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Top reasons why i quit DDR for ITG and PIU
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60. PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Synaesthesia wrote:
Razma wrote:
As for Starian Hard, try Beethoven Virus Hard, you'll have fun with it.

At first I didn't read the "hard," and I thought "wtf no beethoven virus cz is so not fun."


Seriously, after playing some pump today, I feel like I'm losing my touch because of the new IIDX machine. frown.gif My dancing ability is leaving me for my push-button ability.
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61. PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I could maybe do Dignity... if you pretend it doesn't have M runs or half its triples.... I just don't like a lot of jumps, so stuff like What Do You Really Want kind of makes me mad.
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62. PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why i quit ddr for itg (i blow at piu)

1. Dedicated cabinets are awesome, the sound quality is amazing in comparison to a ddrex cab.

2. Dedicated cabinets are awesome, the pad quality is amazing in comparison to a ddrex cab.

3. Roxor actually LISTENS to it's own fanbase AMAZING :O!

4. USB support is wicked AWESOME!!!! No more bringing a digital camera to the arcade again.

5. USB support is wicked AWESOME!!!! No more disliking the stepcharts that are horrible because you can get your own!

6. Rolling freezes and mines. Originally i hated rolling freezes but now i am starting to like them (especially 1 footed ones biggrin.gif )

7. Percentage Grading: No more "Lolz we both got an AA were both teh same lolz" when one person has 45 greats and the other has 5.

8. Doubles Premium: Something that arcade owners are actually willing to do for you :O!

9. It's so hard LOLz teh timing windows

10. It's so hard LOLz 15 fttrs!!!! wth?

small reasons why ddr is better

1. More space to put ur stuff (ITg cabs have like no space to put ur keys, cell phone tokens, water bottles and shout, wtf?)

2. "Creative Stepcharts"- *supernova comes out* well i guess that part's over disturb.gif

3. LolzBBQ i ned a fird reason *insert 3rd reason*

4. 6-panel mode- well i guess that's over too E12.gif

That's all E1.gif

M Mods- I'm lovin' them
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63. PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I left DDR for IGT because of the gameplay and style. The songs are catchy (well, most of them), theres no annoying announcer always trying to start a conversation with you, and the graphics are more friendly on your eyes! I still do the DDR machines from time to time because there are some songs I cant just forget about, like R3, Saints or Rhythm and Police.

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64. PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:13 pm    Post subject: Re: Top reasons why i quit DDR for ITG and PIU Reply with quote

Mostly_Harmless wrote:
1) u can't disable corner buttons in ddr extreame (shows how much konami really cares about the American versions
2)they got rid of solo type for ex2 how the heck do they expect us to read the 16th notes now!?
3)Konami dosen't give a poopy about there (DDR) fanbase and what they have to say about future versions.
4) 95% of there songs are too easy and boring besides some of the 10s
5)konami is like microsoft dominating the dance music games and sueing everyone who actually makes a better game then them
6)same old boring mods and lack of speed mods...
7) flashing arrows that blend in with background
8)retarded dance charicters make the game so childish and distract you
9)No hands
10) crapy licencing on there songs (which most of them do suck)
11) too populair, everyone thinks all dance games are called DDR

obviously DDR was my frist dance game but i have only been playing dance games for about 5 months now. I quit DDR into my second month. these are just a few reasons why i gave up on DDR im sure there are many more i can add to the list but please share your reasons why you quit and your opinions about DDR now

If you don't get burnt in the next few minutes, I'll jump right to it.
I hope you like them big and black.
Barbaloot wrote:
whatever, I've played several times right after eating the 911 hot wings from Hooters
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65. PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's funny that you can't read thread dates.
im a lasagna whale

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66. PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PurePARANOiA wrote:
I'm sorry you find DDR boring due to absence of gimmicky difficulties and mods. Here's a step-by-step to make it seem more fun...

1. Find the nearest firearm or device capable of firing a projecttile at at least mach 1.2

2. Locate ammunition for said firearm

3. Attempt to put said ammunition in your firearm (You may find this difficult due to lack of speed mods)

4. When properly loaded pull back hammer, bolt, etc. to initiate a state of "ready to fire" (This may be challenging with all those corner buttons in your way)
5. Open mouth and insert firearm (it's critical that you are able to insert the end where the projectile is more likely to exit, although you might be distracted by someone dancing in a background somewhere)
6. Pull the trigger while gun is in mouth, this is a requisite (User reports have indicated that Smith & Wesson ingnores their fanbase and thus, might hender the weapon from doing it's job)
7. If lack of Solo did not intervien in your putting the ammo in right, proceed to 9.

8. Reattempt to put ammunition in weapon, but first, remove the offending bullet/cartdrige

9. Congratulations, you've improved your DDR experience!!!

LMAO. Couldnt have said it better. happy.gif

YOU bumbed a 2 week old thread.
Barbaloot wrote:
whatever, I've played several times right after eating the 911 hot wings from Hooters
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67. PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I gave up DDR in favor of ITG at the end of 2005 for these reasons:

1. DDR is too old, too obsolete. Not enough options to keep in par with ITG.
2. Songs are too cheesy. I'd rather be dancing to real techno/hardcore than the kiddie eurobeat crap.
3. Not enough hard songs. The few 10s in DDR are nothing compared to the likes of Determinator, Pandemonium, HotN, and VerTex² in ITG.
4. Graphics are becoming dated. The same old DDRMAX noteskins are being used in SuperNova. Don't we get tired of seeing these after so many years? At least ITG has Robot noteskins.
5. Lack of new originals in SuperNova. From what I heard, it's nothing but a bunch of songs from arcade and home versions of previous mixes as well as Beatmania songs. ITG3 is getting new originals.
6. The announcer is rather annoying and the dancers are distracting. Couldn't we just forget about these idiot dancers and announcers and get on with the real deal, dancing to the music?
7. DDR has lost its lasting appeal. Too much of the old stuff too long. ITG pretty much keeps the challenge fresh by adding something new to each version, like adding rolls and Survivor Mode in ITG2 and single-roll stepcharts in ITG3 (hello, Esperanza).

ITG home version expert difficulty progress report: All songs beaten except Pandemonium
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68. PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:13 am    Post subject: Re: Top reasons why i quit DDR for ITG and PIU Reply with quote

Mostly_Harmless wrote:
1) u can't disable corner buttons in ddr extreame (shows how much konami really cares about the American versions

Everyone and their mother knows the only good thing about Extreme was mission mode.

2)they got rid of solo type for ex2 how the heck do they expect us to read the 16th notes now!?

O NOES FOR THE 2 SONGS YOU'LL EVER NEED SOLO MODE ON. Solo mode is only good if you're going for AAAs, and even then, EX2's timing windows were really loose. Hint: USE SPEED MODS!

3)Konami dosen't give a ! shit ! about there (DDR) fanbase and what they have to say about future versions.

Sorry, but "poopy" just kills the mood of about 98% of ANY rant. This also isn't true and has been discussed many times, don't blame Konami for putting in easy or crappy lisences, blame the general audience of America for sucking at DDR and wanting shitty songs.

4) 95% of there songs are too easy and boring besides some of the 10s

Look at when the last mix was made...IN 2002, this was before the time of ITG, so stuff like PSMO and Trip Machine Survivor were still considered hard, and don't even try to compare to PIU, because that's a different gameplay style.

5)konami is like microsoft dominating the dance music games and sueing everyone who actually makes a better game then them

Uhhh...have you ever read WHY they were sued?

6)same old boring mods

Yes, make it like ITG and add 5 million useless Modifiers JUST FOR FUN. Yeah!
and lack of speed mods...

1.5x, 2x, 3x, 5x, 8x, Boost, and many machines have x0.5 hacked on. speed mods. ITG has like...3 more?

7) flashing arrows that blend in with background


8)retarded dance characters make the game so childish and distract you

Here's some tips. DONT PLAY OLDER DDR MIXES OR TURN CHARACTERS OFF ON HOME VERSIONS JESUS CHRIST ARE YOU THAT LAZY? And they're characters, it's the make the game look more interesting. Shut up and deal with it.

9)No hands

See response to reason #4.

10) crapy licencing on there songs (which most of them do suck)

I'm sorry, but ITG is my least favorite license-wise. PIU would be my favorite and DDR second.

11) too popular, everyone thinks all dance games are called DDR

This I will agree with. DDR DOES get too much recognition. There are plenty of other great music games out there such as, O2Jam, IIDX, and R2Beat, just to name a few. But dancing games are such a hit because of the whole "fight obesity" cause.
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69. PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have you guys tried making DDR more fun? Try throwing in your own handplants. Be creative. Maybe learn how to freestyle. You guys could still get a lot of fun out of DDR if you make it fun. I recently started getting bored of my bowling ally's unlockless DDR EXTREME, so I'm making it more fun. Also, have you (and I'm only directing this to some of you, who will remain nameless Mostly Harmless) tried Oni courses or double mode yet? Those are a lot of fun.
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70. PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Throwing in random hand plants and freestyles only makes you look like an idiot.

I didn't really have reasons for quitting DDR for ITG. I just stumbled upon ITG, liked it, and enjoyed it more than DDR.

I still play DDR once in a while, but only for Doubles and Oni courses.
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71. PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

GotACoolName wrote:
Throwing in random hand plants and freestyles only makes you look like an idiot.

I didn't really have reasons for quitting DDR for ITG. I just stumbled upon ITG, liked it, and enjoyed it more than DDR.

I still play DDR once in a while, but only for Doubles and Oni courses.

Oh crap, your right.
I'd get better at double mode, but the machine owner won't listen to a damn thing I say! All I've seen new in the machine latley, is a freshly changed light bulb in the marquee. What the hell? They could change the light bulb, but not unlock songs or turn on joint premium? Or at least fix the pads!?
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72. PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

GotACoolName wrote:
Throwing in random hand plants and freestyles only makes you look like an idiot.

This man is a fool.

Anyway, for me:
DDR: I like the music =) Loads of fun steps E13.gif
PIU: I like the music =) You can ACTUALLY dance with this machine laugh.gif
ITG: What the hell is this auidable vomit!?!? BUTTAN SMASH TIEM!! goog.gif

Oh, also if you really must get into styling, I like the ITG dedicabs from the back of the pads, to where the bar ends. The rest of the machine looks like it was designed by a fiveyear old with MS clipart (hi arrows) and MS Paint. They look like hell =/

As far as interface goes, it is no question: DDRSN > PIU:zero > MSDOS > ITG. The ITG interface looks bad. Really bad. Actually whoever designed this game (read:stepmania mod) must have been better at coding than design. Horrific stuff.
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73. PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't get all this ITG bashing. The music is good, better than a lot of DDR stuff, and not everything is hardcore techno (although if you don't like music that's GOOD for a dance game, too bad). It presents more of a challenge, and the expert charts aren't "not fun". The timing windows are more strict in normal gameplay, and you have an accurate % of how you did.

Not having fun? I don't think turning off mines is a big deal if you're not even getting 90's anyway. Hands, mines, and rolls are different and fun.

Complain about ITGs many mods? Mess with them some day. Ever play 5-option or whatever on DDR? Play ITG.

Konami obviously doesn't listen to their fans. Don't argue with "oh, but there are soo many crappy people who like pop" when Konami could release HARDER songs than one or two 11s, and the newbs that play the game probably won't care for it's existance, and won't quit the game because there's like five hard songs or something. 10s+ don't have to be crappy songs with a crazy BPM.
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74. PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Flazh wrote:
Oh, also if you really must get into styling, I like the ITG dedicabs from the back of the pads, to where the bar ends. The rest of the machine looks like it was designed by a fiveyear old with MS clipart (hi arrows) and MS Paint. They look like hell =/

That's funny, becaused ITG2 Dedis are basically the same as PIU GX cabs. If you want to rate a game based off what the cabinet looks like that's fine, you should just realize that you're choosing something trivial over the things ITG does better than DDR (and certain things better than PIU, though the playing emphasis is certainly a lot different). I suspect you're rather ignorant of these things, since I have yet to meet someone with nearly full cognizance of what ITG does and still choose DDR over it.
im a lasagna whale

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75. PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Flazh wrote:
GotACoolName wrote:
Throwing in random hand plants and freestyles only makes you look like an idiot.

This man is a fool.

Anyway, for me:
DDR: I like the music =) Loads of fun steps E13.gif
PIU: I like the music =) You can ACTUALLY dance with this machine laugh.gif
ITG: What the hell is this auidable vomit!?!? BUTTAN SMASH TIEM!! goog.gif

Oh, also if you really must get into styling, I like the ITG dedicabs from the back of the pads, to where the bar ends. The rest of the machine looks like it was designed by a fiveyear old with MS clipart (hi arrows) and MS Paint. They look like hell =/

As far as interface goes, it is no question: DDRSN > PIU:zero > MSDOS > ITG. The ITG interface looks bad. Really bad. Actually whoever designed this game (read:stepmania mod) must have been better at coding than design. Horrific stuff.

I think I you've got a virus that edits all your posts into ITG hatrid. I don't understand. I think ITG has great music. I also love everything about the dedicabs (except for having no where to put my stuff). Big screens, awesome sound systems, great pads, cool design, what's not to like?
And how can you not like the interface? I love the interface. I mean, DDR SuperNOVA's interface does > the ITG one, but still. The ITG 2 interface >'s the PIU and DDR EXTREME and MS DOS (wtf?) interfaces, if you ask me. I don't like PIU's interface anyway.
If you ask me, ITG beats DDR in nearly everything. Except giving you a place to put your stuff. DDR is awesome at that.
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76. PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow... I can't believe this isn't locked yet. The very first post was basically flaming DDR and now it turned into a DDR vs. ITG vs. PIU thread.
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Lord Aldesajb
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77. PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Call me an old fart, I was raised by them, but, DDR beats everything because:

1. It is the original.
2. The only reason it doesn't have hands and poopy is because generic copyright code loopholers create dance games to get in the business too, and must have new gimmics(?).
3. The music is better, sorry but Japanese(?) music is just better to dance to than ITG crap
4. Konami put hard work into creating this game and other companies bought it to cut and paste the programing into their own game.

Not to smash PUI, it is a mock up, but not completly, is fun to play and is uniqe in its own ways
Don't mind the technical errors in my tpying.
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78. PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lord Aldesajb wrote:
Not to smash PUI, it is a mock up, but not completly, is fun to play and is uniqe in its own ways

And of course, you could never, EVER describe ITG that way.

Edit: Oh yeah, and all of your arguments are characteristic of someone who hasn't played enough ITG to objectively compare it to DDR, or of someone who was completely against ITG before even trying it because they think it's a cheap DDR knockoff.
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Emptyeye wrote:
So um, is it bad that awhile ago I was watching Family Guy, and when Quagmire came on, I thought something to the effect of "Whoa, It's AA Bob!" (I don't remember if the exact thought was "It's AA Bob" or "It's AA Bob's avatar", but I don't think it matters in this case)?
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79. PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I seriously do not get how you people can dislike ITG. I remember my first time playing it. It was a perfect working dedicab. I played it and immediatly realized that it was a gift from God to the earth. It's just so much fun, what with all the hands, mines, rolls, and all that other ITG goodness.
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