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how old are you and how much do you weigh?
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160. PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're missing the entire argument, which I, until now, have not broughten to mind. You give me a world class athelete, in any catagory that you would consider "at the top of his game and UBEROMGINSHAPE", then watched him do his thing, you would be pretty amazed. Let's say he weighs 110 pounds, ohh, he's so light. Now, give him two 100 pound dumbells to run with, one in each hand. I'm sure you'll be surprised to find out that he has stats no better than that of a fat person. So, yeah, It's all about weight, but that doesn't make it an excuse, I'm just saying that fat people have to work X times harder to duplicate a thin persons performance, which they can, just because you haven't seen it be done (nor have I) doesn't mean it can't. In conclusion, your just being negative and trying to use obesity as a scapegoat.
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161. PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fattoxthegreat wrote:
You're missing the entire argument, which I, until now, have not broughten <-- is that a word? to mind. You give me a world class athelete, in any catagory that you would consider "at the top of his game and UBEROMGINSHAPE", then watched him do his thing, you would be pretty amazed. Let's say he weighs 110 pounds, ohh, he's so light. Now, give him two 100 pound dumbells to run with, one in each hand. I'm sure you'll be surprised to find out that he has stats no better than that of a fat person. So, yeah, It's all about weight, but that doesn't make it an excuse, I'm just saying that fat people have to work X times harder to duplicate a thin persons performance, which they can, just because you haven't seen it be done (nor have I) doesn't mean it can't. In conclusion, your just being negative and trying to use obesity as a scapegoat.

Then according to your logic, everyone is in the same shape.

Weight doesn't have everything to do with it. It also has to do with muscle to fat ratio and BMI. The key word is EXCESS. I'm 220 pounds with with a decent muscle to fat ratio (thanks to wrestling, soccer, football, weightlifting). Whereas a person my same size and height but with far less muscles would be in nowhere near as good in shape as I am. We're the same size and height, but I'm in better shape because I have less fat and more muscle.

And as far as your examples go, someone that is 110 pounds (unless they're like, 3 and a half feet tall) is not in shape. 110 pounds is like, a scrawny 11 year old. And an in shape person would be, example, 5'11'' 175 pounds. And adding 100 pounds would be ridiculous for someone so small as a 4 foot tall 100 pound man. That's be like taking a 200 pound running back and asking him to run around with 400 pounds on his shoulders. You need to talk relativity here. The best 103 pound wrestler in the world wouldn't be able to pin an average 275 pound wrestler simply because of height and size.

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162. PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fattoxthegreat wrote:
You're missing the entire argument, which I, until now, have not broughten <-- is that a word? to mind. You give me a world class athelete, in any catagory that you would consider "at the top of his game and UBEROMGINSHAPE", then watched him do his thing, you would be pretty amazed. Let's say he weighs 110 pounds, ohh, he's so light. Now, give him two 100 pound dumbells to run with, one in each hand. I'm sure you'll be surprised to find out that he has stats no better than that of a fat person. So, yeah, It's all about weight, but that doesn't make it an excuse, I'm just saying that fat people have to work X times harder to duplicate a thin persons performance, which they can, just because you haven't seen it be done (nor have I) doesn't mean it can't. In conclusion, your just being negative and trying to use obesity as a scapegoat.

Then according to your logic, everyone is in the same shape.

Weight doesn't have everything to do with it. It also has to do with muscle to fat ratio and BMI. The key word is EXCESS. I'm 220 pounds with with a decent muscle to fat ratio (thanks to wrestling, soccer, football, weightlifting). Whereas a person my same size and height but with far less muscles would be in nowhere near as good in shape as I am. We're the same size and height, but I'm in better shape because I have less fat and more muscle.

And as far as your examples go, someone that is 110 pounds (unless they're like, 3 and a half feet tall) is not in shape. 110 pounds is like, a scrawny 11 year old. And an in shape person would be, example, 5'11'' 175 pounds. And adding 100 pounds would be ridiculous for someone so small as a 4 foot tall 100 pound man. That's be like taking a 200 pound running back and asking him to run around with 400 pounds on his shoulders. You need to talk relativity here. The best 103 pound wrestler in the world wouldn't be able to pin an average 275 pound wrestler simply because of height and size.

My example doesn't apply to strength, just endurance. I agree with you on the whole wrestling thing, how an in shape, super strong (for his frame) little guy could never pin someone gargantuan in comparison. We're on the same level there. I'm just using my example for what you said fat people couldn't be (or have a very hard time being) which is being highly endurning. Everyone knows we're all about the strength, but that's not the issue at hand here. I'm just saying that weight is the significant factor when considering speed, stamina, quckness, and agility.

And as for ealier, when you said I was eliiest, but I did not defend...I'm the first guy to admit that the less horizintally challegned people are better than us fatties, I'm just defending our abilities (or lack thereof) from the stereotype, and I'm sure not all are defendable. Also, I believe broughten IS a word, since boughten is a word, and logic would indicate. I'm just too lazy to look it up. disturb.gif
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163. PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am 18(Almost 19) And I weigh 165LB @ 5ft 10in! Funny thing is I look scrawny!
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164. PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sorry but this isn't a really fair argument because there is:
1) height to consider
2) All of that weight may not be in fat, it can be in muscle.
And I'm sure there are more factors that I can't think of.

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165. PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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166. PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow riiight.gif i feel like the fattest person for my size and age lol

height: 5'4 1/2
lol weight: 176
age: 16

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167. PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm 14 and I weigh around 130 pounds. I don't think I'm scrawny or fat. I think I'm pretty much the average weight for my age. biggrin.gif
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168. PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So long as eveyone is happy with their weight and having fun is all that really matters eh?
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169. PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

5"9 and 225 pounds, nobody ever thinks I weight that much but I do, I am about 20% body fat and a lot of muscle, people think I usually weight about 195 pounds the way I I would say I am in okay shape.

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170. PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

15, I'm 5'6" and 115 lbs... pretty damn scrawny. >_>
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171. PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

15, 5' 10" and 140.. pretty skinny. o well im content
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172. PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm 23 and I weigh 143 pounds. I 'm trying to become 200 pounds solid.
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173. PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

im 17.
im 6'2 and i weigh 160 i think i havnt checked in a while.
but im quite skinny. thank you ddr ;]
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174. PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bah! I'm fat.

I'm 13(my birthday is in 16 days though),roughly 5'8'' and weigh 176 pounds. I weighed 180 a couple days ago hahaha, but uhh I lost it playing ddr and other stuff so I'm happy.
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im teh blu3
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175. PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well im 13 yrs old and i weigh 112... i think im a tad bit on the skinny side
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176. PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the average weight for someone who's 13 or 14 is like 140
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177. PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

VivaLaMoochicken wrote:
I think the average weight for someone who's 13 or 14 is like 140

What you "should" weigh depends almost entirely on your height, actually. 14 year-old midgets do not weigh 140.
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178. PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

17, about 5' 11" and I weigh 130
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179. PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am 6'5", I weigh 165 lbs. & I'm 16.

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