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ddrninjahommie Basic Member

Joined: 29 Apr 2006
300. Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:56 am Post subject: so how i started was.... |
that i started with dance dance revoultion the first ddr for the home us release so why i keep playing i have to say the music is good and rythm is great for a video game i also like the fact its a good form of a workout instead of sitting on your butt |
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24fan1010 Basic Member

Joined: 30 Apr 2006 Location: USA |
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Comrade Jeff Trick Member

Joined: 17 Apr 2006 Location: Raleigh, North Carolina |
302. Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:39 pm Post subject: |
Well I started in the 4th grade, 2001 I believe was the year. I played because I always liked to watch the other people. My first song was Butterfly (I think) on light. Which I passed with a B. I played and was starting to hit heavy songs in the 5th grade and I stopped. For about 2-3 years. I've picked it back up it's all come back to me pretty quickly. In reality I've been playing for about 2 1/2 months. I keep playing because you meet a lot of interesting people and it's just fun. |
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Mike516 Trick Member

Joined: 21 Apr 2006
303. Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:19 pm Post subject: |
Started playing exactly 17 days ago.
I used to have it, and played it lightly, maybe 2 hours a month on beginner / light.
17 days ago I watched one of my friends who's had it for only a few months A 9-10 footers, which got me motivated, after he left I went to EB games and bought UM3 and a pad.
17 days into it, today I beat my first 10 footer [easy one, bag] and can pass most 8x footers, A most 7x footers.
I'm insanley addicted because I used to run for a cardio workout [4 miles / day] but this for 3-4 hours and 1-2 miles is good, and very fun! |
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metalgearbolton Trick Member

Joined: 03 May 2006 Location: Somewhere over the rainbow. |
304. Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:22 pm Post subject: |
The first time I started playing was about 4 years ago and i wasnt that good. I tried it with one of my good friends because it looked really fun. Then I started getting better so it got funner. Then i stopped for like 2 years but then my close friends started to get into it so I decided to get a home system so I could get better. Now that I'm really good its just really fun and the good music(mostly) makes it funner too.  |
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metalgearbolton Trick Member

Joined: 03 May 2006 Location: Somewhere over the rainbow. |
305. Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:24 pm Post subject: |
The first time I started playing was about 4 years ago and i wasnt that good. I tried it with one of my good friends because it looked really fun. Then I started getting better so it got funner. Then i stopped for like 2 years but then my close friends started to get into it so I decided to get a home system so I could get better. Now that I'm really good its just really fun and the good music(mostly) makes it funner too.  |
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iGalaxy Trick Member

Joined: 11 May 2006
306. Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:36 am Post subject: |
I first played DDR at Disney World. There was this pizza place/arcade, and they had what looks like the first acrade DDR (US). So I played it a little and I really liked it. (I still remember my first song: Have You Ever Been Mellow?)
I ran into it again at Disney Quest, along with Pump It Up: Exceed 2. Needless to say I got hooked. After our vacation (we were on vacation) my parents bought me DDR Extreme 2, as a way to excerise. I got addicted. I played EVERY day, and now, 6 months later, I can play every song on the game and pass it, except for Paranoia Survivor Heavy, Paranoia Survivor Max Heavy, and Paranoia Survivor Max Challenge.
I started playing DDR because I like the overall point of the game. Hit arrows at 150 BPM while listining to fun and hip music.
I still like DDR because of the music, I like the stepcharts, I mean, what's not to like? My favorite part of playing DDR is the adrendiline (sp?) rush I get when people are watching me.  |
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OI!! Trick Member

Joined: 13 May 2006 Location: Sun Valley, Nv |
307. Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:59 pm Post subject: |
My bro bought a copy of Max 2 a few years back and I was hooked. I played for six hours every day until I got into high school; then I had to cut back on my time to do homework. The first day I went to play at the arcade I met a girl who could AA Paranoia Survivor (no-bar) and since then I've strived to become as good as her. I played for three years at home so once I got to the arcade I tried the bar and found out it threw me off. I can't read solo but I can do Bag on 1.5x flat (what's up with that?). _________________
OI!! >o< |
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kaos186 Trick Member

Joined: 17 Sep 2005
308. Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 2:30 pm Post subject: |
It all started one day at my friend's house.....
My other friend and I always used to make fun of him for it. Then one day while at his house, we ran outta things to do. So, we played DDR. So, we got hooked. The next day we both went out and bought it. I now go to the arcade once a week. I've been playing for about 8 months. _________________
"If they give you lined paper write the other way."
Caduceus wrote: | I sell my poopy for like 10-15 dollars on craigslist. I am fairly successful. |
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Digital Love Basic Member

Joined: 15 May 2006 Location: Funky Sonic World |
309. Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:10 pm Post subject: |
It was a bowling alley.
It was my best friend's 12th birthday party.
I had read about DDR in some magazines and there it was.
A solo 4th Mix. My first song played was 1, 2, 3, 4, 007.
The rest is available for $4 |
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Tweaky Kiki Basic Member

Joined: 12 May 2006 Location: Holden, Maine |
310. Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 9:20 am Post subject: |
I was forcefully carred to and thrown onto a machine by one of my friends a few years ago. Didn't have much choice... she kept pinching me... I hate that..
It wasn't until my freshman year of high school (which was... last year) that I started playing regularly. My lovely wife, Elle, usually plays with me. She likes Candy. A lot. So Candy gives me a headache now... _________________
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VivaLaMoochicken Trick Member

Joined: 02 Mar 2006 Location: Florida |
311. Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:13 pm Post subject: |
For a very long time I'd watch people play DDR but didn't think anything about it, but then in 6th grade (about 3 years ago)my friend got ultramix and I played it a lot. I caught on fairly fast and could complete Sana Morette Ne Ente with an A and drop the bomb with a C on light mode. I went out immediately and got it the next day. Then, I practiced but I didn't think I could do any better. After about 3 months I tried going up to standard with the song Candy and it was really easy. The first song I passed on heavy, which was about a half a year ago was Drop the Bomb (the techno-ee one). Now I'm the best one at my arcade and can pass Max 300 with a B...There are still a whole lot of hardships ahead though so yeah...I think that went a little over than "how I started" Oh well |
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 | Basic Member

Joined: 30 Dec 2005 Location: Very close to the middle of nowhere |
312. Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 7:18 pm Post subject: |
About two years ago (I know somewhere I said I've been playing for three years, and that was just me being forgetful. Sorry.) I went to my friend's house and he had DDR. I tried it and was horrible. Then I asked for it for Christmas, got addicted, and am now working on moving from standard to heavy. |
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some ddr chick Trick Member

Joined: 01 Jun 2006 Location: N.S.W, Australia |
313. Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:51 pm Post subject: |
Wow, i remember it just like it waz yesterday.
When i waz younger (5-7 yrs old) i always had some sort of connection with DDR. I just never knew it. When we went on holidays, I used 2 watch all da experts play and i waz amazed. Until one day, i bought a home version of dancing stage mega mix on PS2 (age 9). I instantly became addicted!
I've been playing for 4 yrs
There were times when i just wanted 2 quit, but still, i kept pushing myself. (and nothing has changed! after all those years i'm still pushing myself!)
Now, i'm 13 and i go on standard or heavy.
Why do i keep playing? because it's fun, u get 2 meet new people and u get 2 teach ur friends how 2 play as well.
i luv DDR! |
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Jayden Hakrodan Trick Member

Joined: 17 May 2006 Location: Asheville, NC |
314. Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:17 pm Post subject: |
I first started playing DDR in the beginning of February of this year. I've been playing since, which makes about four months.
I had seen people play DDR before, but I really didn't think anything of it. Anything that looked easy looked boring, and anything that looked hard at the time looked impossible. I really pretty much didn't pay any attention to the revolution until February, when a stalker of mine(got loads of em) who recently had introduced herself to me wanted me to go to a Pizza place. While we eat, there's a DDR machine nearby. She decides to take away my DDR virginity. She was very into DDR at the time, and showed me how to play. I was very bad at first, but managed beginner mode. What I thought looked easy actually seemed challenging, and I felt just a little out of breath. The next week, we played DDR at an arcade. Then the next week, and then two weeks later. After that fourth tap-dance, DDR's addiction began to sink into my neck.
After a few more weeks, I got a DDR pad, and immediately played several hours every day, determined to reach Heavy. After that, it was a matter of mastering the Max series. As I continue to work on aceing them, what keeps me interested now is not only how fun it is, but the competitive nature of it. I love playing against other players at the arcade and comparing scores. The thought that there's always someone out there better than me continues to encourage me to try and improve my game and be the best I can be. And it pretty much will likely continue on like this for years to come. Kind of a good thing I hadn't caught onto it earlier, or else I'd have been simulating a stampede for the apartments downstairs 12/7. |
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+AYAME+ Trick Member

Joined: 18 May 2004 Location: Was DE+MD, now in PA |
315. Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:11 am Post subject: |
Geeze. I started playing forever ago. 4-5 years. I remember my brother got the game. I thought it was insane, such an odd idea for a video game.
I was so excited after the first few times I played it, but it wasn't mine and I could only play when my brother allowed. So I played very few amounts during the first year. My brother would point and laugh at me because I had sucked since I hardly got any chances to play.
Later my brother introduced me to the first actual DDR machine I ever saw. I was still on light then. This machine was at Peoples Plaza (regal cinemas), in newark DE. (God it was so hard to play on) I was to shy to play infront of people... but not to long after I started to crave the attention. Thus making me fearless of playing infront of people
I was always under my brother so I HAD to play all the time to try and pass him. When I was light he was on standard, when I had gotten to standard he had gotten to heavy.
Eh anyway.. lets just say after 5 ish years I finally surpassed him. (Only cause he stopped playing)
hehe he used to make me play max 300 on standard 8 times in a row to try and get me to pass it Course that was like two years ago.
Yep. End of story.
Lots of people are giving it up nowadays. I wonder when I'll officially become bored of it :/ _________________
Moms play DDR too.
Recall is ayame
Groovestats ayame
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LatexBlanky Trick Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2006 Location: Raleigh, NC |
316. Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:35 am Post subject: |
Ill never forget the first time i played. I was at a boy/girl sleepover party thing at a friends house and my friends brother brought out his DDR pads and ultramix for the xbox. i watched him play for a little while and thought it looked cool. before i left the next morning i asked him if i could borrow it. I took both pads and the game. I went over to my other friends house after that because my little brother was in the hospital and i didnt have a way home and we decided to hook it up and give it a try. i made the mistake of putting soft pads on a hardwood floor and picking paranoia eternal the first song ( i had no idea what i was doing at the time). Lets just say i busted my buttocks on the floor . I went home the next day and spent all of my time upstairs playing it. when my friend got home from his bike trip he came over and saw that i had started playing DDR. He had played many times before on an arcade machine. We decided to go up to adventure landing (my home turf these days) and we started to play. it was soooo much harder than the home version (the fact that he was making me play on standard didnt help either). so i made the transition from home to the arcades and played on standard for maybe a month and started attempting all the songs i could on heavy, which is what i play on now. Making friends and being encouraged by others has kept me playing, along with the game being so damn addicting. I will have been playing DDR for exactly one year on friday. I love the game and dont plan on stopping anytime soon. |
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GotACoolName Trick Member

Joined: 28 May 2006 Location: Hales Corners, Wisconsin |
317. Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:57 pm Post subject: |
I first started playing DDR just after hitting double digits, and I'm now turning 14 in a little under two months, so I've played just under four years.
In mid-Summer 2002, I got into the Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game, as did one of my friends, my nephew, and my brother. That particular friend found a small store/arcade that hosted Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments, where many Yu-Gi-Oh! players went. So I started going to this store, and it happened to have a DDR Max 2 arcade game. I didn't touch it for a while, but I enjoyed listening and watching people play it (it was extremely popular there).
My friend, brother, and nephew all started playing, so I decided to give it a try. I hated it at first (I thought it was stupid since I was missing like every arrow ), and so I didn't play again for a while.
Nevertheless, one of my other friends had DDR Max for the PS2, and he brought it over to my house whenever he came over. I retried it when we set it up, starting with Ordinary World on Light. I got hooked, soon playing Era on Light.
I frequently played at my arcade from then on, and I skipped right from Light to Heavy. I went there every weekend I could to play DDR, even after I quit playing Yu-Gi-Oh!. The store eventually upgraded to DDR Extreme.
The store closed down some time in between September and November last year. I quit playing DDR for a few months (I hate home versions), until I started going to a different arcade in February. In March, I got into In The Groove, my new arcade having not only DDR Extreme, but also ITG2.
I'm now pretty much an ITG fanatic. Working on 11s and 12s right now. n_n I'm not really into DDR much anymore, but I do still play it every now and then. It still holds a place in my heart as the original dance game. _________________
Brawl FC: 4725-7610-1200 |
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MoEgRaMbIe69 Basic Member

Joined: 12 Jun 2006
318. Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:32 am Post subject: |
My first time playing DDR was at a friends house. He told me about the game, and i remembered reading about it in a magazine, but it didnt really interest me. The whole night they played and i just made fun of them for how stupid they looked. Eventually, thats all they would do...and i couldnt help but try it out. From the very beginning..i was hooked. He had the origial DDR USA version...and my first song i ever played was Boom Boom Dollar. Pretty soon he got Konamix....and we never left the house after that. We pretty much learned to play the game on the home pads. We never even knew it was in arcades. One day i was at a pizza restaraunt...and randomly...they had a 4th mix plus machine in the arcade. Playing it was sheer bliss...for someone who had learned the game on a poopy mad catz home pad. We eventually went to this website and found all the locations in our area. We had a pretty sweet setup for a while...within walking distance from my house was that 4th mix plus machine, and at the mall they had ddrmax2...which was brand new back then. The years went by...i got really good then kinda fell out of it for a while. I just started to get back into it...but the scene around here isnt as awesome as it used to be when i started. There are 2 ddrextreme machines in town...which were cool when they first came out but i want some variety. Every other arcade has this in the groove crap....which i have never really been able to get into. Its never gonna be as good as the glory days. _________________
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Only my new powers can |
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Muddybanks90 Trick Member

Joined: 13 May 2006
319. Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:13 am Post subject: |
Oh boy
November 2004
I saw some people at jillians play pump and i was astonished. I wanted to see of they had pump for ps2 and at that time they didnt i was very disappointed. They had another game though DDR Max with pad for ps2. So i bought that. Played it to death. I went to the nathans near my house and saw some people play. I showed them that i can play too. Those people are now my best friends. Now the only ddr song i havent passed is fascination maxx. |
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