusion girls are better at ddr than guys E15.gif

thats just in general. Im not saying guys cant beat a girl at ddr
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152. PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wowerz! I'm susprised to see this thread still breathing.. Well alas let me etch my purpose here.

I seen my last post left a strange effect as well let me add another. *Clears throat and throws on thinking cap*

I have seen alot more DDR players now around my way as well and to a ratio female to males as well. Even people whom may be new to it are gettin up there as well even quicker than excepted. It also has to seem to the tug of war upon Intimidation vs. Inspiration upon by a veteran DDR player as a newcomer watching that person play. Stop and try to correct me if I'm going a bit of a confusing state but I have also to notice a straightforward observation of competetion between the opposite sex in the now generations of up and coming DDR players.

As for a slight example to an on look I also seen the methods upon DDR ing as well..
(This theory is only upon beginners and maybe light.)
Girls seem to be a bit more calm and precise with the steps as for boys seem to almost be the same but a bit more active and a slight offbeat to the rhythm..

But hey thats only my analyzation

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Julie QQQ...?
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153. PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

~musical melody~ wrote:
so most girlsw who do play are good but not all guys are good


I don't think that's true at all. I know a lot of crappy and/or casual players who are female. In fact, I know more of these types of female players who never venture into even remotely wanting to be competitive, whereas I know a lot of crappy and/or casual guy players who start off worse than me and end up much, much better than me.

Most of the girls I know aren't even competitive. If you looked at the four girls who entered the Javits Center tournament, we were all in the regular division. Carol and I both entered Regular to begin with (even though I have a hunch that if we tried to be in Expert we would've qualified there since the lowest qualifying score on Konoko no nanatsu no oiwaini was a high B) and we made top 16, and the other two girls I think didn't even make that qualifying score for Expert division, got bumped down to Regular, and ended up being cut in the first round anyway.

Not saying that they were bad (because they weren't in terms of DDR players as a whole), or we were any better, but on a competitive, genderless analysis of the players, we all showed pretty poorly.

In the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions, girls haven't placed in major tournaments for years now, so unless you can produce these fabled girls (save the ones who we already know about through Recall/Groovestats who don't live in this area) then I'd have to take your assumption to be wrong.
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DDR Striker64
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154. PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok let me say first, YAY I GOT GOING AGAIN! *ahem* now that that's done, back on the topic.

Well you can say that some guys are bad, and some are bad. but then also say that some guys are good, and some girls are good. but all in all, we're pretty much equal. there I said my say lol.

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~musical melody~
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155. PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I guess so. I was just basing my opinion on where I live. Like most all the girls I know who play are all really good. but I guess we are pretty much equal.
and also agreeing with Ghettoman-DDR. I think we are more precise with our steps.
I let the music take me and concentrate on the music more than I concentrate on the arrows.
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Julie QQQ...?
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156. PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The only girls I'm talking about and worrying about are the girls good enough to compete and make a decent showing in a tournament in this area. Not many girls in Mid-A AAA things, and most who used to compete at that level either don't play competitively or don't play at all anymore.

The problem herein is basically what one defines as a "good player", which has been brought up in various threads, but adding the "female" aspect of it. I don't think that girls snap to a different scale, though.

For example, I have 11 AAA's and have AAed almost all of Extreme, including some 10's, and I do NOT consider myself good. The learning curve of this game is not as steep as it used to be, and most of all my friends are better than me, which makes my skill lacking. Sure, it's noticed more since I'm a female, but it doesn't make me any better. If anyone follows anything in terms of the average DDR player skill/improvement, especially in terms of competitive DDR, then they'd surely agree with my lack of skill in any region where the skill level is comparable.
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157. PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

woohoo doiganpryde!!! you are the best person in the club without a doubt!!! but hey, that other guy in the group isn't too bad. yeah. however, most of the people in our club ARE girls. don't know if that proves anything, but oh well riiight.gif
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158. PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jooly queue wrote:
For example, I have 11 AAA's and have AAed almost all of Extreme, including some 10's, and I do NOT consider myself good.

I consider that very good. I see very few female DDR players, and none of them have even been as close to being as good as you.
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159. PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jooly queue wrote:

The problem herein is basically what one defines as a "good player", which has been brought up in various threads, but adding the "female" aspect of it. I don't think that girls snap to a different scale, though.

I agree. It's as if it's thought of as a handicap to be a girl or something.


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