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DDR_mulletman Basic Member

Joined: 06 Jul 2005 Location: Moon Township, Pennsylvania |
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Disorder Basic Member

Joined: 26 May 2006 Location: Oklahoma |
381. Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:44 pm Post subject: |
Hello, I am getting the ERROR:Invalid fid. I have made sure I have the following slash after the name of the output dir. Here is a screenshot of the process. I have tried fixing the "WARNING: Unable to Output truncated version of song. Please copy original to output directory." error. I have done what it has said to do, and yet, it still gives the error. I have asked a couple other people that also deal with programming, they dont know. Could you help me?
Edit: Oh, Im stupid. I forgot that you cant use quotes for a dir location that doesnt have spaces... >.>
Problem fixed. Sorry.  |
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paulrevere Basic Member

Joined: 05 Jun 2006
382. Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:26 pm Post subject: Dancing Monkey |
Ok. so i downloaded the .Net Framework cuz I needed that, but I open the program and adda song. click start and it errors almost right away. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, the files are mp3's... oh and I'm using the windows GUI thing fine..
i hope im not repeating anything i tried to read most of the pages..any help would be much appreciated, im kinda lost from here. |
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
384. Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:10 pm Post subject: Summary of Dancing Monkeys software and add-ons |
I thought I'd write up a page about Dancing Monkeys and how to use it properly, culled from this thread and my own experiences. Here it is:
Please let me know if there are any additions or corrections you have. I hope all our pain and suffering will help future generations.
By the way, I also took Nicolas Gravel's batch program (posted here long ago), cleaned it up a little (if you tried to cut and paste his file, it would not work) and added some comments, and now it's ready for download at There are comments at the top of the file as to what you need to do, and I also explain it on my page. Extremely handy: just dump the MP3's into your "input" directory and double-click the script, go to bed, and in the morning piping hot step files are yours to use.
Next thing to do: teach myself MATLAB...
Eric |
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
385. Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:48 pm Post subject: |
this thing is kinda long but cool jajaja
thanks compa
chido _________________
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
386. Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 6:25 am Post subject: |
danil_d_ wrote: |
this thing is kinda long
Good point. I've added an "executive summary" at the top of the page now, should make it easier for all.
The other good news is that I've been learning MATLAB and editing the Dancing Monkeys code to be more robust on input and output. The output directory now works better, there are more and more helpful error messages, blahblahblah. I've also made it so that:
Input MP3's are converted to MP3's on output.
Input of a directory converts all song files in that directory.
MP3 artist and title information is read in and saved in the generated step file.
Creation of song file and directory only if successful.
I'm planning on making a 1.02 version available soon. Email me or post if you want to be a beta tester.
Anyway, I've just barely begun understanding the code, so I'm mostly cleaning up around the fringes right now. There are plenty of features I'd like to improve and add, including (from easiest to hardest):
BPM mode: output just the best BPM and gap values found; for manual step coders.
Control of many of the internals of the program: maximum song length, BPM range, beats per bar, etc.
Control of inclusion/deletion of stops, freezes, mines, and "hand" steps (3 or more "feet" per step).
Trying other filter techniques if confidence of BPM found is low.
Better freeze arrow generation.
Generation of 16th notes.
Solo/Double step generation.
Multiple BPM identification in a single song.
Better steps in general.
So, what would y'all like? No promises; the first few are easy, but grokking the guts of the code and adding to it is much more time consuming.
Eric |
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
387. Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:40 pm Post subject: |
hey man if you have the dancing monkeys just put it
to download (beta)
i just wana try it
thank bro
atte: Machucas man _________________
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Ornlu Basic Member

Joined: 19 Jun 2006
388. Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:56 pm Post subject: |
Hi, I'm having a memory issue here.
I have 2 gigs of physical ram and 8 gigs vram (had it set to 2, but tried 8 because of this error)
I'm getting a memory allocation error on any song longer than 3 minutes-ish. What's the deal? A song any shorter than that only seems to use like 1 gig of ram + 800 megs of page file... why would a 4 minute file crash? And is there any way around this?
I've managed to get a few other things working, like correct stepping for "longer" songs (not all spread out) however, I'm not sure how to fix THIS memory issue as it lies outside the bounds of the code. |
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
389. Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:55 pm Post subject: |
Ornlu (and anyone else with MATLAB),
It sounds like you're editing the original MATLAB code, right? In that case, put "clear" statements in various places in the code when a variable becomes unused. Karl's code was never meant for long songs and general release, so he didn't bother to clean up by releasing memory of various arrays when done with each in turn.
I've put (mostly) cleaned up code here:
Just click on the "here" hyperlink near the top of the page. This code has lots of fixes and improvements in it, but at this point mostly with input, output, and memory - see the page for details. I can't promise this will fix the memory issue, but it should help.
I'm hoping to make a generally usable distribution from the MATLAB code, but we'll see. The current version of MATLAB makes distributing the code a pain, with an installer that weighs in at 122 Meg.
Eric |
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
390. Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:40 pm Post subject: |
malditos desgraciados no saven aser nada vien putos
vaian a chingar a su madre
puro pedo
I do not understand
just put in simple words
cool _________________
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
391. Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 8:11 pm Post subject: |
Good news: I've made a beta v1.02 of Dancing Monkeys. The executable can be downloaded from the link near the top of this page:
It's a beta, but I've tried it out a fair bit and so far so good. That said, no promises. See the page for all the fixes and additions to the program.
Let me know of any problems, and enjoy!
Eric |
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jzero Basic Member

Joined: 29 Apr 2006
392. Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:28 pm Post subject: |
Can someone please help me out. When Dancing Monkeys creates the DWI for my mp3 it cuts the song to 1 minute and 30 seconds. What can I do so it'll convert the whole song instead of making it 1:30. |
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
393. Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:46 pm Post subject: |
Go to the website and download the v1.02 version (note that if you have v1.01, you just need the new executable). Now when you run the program, just use the new "-l" (for "length") option, e.g.
DancingMonkeys -l 600 your_input_song.mp3 5 7 9
This length option says that if the length of the song is more than 600 seconds, it'll trim the song down to 600 seconds. The default value is 105 (with a 5 second fadeout).
Also, the bug (that was in 1.01) that made less steps for long songs has been fixed in v1.02, the density should now be reasonable. Read the web page for lots more options added. |
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jzero Basic Member

Joined: 29 Apr 2006
394. Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:10 pm Post subject: |
Do you mind sending a picture? I don't know where to type everything at. The tutorial at the website isn't very helpful. |
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erich666 Trick Member

Joined: 15 Jun 2006 Location: Ithaca, NY |
395. Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:25 am Post subject: |
jzero wrote: | Do you mind sending a picture? I don't know where to type everything at. The tutorial at the website isn't very helpful. |
The tutorial at gives pretty clear step-by-step instructions on how to install and run the program. If you can tell me what step you're getting stuck on, I can make the page clearer.
I can't figure out what you'd want for a screenshot, but maybe the following will help. Instead of telling you to type:
cd "C:\Dancing Monkeys\bin\win32"
DancingMonkeys -l 600 "C:\temp\My Steps\Barney.mp3" 3 5 8
here's a screenshot (though without the '-l 600' in it):
I've added this screenshot to the tutorial. |
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nereus Basic Member

Joined: 19 Jul 2006
396. Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:42 am Post subject: |
I first just wanna say, very nice program, and very good changes in the new 1.02 version.
Before i bombard this thread with yet more questions, i wanna mention that the length fix confused me a bit (yeah i know i'm stupid ). on the main page
it mentions "WARNING: currently this feature tends to result in songs with sparse step
patterns, and needs to be fixed."
i saw that first as i was reading how to use the new version. But i see here on this thread and later on in the page that it has in fact been fixed, which is awesome. I just wanted to mention that.
Anyways some questions. How much faster is it on matlab? Also, is the memory usage more efficient in matlab?
And i know it's only beta, but the -b switch didn't quite work for me.
Also i'm wondering about the stops thing. These are the pauses/freezes of the arrows during the game right? I'm getting the feeling (from what i've read) that the stops are unavoidable in some cases. I don't like the pauses so i've been try to minimize them. the -ons switch doesn't seem to make a difference. Does the program deliberately put pauses in some places? Otherwise I don't see what the use of the -ons switch is.
And about the pauses, if i just delete the lines that contain info about the stops and pauses, does it bump all the steps after a pause up to appear a little earlier? Or does it come out at the rigth time but just doesn't pause midscreen?
Thanks. |
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
397. Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:54 pm Post subject: |
Ok guy its easy just download danicing monkeys from this page
be sure to download dancing monkeys 1.01
then download dancing monkeys 1.02 executable
then download the danging monkeys Dancing Monkeys Front End and Batch Utility from this page
His Site
run it it will start a download , long download , but worth it
downloaded it instal
open the program look for the 1.02 executable
choose songs and step , then look for the dancing monkesfolder open it then open output
there are the forder of al the songs
make a new foder in STEP MANIA songs insert the songs (all folders of songs )
play the game vuala dance dance dance _________________
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
398. Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:12 am Post subject: |
i have an image but how do i insert it ? [img][/img][/url][/code] _________________
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danil_d_ Basic Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006
399. Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:43 pm Post subject: |
you know i tried 1.02 and i do not know but i think there is somthing wrong cause the musica steps do not have rithm anymore y think 1.01 es the best
best rithm , just that do not try to use the long version cause they suck in the 1.01 version
bust thanks bro try to arange that please  _________________
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