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Fun ITG survey!
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Vivid Member
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20. PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:59 pm    Post subject: Re: Fun ITG survey! Reply with quote

Wow some peoples answers are really funny. Since I have free time...

1) How old are you?

2) How long have you been playing ITG?
Uh, since march 2005
DDR - november 2004

3) How often do you play ITG?
Every day now. Before, once or twice a week.

4) Where do you usually play ITG?
Usually in my garage...

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?
From where I wake up, 40 steps maybe?

6) Is the machine in good condition?
The best in socal.

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game?
$0.00 and 28,422,871

8) What's your skill level?
I have... I think 98 triple stars now? But I suck at Determinator.

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
Hardest to pass-Who cares, they are 11s.
Easiest to pass-I get the least tired on Hardcore Symphony.
Hardest to FA-Pandy hard is the only one I dont have ***ed, or above like 95% when I passed it for the first time, so yeah.

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
Hardest to pass - Determinator
Most tiring - doesnt really matter, I get the most tired on euphoria though.
Easiest to pass - bdoesnt really matter, I get the least tired on Hardcore of the North.
Least tiring - Determinator
Hardest to FA - for me determinator.

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
Hardest to pass - Vertex 2
Most tiring - Pandemonium
Easiest to pass - Pandemonium
Least tiring - Vertex 2
Hardest to FA - Vertex 2

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?
Every song in the game.

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?
I actually like DDR a lot more, but I fail miserably at it. Im actually kinda good at ITG, so I guess I like that too. Screw it, they're equal.

14) Why?
Explained above.
15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?
Who cares? I dont rate my songs by ITG1 and ITG2. Since I hate all the songs in the game but Tough Enough, ITG1.

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?
Unless I know them or its a girl, then no, get the fuck out of my house.

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?
I do better when I play along, but I like playing with other people a lot more. Well it depends on who im playing with...

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?
Yes. I actually wish everybody looked down on bar raping and never did it so I would cheat and use the bar and have scores so much better than everyone in the world. Oh, and on pretty much everything unless there are crossovers.

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?
898. How else can we tell people what the "hardest" song in the game is?

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?
No, not a nerd. I know a lot about it, but its not my life.

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?
Unless the closest machine to you is like more than an hour away, I dont even know why someone would be excited for ITG2 cs.

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?
Nike Free Trainers 5.0. The best shoe ever. All the cool IHYD people wear them, except Aaron.

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?
A car. Even if I didnt have a machine, id much rather have a car, and I cant even drive yet...

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?
All the time. I won one once, but Omid wasnt allowed to play in it.

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?
I always play on mini. So like, up to 130 - 6x, up to 170 - 5x, up to 200 - 4x, and above that, 3x. Except for vertexes, usually like 2.5 or something.

Hey, that took more than a minute...
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Trick Member
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21. PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you?
18 (just turned it today )

2) How long have you been playing ITG?
1 year (home version)

3) How often do you play ITG?
If i had a wroking pad, erevery day

4) Where do you usually play ITG?
Kings Island

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?
20 Min

6) Is the machine in good condition?
I was told it was a brand new dedicab

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game?
$1 3 songs

8) What's your skill level?
Upper Hard - Lower Expert

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith
b July
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony

don't know

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush
b Determinator
c Euphoria
d Hardcore of the North

Hardest to pass = Bloodrush
Easiest = N/A
Hardest to FA = Euphoria

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix
b Pandemonium
c Vertex^2

Hardest to pass = Can't Choose
Easiest = N/A
Hardest to FA = Vertex^2

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?
Can't say

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?
That depends on what song i wanna play

14) Why?
See above

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?
There's good and bad in both

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?
Yes, i like crowds

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?
Dosent matter

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?
All the time

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?
900 somthing + Jumps
840 somthing - jumps

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?
itg3 AC

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?
Some off-brand K-Mart shoe

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?
itg2 machine

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?
No, just a DDR one

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?
All the time. 1.5x

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Trick Member
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Joined: 31 Mar 2006
22. PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:35 am    Post subject: Re: Fun ITG survey! Reply with quote

1) How old are you?

2) How long have you been playing ITG?
A year and a 1/2

3) How often do you play ITG?
Once a week, sometimes more

4) Where do you usually play ITG?
At my house

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?
52 miles E2.gif

6) Is the machine in good condition?
I dont know

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game?

8) What's your skill level?
11's and 12's

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?

a Monolith = most tiring + hardest to FA
b July = Easiest
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?

a Bloodrush
b Determinator
c Euphoria = hardest to FA + easiest
d Hardcore of the North = most tiring

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?

a Summer speedy mix = easiest
b Pandemonium = most tiring
c Vertex^2 = hardest to FA

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?

14) Why?
It has better songs, better stepcharts, better everything!

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?
Usually not

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?
I like to be the only person

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?
I bar rape everything

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?
Whatever I'm wearing

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?
Since I can't drive yet, a free ITG2 machine

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?
Yes, and 3x
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Trick Member
Trick Member

Joined: 13 Feb 2006
23. PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:09 am    Post subject: Re: Fun ITG survey! Reply with quote

1) How old are you? 16

2) How long have you been playing ITG? 5 months

3) How often do you play ITG? like every day or every other day

4) Where do you usually play ITG? home

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine? like 2 hours

6) Is the machine in good condition? iono

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game? 3coins for 3 songs

8) What's your skill level? Rape mode

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith
b July
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony

Pandemonium Hard for most draining, and FAing, well maybe Euphoria

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush
b Determinator
c Euphoria
d Hardcore of the North

Bloodrush For all and maybe Euphoria for passing

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix
b Pandemonium
c Vertex^2

Pandy for most tiring and V^2 for Hardest to FA and summer for easiest
12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?
I can play at home only so prolly Disconnected mobius mix

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?
DDR <> ITG (they are the same)

14) Why?
cause they both ripp buttocks

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?
I like them both the same

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?
Depends if the crowd are douch bags

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?
I like playing singles but no versus

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?
Sometimes for like some 10's for ITG and DDR but mainly I am barless

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?

888 i think

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?
ITG2 CS woot!

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?
its all bout them pumas

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?
CAR so then I could drive to the machina lmao

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?
nope U_U

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?


Prolly 2.5 or 3x
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Trick Member
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24. PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you?
almost 15
2) How long have you been playing ITG?
about a year
3) How often do you play ITG?
once or twice a week at the arcade, rarely at home cause i haven't built bars yet
4) Where do you usually play ITG?
People's Choice Family Fun Center
5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?
it used to be like 20+ mins away but people's choice has a new location like 5-10 mins away
6) Is the machine in good condition?
the closer upgrades OK, but the dedicab farther away is alot better
7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game?
dedicab=4 tokens ($1 max, I buy my tokens for half price though).
upgrade=3 tokens
8) What's your skill level?
pass all 12's except bloodrush+ determinator
9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith
b July
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony
ive never played pande hard so i dont actually know

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush-tiring
b Determinator-pass
c Euphoria-hard FA
d Hardcore of the North-easiest

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix-easy
b Pandemonium-tiring
c Vertex^2-obviously FA

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?
uhhhhh i always play different ones, whatevers worst on groovestats
13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?
14) Why?
cause its better
15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?
ITG2 is the sex
16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?
17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?
only one usually
18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?
ALWAYS, even on novice...because...i play novice?
19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?
9XX, almost a thousand, more than any other 12
20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?
21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?
22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?
idk, shoes
23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?
ha ha i cant drive yet, so ITG
24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?
actually no...
25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?
yes, 3x
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Trick Member
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25. PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:45 pm    Post subject: Re: Fun ITG survey! Reply with quote

1) How old are you?

2) How long have you been playing ITG?
a little over a year

3) How often do you play ITG?
I only have the itg1 homeversion to play, so every couple days or so

4) Where do you usually play ITG?
in my basement

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?
like 20 minutes, but it's in an amusement park so it's expensive to get in

6) Is the machine in good condition?
yeah, pretty good

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game?
25cents for 3 songs

8) What's your skill level?
I can pass everything with alright scores on most of them, and I own at Determinator ;p

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith
b July- easiest
c Pandemonium hard- hardest for both things
d Hardcore Symphony

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush- hardest to pass and most tiring
b Determinator- easiest
c Euphoria- hardest fa
d Hardcore of the North

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix- easiest
b Pandemonium- easily most tiring
c Vertex^2- hardest to pass and FA

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?
Robotix ex.

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?

14) Why?
all ddr stepcharts are very similar and too easy and itg has cooler songs, harder songs, and a cooler interface

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?
itg2 cause I've overplayed the itg1 songs

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?
heck yes

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?
other people, as long as I don't have to wait TOO long for my turn

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?
Yeah. Unfortunately, I've recently been bar raping everything I play. Mainly, cause I'm simply working on improving my FA right now.

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?
I thought it was 856, but I guess I'm wrong. And I made this survey! laugh.gif

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?
I used to be really excited for itg2 cs, but now it's itg3 ac.

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?
Cheap athletic shoes from Target. They're actually really good cause they're so thin and light

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?
Honestly, an ITG2 machine

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?
yes. x3
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Trick Member
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Joined: 30 Aug 2005
26. PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. 17
2. Since January (played DDR since last August)
3. I try to get to the machine at least once a week.
4. One of the two arcades close by that has it.
5. 10-15 minutes
6. One of them is a brand new R16 machine, so yes, it's in great condition. The other is one of the first R1 machines, but it's not too bad either (at least, the last time I went there - haven't been there so much since the R16 showed up)
7. 75 cents/3 songs
8. I can pass about half of the 11s.
9-11. I can't touch any of the songs listed, so I won't bother responding.
12. Normal, Flying High, and Utopia. That's usually my first set.
13. ITG
14. The game looks a lot better, has many more features, runs smoother, has a more meaningful scoring system...
15. Really, I'd say that I have a fairly equal number of favorites from each.
16. A couple of people watching is nice, but I don't particularly like a large crowd.
17. 2 or 3 other people is optimum - enough time to get breaks between sets, but no waiting half an hour or more to be able to play.
18. Yeah, I use the bar on pretty much everything except for the occasional time that I play a song on hard (and even then sometimes).
19. Ugh, I want to say 858, but that's probably wrong...
20. You could say that, I guess.
21. ITG3 AC, no question.
22. Uh... just whatever shoes I happen to own at the time, I really don't care E10.gif
23. ITG2 machine... you can get a good used car for well under $10k
24. One horribly disorganized tournament.
25. Yes. Summer is 185, so 3x... but I'd use 3.5x if it existed.
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Trick Member
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27. PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you?


2) How long have you been playing ITG?

Since May. (DDR since late March.)

3) How often do you play ITG?

Depends. I fluctuate; from once a day to once a month.

4) Where do you usually play ITG?

Home; though sometimes at West Town Mall

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?

10 mins

6) Is the machine in good condition?

Best I've played on, though it's still a namco cab.

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game?

.75/3 songs

8) What's your skill level?

Low tens.

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith
b July
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony

Note: all lists are greatest to least.

Most Tiring
Hardcore Symphony

Hardcore Symphony

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush
b Determinator
c Euphoria
d Hardcore of the North

HOTN/Determinator (tie)


11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix
b Pandemonium
c Vertex^2



12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?

Queen Of Light.

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?

Honestly DDR...
14) Why?

Just the music. It's CATCHY.

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?

ITG 2. Bloodrush owns your soul.

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?

Definately. It's awesome because it feels good to put your time and money into something, and then walk off only to hear "Wow, that was good."

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?

Solo for sure. Other people distract me.

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?

Proud of it. Anything; unless I'm at home. For the first time the line's been used truthfully: I don't HAVE to use the bar. I can quit when I want! XD

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North? 898.

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?

Well, I didn't look at anyone else's answers or my game for the answer to 19. You tell me. =P

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?

ITG2 CS, if only because even when our mall gets ITG3, it's not like I'll get a ride there or anything...

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?

Vans, Converse, or Wal-Mart athletic shoes.

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?

I can't drive. ITG2 for the win.

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?

Yes, though I didn't compete. I sliced my toe clean open on the escalator...>.<+++++

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?

Yes. C450. Always.
EGI wrote:
Huh, I didnt know Oasis had freezes.
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28. PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you? 21

2) How long have you been playing ITG? 3 months

3) How often do you play ITG? Everyday at home. 2-3 times at the arcade a week.

4) Where do you usually play ITG? Magic Midway in Orlando, FL

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine? About a 30 minute drive.

6) Is the machine in good condition? 9/10

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game? 1 dollar for 3 songs

8) What's your skill level? 7/10

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith (most tiring)
b July (Easiest)
c Pandemonium hard (Hardest to FA)
d Hardcore Symphony (Hardest to pass)

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush
b Determinator (easiest)
c Euphoria (hardest to fa and hardest to pass)
d Hardcore of the North (most tiring)

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix (easiest by far)
b Pandemonium (most tiring)
c Vertex^2 (hardest to FA and pass)

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade? Fleadh Uncut

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR? ITG

14) Why? More challenging

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more? ITG 2

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not? Sure why not.

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people? Hmm maybe 1 or 2 other people so I can rest between turns.

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs? Anything over a 10 then yeah.

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North? 898?

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd? Yeah I guess.

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac? ITG3

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG? Adidas(bought specifically to wear while playing ITG)

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine? ITG2 Machine easily

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together? No

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix? Anything under 150 I use X4. 151-185 X3. 186- 220 X2.5. >300 1.5X
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Trick Member
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29. PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you?

2) How long have you been playing ITG?
1 1/2 years

3) How often do you play ITG?
arcade every week and I have the home version

4) Where do you usually play ITG?
either at the movie theaters or Midway

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?
10 min walk from my house

6) Is the machine in good condition?
the one at theater is a brand new Dedicab so ya

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game?
at Midway it's 75 cents for 3 songs JP

8) What's your skill level?
I can *** most 9's

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith(hardest to FA)
b July(Most tiring)
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony(easiest)

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush(most tiring)
b Determinator(hardest to FA)
c Euphoria
d Hardcore of the North(easiest)

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix
b Pandemonium(most tiring and hardest to FA)
c Vertex^2(easiest)

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?

14) Why?
the songs are more musical in general

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play
with other people?
I like to have someone playing beside me so I can compare,but I'll let anyone play.

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?
only on certain 9+'s

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?
ITG2 cs

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?
whatever was the last pair of comfertable shoes I bought at Wal-Mart

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?
ITG2 Machine

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?
yes, 5-6

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?
I'm not the best but I'm a DDR nerd.

Last edited by T-14 on Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total
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30. PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you? 16

2) How long have you been playing ITG? 3 months

3) How often do you play ITG? I go in spurts between DDR and ITG

4) Where do you usually play ITG? home

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine? I believe the closest one is an hour away, maybe two.

6) Is the machine in good condition? Never played on it.

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game? free. homeversion. xP

8) What's your skill level? 11's, working on 12's

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith
b July
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony

Never played Monolith or Harcore Symphony with my feet, but I'd probably guess one of those being hardest to pass.

Most tiring-Monolith looks really tiring

easiest- July. xP

Hardest FA- Pandy prolly

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush
b Determinator
c Euphoria
d Hardcore of the North

I wouldn't know

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix
b Pandemonium
c Vertex^2

Summer=easiest it seems

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade? I don't go to the arcade silly. XD I never fail to play Mellow homeversion though.

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR? Depends on when I'm asked

14) Why? because I change my mind a lot.

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more? Never played itg2 with my feet, but I like the songs from it. I can't decide.

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not? Nah. It makes me nervous, then I get tired out faster.

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people? only one E10.gif

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs? Yes. All the time.

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North? no idea

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd? nah, I'm more broad and consider myself a rhythm game nerd.

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac? itg2 cs.

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG? Nike

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine? Itg2 machine, as sad as it sounds.

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together? nope

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix? I use mods all the time, and I'd prolly use x2.5 on Summer whenever I try it.


PM me for my bank information and credit card number, or call me at my home phone (1-[secret mexican area code]-384-4838, or press down all three buttons on your jitterbug phone at the same time) for any other information you would like to know.
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31. PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you?

2) How long have you been playing ITG?
About 6 months

3) How often do you play ITG?
Used to be every other week or so, but I haven't played in the last 2 months due to me being in Germany...

4) Where do you usually play ITG?
Oakridge Mall San Jose, Ca

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?
25 Miles or so

6) Is the machine in good condition?
The left pad can't hold freezes well, but overall it is good condition, dedicab too =).

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game?
75 Cents for 3 songs and Double Premium.

8) What's your skill level?
I can do all 12s. Can do Summer expert, but with a crappy score. I get usually around 75-85% on 12s and 11s. 95%+ on 10s and belows, I just try to pass them, not worried about score (until recently).

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith - Easiest
b July - Fun!
c Pandemonium hard - Most tiring
d Hardcore Symphony - Hardest to FA

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush - Most Tiring
b Determinator - Easiest
c Euphoria - Hardest to FA
d Hardcore of the North - 2nd Hardest to FA

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix - Easiest
b Pandemonium - Most Tiring
c Vertex^2 - Hardest to FA

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?
Da Roots - 1st ITG song.

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?

14) Why?
ITG is a lot more fun with the hands and mines and everything. Harder too.

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?
Both are good. ITG1 has more good songs, but ITG2 has less good songs, but when they are good, they kick buttocks.

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?
Yah, but not when they think I am really good because if they knew the game they would know that it is well below the tier of being Good.

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?
I like playing with friends, but other than that, being alone is fun because you can try new things without being embarrased.

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?
I always use the bar, but only for 11+ Footers.

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?
No, because I didn't get 19 right lol.

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?
ITG3 ac

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?
My normal Vans.

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?
If it was a really nice car, then the car. But if the car sucked, ITG2 machine (duh).

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?
I use speedmods, but not always. When I do use them, it is probably 2x or 3x. On Summer I use 1.5x.
I never know what to put here so I will just live it blank.
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32. PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:48 am    Post subject: Re: Fun ITG survey! Reply with quote

1) How old are you? 19

2) How long have you been playing ITG? Month in AC about 2 Home Version

3) How often do you play ITG? About once a week

4) Where do you usually play ITG? Arcade in a Movie Theater

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine? 4 hour walk or really short car ride.

6) Is the machine in good condition? Not bad

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game? 1$/3 songs

8) What's your skill level? 11's/12's

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith
b July (Easiest)
c Pandemonium hard (most tiring)
d Hardcore Symphony (Hard to FA)

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush (Hardest Pass)
b Determinator (Easiest I Guess?)
c Euphoria (Hard to FA)
d Hardcore of the North (2nd Hardest Pass)

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix (easiest)
b Pandemonium (most tiring)
c Vertex^2 (FA is impossible)

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?


13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR? ITG

14) Why? Better Cabinet, Hands, More Challenging Charts

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more? ITG2

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not? Yes

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people? I like to have a friend or two with me but not a ton

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?

I can do an 11 or two no bar but I always use it unless I feel like no barring (rarely)

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?


20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?

I prefer Geek E13.gif

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?


22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?


23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?


24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?


25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?

3x or 4-5x Mini
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33. PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you?

2) How long have you been playing ITG?
couple weeks

3) How often do you play ITG?
2-3 times a week

4) Where do you usually play ITG?
my house

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?
10~ miles

6) Is the machine in good condition?
haven't played at arcade yet

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game?
usually play about 1 hour, no clue how many songs

8) What's your skill level?
can bar most 10s, can't play any 11s

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith
b July
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony
no clue

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush
b Determinator
c Euphoria
d Hardcore of the North
no clue

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix
b Pandemonium
c Vertex^2
no clue

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?
My Favourite Game

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?

14) Why?
hands, more harder songs

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?
only if i'm not trying new songs

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?
only one

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?
yes, 10s and up

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?
781 (total guess)

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?
not yet

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?
ITG2 cs

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?
basketball or running shoes

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?
free ITG machine, can't drive yet

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?
yes, x3, overhead
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34. PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:06 pm    Post subject: Re: Fun ITG survey! Reply with quote

Marquistadorous wrote:
I made this 25 question survey about ITG, just cause I'm curious about your opinions. It should only take a minute or two, and there are alot of fun questions, so enjoy!

1) How old are you? 17

2) How long have you been playing ITG? since it came out (Sept 04)

3) How often do you play ITG? once or twice a week

4) Where do you usually play ITG? keystone lanes, Norwalk, CA

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine? about a mile away from a crappy itg1, 7 miles from location i normally play at.

6) Is the machine in good condition? pads havent given me much trouble, bars are uber wobbly on 2p

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game? 50¢ 3 songs.

8) What's your skill level? Singles/ Doubles Expert

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith most tiring
b July easiest to pass
c Pandemonium hardhardest to pass
d Hardcore Symphonyeasiest to FA

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrushmost tiring
b Determinator hardest to pass
c Euphoria hardest to FA
d Hardcore of the Northeasiest to pass

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix hardest to pass
b Pandemonium easiest to pass
c Vertex^2 hardest to FA

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade? any 9, 10, 11 or 12 i play.

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR? they even out

14) Why? itg for stamina, ddr for accuracy

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more? i dont care really.

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not? depends on my mood, if i feel like im doing good, a crowd would be nice E1.gif

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people? i like my solitude

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs? if i get lazy, and with the pads i play on...i do get really lazy

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North? 898, i've known this since the itg1 days

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd? iuno, could be

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac? dont care, might not be playing either anyway

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG? puma/converse

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine? free itg2, gas/ insurance sucks buttocks for my generation x.x

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together? plenty of them out here in So Cal biggrin.gif

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?[/b] yes i do. 4-5x on songs 120-160 and ummm..i use 3x on summer.

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Dr. Lorenz
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35. PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you? 20

2) How long have you been playing ITG? Since May

3) How often do you play ITG? About once a week for a few hours.

4) Where do you usually play ITG? Brunswick Zone Naperville

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?Uh.. 15 minutes from the nearest machine, but it's a crapocab. frown.gif

6) Is the machine in good condition?The one I actually play on is in good condition.

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game? $.99 for 5 songs

8) What's your skill level? I've passed most 12's and I'm working on 13's

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith
b July
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony
Harcore Symphony and Monolith are both very hard, and very tiring, the other two, not so much.

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush
b Determinator
c Euphoria
d Hardcore of the North
Well, I've passed HotN and Euphoria, but not the other two... so yeah.

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix
b Pandemonium
c Vertex^2
Well, I've gotten the furthest on Summer

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade? I try to vary it as much as possible

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR? I like ITG better, but DDR is still a fun game

14) Why? I think more thought was put into pleasing the fans of dancing games for ITG than DDR

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more? They both have good songs... but probably 1

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not? If I can't see them, I like having them.

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people? Well, it's fun to have a machine to yourself, but other people sometimes make for a good break when you're tired.

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs? On ITG for pretty much everything, but seldom on DDR

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North? 898, but I'm not sure if that includes jumps...

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd? Yeah.

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac? ...frown.gif

22) What kind of shoes do you wear when you play ITG? Adidas with Goodyear soles.

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine? ITG machine

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together? Yeah.

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix? Yeah, I use 'em. Well, I can read the runs better on 3, but I read the rest of the song better on 2.5
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36. PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you? 22

2) How long have you been playing ITG? July 2005

3) How often do you play ITG? 3-4 times a week. about 4 hours each time i go

4) Where do you usually play ITG? 222 laval

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine? 5 mins from work, 25 mins from my house

6) Is the machine in good condition? it's in perfect condition. if the pads go wrong i just fix it myself E7.gif

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game? $.0.75 (canadian) for 3 songs double premium

8) What's your skill level? passed everything on double except vertex^2. currently getting *** on 9s on double. 96 average on expert double

9) Which of the 11s do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?

since i play exclusively doubles here's my input:

most tiring: Summer
easiest to FA: Tribal style
hardest to FA: i have lots of trouble with delirium to FA

10) Which of the 12s do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?

again, i talk only doubles:

most tiring: vertex, even on c450 it's so tiring
easiest to FA: determinator
hardest to FA: probably monolith

11) Which of the 13s do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?

for doubles:
most tiring: vertex^2
easiest to FA: energizer. if i can read the slowdown better i would get at last an 80 on it
hardest to FA: vertex^2

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade? all except the 13s. i only do the 13s when i feel great

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR? ITG all the way.

14) Why? ITG gives me more of a challenge. plus i don't like whoring 7-8 footers to try to AAA them

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more? dunno, i started with ITG2

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not? i don't mind. it gives me motivation to do a lot better

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people? i like it when one person is with me. being alone gets me tired to quickly, but being with too many ppl hinders my time to progress. one person with me gives me time between games, but not too much time so my muscles are still warm

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs? always bar-raped songs. i let go of the bar when i'm not beating my scores

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North? 898. i think there is like 630 on HOTN double

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd? i enjoy playing the game, but i'm not a nerd in anything

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac? i don't own a PS2, there's your answer

22) What kind of shoes do you wear when you play ITG? nike free 5.0 trainers

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine? i got a car already

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together? yes

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix? i use 3x on summer expert double
Groovestats <3 doubles

sup i play Gunbound also
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37. PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) How old are you? 14

2) How long have you been playing ITG? Six days

3) How often do you play ITG? 30-90 minutes a day

4) Where do you usually play ITG? @ Home

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine? Pretty darn far.

6) Is the machine in good condition? Quite.

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game? Don't remember, only been there once.

8) What's your skill level? 9-10 footers

9-11) I don't know. Never tried any of them.

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade? Only been to an ITG arcade machine once, so dunno.

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR? ITG

14) Why? Bigger range of harder songs.

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more? Both of equal merit.

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not? Yup.

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people? Doesn't matter.

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs? No bar.

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North? No idea.

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd? sorta.

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac? are any of those coming out anymore?

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG? converse

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine? ITG2

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together? nope.

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix? i usually use 1.5x. sometimes 2x.
Mariogirl wrote:
Edit = lol I <3 davidyko

David needs more challenges. E10.gif
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38. PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:26 pm    Post subject: Re: Fun ITG survey! Reply with quote

1) How old are you? 17

2) How long have you been playing ITG? 1 Year.

3) How often do you play ITG? Not too often (Arcade-?, Home-Twice a month)

4) Where do you usually play ITG? At home.

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine? 90 minutes.

6) Is the machine in good condition? I assume so.

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game? IDK.

8) What's your skill level? Expert.

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith
b July
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony

Hardest: Monolith
Easiest: Pandemonium Hard
Hardest to FA: Monolith

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Bloodrush
b Determinator
c Euphoria
d Hardcore of the North

Hardest: Bloodrush
Easiest: Euphoria
Hardest to FA: Euphoria

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix
b Pandemonium
c Vertex^2

Hardest: Pandemonium
Easiest: Summer
Hardest to FA: Vertex^2

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?

! (Bang)

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?


14) Why?

Better song variety.

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?


16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?

Hell Yes!

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?

Other People.

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?

Yes, 11's and higher.

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?


20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?


21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?


22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?

Vans, other Skate shoes.

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?

Free ITG2 Machine.

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?


25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?

Yes, 2x.

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Trick Member
Trick Member

Joined: 19 Nov 2004
Location: Michigan
39. PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:22 pm    Post subject: Re: Fun ITG survey! Reply with quote

1) How old are you?
2) How long have you been playing ITG?
around 1.5 years
3) How often do you play ITG?
Since my local arcade got a dedicated cabinet, 2-3x a week

4) Where do you usually play ITG?

5) About how far away do you live from an ITG machine?
approx. 2.5 miles

6) Is the machine in good condition?

7) How much do you have to pay for a game of ITG and how many songs are in a game?
$1/3 doubles premium

8) What's your skill level?
hard/expert. I can do up to 11 footers, but 9 footers are my favorite levels to do.

9) Which of the 11s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Monolith hardest
b July easiest
c Pandemonium hard
d Hardcore Symphony

10) Which of the 12s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
never actually beat any of these lawl, but my opinions still:
a Bloodrush- hardest to pass
b Determinator
c Euphoria- hardest to FA
d Hardcore of the North- most tiring

11) Which of the 13s below do you think is the hardest to pass or the most tiring? Easiest? hardest to FA?
a Summer speedy mix
b Pandemonium- hardest to pass
c Vertex^2- hardest to FA (duh)

12) Which song do you never fail to play when you go to the arcade?
Agent blatent

13) Which game do you like better, ITG or DDR?

14) Why?
better songs, more challenging, mods, survival mode, awesome 1337 dedicab pads

15) Do like the songs in ITG 1 or ITG 2 more?
i hate to sound like an f bag, but i like them both equally (and alot ;-)

16) Do like having a crowd watching you play or not?
no crowd. I feel uncomfortable with random people standing so close to me while i sweat ;-(

17) Do you like to be the only one using the machine, or do like to play with other people?

18) Do you ever bar rape? If so, on how difficult of songs?
oh yeah! I bar rape on almost everything itg, but i play ddr no bar xcept for 10 footers.

19) With out cheating, Do you know how many steps are in Hardcore of the North?

20) Do you consider yourself an ITG nerd?
hellz yeah

21) Are you more excited for ITG2 cs or ITG3 ac?
well if they come out, ITG3 AC

22) What kind of shoes do you where when you play ITG?
New balance tennis shoes

23) Would you rather win a free car, or a free ITG2 machine?
itg gimme gimme drool.gif

24) Have you ever been to an ITG tourney or big ITG get-together?
nope, but i've been to ddr ones

25) Do you use speedmods? And what speedmod would you use on say, Summer speedy mix?
I use speedmods. I am a dieheart x3 fanatic, but summer would probably be 2.5


M Mods- I'm lovin' them
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