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160. PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LOL your right Cindy i needed a good laugh for today.

Heck I can see them bloodpressure pills in that future as well as ulcers.

I got the rest of the flyers out. I put out like 100 of them. SOOOOOOOO we will now wait and see. My hubby bought three different color tickets so that when they play they have to hand a ticket over and that way every one will get a turn. I will ask for one color and then another. If they dont have that ticket then they wont play.(so everyone has equal treatment.

Then if there is time whoever can play. what ya think
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161. PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
I got the rest of the flyers out. I put out like 100 of them. SOOOOOOOO we will now wait and see. My hubby bought three different color tickets so that when they play they have to hand a ticket over and that way every one will get a turn. I will ask for one color and then another. If they dont have that ticket then they wont play.(so everyone has equal treatment.

Then if there is time whoever can play. what ya think

Great idea! So that way the ones who got there first will be first on the pads, and so on.
That way they're all not standing in line waiting. I get it! Good thinking. Was that hubby's idea or yours?
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162. PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was hubbys. So he gets the credit on that idea. Now if i can just get him to get on the dance pad i will be happy erm.gif biggrin.gif laugh.gif
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163. PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
It was hubbys. So he gets the credit on that idea. Now if i can just get him to get on the dance pad i will be happy erm.gif biggrin.gif laugh.gif

Good luck getting him on the arrows, I know it would be a cold day in 'you know where' before mine would. laugh.gif

He is helping me tho'. I told him about not being able to use the CFs with gamecube or xbox and he volunteered to investigate and maybe come up with a circuit to do just that. E1.gif

They are so handy to have around sometimes, aren't they? E13.gif
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164. PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah they are for sure. Like when the AC went out and he had to climb on the roof to install a new one. In lousy ya have to have one or ya would fry (any way us used to low humidity).

He just laughs when i tell him he needs to do it. says his knees are to bad.

But I am not sure i want to get on it there either except to make sure it works. I get nervous when people watch. (I know i should not let that happen)
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165. PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi everyone.
I would like to introduce myself to this thread, as it has been a while since anyone other than Cindy, or "Reporter Gail" has posted anything important. I think its great what the both of you are doing.
Keep up the good work!

Funny, I don't remember being absentminded
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166. PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why thank you mocliamtoh E4.gif .

Reporter Gail here hoping to have some more news after my event on Tuesday night.

You may also give any ideas or suggestions, at anytime. I am always open to new ideas on DDR/ITG for home or for out in public.

glad to meet ya and vist anytime you like
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167. PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mocliamtoh wrote:
Hi everyone.
I would like to introduce myself to this thread, as it has been a while since anyone other than Cindy, or "Reporter Gail" has posted anything important. I think its great what the both of you are doing.
Keep up the good work!


Welcome and thank you for the good words and encouragement, we like to feel that we're on the right track.
So.... if you've followed our saga, is there anything we've overlooked?
Something else we could be doing, or not doing to further the cause?
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168. PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi all,

cpurola wrote:
Welcome and thank you for the good words and encouragement, we like to feel that we're on the right track.

I like to feel like i'm on the right track too.

cpurola wrote:
So.... if you've followed our saga, is there anything we've overlooked?
Something else we could be doing, or not doing to further the cause?

Well. For Gail, I hope that your arcade gets up and running all right. When it does, you might encourage people to try ddr/itg by offering them a free game if they like it. Hopefully those people would get other people to play.

Cindy, I'm not sure exactly what your status is with the schools and the library riiight.gif . I might have some ideas for you later. BTW how goes the bribing with "Heather"?

I almost forgot. If there is someone who needs directions on how to clean out the pads, you might find some on probably on the forums. It might be useful for the teachers working with the CF's, or for the arcade pads. Alternatively, you could just write some up yourself...thereby eliminating the need for the other instructions disgust.gif .
My mind is a mess right now laugh.gif

If i think of anything else, I'll post it

Funny, I don't remember being absentminded
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169. PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for the words of encouragement. The VFW here and I discussed building an arcade here and it would of course be non profit as in no one would work for pay. All the proceeds would go to the VFW and then to where it is needed the most. But it is still in discussion stage of course, A lot will depend on tomorrow night
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170. PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:16 pm    Post subject: DDR/ITG Night at VFW Reply with quote

I think it went really well. The commander was real impressed and wants to get his own game system for there. He also now more then ever wants to open an arcade.

Two from Layfette Nick and Chris were awsome and the stars of the evening. We had a beginner in her late fortys and she picked it up fairly quick.
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171. PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Week In Review
Hey all I just finished a week of gym classes at the local elementary school where I introduced DDR and ITG to approx. 250 youngsters! (third through fifth graders)
Yep it was grueling and I'm completely exhausted, but it was also a blast. E4.gif

Almost all of them knew about DDR and were excited about jumping on the arrows. (made my job alot easier) E1.gif

The first half hour of each of 11 classes, was spent introducing it and taking turns on my CFs with MAX2. I chose the songs and left the difficulty on beginner. There were a couple of kids who could handle Light, so I switched it for them.

The second half hour was to be their constant movement evaluation test for the marking period and my stuff was used as a station (one of four) that the kids rotated through. This time I set up the ITG game and chose Tribal Style on Novice for all of them. The teacher said there wasn't enough time for a whole song, so the kids split it. The first kid up took the first half of the song, then the second kid took the second half. BTW, that grey meter at the top came in handy when I had to tell them to switch places in the middle of the song.

Now for the interesting part.... the gym teacher is hooked! She hates video games, but now is looking at buying a PS2 and a pad! laugh.gif She is also gung-ho on getting it into her classes for good and going for the grant money big time! This is so much fun. laugh.gif

I think I'm going to go to the PTA meeting on Tuesday and tell the parents what we were up to this week. And ask if there is any event from now 'til the end of the school year where I can set up the equipment and offer it to them again on an informal basis. I think I'll go on Monday and ask about setting up a TV and doing a 'presentation'. Geesch, that's something I avoided like the Plague when I was in school. laugh.gif Funny how that happens some time. E1.gif

My equipment held up great until a couple of kids jumped on with dried mud on their shoes, then I had a little trouble with the corner arrows. So I took them home on Wednesday and cleaned them up. My 19yr.old daughter said they worked much better after that. (she's a 'heavy' player)

Oh, and some of the kids said their adult relatives 'danced' too! A couple of them said the adult liked DDR/ITG alot and wouldn't get off so they could have a turn! laugh.gif

Good news all around, and just as much fun as teaching them how to make balloon animals. biggrin.gif
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172. PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:20 pm    Post subject: Re: DDR/ITG Night at VFW Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
I think it went really well. The commander was real impressed and wants to get his own game system for there. He also now more then ever wants to open an arcade.

An arcade? Really? And they'd work it for free?
Okay now, tell the truth, what'd you put in their water? laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
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173. PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

UM water? LOL remember i am the Bar Tender hahahahaha. No in truth the Commander was impressed with the dance game said he wished he was younger and would try it. (he is 82 and not in the best health) People would pay (I would try to keep the cost down) and it would go to the VFW as it is non profit and the money used for the new games that kids want or if needed maintence on the ones there.

On another note we are gonna try to have a tournment at some point.

But hey I just wish the schools here were more open to new ideas but when i talk to them all i get is a lot of hem-hawing and well you may have to go to the school board like yeah right i want to drive for a while to get there NOT! Hey send me an email and let me know what ya tell them.
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174. PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 4:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
UM water? LOL remember i am the Bar Tender hahahahaha. No in truth the Commander was impressed with the dance game said he wished he was younger and would try it. (he is 82 and not in the best health) People would pay (I would try to keep the cost down) and it would go to the VFW as it is non profit and the money used for the new games that kids want or if needed maintence on the ones there.

Maybe you could start with a few console games first. They're cheaper and you could charge by the hour like a place near here does. The kids play on PS2s, and Xboxes with the multiplayer games. Like a console LAN party!
And have ITG set up when the kids need to stretch their legs.

Wait a minute, maybe the kids could bring their own. Just a get together to see if people would show up. You wouldn't have to charge much if the VFW is offering their building, and you might even get be able to get sponsors to provide drinks, snacks, etc. But you'd have to have enough TVs for everyone to play. And someone knowledgeable about the rules of the games to referee the inevitable disputes.

We did this at the middle school as an after school intramural and it was a great success. The vice principle organized it and we had 6 TVs and one projector going in the cafeteria. He even turned some of the lights off.
It was cool.

liveandletlive wrote:
But hey I just wish the schools here were more open to new ideas but when i talk to them all i get is a lot of hem-hawing and well you may have to go to the school board like yeah right i want to drive for a while to get there NOT! Hey send me an email and let me know what ya tell them.

I have been volunteering in the schools my kids went to for years. I think I've built up alot of equity in the 'goodwill' bank, so that now when I ask something of them, they don't hesitate to give. And they trust me. Go figure. laugh.gif
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175. PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2006 4:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey there. I have been really busy since i am working now so slow on the go.

There was a post in the venton newspaper about the dance game thing i did. I am gonna bring the paper home and scan it.

Wow i am so far behind on stuff.

Think Monday i may try to go talk to the grade school about it. Maybe i will have better luck.
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176. PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
There was a post in the venton newspaper about the dance game thing i did. I am gonna bring the paper home and scan it.

Love to see it!!!

liveandletlive wrote:
Think Monday i may try to go talk to the grade school about it. Maybe i will have better luck.

Good luck with that.

I took my daughter and one CF pad, playstation, etc. to our new library for their Teen Advisory Board meeting. Basically they work with the Youth Librarian to come up with ideas that will bring more teens into the library.
It was a group of about 13 girls and one boy. Most of them hadn't done it before, so we took about 45 mins. and let each try it 2-3 times.
They had a blast and a couple of them said they wanted one at home too.

Oh, and I got to show off!!! LOL
I played Changes on medium and got an S- .
Not the best I've ever done, but after all, I had an audience and they watched my every move. (g) Can you say, Nervous?!! LOL

I encouraged them to schedule an Event night for DDR and they considered it. I told them about trying to get it in the school district, but some of them are going to catholic school and another couple go to a different district.
All in all it was fun and I was pleased.

This morning I got an email from the university that said they were done with their classes and we can schedule a meeting.
Can you say, Nervous?!!! Again?!!!! LOL

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177. PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey lady by now you should not be nervous LOL you should be walking around like a true business woman.

Sorry i didnt reply sooner but sheesh between work and meetings and finding out today that when the phone dude put in a phone to the people next to us they had cut our (not sure if phone cord or service) phone out. And of course fast service yeah right.

I am not sure but under the suspicion the principle at the high school here never announced the dance game when i had it. I talked to a few kids and they had no clue. This town is so lame and no ambition except for me and a couple others.

Oh and did I mention the dog got mad and then i guess scared cause went to a meeting and the lights went out a few times. She chewed my monitor power cord and tore up the blinds. Gee all this no wonder it took forever to respond.
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178. PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 3:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My goodness! When it rains it pours! Poor thing. frown.gif

I guess I'm feeling a little bit reluctant to share my good news. erm.gif

But I can't stand it! I have to tell. (g)
My daughter's friend's brother wants her to bring my equipment to his birthday party.
She went over and talked to his mom and offered to do it for $25 an hour. His mom agreed to buy an hour. biggrin.gif

Now my daughter is thinking about this as a business opportunity that could take off and grow.
In fact, a mom that knows me from the YMCA demo I did a couple of months ago, asked if I could bring my 'DDR Traveling Road Show' to her daughter's middle school dance. And they would pay me!
Daughter said she'd do it. She wants to do it so she can keep the money. Minimum wage at the local Coney Dog place just isn't her cup of tea. LOL

Oh, and I got another email from the university, they gave me the names of the faculty who want to meet and two possible dates to get together.
I'm so pumped. laugh.gif

And I think I have a solution to the muddy shoes problem I had in the elem. school.
I bought a 3 foot square of clear flexable plastic. The stuff us Northerners use to make temporary storm windows and doors. You know. E1.gif
Anyways, I took the lexan off my pad, put the vinyl down over top of the decals, then put the lexan back on.
I poked holes with an awl where the screws go, then put them back in.
After that I trimmed the excess vinyl off with a straight blade cutter.

I had my daughter, who plays heavy, try it out and she didn't notice any difference in play. Yay!! Let's hope it holds up at school.
I'm taking them to the 8th grade carnival, last party at middle school, next Thursday. Then I'll know.

I also did a major mod on both pads. I told hubby about the wood screws eventually stripping out the wood and having to refill with putty.
He suggested drilling out the holes and installing T nuts and using bolts instead of wood screws.
So, I've spent the last week and a half puttsing with them. But I'm finally finished and they look great.
Don't know if I'd recommend anyone else do it to theirs. It took alot of time and the payback probably isn't great enough to warrant it, but I learned something new, and my pads are now 'the bomb'. laugh.gif

Goodness I've written a book and I didn't even tell you about a new arcade younger daughter and I went to last weekend.
She went to drive the go carts around and I stayed inside to play on their Extreme machine.
I did a couple of songs on light and a woman close to our age walked up and said, 'Wow, wow, wow.' laugh.gif
I'm still laughing about that. laugh.gif If she only knew. laugh.gif

Til later,
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179. PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey I am so glad to hear how well things are going.
I aint one of those because i have a erm.gif nasty day (wont cuss) dosent mean others shouldnt share their good fourtune. It makes me happy that someone is doing something good out there.

HE HE HE HE HE you should have offered to vs the woman. Nah that would have been cruel to do that to her. Eh who cares should have done it anyway.

I am gonna talk to the commander again and get him to get on the ball and get the game and pads. This waiting is killing me. besides when its slow it would give me something to do besides clean. I have gotten so many compliments on how clean that place is now. One man spent three hours just talking about how the bar was so shiny that it was like a mirror.

I want the dance pad in there so i can do it when its slow and boring LOL like i have time to get bored.
I really think if we had one they would try it out and love it.

Oh did I mention that when one of them leaves me a tip he takes a dollar and rolls it real tiny then folds it three times. I just laugh but he is really nice and i harrass him a lot so i guess i deserve it. ( If i didnt get picked on i would feel unwanted any way)
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