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DDR clubs across America, and anywhere else
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0. PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 8:46 pm    Post subject: DDR clubs across America, and anywhere else Reply with quote

For those of you who play DDR all the time I have an interesting concept for High School students. I am the president of the DDR club at my school and I am trying to get it recognized as a sport. The only problem is that I can't do it alone. If I can get some more clubs started in other schools, then maybe we can get a school funded sports program started. It may seem outlandish, but if we get enough people to start clubs, then eventually it will be possible. If anyone is seriously interested E-mail me at I can give more information through that.
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1. PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My friend and i are in the process of creating a way to make DDR widespread. We are hoping to start a website and a type of organization for DDR. If there is anyway we could collaborate on this, or if you have any ideas, let me know.

*Formerly known as That DDR guy at Gr. Lakes*
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2. PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know if sports status would be a possibility. However, I do like the idea of meets and battles between other schools. You should start it out as informal battles between the other schools. Advertise it. If they then get popular, if your club has a budget, then you should propose putting travel money into that budget so that you can travel to these other schools and have battles. Maybe the administration will catch on at that point and help you out.

For our college DDR club, I did the website for us. I won't put a link up here unless I get an OK from a mod/admin here since it might be considered advertising. If you want any help with that kind of stuff, drop an IM by.
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3. PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:22 am    Post subject: Re: DDR clubs across America, and anywhere else Reply with quote

General_Phobos wrote:
For those of you who play DDR all the time I have an interesting concept for High School students. I am the president of the DDR club at my school and I am trying to get it recognized as a sport. The only problem is that I can't do it alone. If I can get some more clubs started in other schools, then maybe we can get a school funded sports program started. It may seem outlandish, but if we get enough people to start clubs, then eventually it will be possible. If anyone is seriously interested E-mail me at I can give more information through that.

Your not alone my friend im working on a club @ my school and WV already put it in their schools so dont worry man its probably gonna get into ur school if u present a persusive argument

"the beauty of doing nothing is that you can do it perfectly."
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4. PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Me too! Altho' I'm 'just a mom', I'm in the process of convincing our four middle school phys.ed teachers to commit to using it in their curriculum. Now all I have to do is find the grant money to buy the equipment.

I contacted the high school activities director, but he won't talk to me about creating a DDR club until my daughter is offically a student there, in the Fall.

I'm currently trying to figure out how to manage a district wide middle school tournament that includes 4 schools. I think it would be fun to have the schools compete against each other as well as individual competitions.
Just haven't a clue how to do it. E19.gif

Any help would be much appreciated.

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5. PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

4-wide school tournament? I'd suggest not only individual competitions, but also team-building competitions. Here's some ideas:

Classic tournament style: 4 or 8 people from each club compete. Modify the bracket so no 2 people from the same school compete until the final four. Whichever school is left standing wins that part of the meet.

Pong-Doubles: This one takes teamwork. Each member of one school's team gets into one of 2 lines and plays a song in doubles mode. Once you get to a point where there aren't any arrows on your side of the doubles, get out of the way and let the next player in, and he/she'll take the next stream. High score wins. This is one of our club's team-building exercises, and on heavy mode we can usually get through the line twice in one song. If we ever do it again, I'll see if we can get a video of it so you have a good idea of what we do.

If you have clubs competing against each other, maybe a couple more team-geared competitions would be good.

Just get the 4 clubs to a certain location, and go through the divisions sort of like a track meet. Obviously have the classic stuff, but hopefully there are a few creative things the kids would like.
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6. PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wschmrdr wrote:
4-wide school tournament? I'd suggest not only individual competitions, but also team-building competitions.

Thanks for your ideas, they sound great! A little beyond our middle schoolers, but definately worth keeping in mind for the high school.
Love the doubles relay type excercise.
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7. PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CaptainPlanet created for bay area ddr players. yes, i've hoped for ddr to become a sport, and it might actually come through, but it's not likely with all those ppl saying that ddr is 'gay'

if getting ddr to become huge doesn't work out, you can simply start an organization in your area.
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8. PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yes, i've hoped for ddr to become a sport, and it might actually come through, but it's not likely with all those ppl saying that ddr is 'gay'

to this statement I have to say that too many of the people saying that came to watch our school wide tournament. It was a fundraiser that we did for our club so that we can buy the club its own equipment. We made 100 dollars and paid out fifty dollars in prize money. We had well over 600 spectators, many of which had made the exact statement copied above. We had about twenty entries and charged five dollars to enter.
Also because our school district has recognized it as a club that can be started anywhere, there is a small amount of startup money that the district granted on us. That added to proceeds from the tournament and our membership dues, we have made 150 dollars towards the clubs equipment in less than eight months of being operational. If anyone wants information on how to get the school board to allow a club to be started any where, I will gladly send any one what it took me to get ours started. Just drop an email by me and I can give you a mission statement, general rules list, a copy of the waiver that the school board requires every member to sign, and anything else needed.
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9. PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:20 pm    Post subject: I would Reply with quote

man I would, If my school did have a DDR club...the sad part is my schools a privet highschool (not a strict catholic school, just a public school with uniforms or polo's) To tell the truth Im the only one that plays DDR in my school that I know of, the funny thing is no one knows I play and that im good other then my best friend who goes there (he plays standard, me=Heavy/oni/expert/you get the pic) The only thing thats stopping me form trying to create a club is that

A. I dont think any one would join
B. If I bring up the concept I'd be laughed at by my peers
C. The dean is best friends with my dad and football coach, so he'd make fun fo me (damn hick from georgia)
and D. I would only be able to provide 1 metal pad, a ps2, n my mixes

so your lucky you have a club, and I would liek to tell you I support your DDR being a sport, give me a buzz at nfrat33 on AIM, I'll be gladly to help thumb.gif
don't be a noob....Play PSMO =D
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10. PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is no way that every one would laugh and if they do who cares? As for not having anybody sign up, we did not expect more than five members, yet after only one schoolwide announcement we had over 30 people show up within two meetings. There are people that will join, you just don't know who they are.
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11. PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:56 pm    Post subject: hey thanks Reply with quote

wow, your reply made me think lol....your right who cares if I get laughed at, and your also right because I DONT know who would sign up...maybe I just gotta test my luck....if I at least get 4 members im satisfied

the only problem now is that IDK if the administration would allow me to create such a club, I mean I think the clubs they are looking for are educational and beneficial......maybe I can introduce it as a physical fitness club? E19.gif well I'll keep you posted about my happenings....Oh n today I figuared out one of my new friends from my school plays n plays heavy, yet he doesnt look like a DDR player at all....I laughed

yea so maybe theres hope for St.Viator.....dude can you email bout your club info?? my email is so thanks dude
don't be a noob....Play PSMO =D
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12. PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

anyone who wants information on how to get the school board to allow a club to be started any where, I will gladly send any one what it took me to get ours started. Just drop an email by me and I can give you a mission statement, general rules list, a copy of the waiver that the school board requires every member to sign, and anything else needed.

yeah, please if you could send a copy of that to me:
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13. PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

can you send one to me too? @ Please? thanks much. i really want to start a club here. it would be soo fun, but im not quite sure how.. i dont know if many people would join.. i only know of maybe three people, including myself. so.. any suggestions? thanks.
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14. PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is there a public place outside of the school where you and your schoolmates hang out? If so, ask that place if you can set up a DDR system, get people together, and show it off. If they like it, let them know you're trying to start up a club and ask if they'd be willing to join.
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15. PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We introduced our club as a physical fitness program, and that is probably why we were allowed to have it. For those of you who want information, I will get it from our sponsor today. Today is our meeting and I will try to get it sent out today during our meeting. If not I will get it to you as soon as possible. I am extremely pleased at the response I am getting from this. I may not be able to do it quickly, but I am willing to help anyone I can. laugh.gif
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16. PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i wish my school would get a ddr culb frown.gif frown.gif frown.gif
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17. PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What a stupid idea. DDR isn't a sport, it's a videogame. It doesn't matter if you work up a sweat or if you can lose weight. It's a videogame. There's no teamwork, no plays, no practices or anything. You can't get a crowd and cheer on someone playing DDR. You can't have DDR cheerleaders. You can't have coaches and captains. There are no positions. What the heck would an Away or Home game be? It's all the same stinkin machine.

What a stupid idea...

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18. PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay guys, don't respond to the previous poster, lets keep this topic positive. Defending yourself and trying to explain your view to him won't change anything, so don't.
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19. PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

anyone who wants information on how to get the school board to allow a club to be started any where, I will gladly send any one what it took me to get ours started. Just drop an email by me and I can give you a mission statement, general rules list, a copy of the waiver that the school board requires every member to sign, and anything else needed.

yeah i would like the info as well. send it here:
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