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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
400. Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:37 am Post subject: |
I'm happy to announce a new, great front-end for Dancing Monkeys v1.02: Gorilla, written by David Flink. Go to:
to download it. It includes output directly to the proper StepMania directory, drag and drop input, and many other excellent features. It's also tiny to download, just 40k (though if your machine is pretty "clean", you may need to also download the DLL installer).
As far as v1.02 differing from v1.01, I'll check that out. The only thing changed as far as the algorithms go is that code was added so that songs without the default output length of 105 seconds would have a reasonable step density. In other words, the bug in v1.01 where long songs had very few steps was fixed. Other than that very little was touched.
Note that random numbers are indeed used in Dancing Monkeys, so output can vary from run to run in any version of the program. Run it twice on the same song and you'll likely get fairly different results. I've run v1.02 on about 480 songs and so far they seem pretty much like v1.01, for good or ill. I hope to find some time to dig in and improve some of the problems 1.01 has (e.g. if it doesn't have a strong bass line, Dancing Monkeys won't convert it).
Eric |
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Minger Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jul 2004
401. Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:06 pm Post subject: |
Didn't work for me - Tried loading a few songs, hit go, and it just started, then the screen disappeared and went back to the first screen. |
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
402. Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:41 pm Post subject: |
Minger wrote: | Didn't work for me - Tried loading a few songs, hit go, and it just started, then the screen disappeared and went back to the first screen. |
Drat, sorry to hear that. Did you try the "full install" version of Gorilla, which installs some DLLs you might be missing? Did you use the new version of Dancing Monkeys, v. 1.02? Also, you might try looking at the dm_log.txt file produced (it'll be in the output directory) and see what it says in there.
If you (or anyone else) still run into problems, please send me a private message and we can debug this together via email.
Eric |
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
403. Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:55 pm Post subject: |
well maby i think it did not work couse i`m using the bacth utility
o i do not know
and what is that o Gorilla (what for )  _________________
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
404. Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:07 pm Post subject: |
ok ok Gorilla is cool but what the /$(()(&//( y DWI directory  _________________
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
405. Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:15 am Post subject: |
danil_d_ wrote: | ok ok Gorilla is cool but what the /$(()(&//( y DWI directory  |
You don't need to fill in the DWI directory, it's where your "Dance With Intensity" software is located (which no one uses, AFAIK). See the tutorial at: to understand Gorilla better. I'll pass your feedback on to David Flink, I can think of ways he can make it clearer that the DWI directory (and StepMania directory, for that matter) is optional.
Question to all: does anyone still use DWI? PM me if you do; I'd like to understand why.
Eric |
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
406. Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:15 pm Post subject: |
right dance with intensity is cool , i already downloaded it and its easy
too use
but theres a problem there is no spanish version anouncer jajajaj
(why i'm saing this? cause im mexican jejeje
so i already understood thanks bro and i think the thing bout the song steps of 1.02 I think Gorilla fixed it and its cool the you can make 3 min songs jajaja thanks a lot man
you could talk to the stepmaia page producer and can make a very good arrege cause dancing monkey its a real cool progam
and now with the gorrilla and all the its AMAZING
thanks for everything and no more cuestions i think jajaja  _________________
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
407. Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 5:39 am Post subject: |
New version of Dancing Monkeys is now available, it's v1.03. Get it here:
Why new? Because I somehow futzed the compilation of the v1.02 version, making it much slower (2.5 times slower) than v1.01 - no idea how that could happen. This new version, v1.03, is back to normal (i.e. pretty slow, vs. dead slow). It also includes some minor bugfixes, general cleanup, and uses a bit less memory.
If you have v1.02, you just need to download the v1.03 executable. For newcomers, Gorilla is now packaged with Dancing Monkeys, so it's just one simple download.
Thanks for the feedback, those of you who've written with bugs and suggestions. We're working (well, mostly David Flink is working) to integrate Gorilla better with Dancing Monkeys and improve its interface considerably. That release will probably happen in about two weeks. |
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Joshua B Trick Member

Joined: 22 Dec 2005 Location: Hudson, MA, USA |
408. Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 4:55 pm Post subject: |
I'm a first-time user (tonight). Nice job with the program and the frontend!
I had to make a slight Offset adjustment but then the steps were great. Interesting that the program creates a totally new set of steps for each Difficulty level.
I noticed that the program compressed and trimmed my MP3 so I set Length to 1000 and Output format to <original>. My mp3 file size is still cut in half. Can I get some help on making sure my music file isn't rewritten? |
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jzero Basic Member

Joined: 29 Apr 2006
409. Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 5:39 pm Post subject: |
erich666 wrote: | jzero wrote: | Do you mind sending a picture? I don't know where to type everything at. The tutorial at the website isn't very helpful. |
The tutorial at gives pretty clear step-by-step instructions on how to install and run the program. If you can tell me what step you're getting stuck on, I can make the page clearer.
I can't figure out what you'd want for a screenshot, but maybe the following will help. Instead of telling you to type:
cd "C:\Dancing Monkeys\bin\win32"
DancingMonkeys -l 600 "C:\temp\My Steps\Barney.mp3" 3 5 8
here's a screenshot (though without the '-l 600' in it):
I've added this screenshot to the tutorial. |
Thanks. I got it now.
Are you the creator? If you are, that's a very nice program you have there. Keep it up. |
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
410. Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 7:58 pm Post subject: |
ok lets check out 1.03 version _________________
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
411. Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:37 pm Post subject: |
its cool  _________________
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Gorilla_dude Basic Member

Joined: 31 Jul 2006
412. Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:58 pm Post subject: |
Joshua B wrote: | I noticed that the program compressed and trimmed my MP3 so I set Length to 1000 and Output format to <original>. My mp3 file size is still cut in half. Can I get some help on making sure my music file isn't rewritten? |
The music file is *always* re-written (DancingMonkeys has worked that way since V1.00, afaik), but the trimming may be due to another issue.
When you set the Length to 1000, are you sure you set it in the correct place?
Gorilla 0.9.4 remembers the settings for each file/directory. Did you have the correct song selected?
Ideally, you should hilight <default> *first* and set the defults you prefer.
Then add any songs/directories to process.
After that, you can happily customise any specific song/directory without effecting any others.
Changing <default> *after* adding songs/directories has no effect.
I am changing this somewhat in v0.9.5, but sadly a HDD crach and Eric Haines being away means there will be no updates untill next week at the soonest. |
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eaglefan101 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2005 Location: Somewheres |
413. Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:57 am Post subject: |
i cant open any of the .rar or the .zip files. they are invalid or corrupt. _________________
Formerly known as "piemaster"
Yeah this is the end of my sig. You can stop reading it now. |
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Gorilla_dude Basic Member

Joined: 31 Jul 2006
414. Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:29 am Post subject: |
piemaster wrote: | i cant open any of the .rar or the .zip files. they are invalid or corrupt. |
I have validated all of them.
(I used winzip and linux unzip to verify the zip files, and linix rar to varify the rar- I don't have winrar a.t.m)
Check the MD5SUM signatures below.
Code: |
f5d0c109cb89b24319792c151576088e Dancing Monkeys
34ee4a43ee03126744091f6e8c4159a0 Dancing Monkeys
f3c86bb2016c31090c094e3535a54f44 Dancing Monkeys 1.03.rar
eebe5bc1711e4eaa8a9a2102fb34bfb9 DancingMonkeys
If the MD5 signatures are correct, try a diferent zip/rar package. |
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
415. Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:11 am Post subject: |
piemaster wrote: | i cant open any of the .rar or the .zip files. they are invalid or corrupt. |
I can't reproduce this problem you are having. WinRAR uncompresses the files in the main distribution fine for me, I just tried it again. Let me know if you're still having problems, along with what rar program you're trying, etc. |
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
416. Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:32 am Post subject: monket page doen not work |
monket page does not work why i can dowloas dancing monkeys and gorilla  _________________
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DDR_mulletman Basic Member

Joined: 06 Jul 2005 Location: Moon Township, Pennsylvania |
417. Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:21 am Post subject: |
Yeah, i can't get the page to work either, and my version of Dancing Monkey's has started acting funny (it truncates songs that are 5 minutes to some random number) _________________
a.k.a Ron Daman
'All you'll see is the mullet while i'm playing DDR' |
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Suburban Knight Trick Member

Joined: 10 Jun 2006 Location: Nj |
418. Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:01 pm Post subject: |
I downloaded this program a while ago. Have they:
A. Incorperated BPM Changes
B. Made it do more than just 4th and 8th notes
C. Gotton rid of the annoying stops that don't really fit anywhere?
jw _________________
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
419. Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:33 pm Post subject: |
The site is up, guess it must have been down for a bit.
Like the pages say, we've mostly just cleaned up the input and output problems in versions 1.0 and 1.01. Gorilla is a much friendlier front end.
By default it trims the songs to 105 seconds long. If you used the patched 1.01 version, simple set the song duration for the new version to 9999 seconds (option "--length 9999") and it won't trim the length of any song. This can also be set in Gorilla.
To get rid of pauses, just use "-ons" to never generate pauses. Alternately, you could put "-es 1" and if one or more stops would be generated (which often means that the steps file generated has gaps in it anyway), which tells Dancing Monkeys to not generate a step file if it would otherwise make a pause. Again, Gorilla can set this.
Someday we hope to improve the beats per minute algorithm and the steps generation itself. Personally, I find about half my own music doesn't convert at all, and that maybe half the songs that are generated are flawed or boring. It's the one out of 10 or 20 that are good or great that are worthwhile. Easier for me to dance through 9 bad or fair songs in 20 minutes and delete them, than spend a few hours writing my own steps to a single song.
Eric |
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