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180. PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
HE HE HE HE HE you should have offered to vs the woman. Nah that would have been cruel to do that to her. Eh who cares should have done it anyway.

Now, now, I'm trying to reel them in to try it, not send them away humiliated. LOL

liveandletlive wrote:
I am gonna talk to the commander again and get him to get on the ball and get the game and pads.

Is he going to get CFs? I'll email you info.E13.gif

liveandletlive wrote:
This waiting is killing me.

I know EXACTLY what you mean. LOL

liveandletlive wrote:
One man spent three hours just talking about how the bar was so shiny that it was like a mirror.

I want the dance pad in there so i can do it when its slow and boring LOL like i have time to get bored.
I really think if we had one they would try it out and love it.

Sounds like THEY need something to do too. LOL

I haven't been doing much DDR/ITG lately. I've been spending way too much energy on yardwork and housework, etc.
It's terrible when chores get in the way of our fun. E13.gif

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181. PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow yard work hum whats that LOL.

I dont know if he will do the CF's or not.

The man that liked the bar wont be doing anything for about thirty days he had back surgery eight screws and two metal rods. I would say he is flat on his back butttttttttttttt in this case stomach i bet

LOL yeah it might have scared her away. I have about given up on arcade machines as it seems any around here the pads are not good on them. I mean i like exercise but jumping up and down on them with everything i have to make them work is a bit much
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182. PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 12:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi all,

I would have posted sooner, but as you know, life gets in the way of things disgust.gif .

liveandletlive wrote:
I am not sure but under the suspicion the principle at the high school here never announced the dance game when i had it. I talked to a few kids and they had no clue. This town is so lame and no ambition except for me and a couple others.

If the principle doesn't tell anyone, then you'll have to spread the word yourself. As for the ambition, you and the few others will have to setup an ambition fair laugh.gif . I can see it now
[b]Learn the secrets of ambition, the key to driving lame towns forward[b/]

cpurola wrote:
My daughter's friend's brother wants her to bring my equipment to his birthday party.
She went over and talked to his mom and offered to do it for $25 an hour. His mom agreed to buy an hour. biggrin.gif

Now my daughter is thinking about this as a business opportunity that could take off and grow.
In fact, a mom that knows me from the YMCA demo I did a couple of months ago, asked if I could bring my 'DDR Traveling Road Show' to her daughter's middle school dance. And they would pay me!
Daughter said she'd do it. She wants to do it so she can keep the money. Minimum wage at the local Coney Dog place just isn't her cup of tea. LOL

Good for her. If I had a job at a boring place, I'd do that in a heartbeat. you just have to hope that the money from it will be enough to cover the maintenance. Well...if you do it yourself it will only take time, but then again time is money E19.gif .
In any case, it might spread the craze to new people.

cpurola wrote:
And I think I have a solution to the muddy shoes problem I had in the elem. school.
I bought a 3 foot square of clear flexable plastic. The stuff us Northerners use to make temporary storm windows and doors. You know. E1.gif
Anyways, I took the lexan off my pad, put the vinyl down over top of the decals, then put the lexan back on.
I poked holes with an awl where the screws go, then put them back in.
After that I trimmed the excess vinyl off with a straight blade cutter.

If that works, that should keep the maintenance down. It's also much better than enforcing the "wipe your shoes before playing" rule.

I'm off to play DDR

Funny, I don't remember being absentminded
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183. PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 6:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had notices or i should say flyers all over town. But I think the prob with that is the kids head to Lake Charles and dont pay much attention to flyers.

I find also if people dont know what something is for sure, They seem to have no sense of adventure nowdays.

Any way thanks for the input. I like getting feedback from people and new ways or ideas for this game.
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184. PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2006 6:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Um forgot to mention when the commander put it in the paper he didnt mention DDR/ITG and it sounds more like regular dancing SIGH oh well he is a dear man and 82 and Has an open mind.
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185. PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey all, an update,

Younger daughter is almost done with middle school, with all the events surrounding that, and older daughter is very serious about trying to get a DDR rental company going. She's even got business cards designed, and I told her I'd hand them out at any events I go to.

Tonight is the 8th grade party and I'm taking my pads, etc. I'm also taking all my leftover animal balloons from the activity afternoons this past year. The teacher in charge said she wanted to rotate volunteer parents from station to station but I told her I wanted to stay with my equipment.
Yep, I'm being over-protective again, just like with my kids. LOL

Friday I'm sheduled to give a demo/into to middle schoolers and their phys.ed teachers for two 6th grade classes in the afternoon. Neither teacher has a clue about DDR, so it should be interesting.

Saturday is a birthday party my older daughter is taking the DDR stuff to. The mom only asked for an hour, but it may run longer if the kids take a likin' to it. And I believe daughter is counting on that. (wink)

Tuesday I'm going to the university with an elem. teacher to talk 'terms' with the faculty who want to help us apply for a grant and do a study. Thank the heavens she's going with me, I've not a clue how to talk to those people. I know they're just people like us, but they have so many letters after their names, it's a little intimidating.

Friday the 9th has us going to a middle school in another district. And getting paid to run our setup at a dance. The mom said DDR at their activity afternoon was swamped and they needed more equipment for the next event.

You know, maybe that's the ticket. Renting us out to do school events.
But first the kids have to try it. Hmmmmmmm

Oh, and hubby got PC boards made for his circuit that lets the CFs work with PS2s or Gamecube and Mario Mix. Now I have to order parts and get a very big magnifying glass.
He had it layed out with surface mount parts. Those things are about the size of a cooked grain of rice!
I should probably cut back on the coffee too, don't want to be the least bit shaky when I'm soldering those itty bitty things. LOL
If I can manage the soldering, I'm going to put them in small plastic boxes and offer them to people who would give me good feedback on how it works with their setups. BUT, I have to put it together first, and try it with my equipment. And at the rate I'm going it may be awhile. E13.gif

Oh, and I've got to get in contact with the school system's administration. They still haven't signed off on the DDR idea yet. Harumph. I stopped by there last Friday, but no one was there, not even their secretaries. (can you say "long weekend" LOL)

Ya know, it's a good thing I'm not gardening this year. (allergies) I'd never have time to weed the silly things. (g)

I ran through the Mario Mix adventure part of the game yesterday to try and unlock all the songs and it was pretty easy. Now I'm going to go back and try the individual songs and see what the different levels are like compared to the other console versions of DDR.

Enough for now, (g)
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186. PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

WOW lady. UM do you have time to stop and think or eat? LOL

I just wish people here were more into new things. I am trying to get ahold of some people that have a building for rent where i want in Montana. Guess I will call and leave another message.

But the way things are going for you are really impressive to say the least.
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187. PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
WOW lady. UM do you have time to stop and think or eat? LOL

Ha, Ha, Ha, finding time to eat is never a problem. E13.gif
Thinking on the other hand....... LOL
Met a friend of my daughter's yesterday at a store and talked with her for half an hour. We've know her for 6 yrs. and I couldn't remember her name to save my life! Must be old age. LOL I'm certainly getting enough oxygen up to my brain, doing DDR/ITG all the time. E1.gif

liveandletlive wrote:
But I think the prob with that is the kids head to Lake Charles and dont pay much attention to flyers.

What do they do there? Just hang out? If this is something they've been doing for a long time, you're probably not going to change it.frown.gif
OH! I know! Aim at the younger group. The middle schoolers who don't drive yet. Maybe a lock-in arrangement for 2-4hrs.
Glorified baby-sitting, I know, but it's a way to establish yourself.

mocliamtoh wrote:
Good for her. If I had a job at a boring place, I'd do that in a heartbeat. you just have to hope that the money from it will be enough to cover the maintenance. Well...if you do it yourself it will only take time, but then again time is money E19.gif .
In any case, it might spread the craze to new people.

Do you really think I'll see any money from this endeavor? And my time? Remember this is a teenager we're talking about. Mom is supposed to 'help', that's what she does. As far as maintance goes.... NO ONE touches my CF pads but me! LOL

And as for spreading the craze, I'm hoping to try and get a few adults to try it too. I think I'll tell them it's one of the few things they can do WITH their middle schooler. At that age, most of the kids want their parents as far from their presence as possible. Except of course, when cash is involved. LOL

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188. PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I and an elem. school phys.ed teacher, met with two faculty members from our local university last week and they are VERY interested in setting up a pilot study using DDR/ITG equipment. Yay!

One of the professors will have to write up an abstract of her proposed study to get funding for their part of the program. Then we'll use that to help us get money for equipment. It is very scaled down from my original vision of puting it in all the schools in our district, but I see it as a first step.

If the results from the pilot is positive, and I'm sure it will be, we can then use that info. to go for a bigger grant and finally get enough money to supply equipment to all the schools (18) the way I want.

The only down side is that this is taking way too long for me. She said it might take a year to get this implemented and the research results analyzed, but at least we're moving in the right direction. E1.gif
On another note:
Daughter and I rented ourselves out to a middle school dance and made $40 for a two hour event. It was great and I hope to do it again soon. So does 19yr.old daughter who needs the money.
Of course, the only pads I would recommend using for this sort of thing are CFs. We did 'field day' at the elem. school that morning too, so needless to say, it took me a day or so to recoup. E13.gif
And the plastic sheet modification under the lexan worked great, the kids at the elem. school were running in and out of the building doing their activities so there was a fair amount of dirt around, but the pads worked great that night at the middle school dance without cleaning.

Daughter has another birthday party lined up this coming weekend, and she's been handing out business cards to anyone who seems interested. Could be a budding business. E1.gif

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189. PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey there all. Sorry havent been in for a while but ya know how hubbys and work can be LOL

I am now leaving my DDR/ITG stuff at work as I am not home enough to do it here.

Planning another event soon gonna make some calls soon.

WOW Cindy I am impressed looks like your working full time (lucky you) I am still stuck in Louisiana for now
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190. PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
I am now leaving my DDR/ITG stuff at work as I am not home enough to do it here.

Great idea!

liveandletlive wrote:
Planning another event soon gonna make some calls soon.

Good luck on that.

liveandletlive wrote:
WOW Cindy I am impressed looks like your working full time (lucky you) I am still stuck in Louisiana for now

I feel like I'm working full time, but I'm not getting paid anything! LOL

This week I've been traveling around to local libraries to check out their DDR programs. It's been very interesting. One library had a tournament and had around 20 kids show up. (they promised prizes and snacks and drinks)(g) Unfortunately, they had wireless pads on a wooden stage and the heavy players kept getting disconected whenever the pads shifted away from the electric eyes.

Another library had a regular schedule of open play for two hours on Monday afternoons. Their equipment included a set of CFs with a PS2, projector, and 2 Guitar Heros, in a confrence room, and the kids were allowed to bring water with them. They had a tournament last week and the librarian said there were around 30 people there, but her regular players were too intimidated and didn't compete.

Tomorrow I check out another one who claims to have metal pads with 'bars' on the back. Hmmmmmmm.

Today my daughter and I visited a library with our equipment and made a pitch to them to rent us for a couple of hours. They thought it was a great idea, but we'd have to wait until the next newsletter comes out..... in January!!! LOL!!!!

Our next 'job' is field day at the elem. school where I taught DDR/ITG last month. Should be fun since all the kids have done it already and know what it's all about.

I'll report back later with any new information. (g)

P.S. Stay out of that sun and stay cool. (wink)
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191. PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:12 pm    Post subject: Been a while :( Reply with quote

I have been like so busy.

I had my last DDR/ITG here.

I found only one family in Vinton that has any interest in it.
The one that came in (said others had to work) said she was glad that I had it but, (my opinion) she seemed to have the same prob as me in getting people around here interested in it.

Oh well they are all old enough that they can come in when they want and i dont have to move it out of the bar.

I am gonna head to Montana around the first of aug to see whats up there.
I am hping i can get to a computer there LOL. (without paying to do so)

any way at least i finally got to do a post. Sorry southwest Louisiana but man I would love to see more motivation for this game. For a lot of reasons E19.gif
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