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XOR-SYS Trick Member

Joined: 04 May 2005 Location: Canada |
0. Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:56 pm Post subject: Ever showed up someone? |
During my first (and to date, only) arcade DDR experience at the Laserquest lock-in downtown, I was standing around after a laser tag match, and then this girl and her friends stormed the DDR 5th Mix machine. She was pretty confident in her abilities, exclaiming to all her friends "Yeah, I play Heavy! You can do Light if you want, but I'm a heavy player!"
Her and her one guy friend started a set, and I'm not sure what song it was, but she played Heavy and he played Light (Maniac and Basic, if you want to get technical). He was failing pretty bad, and he just walked right off the pad (even after spending a dollar), giving me the okay to play his set. It was a pretty easy chart, so I tapped the center panel with my foot in order to keep beat while stepping. All of a sudden I hear "DON'T RETURN TO THE CENTER STAY ON THE ARROWS", as though hitting the center panel was the equivalent to failing out automatically. I'm pretty much your standard out-of-shape white kid, so I guess she didn't feel like giving me any credit, sitting atop her ivory tower and all.
She let me pick the next song, so I picked Healing Vision, and we both played that one on Heavy. I wasn't used to arcade timing and indented panels so I B'd that one, as did she. She extended her arm to shake my hand, and since I'm a gracious competitor I gave her a shake. I'm pretty sure the next song she picked was Little Bitch, which I A'd (I had AA'd it earlier on, which made the A pretty unimpressive in my eyes).
She let me pick the last song, and I remembered how little credit she gave me before hand and how great she thought she was, so I decided to be a prick and chose ORION.78 AMeuro. I was delighted to hear her say "Oh shit, I can't do this..." when she saw the density of the arrows. I B'd it, while she D'd it.
I guess she was sort of new to Heavy, and felt the need to show off to her friends. Even so, I'm fairly sure she was judging a book by its cover when I offered to take over her friend's set, so I believe I had reason to show her up.
Anyone else have a tale to share? (Or a link just in case there's already a thread like this... ?) _________________
2MB = tomb?
Last edited by XOR-SYS on Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:56 pm, edited 2 times in total |
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RBCF retunes Trick Member

Joined: 23 Feb 2006 Location: 2P side |
1. Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:18 pm Post subject: |
BTW, when I first saw the thread title, I lol'ed. _________________
QWERTYkid911: If someone posts porn, then this thread will perfectly represent the internet.
Slowpoke: Ah, so that's how He created the universe so quickly... He was hopped up on caffeine. Thanks for clearing up that philosophical mystery...
PooingCavy: (About difficulty levels) If I could make it up, it would be: Water, Soda, Coffee, Red Bull, ADHD |
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jpoppyz Trick Member

Joined: 19 Nov 2005 Location: Grand Rapids, MI |
2. Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:19 am Post subject: |
well, the first time i played at an arcade for over 10 minutes, i was on an extreme cab that a new movie theater got earlier this year. i got to heavy late summer so i've been playing heavy at my house for a pretty long time. So at first im horribly overwhelmed by extremes lengthy songlist(keep in mind all i had up to this point were all the PS2 mixes, didnt have stepmania, and only played DDR USA), but after my 2nd set a couple of crazy kids who looked like they wanna DDR got on the pad. so they played a set on heavy difficulty and then i got back on the pad(they probably figured i was a noob since at the time i didnt know what a coin line was) and there all "WTF!" so then they suggest that one of them VS me(the slightly better one) sorta jokingly(they assumed i was a noob), and i agreed. He picked the song saints go marching. I had never played that song at the time, but i know i got like a B and he got an A. He looked a little suprised by how good i was, and the fact i was on heavy. so next i pick the song "senorita"(since that was the first song i played on the machine...and the only one i really knew) and i got a AA and he got an A. w00t!!
for the final round, we agreed on roulette. we got the song "KISS KISS KISS." first time i ever played the song. We both got A's, but i had the slightly higher score.
he went on insisting that the pads werent good(which they weren't the best, and i was on the worse side), but then they both left after another set, and i had a pretty good arcade experience. _________________
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GotACoolName Trick Member

Joined: 28 May 2006 Location: Hales Corners, Wisconsin |
3. Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:08 am Post subject: Re: Ever showed up someone? |
XOR-SYS wrote: | Little doggy |
Lol. _________________
Brawl FC: 4725-7610-1200 |
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DarkCore Trick Member

Joined: 28 Jul 2006 Location: Ontario, Canada |
4. Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:51 pm Post subject: |
I was at the arcade in the mall and I saw some guy playing DDR: Extreme (He was about 16 - 18). I asked him if he wanted to play 2-Player, and he accepted. He looked surprised when I selected Heavy at the beginning screen. I picked the first two songs, and he picked the last one. On the first song I picked Dynamite Rave (B4 Za Beat Mix) Oni. I finished with a B, and he got an A. I should've gotten an A as well, I just got really stupid misses. On the second song I picked Sakura Oni. He seemed really impressed that I even passed it. Before I actually selected it, he asked if I could pass it because he said that he couldn't. At the end of the song I got a B, and he got a C. The last song that he picked was Drop Out, and I put it on x1.5 or x2 - I can't remember which. Anyway, I quit soon after the beginning of the song. I tried parts of the song after I failed just for fun. It was too fast for the speed mod that I picked. I could probably pass it now because I've gotten better, but still.
I was at the Putting Edge (Mini-Golf building), and I noticed that they had an In The Groove 2 machine. I immediately went over to it and starting playing. All the beginners were amazed when I did Twilight on Hard because I had to use my hands. Anyway, some asian guy challanged me to a game. He was there with seven of his friends. He said that I could pick all three of the songs because he was unfamiliar with the songs and stepcharts. (He was a DDR player.) The first song I picked was Bend Your Mind on Hard. When I did the parts with hands I heard one of his friends say, "No way!" Seeing that they were so impressed with charts with hands I decided to pick Queen of Light on Expert for the last song. Anyway for the second song I picked Disconnected on Expert. (Don't remember what version it was, but it was a 9 on expert.) The guy got of the pad and got one of his friends to get up and try. They both missed a hell of alot of steps. Anyway when I picked Queen of Light for the last song I heard the guys girl friends singing the song. XD This was only my third time playing it so I wasn't sure when the hand parts were going to come up. The guy who I faced got 0.00% and I got 45.??%. I was pretty close to passing though, I just started to screw up on the last parts. |
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pow Trick Member

Joined: 07 Oct 2006
5. Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:44 pm Post subject: |
There was this one time a really long time ago when I just started playing on heavy about 2 years ago when this asain guy was talking trash about how I played ( I used to play on my toes) so I challenged him. He wasnt really that good or anything but I completely demolished him. First two songs were easy 6-7 step songs lol. We both did good but I ended up doing better. For the last song I chose max 300, and when we were choosing options, at the last second he put his side to STANDARD!! This made me so pissed but he ended up failing and i ended up getting a B
The whole thing made me feel great after haha. |
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Ryudori Trick Member

Joined: 19 Aug 2004 Location: New Jersey |
6. Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:07 pm Post subject: |
A while ago I was playing versus against some guy and when I chose heavy (as did he), he said "that difficulty is really hard, sure you can do it?" I told him I would find a way to manage and selected Max 300 as the first song...he then advised me that maybe I should put it to light because it is a 10 on heavy. To make a long story short, I passed it with an A and he got a C...he seemed kinda surprised, then apologized and said he wasn't used to seeing girls who actually knew how to play.
I love showing people up who underestimate me because I am a girl. I'm not arrogant about it, more of a 'see? I can do it too.'  _________________
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Tyrgannus Trick Member

Joined: 19 Oct 2005 Location: Not about to tell |
7. Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:26 pm Post subject: |
I "show people up" almost everytime I play in a popular arcade. I guess I just look like someone who sucks at the game, whatever that means. Everywhere I go, people assume I suck....and I usually blast them out of the water...
(Unless I go to Narrows or Acme lol....and the people that own me know who they are. ) _________________
AA Bob wrote: | Summer is as much of a 12 as PSMO is a 9. |
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XOR-SYS Trick Member

Joined: 04 May 2005 Location: Canada |
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MaskedFalcon Trick Member

Joined: 16 Oct 2005
9. Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:13 pm Post subject: |
Frankly, I need some showing up. All my (non-DDR-playing) friends think I'm amazing at the game (and of course I'm not), so it would be relieving for them to see somebody that can actually pass hard 10's. |
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Nicx Trick Member

Joined: 07 Apr 2004 Location: hawaii |
10. Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:58 am Post subject: |
reading these stories its funny to see that you guys showed anyone up.
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Suburban Knight Trick Member

Joined: 10 Jun 2006 Location: Nj |
11. Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:35 am Post subject: |
I never showed anyone up but my 8 year old brother did. We were at the local arcade and this 16 year old was taking advantage of all the little kids by doing versus with them and making himself look really good. He was on heavy and all the little kids were on bginner. So it is my 8 year old brothers turn and my brother chooses heavy. The 16 year squats down to eye level with him and says something like. "Heavy is very very hard. Are you sure you can do it?" And my brother's like "yeah" So, my brother chooses the first song, Tsugaru Heavy. They both B it. He chooses some 6 footer.He Bs it but My Bro gets a AA. At this point every one is laughing at this guy. So the guy just flips off my eight year old brother and leaves. I was laughing hysterically the whole time. _________________
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GotACoolName Trick Member

Joined: 28 May 2006 Location: Hales Corners, Wisconsin |
12. Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:41 am Post subject: |
edited _________________
Brawl FC: 4725-7610-1200 |
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Dakota Trick Member

Joined: 28 Feb 2006
13. Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:42 pm Post subject: |
I'm fat too, so they don't expect me to be good. Unless they're a regular at our arcade, they basically always suck. I wish more people played at our arcade, so I could show up people. _________________
...almost as cool as Cartoon Hero |
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dj_sammylvr03 Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jun 2004 Location: Connecticut, US |
14. Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:17 pm Post subject: |
Tyrgannus wrote: | I "show people up" almost everytime I play in a popular arcade. I guess I just look like someone who sucks at the game, whatever that means. Everywhere I go, people assume I suck....and I usually blast them out of the water...
I don't really give that image off. I have that "Okay. Move Over. Burgundy's here!" kinda look. I put in my coins like a regular joe, then lean on the cabinent as I select heavy, and I look all professonal when I choose a song. Then I streach and BOOM! lol _________________
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dj_sammylvr03 Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jun 2004 Location: Connecticut, US |
15. Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:20 pm Post subject: |
I've showed up a group of girls in Vegas that could hardly do light. I stood behind them, laughing to myself.
I also show up n00bs that choose heavy. What? Do they think thats the kinda music they'll get? Heavy music? I usually go over and tell them not to choose it if they do. Then I show them how to switch to beginner. _________________
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Zukin-Man Trick Member

Joined: 25 Nov 2002 Location: War Agony |
16. Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:32 am Post subject: |
Tyrgannus wrote: | I "show people up" almost everytime I play in a popular arcade. I guess I just look like someone who sucks at the game, whatever that means. |
I do the same thing. I look like the average geek (short, thin, glasses, minimal social interaction, etc.), and people automatically assume they're better than me before they see me play. _________________
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Julie QQQ...? Trick Member

Joined: 07 Jun 2002 Location: Boston, MA |
17. Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:42 pm Post subject: |
I only show people up who give me lip or brag or try to show ME up.
That doesn't happen too often, because I like going to arcades when I know people aren't going to be there. |
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wschmrdr Trick Member

Joined: 30 Jun 2005 Location: Central NY |
18. Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:32 am Post subject: |
Actually, this one happened just a couple days ago. A friend and I went to a bowling alley to play Supernova. There was this kid who was all talk and was playing on Basic, acting like he was the best ever. I got up and heel-toed a beginner song (because my friend walked off the pad before the song started), and beat him by quite a bit (but of course he's the best ever, so I did no bragging). My friend then picks Xepher, plays it on heavy, acts really bored, and whupps the kid who thinks the song is way too hard on beginner mode. The whole rest of the night my friend and I were making fun of the kid for playing the same 3 songs ALL THE TIME. |
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Adamn Trick Member

Joined: 17 Jun 2002 Location: Syracuse, NY |
19. Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:57 am Post subject: |
I remember one day like a year ago, this kid kept bar raping Twilight Zone and playing it four songs in a row for probably 6 games in a row. I was a little upset, so I decided I'd play it. AAA'd it first song, then 5 on hidden shuffle dark, then 1 on s4r. I almost felt bad afterwards, but then I admired his ability to not get annoyed with the song, whereas I was annoyed by playing it just three times. |
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