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What do people do while playing DDR that really angers you?
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nerds day out
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1140. PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would have loved to fight them, but I wouldn't risk getting kicked out of the arcade for something as useless as they are.
Sadly, it's my second home.
I was there 9 days straight once.
The manager there loves me and always gives me free tokens.
Although he's really creepy and hits on me.
Like petting my hair.
Crazy old men and their crack/cocaine..

And I totally agree with I/ayce.
The person is just a waste of space.
Not to mention the ditsy ones.
And yeah, I don't want to see some chick wearing a strip of clothing, lollerskating her buttocks of while trying to play on beginner.
I don't know, it just sickens me.
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1141. PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nerds day out wrote:

The manager there loves me and always gives me free tokens.
Although he's really creepy and hits on me.

Kinda scary that he thinks the "free tokens" move might actually work...
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nerds day out
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1142. PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 5:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, he knows I have a boyfriend.
He yelled at us for making out in the store.
But whatever.
Free ITG2 = biggrin.gif
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1143. PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sooo. Just bc they take off their shoes shouldnt bother you.. unless their foot smells laugh.gif

I dont like it when they wipe their sweat on the bar or screen~

Where I Go, We not allowed food but people do it anyway. I do it too , Not scared to denied it...

I Hate people do shadow so annoying ... Espically doing it on the pad that no one using!!!!!!!

If your going to shadow dont do were someone is playing to see you...

Here is a tip : If they do shadow next to you, try to accidently tripped over him/her...

I did this alot of times before... LOL they learn their lesson...
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giuocob the night poster
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1144. PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hate it (and yes, it has happened once)...

When you're playing a hard song (Colors Heavy) and all of a sudden you hear some kid in the background screaming out the arrows as you struggle to keep up - "LEFT! RIGHT! DOWN! DOUBLE! LEFT LEFT RIGHT!"

I wanted to kill him... laugh.gif
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nerds day out
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1145. PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It doesn't bother me when someone screams that, unless they're standing where I can see them.
I can't have people standing next to me/in front of me while I play.
I always think that they're looking at me like I'm really weird or staring at my boobs, hahaa.

And you've seen someone wipe their sweat on the bar/screen?
Dude that's effing disgusting.
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1146. PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

when a herd of like 8-12 eight-year old girls crowd around your pad and scream louder than the machine. frown.gif
and also when kids fling rubberbands at you while your playing(it happend.but after the song i got them banned from the place for a year)
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1147. PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One thing that really got me a bit annoyed last week when I was playing was the way these kids were playing.

They looked like 8th grade catholic school kids. They were still in their school uniforms, but the way they played made it look like a game only for little girls it made me embrassed just to go near the machine. It was very funny though. They were playing on Beginner and Light and they were doing the typical return-to-center-after-every-step. Instead of stepping on the steps though, they would step on it with the tips of their toes, making it look like they were ballet dancers in a tu-tu. You know with the whole raise your foot high then hit it with the tip of your toes thing instead of just stepping on the arrow. Even my sister who doesn't really play DDR said to me "looks like goody-two-shoes players." I laughed. laugh.gif

Last edited by shadow0290 on Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total
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FTG_William Howard Taft
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1148. PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shadow0290 wrote:
They were still in their school uniforms, but the way they played made it look like a game only for little girls or faggots it made me embrassed just to go near the machine.

And usually you feel proud to step go near the dance machine because you play it and make it look like a game only for masculine men?

Hey fuckass...DDR is girly as is. I don't think everyone here realizes is that a reason why DDR has so much JPop in it is to attract teenage girls and such to the machine.

Ever wonder why they would make Graduation Beginner the default song? It probably wasn't to attract people like you to the was set up that way to attract newcomers to the game.

When you say "I hate girls who know nothing about DDR and pick a song and say 'I like this cause it's poppy,'" that's how the game was set up. It was made to give challenges to the dedicated players, but all the flashing lights, tutorials and pop music are put in there to attract people who've never played the damn game before.

So many people in this thread are idiots. Realize that not everyone who steps on a DDR machine is gonna be up to your level. If someone who's never played the game before gets on the machine, don't get "Really angry," just accept that it's how the machine makes money.

And of course those kids were bringing their feet to the center...they most likely never played, you dickass. When people have never played, they probably emulate the tutorial on the screen. Ya know...that tutorial that SHOWS SOMEONE GOING BACK TO THE CENTER AFTER EACH STEP.

You people all amaze me.

There is nothing so despicable as a secret society that is based upon religious prejudice and that will attempt to defeat a man because of his religious beliefs. Such a society is like a cockroach -- it thrives in the dark. So do those who combine for such an end.

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1149. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

William Howard Taft wrote:
Some guys actually have the ability to talk to women AND be good at dancing games...



i had my first negative arcade experience a few days ago. i was playing afronova as an extra stage and doing half-decently (i was tired from earlier plays) when this kids comes up and is like "lOL i aM sO GoOD aT tHiS!1" in a mocking tone. at which point his friend's like "dude, he's on heavy and he has like a 200 combo." (which i suppose looks pretty impressive, even though it's really easy on afronova) then the first kid starts asking me questions while i was playing ._.

at least he didn't interfere with my playing ;D
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1150. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm glad that not much little kids go to puttputt in my area. Well they do , but they are either outside riding a ride or upstairs having a birthday or playing games...
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nerds day out
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1151. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah it's a girly game, but how many of the "omg like lol" girl do you see play it, then come back to play it again the next day or week or whatever?
They don't.
They just play it once because the songs are cute, realize it isn't as easy as it looks, and just stop playing.
There are only 2 chicks who are regulars are the arcade where I go to that are decent.
And one of them is me. =\
Although you do have a point on the J-Pop thing.
First time I played DDR I was 13.
I remember hearing a really poppy song and going OMG I WANNA PLAY THIS LOL.
I won't lie.. I still love those songs.
But when the chicks play on Light or Beginner and act like a-holes, then what the hell.
Like the ones who go I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN U LOL then go up just for poopy and giggles to make fun of you, and totally fail.
Yeah, we have a lot of them around here.
The only people that really appreciate the game are people who play, and old people.
Other teenagers are just omgwtfbbqlol.
-deep breath-
And I'm done.
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hattori hanzo
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1152. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i hate it...i mean..really hate it, when there are people passing by that don't know the game, make fun of you and others who are around who do know whats up, by trying to mimic our movements on the pad.

thats irritating to no end.

and to up the ante, they get on the freeside of the pad and do the same thing...i hella almost went off on this moron at boomers in pleasanton? (not sure what city that is over there) oh...livermore. (remembered LCP, for those old schoolers) he got on the pad, and was making fun of me, i was trying to play paranoia rebirth, and well i fail the song, due to a misstep and final stage. so on the last step i stared a hole thru him, so bad the guy in the back setting up the popcorn felt it. and his boys were like, ooohhhh.

if you wanna shadow, great go ahead (unless i know you're one of those bar lovin' ITG expert players, then i have no respect for you) just don't try to touch me or get in my way of the screen.

i'd get into little kids who stomp on the pad and walk thru the area between the pad and the screen, but i'll get to that later...(since there's older groups who stomp alot as well)
Hattori Hanzo ittai nandayo desuka?
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nerds day out
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1153. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What does loving the bar/ITG have to do with anything?

I hope this doesn't get to be another bar raping discussion. blink.gif
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1154. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

William Howard Taft wrote:
shadow0290 wrote:
They were still in their school uniforms, but the way they played made it look like a game only for little girls or faggots it made me embrassed just to go near the machine.

And usually you feel proud to step go near the dance machine because you play it and make it look like a game only for masculine men?

Hey fuckass...DDR is girly as is. I don't think everyone here realizes is that a reason why DDR has so much JPop in it is to attract teenage girls and such to the machine.

Um, sorry, but YOURE WRONG. The Japanese culture isn't like the American culture. People in Japan don't listen to music because they will look cool. Unlike in America, people in Japan aren't stereotyped for listening to Jpop. So while it may be considered "girly" in America, it is NOT in Japan, therefore, your theory on it being girly is wrong.

And you're wrong again... they don't put J-Pop in there to attract teenage girls... they put it in there because hm.... maybe ITS POPULAR MUSIC IN JAPAN???? Hello? Isn't that what POP means... Let me break it down for you... "J" is for Jap-an-ese, "POP" is for pop-u-lar music. J + POP = JPOP = Japanese Popular Music.


When you say "I hate girls who know nothing about DDR and pick a song and say 'I like this cause it's poppy,'" that's how the game was set up. It was made to give challenges to the dedicated players, but all the flashing lights, tutorials and pop music are put in there to attract people who've never played the damn game before.

Um, when did I ever say this? I never had any problem with any songs they played. Don't put words in my mouth.


And of course those kids were bringing their feet to the center...they most likely never played, you dickass. When people have never played, they probably emulate the tutorial on the screen. Ya know...that tutorial that SHOWS SOMEONE GOING BACK TO THE CENTER AFTER EACH STEP.

Yeah, but that still doesn't mean I can't say I don't like it. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, hence this thread's existence.

So many people in this thread are idiots. Realize that not everyone who steps on a DDR machine is gonna be up to your level. If someone who's never played the game before gets on the machine, don't get "Really angry," just accept that it's how the machine makes money.

Guess what kid, you're one of them. Did I ever say that I was angry because they played on light? No. Besides, I'm not an idiot just because I have a point of view that doesn't agree with yours. Oh and this IS a thread about complaining about things you don't like... so if you have a problem with people complaining, why the hell are you here?! If anything, youre the true asshole for having such narrowminded views.
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FTG_William Howard Taft
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1155. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My point was that in America, the game looks girly and "I Do I Do I Do" already makes the game look "faggoty" or for "little girls." But you're probably Japan "I Do I Do I Do " probably appeals more to 20-year-old men than it does for teenage girls.

As for the putting words in your mouth, that part was directed at "Nerds Day Out" and the majority of the people that post in this thread in general...I realize that it was probably confusing now.

I guess your opinion can't be wrong...getting pissed off at people for trying a game for the first time isn't a wrong opinion...I guess it's just my opinion that only douchebags get angry at small children for trying new video games.

I would now like to put two of your quotes together for emphasis.

shadow0290 wrote:
If anything, youre the true asshole for having such narrowminded views.

shadow0290 wrote:
they played made it look like a game only for little girls or faggots it made me embrassed just to go near the machine.

You sound like a swell guy.

There is nothing so despicable as a secret society that is based upon religious prejudice and that will attempt to defeat a man because of his religious beliefs. Such a society is like a cockroach -- it thrives in the dark. So do those who combine for such an end.

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1156. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

William Howard Taft wrote:
My point was that in America, the game looks girly and "I Do I Do I Do" already makes the game look "faggoty" or for "little girls." But you're probably Japan "I Do I Do I Do " probably appeals more to 20-year-old men than it does for teenage girls.

As for the putting words in your mouth, that part was directed at "Nerds Day Out" and the majority of the people that post in this thread in general...I realize that it was probably confusing now.

I guess your opinion can't be wrong...getting pissed off at people for trying a game for the first time isn't a wrong opinion...I guess it's just my opinion that only douchebags get angry at small children for trying new video games.

Ok. But just so you know: I was NOT getting angry at small children playing small games!!! I was simply commenting on the way they played. It is nice to see newbies try out DDR, as it means more popularity for it which = more fun.

I would now like to put two of your quotes together for emphasis.

shadow0290 wrote:
If anything, youre the true asshole for having such narrowminded views.

shadow0290 wrote:
they played made it look like a game only for little girls or faggots it made me embrassed just to go near the machine.

You sound like a swell guy.

If I were you, I wouldn't be talking. What provoked me to saying the first quote was your unnecessary and rude comments:

William Howard Taft wrote:
Hey fuckass...DDR is girly as is.

..they most likely never played, you dickass.

I don't know about you, but if someone starts verbally attacking me with stuff like that, for NO REASON, I'm not going to just sit around and reply nicely, which is the exact reason I replied the way I did. So don't go calling me a mean person, when you took mine (and others) opinions, and started cursing at us back with your rude comments for NO REASON other than to state your own opinion. It's not like we were using your foul language to begin with.

You don't know me, but I'm sure you can tell from my other posts on this forum that I am not the kind of person you are saying I am. I don't start trouble for no reason, like you did, and I don't curse unless I am being verbally attacked, which is exactly what you were doing. I am sure almost everyone else will reply the way I did if they are verbally assulted with your foul language like what you did to me and others in this thread.

As for the second quote, yes, I was wrong for that. It was rude and mean for me to say that and completely out of line. I, myself, am embrassed for saying that, and I'm sorry. I completely take back what I said.
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FTG_William Howard Taft
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1157. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shadow0290 wrote:
As for the second quote, yes, I was wrong for that. It was rude and mean for me to say that and completely out of line. I, myself, am embrassed for saying that, and I'm sorry. I completely take back what I said.

Which is why I called you a dickass. If this is the end of the argument, I'll drop it, but I didn't make fun of you for "no reason." I made fun of you because you consider people who aren't experienced at dancing games, "faggots."
There is nothing so despicable as a secret society that is based upon religious prejudice and that will attempt to defeat a man because of his religious beliefs. Such a society is like a cockroach -- it thrives in the dark. So do those who combine for such an end.

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1158. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

William Howard Taft wrote:
shadow0290 wrote:
As for the second quote, yes, I was wrong for that. It was rude and mean for me to say that and completely out of line. I, myself, am embrassed for saying that, and I'm sorry. I completely take back what I said.

Which is why I called you a dickass. If this is the end of the argument, I'll drop it, but I didn't make fun of you for "no reason." I made fun of you because you consider people who aren't experienced at dancing games, "faggots."

Look, I really don't want to drag this argument on, but I feel I have to defend my place.

1) I want to get this straight -- I did NOT call ALL people who aren't experienced at dancing games "faggots". I just said this one particular time. I was in a bad mood when I wrote that anyway. Which I SAID was wrong of me, and I'm sorry. I clearly stated this in my previous post.

2) Your cursing was inappropriate. Did I state my post saying "They looked like mother frick faggots"? No. Therefore, I do not appreciate a response as such. What about the other curse you called me?

3) You were calling me a mean person for cursing BACK at you, yet you were the one who STARTED cursing. You had no right to begin cursing at me.

4) I don't want to get warned, as this thread is off-topic now enough. I said I was wrong and I am sorry on my part for calling those kids that (I did NOT call all beginners that in general, just THAT group of kids). I hope you apologize on behalf of your part. I hope this is the end of this argument.
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FTG_William Howard Taft
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1159. PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shadow0290 wrote:
3) You were calling me a mean person for cursing BACK at you


And I don't really see what's so bad about cursing, and why calling someone a faggot is somehow better than calling someone a "fucking faggot."
There is nothing so despicable as a secret society that is based upon religious prejudice and that will attempt to defeat a man because of his religious beliefs. Such a society is like a cockroach -- it thrives in the dark. So do those who combine for such an end.

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