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What do people do while playing DDR that really angers you?
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nerds day out
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1560. PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hahaha that's uh, cute. \=
Luckily I haven't had any creep-o's ask me out or whatever, just flirt.
Sometimes I just bring my boyfriend to the arcade and when I see guys that flirt with me, I jump on his lap and hug him.
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1561. PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

UnholyRo11erMilt wrote:
I can't stand it when parents (mostly black) don't keep track of their children. Couple of DDR session before last, little black girl is doing the regular little kid thing, getting on the other pad while someone was playing. It's my turn now, so I get up on the right pad, my preferred side. The little girl climbs on...pretty much in front of me, or beside me, I forget which. I'm like "...that's a little awkward", and her parents are like "can't you see she wants to play? There's two pads, you can use the other one", after I had started my game on the right side. My skinny, sweaty whiteness and the knowledge this machine is my chosen machine gave me the edge, so I told them the right side was my preferred side. I told them how the line system works, and when they saw that there were four people ahead of them, meaning they'd have to wait about 20 minutes to let their 3-year old climb and hop on the pads, they left.

Most of the times it doesn't get that bad, they just stand there and laugh (or take pictures, flash can get annoying) while their kids make a nuisance of themselves.

Thats...a bit racist...

Anyway, places that have machines need to ban little kids. Its not just black ones. Once I went to my bowling ally around 12:00 on a Thursday and like always, I played DDR. There were like, 8 little kids (white little kids) jumping all around the machine without parents. At first they were doing all the wrong stuff. After yelling "NO ONE IS ALLOWED ON THE PAD" about 4 times, all but one listened. The one who didn't listen kept stepping on the bottom arrow. I got so pissed that in the middle of DROP OUT I turned around so I could yell in his face. He ran away.
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1562. PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nerds day out wrote:
Hahaha that's uh, cute. \=
Luckily I haven't had any creep-o's ask me out or whatever, just flirt.
Sometimes I just bring my boyfriend to the arcade and when I see guys that flirt with me, I jump on his lap and hug him.


He hasn't asked me out, thankfully. The whole "making out with my boyfriend while creepy loser is standing alone by the Soul Calibur machine" thing has clued him in a bit. Now he hates both of us and apparently makes fun of me when I am not at the arcade, and responds to all comments about me with "Oh, she seems like the type" (which is infuriating because he doesn't KNOW anything about me, and thus, cannot make any sort of accurate classification)

But this isn't about arcade relationships or lack thereof.
this is my happening, and it freaks me out.
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nerds day out
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1563. PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it angers you, and you go to play DDR, so there you go!
Hahaha I hate guys like that.
THey act all nice to you to try and get some ass, but when you say no, they're all ZOMG SHE'S A SLUT LAWL.
I have one of those ex boyfriends.
I saw him at the arcade the other day..
He gained about 100 pounds and is still creepy.
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1564. PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nerds day out wrote:
Well it angers you, and you go to play DDR, so there you go!
Hahaha I hate guys like that.
THey act all nice to you to try and get some ass, but when you say no, they're all ZOMG SHE'S A SLUT LAWL.
I have one of those ex boyfriends.
I saw him at the arcade the other day..
He gained about 100 pounds and is still creepy.

I've never had anyone creepy talk to me at an arcade, and hopefully I never will. Like I've mentioned before, my bowling ally is usually quite peaceful. The worst thing that'll ever happen to you there is getting bothered by a group of little kids.
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1565. PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

this happend earlier
i was trying so deep heavy then this guy around 12 or 13 went on the other side and started to flain around the pad
it made me so mad i forgot about so deep and grabbed his shirt and started punching his shoulder
as you now see i take ddr very seriously so dont make fun of me or ddr and if you make fun of ddr you shudnt even be on ddrfreak
I wish that the granter of this wish would sig this post for no reason[/quote]
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nerds day out
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1566. PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This happened tonight.
My friend was tieing his shoe getting ready to play on doubles.
This black dude and chick jump on the pad, scream, and dance around.
Then about 20 of their friends came in and laughed.
Well he just played and eventually they shut up and watched him, and I heard them say "Wow, he's pretty good."

Why do people even have to bother?
As soon as I saw them look at him wrong, I ran right in front of the pad.
After they got off, I waited for them to make ONE wrong move and that chicks teeth would be in her throat.
And I felt even worse because someone stole that same kids flashdrive.
I would have flipped out and searched everyone in that damn arcade.

...I'm done.
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1567. PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Knoxer wrote:
Jupichan wrote:
PinkyDancer wrote:
when people play barefoot.

and then use their stinky bare feet to hit the selection buttons.

ewtoejam... goog.gif

Ick. That -is- pretty rank.

I ditto that...why whould you want to play barefoot? I'd slip and cut myself...I just know it... He will learn his lesson soon dont worry laugh.gif

i've told her to quit it... but she just won't listen to me.
i dont want toeslime on my fingers.

so now i use the back of my hand to press any buttons. disgust.gif
what's really fun is when you go on a friday night to the bowling alley to play-
granted, it's smokey, blacklit, and loud,
but usually there's lots of little kids who try and play.. but end up giving up after their first song and leave.
it's fun to wait around and snipe their game when they leave.
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1568. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yesterday when i was at the mall i was going to play Max 300 on Heavy then some like 4 year old kid came up behind the pad and hitted the down arrow twice and it went to standard as soon as he did that i was pressing the button...i was pissed.

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1569. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, is shadowing when you get up on the unused pad next to the player and dance to the same song they're doing...just not for the points though?

~ddr feline~
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1570. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ddrfeline wrote:
Okay, is shadowing when you get up on the unused pad next to the player and dance to the same song they're doing...just not for the points though?


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1571. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hate it when drunk old men come up and recite poetry to me while I'm in the middle of a song. True story.
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1572. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DArkKy0 wrote:
Yesterday when i was at the mall i was going to play Max 300 on Heavy then some like 4 year old kid came up behind the pad and hitted the down arrow twice and it went to standard as soon as he did that i was pressing the button...i was pissed.

You hit the UP arrow twice to lower difficulty. Next time you try to lie, do some research. Also, how old are you? The word "hitted" is kind of a red flag.
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nerds day out
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1573. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh pwnd.
Lawl Max 300 iz t3h hardest sawng imma pley.
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1574. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So yeah, that pandemonium guy came back in and juggled while playing Euphoria Expert 1x at the arcade today...and got a 73.56% on it.

Anyone want to imagine us all stopping and GAWKING at this guy? There was a guy on the Ex machine playing Paranoia Brothers who just stopped and stared. And then the guy just got out of there like he was being chased.

Is this, like, a new breed of elitist, or what?
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1575. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

psisar wrote:
I hate it when drunk old men come up and recite poetry to me while I'm in the middle of a song. True story.

laugh.gif What is the poetry about? Oatmeal and cell phones?

Vash573 wrote:
So yeah, that pandemonium guy came back in and juggled while playing Euphoria Expert 1x at the arcade today...and got a 73.56% on it.

Anyone want to imagine us all stopping and GAWKING at this guy? There was a guy on the Ex machine playing Paranoia Brothers who just stopped and stared. And then the guy just got out of there like he was being chased.

Is this, like, a new breed of elitist, or what?

My dad said he saw a video of some guy playing DDR while juggling once. Thats probly where the Pandemonium dude got the idea from.
Anyway, sometime you'll have to try to catch him on his way out and ask him about his skills or something.

nerds day out wrote:
This happened tonight.
My friend was tieing his shoe getting ready to play on doubles.
This black dude and chick jump on the pad, scream, and dance around.
Then about 20 of their friends came in and laughed.
Well he just played and eventually they shut up and watched him, and I heard them say "Wow, he's pretty good."

Why do people even have to bother?
As soon as I saw them look at him wrong, I ran right in front of the pad.
After they got off, I waited for them to make ONE wrong move and that chicks teeth would be in her throat.
And I felt even worse because someone stole that same kids flashdrive.
I would have flipped out and searched everyone in that damn arcade.

...I'm done.

God, I HATE people who jump on the machine and act like retards. They need to frick die.
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1576. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vash573 wrote:
DArkKy0 wrote:
Yesterday when i was at the mall i was going to play Max 300 on Heavy then some like 4 year old kid came up behind the pad and hitted the down arrow twice and it went to standard as soon as he did that i was pressing the button...i was pissed.

You hit the UP arrow twice to lower difficulty. Next time you try to lie, do some research. Also, how old are you? The word "hitted" is kind of a red flag.

dude like stfu always gotta be a troll and no it isnt a lie and im 16..and i meant to say he hit the up arrow.

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nerds day out
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1577. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whenever someone says "troll" referring to a person, I imagine the troll from Harry Potter just chillin' in front of a computer with a wand shoved up his nose and his little bat thing next to him.. is that bad?

Yeah from now on Vash, bring a video camera to the arcade.
I want to see this shit.
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1578. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nerds day out wrote:
Whenever someone says "troll" referring to a person, I imagine the troll from Harry Potter just chillin' in front of a computer with a wand shoved up his nose and his little bat thing next to him.. is that bad?

Yeah from now on Vash, bring a video camera to the arcade.
I want to see this shit.

what! if i had one i would show happened one time...

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1579. PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

it always annoys me a bit when i don't get used =/
RAPE ME!! you know you want to.
John Locke wrote:
Moral of the story: Zonic is wrong about everything.

AA Bob wrote:
If you only knew of the prodigious dimensions of my sack, you would realize how foolish you sound.
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