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Beginner Old People (approx. 35 and up)
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140. PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
I say they look pretty cool. LOL are yal still gonna get a dolly to carry everything.

Dear sweet hubby built me one! I found a site where I can put my pictures. Here is the link:
The cart works pretty well, but it is a little tipsy in windy weather.

Not so good about your new neighbors, but maybe they're just glad to have a place to call home and it got a little out of hand.frown.gif

Can't wait to see how many turn out at your party too. Well, sure it is.... your dance party.laugh.gif

You're going to be there to make sure nothing bad happens to your CF right? Oh, and to get more old people to try it.
I really think watching me on the pads at the YMCA last Saturday, gave the other adults 'permission' to jump on them too. The more the merrier. laugh.gif

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141. PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lol i Do intend to be there and i am gonna tell them to check their shoes for anything that might damage the pad. I am sure if any that know the game show up they will do it no questions asked.

I told the commander and his right hand man that they had to show em how its done. When they got done choking they said no way but would be glad to watch. I am hoping that some of the members will try it. (the bar will be closed so they cannot drink first) E4.gif

I am gonna take my soft pad but the only way i will ALLOW any one other then me on it is if they are really good. There is no way to fix it to the floor and i am not gonna risk a slide. I figure for a beginner i can be on it and they can be on the CF and that way they will may be more at ease

The neighbors next to me I had to tell their kids that they cant play between my and my husbands truck. Its the people at the end that were attutidal.(so much for ddr/Itg with them riiight.gif
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142. PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
I told the commander and his right hand man that they had to show em how its done. When they got done choking they said no way but would be glad to watch. I am hoping that some of the members will try it. (the bar will be closed so they cannot drink first) E4.gif

The men are a stubborn bunch, they don't want to try anything they're not already good at. The women on the other hand, don't mind as long as someone else of the same level will do it with them.

liveandletlive wrote:
I am gonna take my soft pad but the only way i will ALLOW any one other then me on it is if they are really good. There is no way to fix it to the floor and i am not gonna risk a slide.

Go to Walmart or Meijers or Target, one of those discount stores and get a rubber mat that goes under rugs. I have them and they work great! I think they might be around $10. Put one under the CF too. If you get heavy players and the pad is on a hard floor, it will move too.

liveandletlive wrote:
The neighbors next to me I had to tell their kids that they cant play between my and my husbands truck. Its the people at the end that were attutidal.(so much for ddr/Itg with them riiight.gif

It's rought when you're in such close quarters. That's one reason hubby and I bought acreage, our closest neighbor is at least 300ft., the one on the other side is 500ft., etc. Oh, and no blasted subdivision associations to deal with. So we can park my brother-in-law's big boat in our front yard, if we want to.(and we did, one whole winter)laugh.gif
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143. PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wish i just had elbow room around here. And the fema trailer next door,the walls are so thin you can hear about everything. I guess its better then nothing,butttttttttttttttttttttt

i may just go and get something like that. Guess i better also buy a suitcase or something to carry everything in LMAO

I really agree i think the women are more likely then not to attempt this. Just wondering how many will be happy cause they close the bar for this. I dont know that i really care if they think they need it that bad.

So far i have been getting a lot of support for the arcade in Montana. Just still need the building
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144. PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
Just wondering how many will be happy cause they close the bar for this.

Oooo, they may not like that at all, but with the kids there they will understand. What time does it wrap up? They'll probably open the bar afterwards.
liveandletlive wrote:
So far i have been getting a lot of support for the arcade in Montana. Just still need the building

What about one of those storage places that can be retrofitted with a couple of bathrooms, etc. Before my kids were born I worked at a small electronics manufacturing place. They out grew the building, so some of us were put in a warehouse building and they installed bathrooms, electricity and heat. No windows, big garage door, terrible echoing, but it was a temporary solution.
Then again, maybe that's not a good idea. Just trying to think of alternatives to an expensive storefront.
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145. PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought of that or something similuar buttttttttttttttttttttttt they want you to buy the land to put it on.

I am sure if it is meant to be i will find something or something will turn up. I am part of the prob because i dont want to buy until i know the outcome of how well this will go over. So far the idea is liked but that dosent mean in the longrun it will succede

I am not sure how long this will go. I suppose depends on my turnout. I am hoping at least three to four hours
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146. PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
I am part of the prob because i dont want to buy until i know the outcome of how well this will go over. So far the idea is liked but that dosent mean in the longrun it will succede

I believe that's called being smart.laugh.gif

liveandletlive wrote:
I am not sure how long this will go. I suppose depends on my turnout. I am hoping at least three to four hours

Do you have something else for the kids to do? Maybe play cards? I understand poker is pretty popular these days with the teens.
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147. PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well i figure if nothing else we can crank up the jukebox also LOL. There are several rooms there so they can kinda hang out in the main room or where the DDR is.

This is kinda like a trial thing and if we have a good turn out may do it again. I am not sure how far i want to take it incase i get my building and have to move quick.
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148. PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have already had several people said they are gonna show up, I emailed you the flyer i am getting out tomorrow see what you think.
constructive criticism away LOL ......... I can take it. riiight.gif
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149. PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
I have already had several people said they are gonna show up, I emailed you the flyer i am getting out tomorrow see what you think.
constructive criticism away LOL ......... I can take it. riiight.gif

Hey, it looks great. I already sent a few comments in email.
I can't wait to see how it works out for ya. E1.gif

I went and talked to our library about hosting a DDR night. The libraian my daughter worked for was there and I talked to her. I showed her print outs of other library's successful event nights and described how it is helping to bring teens into the library.

Well right off the bat, I kind of figured it'd be a hard sell 'cause she's our age and looked tired frown.gif
But, I went ahead anyway and told her about the successful night at our YMCA and intramurals at school, etc. She said they couldn't do a Friday night (like some of the other libraries), 'cause it's just the two of them running the youth dept. and they couldn't do it alone. I said, that's okay some libraries hold it in the afternoon on the weekend. Then she said they have limited funds and couldn't afford $750 for equipment to do it. (?!) I offered my stuff and said they would only be supplying refreshments.

Then she launched into their money woes and how if the upcoming millage vote doesn't go their way, they may have to trim services. I got the feeling that was the only thing on her mind, and trying to start something new while they are hoping to just preserve what they have may just be bad timing on my part.

She did say she would talk to 'Heather' about it and see what she thought.
Okay, I think I should find this 'Heather' and slip her a suitable bribe. laugh.gif
They also have a Teen Advisory Board that helps come up with new ideas to hopefully draw in more kids. My daughter said I should go to one of the meetings and pitch the idea right to them. (I think I'll do that too.) laugh.gif

Have a Great Easter Holiday!
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150. PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I sure hope she comes around. It is a very good promotional tool. It can bring more their way. Thats one reason the VFW is all for this. It will bring business their way.

The VFW usally does a lot for the community and stuff (all not just this one) and they are great to work with. I am hoping this will help them as well as the community have fun.

I just got up may say some more later right now my eyes are still trying to focus LOL and my brain wake up.
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151. PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey everyone. Please anyone who reads this check out the post i left in South for Vinton Louisiana.

If anyone wants will post results of turnout in here and maybe even a pic or two
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152. PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, since this is the ITG forum I was hoping to hear about older players that ACTUALLY play ITG.

I'm an adult just like the rest of you, but I went through the first 4 pages of this thread and it was starting to piss me off. Tempest was the only one posting accomplishments.

I feel this thread feels more like random chat with ITG/DDR talk sprinkled here and there. Personally I could care less if most of you guys are old.

This thread comes down to "I'm old,you're old, great!!! Let's all be old together. Unlike most of you "OLD" people I'm not just some guy that sucks compared to the kids. I'm better than most of them, and I just rub it in their faces. It makes me feel good.

I've got more to say, but I'll add it later.

Edit: There's already for the "old" people in the gameplay forum. So I'm still trying to figure out what this thread is trying accomplish.

Hirakashi Ryu
For a beginner, if learning how to play pop'n music is like a parent holding his / her child's hand while crossing a busty street, then learning to play IIDX is like being kicked out of a moving car in the middle of nowhere and having to scrape enough money for a taxi cab ride home.
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153. PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well for one thing. I first want to say that the the VFW is of all ages and host a lot of different things. This is one example. That there will be people playing ITG/DDR of all ages from six to seventy.

We also wanted to be able to talk about our way of accomplishing Things on here as we are not able to keep up with the 16 and 17 year olds. We may or may not ever be able to do 10 or 12 footers. But we do the best we can.

I get tired of people being negative or coming down on others as you just did. I feel if people dont like what someone says or has to find something to complain about then dont post. Not everything in life is going to be what you or anyone else wants, and what do you consider an adult?

I would also go on but you know your negative imput does not impress me and your personal feelings are yours not EVERYONE ELSES.
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154. PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

liveandletlive wrote:
Well for one thing. I first want to say that the the VFW is of all ages and host a lot of different things. This is one example. That there will be people playing ITG/DDR of all ages from six to seventy.

We also wanted to be able to talk about our way of accomplishing Things on here as we are not able to keep up with the 16 and 17 year olds. We may or may not ever be able to do 10 or 12 footers. But we do the best we can.

I get tired of people being negative or coming down on others as you just did. I feel if people dont like what someone says or has to find something to complain about then dont post. Not everything in life is going to be what you or anyone else wants, and what do you consider an adult?

I would also go on but you know your negative imput does not impress me and your personal feelings are yours not EVERYONE ELSES.

First of all, I like any other adult, I have to worry about real life. I do not fit within the normal perameters of the demographic that normally plays this game. It would be nice to find more people in this forum that are like myself, but aren't "OMG, WTF IS EAASY MOOODDEE IS SO HARD!!111!!!111"

Second, I only complain when I need to. I've never complained just for the hell of it. I don't have a problem with telling you what's on my mind. Regardless if it's positive or nagative. If nobody ever complained then the world would never improve. So don't think I'm doing this just to be an ass, but I simply don't hold hold back like others.

I've been playing these music games for 4 years, and I would like to feel like I'm not the only adult that doesn't play for "fun". Granted, that I might not be in my 50s. riiight.gif

The thead title is a little misleading. Sure I might be only in my late 20s, but I'm sure as hell no teen who has too much time on his/her hands.

Last time I checked I wanted to talk to older people that don't suck. Is that asking too much? disgust.gif

I've been around, competed in a lot of tournaments, but I've always felt alone because there was nobody that "I" could talk to. I'm a lot closer to 30 than 18. So cut me some slack here.

Hirakashi Ryu
For a beginner, if learning how to play pop'n music is like a parent holding his / her child's hand while crossing a busty street, then learning to play IIDX is like being kicked out of a moving car in the middle of nowhere and having to scrape enough money for a taxi cab ride home.
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155. PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

BINGO your in your late 20's. I dont excatly have a lot of idle time on my hands.


Maybe the reason more people arnt like you is because your to negative. Maybe you should learn how to word things better. In all honesty you sound like my mother, If anyone finds something that can be taken in many different areas then lets complain because we dont fit your mold. I can tell onething in life you have never learned is to have respect for others or how to come across with your point in a nice or respectufl manner.
You can be serious about this game and still make it fun. I admire the ones in the tournments as i have watched them and am awed by them. I know i will never move like that on the pads due to health probs. Maybe you should get out and find out what the real world is about,so it dont have to center around what you want. Learn to understand others and give and take. For instance i smoke ciggs but i dont drink. I hate drinking but you prob hate smokers so be it. THAT IS CALLED A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION.
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156. PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ryu_Hirakashi wrote:
The thead title is a little misleading. Sure I might be only in my late 20s, but I'm sure as hell no teen who has too much time on his/her hands.

Beginner Old People (approx. 35 and up)

Um, what specifically about that title is misleading?

We welcome accomplished 20 something dancers to our thread, but please be a little more respectful.

We also like to talk about other things related to ITG and DDR and life.
Did you read the first post that I wrote?

The DDR Gameplay forum has a thread called "The Official Old Folks Accomplishment Thread" and they are more your level of play.
Most of the people there are expert players and go to the arcades regularly.
They also play ITG. Check them out. It is a nice place, full of positive energy and encouraging talk. I hope to join them someday.


Last edited by cpurola on Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total
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157. PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Cindy for being better with words then i am.
You are one awsome woman. Maybe someday this old lady could um well erm.gif take lessons from you.

Speaking of which at some point i am gonna send ya an email with some of those kinds of questions

As I chant
"Cindy is AWSOME"
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158. PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You people bore me with your talk about being positive and encouraging. I like being positive and negative. It brings a sort of equilibrium to my pespective on life.

When I'm here I'd rather be myself. I shouldn't have to act like this thread is some episode of the brady bunch just so that I can post here.

I'll restate what i said before. I read the the first 4 pages of this thead before I couldn't take it anymore.

liveandletlive wrote:
Maybe the reason more people arnt like you is because your to negative. Maybe you should learn how to word things better. In all honesty you sound like my mother, If anyone finds something that can be taken in many different areas then lets complain because we dont fit your mold. I can tell onething in life you have never learned is to have respect for others or how to come across with your point in a nice or respectufl manner.

Since when did you become an expert on my personality? Maybe i don't want to be respectful. It gets my point across fairly well. I'd prefer to use whatever grammatical tactics necessary to get the point across. Negative, makes no difference.

cpurola wrote:
The DDR Gameplay forum has a thread called "The Official Old Folks Accomplishment Thread" and they are more your level of play.
Most of the people there are expert players and go to the arcades regularly.
They also play ITG. Check them out. It is a nice place, full of positive energy and encouraging talk. I hope to join them someday.


Most of them are a bunch of noobs as well. Both threads are just mirror versions of each other.

Anyway, I don't feel like wasting anymore of my time talking to you people. I leave you in your own little happy,happy,joy,joy world.

Lastly, I'M NOT A DANCER!!!!!

I'd seriously punch the next person that called me a dancer. Stepping on panels does not equate to dancing. The end.

Hirakashi Ryu
For a beginner, if learning how to play pop'n music is like a parent holding his / her child's hand while crossing a busty street, then learning to play IIDX is like being kicked out of a moving car in the middle of nowhere and having to scrape enough money for a taxi cab ride home.
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159. PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ryu_Hirakashi wrote:

Anyway, I don't feel like wasting anymore of my time talking to you people. I leave you in your own little happy,happy,joy,joy world.

Lastly, I'M NOT A DANCER!!!!!

I'd seriously punch the next person that called me a dancer. Stepping on panels does not equate to dancing. The end.

Hirakashi Ryu

laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
Thanks for the laugh, I really needed that.
laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
Being so sensitive is going to give you an ulcer.
Please, calm down and take good care of yourself.
We need excellent players of all ages to show them how it's done.
Take care,E13.gif
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