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MyMyBox Blueshark GXG Pads
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240. PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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241. PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am getting too many emails with the same questions.

HERE is what I wrote previously.

zombiejesus9001 wrote:
DancingTofu wrote:
When I ment cf has been around longer I ment the style of the pad. There pad has always been the same and rarely has it changed in style. The blueshark is pretty much brand new and the pads before it made by mymybox havnt been that good. If anyone remembers the pads before it they have been well known to have arrow shatters within a week or two of play or dead sensors due to the fact the contacts were nothing but foil and a circut board.
Actually, I played on a 2-year-old set of CF's a couple weeks ago.
The sensitivity was the worst I've ever experienced with a pad that wasn't completely broken, the feel was terrible, the only thing that was similar in design were the botton decals, two people got cut on the sharp edges, they weighed about 85 pounds each, and they slid about twice as much as my $70 generic eBay metal pad.

Well did they get them from cf or from a private seller? sounds like a private seller if only the bottom decals were the same thats a problem there and also were they wearing shoes? cause your soppose to wear shoes on metal pads even the blueshark pad your soppose to wear shoes

I played on 1 year old CF and new blueshark metal pad (2nd edition) last week. I have to say blueshark metal pad is alot better than CF.

1. Sensativity (Blueshark > CobaltFlux)
you can improve the score from A to AA or AA to AAA with blueshark.

2. Durability (Blueshark > CobaltFlux)
Very strong and thick. you can not imagine how strong and heavy it is.

3. Arcade feeling (Blueshark > CobaltFlux) :
I like the BlueShark a lot more. When I play on CF, I had a feeling of pressing or mushing in. With Blueshark metal pad, it is totally different feeling from CF. It has the feeling that you are at the arcade. If you play on CF, you will have mushy feeling on arrows. However, if you play on blueshark, you can feel that it actually rebound instead of mushing in like the CF. According to my freinds, CF sensativity is not as good as before.

4. Sturucture: (Blueshark > CobaltFlux) :
When I play CF on carpet, I could actually feel that the pad is bending and move around little bit. if you play on hardwood floor, CF is also sturdy too. When I play blueshark on both carpet and hard floor, I could not tell the difference much. It is solid. Blueshark pad does not move at all because it weighs significantly more. so If you plan to buy a CF and play on carpet, you need another Woodbase under the CF which will cost you about $45.00 from Home Depot.

5. Price:
Blueshark regular price is $349.95. Now it is $299.95
CobaltFlux is $299.99 + $45 for 3/4 inch plywood base for carpet user

If you have enough money for a Cobalt Flux you're better off buying either a BlueShark now . If you can afford the BlueShark is clearly the best choice.

SAVE Money for SuperNova, ITG2 and blueshark metal pad.
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242. PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just clicked the send order button!! Ooooo, I can't wait until I get my Blueshark!

Oh yeah, since I work for the Media Department of my school, we've got a really good High Def camera that I'll use to tape me doing a few dances. But just so everyone knows, I'm not really that good (only passed 1 10 footer ever) so the taping will be more for just how the pad looks and sounds and feels. Well, maybe not so much how it feels.
This post is © 2006 The Mouse Knight, affiliated with TMK Industries.
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243. PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just got my Blueshark in a day or so ago! biggrin.gif It is very nice! Sooo much sturdier than my old metal pads (They were the mysterious seemingly discontinued Buy N Shop metal pads). I got the pad on sale brand new for 249.99 on eBay. It seemed kind of like the "ugly duckling" of Bluesharks (maybe that's why it was on sale), but it works like a dream aside from a few cosmetic flaws.

I also have a question for others who have the pad. Is it normal for it to make alot of clicky noise when you step? I don't play on Arcade pads very often, but it seems significantly louder than an arcade step. I opened up the panels too, but everything seemed in order as far as I could tell (but then again I really wouldn't know most problems just by looking). Anyway, it's not noisy enough where it would be too distracting while playing, but it's just louder than I would expect or am used to...
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244. PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yea, I have the same erm problem as you. However, I figured out that it was the panel coming into contact with the four wood pieces down below that made those noises- its perfectly normal. Furthermore, whenever you step and trigger the sensors, the sensors click on some screws, which alse make a sound.
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245. PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sojrio wrote:
Yea, I have the same erm problem as you. However, I figured out that it was the panel coming into contact with the four wood pieces down below that made those noises- its perfectly normal. Furthermore, whenever you step and trigger the sensors, the sensors click on some screws, which alse make a sound.

Ah thanks... That's what I kinda guessed was happening... But it still worried me a bit. Good to hear...
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246. PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Course, thats what I think, not rly sure. DAMN, ims tillw iating for mmb to ship my control box, they gave me a tracking no. but it said only the informationw as received and not the package -.-.

Oh and also, did you guys blueshark come with very slight dents in some of the sides and very very sharp edges on some pieces of metal? I complained to MMB about it, but it seems pretty normal. And my arrows had some marks on them -.-.
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247. PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah my metal was slightly bent at the top corner, but it doesn't impact gameplay at all so I never really noticed it. My BlueShark sounds nice; it sounds a little more hollow than the arcade but it's easier to tell if you're off beat or not (for me at least E15.gif ).
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248. PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lmao I have weird luck. I just got my control cable today, but when i plugged it in, the menu cursor went HAYWIRE (as in randoms crolling). After an hour of figuring out which arrow it was, I found out that it was the up arrow (mine testing on Pandemonium =P). My dad found out the problem- poor stapling caused two wires to short circuit each other -.-. After taking forever to take out the staple, the mat was perfect =P though I did score an absurd amount of greats since I wasnt used to it. The only problemI have with it now is that the up arrow doesnt do holds very nicely -.-.
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249. PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I decided against getting a Blueshark after all.
It was too new so I couldn't really tell what the problems would be in the future; if any. I decided to buy a Cobalt Flux last night. I also bought the black and textured arcade mod kit. My mom and I split the cost 50, 50. Yay, now I don't have to play on my modded softpads. I might get a Blueshark for Christmas if the majority of the people who own them haven't experienced any major problems.

Can't wait till I get my Cobalt Flux! E4.gif
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250. PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

After trying both Blueshark metal pad and cobaltflux, my boyfriend and I decided to order blue blueshark metal pad.

we were not sure which pad to order. However, after tying both blueshark and cobaltflux pad, we decide to order blueshark metal pad. When I compared both pads, blueshark looks alot stronger than cobaltflux. blueshark is not 2inch thick. it is actually 2 and 1/4inch thick. CF is about 1 inch thick.

When I played on CF , it kind of feels like the one of TX series. When I played on Blueshark, OMG, I felt like I was playing at the arcade. it was totally different feeling from CF.

my boyfriend just ordered blueshark metal pad for me. I can not wait till we get the Blueshark. laugh.gif
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251. PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I've been playing on the Blueshark and sadly, I have to report that it....

KICKS THE ABSOLUTE CRAP OUT OF ANY OTHER PAD. It is JUST liek the arcade and both my home and arcade scores shot up liek crazy just after a week of playing it.
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252. PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have discovered a disadvantage to the Blueshark... It REALLY hurts when you drop it on your toe :'(

Also, My Blueshark had some similar dents along the edges, and the metal in one corner was bent out of shape to form some sort of death fortress... But once again nothing has effected gameplay.

Blueshark still going strong! We will see how it holds up when SuperNOVA comes out and it starts getting ALOT more useage! E1.gif
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253. PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

R-Kun, Sojrio, and funandsun - Do the Bluesharks that you guys own have bars? Also, do you think that the one with the bar would last longer because it's 3" thick instead of 2"?

Thanks. E1.gif
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254. PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nope. no bars. I heard if you buy the bar, it really sucks. I suggest you just make it yourself by getting some PVC and installing it ont he back portion of the BLUESHARK. Theres an extra section if you wanna attach a bar.
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255. PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Travelsonic wrote:
kyj197 wrote:
This guy is pretty good! Check this guy out play.

Here's a good video of some kid playing Delirium Expert.

Maybe the audio pickup is very sensitive, but it sounds like he is hitting those arrows pretty hard.
Actually, since his hands sounded about as loud as his feet, I'm guessing it was just a high audio pickup.
I used to be active here lol
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256. PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I own a first-generation BlueShark which I bought from eBay for about $235 including lol. That was when the retail price for it was $350 NOT including shipping. The seller shipped it to me, and I've been happy, but I DID notice the seller immediately increased the starting bid of his next BlueShark above my total price.

I'm currently happy with it, as it still works fine, although I am NOT happy with the Xbox control box which broke (PS2 control box is fine). While watching the MySpace video, I was happy to see my pad isn't the only one with arrows that... tilt when hit. Maybe the sound quality was poor in the video, and thus distorting the reality, but when I actually hit my arrows, it sounds squeaky and is a little annoying compared to my local arcade's ITG2 cabinet.

Since I got the BlueShark cheaper than a Cobalt Flux in the first place, and for a little more than an Afterburner, I'm extremely pleased with my first and only metal pad.

Note: My pad also came with a bar, but I never could figure out how to get it in nor did I care. I'm not the bar-type anyways..
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257. PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I ordered this pad yesterday. When will I receive the email of them confirming my order and when will i recieve it? When did you guys get it?
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258. PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since You live in florida, it should take 3 days for confirmation and 7-9 days to recieve it(I live in texas and got mine in 6).

Also, time for an update on my blueshark.

There are 2 things that irk me about the pad. One is if I play in shoes, the pad is loud, but thats probably normal for most metal pads. When I play in socks, hardly any sound is made.

The next thing is the construction of the sensor/panel. On top of each sensor is a moving piece of metal with a black rubber rectangle attached to the metal by a stick tape. This allows the panel to press down and hit the sensor. However, after playing some 10s, I noticed the panels being uneven and nonresponsive, which was due to the rubber detaching from the tape.

I tried to fix this, but ANYTHING that alters the height of the panel, even a layer of hot glue or tape, will mess with the height and repsonsiveness of the panel. I finally did fix this by pushing the black rubber rectangles into the arrow panel since it created a small groove and then used a glue stick to attach to each arrow bottom instead of the metal. I only did this today, so I'll see how long it lasts.

After doing this however, my scores went back to being amazing to the point where I would perform sloppy (goods, etc) in a song and still get a AA (Supernova) due to only getting like 6 greats and whatever. Overall, I love this pad WAY more than my Konami softpad and Supernova is awesome.
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259. PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I received a blueshark metal pad yesterday. OMG. The BlueShark is by far the best home pad available without a doubt.

MYMYBOX has great customer service. I never had this kind of customer service. super fast email response time. E1.gif

This blueshark metal pad is amazing. Now my friends are waiting on line to play on blueshark instead of playing on CF. This pad is extremely heavy. I could not move it by myself. The pad does not move at all while I am playing. This is amazing pad. This blueshark pad is totally different from Cobaltflux.

if you ask me which one to get it, I really reccomend this pad to anyone . My friend also just ordered one today.

This is the best metal pad that I ever played on it.
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