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Red Octane Afterburner
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760. PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is there any way of getting one of these in the UK without having to pay LOADS for postage.

I was looking around the website and decided to find out how much postage would cost to get one in england. I thought it'd be something like $50, maybe a bit more, and i'd have been prepared to pay that much to get one over here.

I had a bit of a shock when i found out that postage would cost MORE than the mat itself! E18.gif
The mat's $200 and postage came to $217!

I really want one of these but i can't afford $417 to get one imported. :/

Can anyone help out please?
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761. PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Man, I still can't believe all the bad reviews RedOctane's best pad ever is getting.

I bought my Afterburner in June or July, not sure which, but last summer anyway. I immediately noticed the control box issue when I played on the computer, so I called RedOctane the next day. Due to their EXCELLENT customer service, I had a replacement control box at my doorstep within a week. It has worked flawlessly ever since. My friend bought one soon after I did, and we hook them both up to play doubles. As for the weight issue, I am 6'0 and 150-160 lb, and I've been told that I stomp way to hard. But, I play 10-11 footers routinely, and the pad has held up every time.

I have played on a CF, and I enjoy the Afterburner much more than those. For one thing, I kept on losing my place on a CF. Yes, I have heard of their new recessed arrow mod, but I havn't played on it and it tacks on an even greater price tag.

The only thing that honestly could be said bad about the Afterburner is also one of its strengths: the recessed arrows. Anyone who is used to playing flat-footed at the arcade and barely picks up their feet will have a hard time getting used to this pad. I love them, though, and I never lose my place.

For anyone thinking of buying an Afterburner, I encourage you to try one out and see if you like it. It really does give a much better arcade-like feel than a CF. Like I said, mine is still holding strong after heavy use. Just check it out, you might just love it as much as I do, and save yourself $100+ in the process.
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762. PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ugh no you guys don't understand. What I'm saying is the CF is MORE sensitive or TOO sensitive compared to a normal arcade pad. People may like it but it can screw up your timing if you play in arcades.

Seriously I think that these pads only break depending on weight. Mine broke only after I brought it to a party and bigger people were stomping around....and there was a loose connection.
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763. PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wodos wrote:
The only thing that honestly could be said bad about the Afterburner is also one of its strengths: the recessed arrows. Anyone who is used to playing flat-footed at the arcade and barely picks up their feet will have a hard time getting used to this pad. I love them, though, and I never lose my place.
I have a lot of trouble playing on my afterburner because of the recessed arrows. It depends on the song, though. I found that I had a lot of trouble with Do You Love Me but did Tribal Style easily.

I'm thinking of adding wood (foam, metal?) to the bottom of the arrows and then adding some foil under that. That might make it a little more tolerable. Any ideas on that?

I wish there were a good compromise between the ultra recessed Afterburner and the non-recessed Cobalt Flux, though.
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764. PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ClassicSass wrote:

I'm thinking of adding wood (foam, metal?) to the bottom of the arrows and then adding some foil under that. That might make it a little more tolerable. Any ideas on that?

I wish there were a good compromise between the ultra recessed Afterburner and the non-recessed Cobalt Flux, though.

Sounds like a terrific idea E7.gif . Be sure to post back if you indeed try this mod.

I also wish there was a medium in terms of the arrows being recessed. One of the main reasons I would consider going in a different direction from the AB is because of the recession. Of course, I can't really consider getting a new pad of any kind 'til my Ignition craps out *knocks on wood*.
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765. PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

vesper wrote:
camtheman1807 wrote:

How far do the afterburner arows sink into the pad? My girlfriend got a metal pad, and for some reason the arrows sink REALLY deep into the pad when one hits them. It's really annoying, and I'd honestly rather just use one of the soft pads that came with the game.disgust.gif Is the same thing going to happen with the afterburner? If it is, I don't want to waste my money. So, basically, I guess i want to know if the afterburner has arrows like the arcade pad, 'cause I don't know whether I should get a cf or not. o btw, i'm about 120 pounds and I mostly do 9-footers.

Click on Image 2 for a picture of the recessed arrows, hopefully that helps.

Personally, the arrows are a little too deep for my liking and occasionally my foot will actually get caught on the center panel erm.gif

um...that's not quite what I meant. I'm asking whether the arrows sink down into the ground when they're actually hit, not when no pressure is being applied. I also meant by comparison to my girlfriend's whose pad has arrows that sink a ilttle over an inch into the pad when hit. goog.gif
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766. PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wodos wrote:

I wish there were a good compromise between the ultra recessed Afterburner and the non-recessed Cobalt Flux, though.

There is. A CF with the arcade-style mod.
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767. PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ClassicSass wrote:
wodos wrote:

I wish there were a good compromise between the ultra recessed Afterburner and the non-recessed Cobalt Flux, though.

There is. A CF with the arcade-style mod.

My TX-1000 is inbetween cf and after burner, but that pad sucks
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768. PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:32 am    Post subject: Is this going to hold up with so much play Reply with quote

I need to know if this AB pad will stand up to 4 to 5 hours of play from heavy to light on a daily basis with around 5 to 15 people playing on it on any given day. Playing styles vary from the I stomp so hard it sounds like the floor will break to the effortless play of someone who has been playing ddr on heavy since they were in high school. Also, I go to college and do plan on holding tournaments every six months or so on the pair of pads and need to them to stand up to that as well. Do you think AB is a good option for this? Thanks!
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769. PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thats hella sweet reiview. I got an afterburner and it is great! Not like thise crappy tx1000s.
Tell me, did you just copy from the internet, or did you use the pad before you said this? tell me E13.gif
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770. PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:43 pm    Post subject: Re: Is this going to hold up with so much play Reply with quote

Cynamon wrote:
I need to know if this AB pad will stand up to 4 to 5 hours of play from heavy to light on a daily basis with around 5 to 15 people playing on it on any given day. Playing styles vary from the I stomp so hard it sounds like the floor will break to the effortless play of someone who has been playing ddr on heavy since they were in high school. Also, I go to college and do plan on holding tournaments every six months or so on the pair of pads and need to them to stand up to that as well. Do you think AB is a good option for this? Thanks!

You know this will stand up to 2 hours of playing 10s or 11s without wearing out to much.
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771. PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

to me the blue shark looks like an improved afterburner with more of an arcade feel and a bar
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772. PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cross-posted from ITG Freak:

nekura at ITG Freak wrote:
After keeping my eye on the Afterburner thread on DDR Freak for so long, I can't really say this comes as a surprise to me, but my pad is finally dead -- or rather, flat out unusable.

I've had my pad since they were first made available, and it wasn't until recently that it began showing signs of problems, in the form of arrows not responding even when hit with a lot of force. Some of the buttons still respond fine, but the Down arrow and X buttons no longer activate at all, making it impossible to even so much as navigate in-game menus. It was thought to be a control box issue, but I received my replacement control box today and the issue still stands.

Needless to say, I'm very frustrated that I now own what amounts to a huge paper weight.

To anyone who purchased an Afterburner based on my review, I sincerely apologize if it has since malfunctioned as mine has, and I will be updating my review within the next few days to reflect what has transpired. To those whose pads still work, I wish you the best of luck with yours.

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773. PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

same thing happened to my RO igniton...i can A R&P heavy and i just failed R&P light because of timing...
i suck at ddr...
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774. PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:26 pm    Post subject: questions Reply with quote

Here r some questions that I need to be answered

1 Are the arrows really more recessed than the arcade, or r they the same.

2 Is it possible to use a chair as a bar on the ab or is the stupid metal thing in the back in the way. I need to be able to use something for a bar

3 Will I get caught on the edges because the arrows are so sharply recessed

4 compared to a tx, how sensitive is it?

5 does it use crappy foil to conduct, or sheet metal?

6 OVERALL, hows the control box?

7 does it only have one sensor per arrow?

thanx E1.gif
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775. PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here r some questions that I need to be answered

1 Are the arrows really more recessed than the arcade, or r they the same.

2 Is it possible to use a chair as a bar on the ab or is the stupid metal thing in the back in the way. I need to be able to use something for a bar

3 Will I get caught on the edges because the arrows are so sharply recessed

4 compared to a tx, how sensitive is it?

5 does it use crappy foil to conduct, or sheet metal?

6 OVERALL, hows the control box?

7 does it only have one sensor per arrow?

8 r the panels stronger than the tx's and what r they made of?

thanx E1.gif
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776. PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, here are some answers my good friend.

1. Yes, they are a wee bit more recessed than the arcade, however, I find this easily getusedtoable and thusly enhances arcade performance.

2. Probabably, Yes, Definitely.

3. At first, perhaps, you'll get better on it.

4. Exponetially, I played on a tx myself, and found I was hard pressed to B crazy in love. The AB will do you no wrong.

5. Foil? Yes. Crappy? Not at all.

6. The Control box will, at first, work flawlessly on all platforms, but then it'll downsize the PC and Xbox support, but the redoctane adapter will
ameliorate the problem quite nicely.

7. Yes, how this is an issue I cannot say.

8. Very much so, They are 1/8th inch polycarbonate (hard as hell to crack)

You're welcome E1.gif
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777. PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fattoxthegreat wrote:
Alright, here are some answers my good friend.

1. Yes, they are a wee bit more recessed than the arcade, however, I find this easily getusedtoable and thusly enhances arcade performance.

2. Probabably, Yes, Definitely.

3. At first, perhaps, you'll get better on it.

4. Exponetially, I played on a tx myself, and found I was hard pressed to B crazy in love. The AB will do you no wrong.

5. Foil? Yes. Crappy? Not at all.

6. The Control box will, at first, work flawlessly on all platforms, but then it'll downsize the PC and Xbox support, but the redoctane adapter will
ameliorate the problem quite nicely.

7. Yes, how this is an issue I cannot say.

8. Very much so, They are 1/8th inch polycarbonate (hard as hell to crack)

You're welcome E1.gif
Thanx alot Fattoxthegreat! One more thing. It dosent matter too much, but do the arrows light up when pressed? It sounds like you r happy with your pad, but what difficulty do u play on?
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778. PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The arrows don't light up when pressed ^^

Tell me what you think of my review: E4.gif
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779. PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanx vesper, I liked that review. The AB sounds like it would be a good improvement from my tx1000...
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