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TakuyaMAXX Trick Member

Joined: 02 Mar 2005
380. Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:56 pm Post subject: DDRMAX VS4 Released |
DDRMAX (Japanese/USA)
DDRMAX VS4 (Designed for StepMania 3.9)
Nov, 16: VS4 ~Release Candidate 1~
- How To Play: Stepchart, graphics, metrics and animations updated to match DDRMAX display.
- SMO can be accessed from all difficulties in select difficulty screen.
- Fixed SMO game secuence.
- Screen how To Play: Score and life frames implemment real-like metrics.
- Add foot rattings to Screen Net Select music.
- Many fixes to remove the double shared background image.
- Finalized Special ending using the real font for that screen.
- Created Name Entry screen using DDRMAX graphics and PatrickDDRX's 5th mix font.
- Corrected beginner helper metrics to fit on the new gameplay screen designed in previous versions.
- DDRMAX danger display emulated via metrics using original game graphics.
- Screen How to play work: Aranged hands (smooth graphics)... and some cosmetic fixes to the metrics.
- Added Screen Select Character.
- Fixed all Select Course screens taken away the shown scores.
- Added DRAW graphic to gameplay screen.
Takuya20: Image ripping, animation and metrics work.
Developed by Takuya20.
Theme Information:
Autor: Takuya20
Version: VS4
Size: 4.93 MB
Compatibility: StepMania 3.9
SMO: Compatible
Comments: This theme reproduces both legendary DDRMAX (Japanese/USA) Dance Dance Revolution Games.
LATEST UPDATE of the legendary DDRMAX theme.
VS4 Downloads _________________
Takuya20 Related Projects:
Dance Dance Revolution X, DDR SuperNOVA, DDR Party Collection, DDR EXTREME, DDRMAX2, DDRMAX
DS MegaMix, DS Fever, DDR Arrows
Takuya's DDR Page |
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TakuyaMAXX Trick Member

Joined: 02 Mar 2005
381. Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:24 pm Post subject: DDRMAX VS5 Released |
DDRMAX (Japanese/USA)
DDRMAX (Japanese/USA) VS5 (Designed for StepMania 3.9)
Nov, 18: VS5 ~Release Candidate 2~
- Gameplay for net won't show any difficulty icon.
- Fixed gameplay problem to show difficulty icons (Introcuced in DDRMAX VS4).
- Arranged player option and common normal fonts.
- Added Music Scroll font.
Takuya20: Image ripping, animation and metrics work.
Developed by Takuya20.
Theme Information:
Autor: Takuya20
Version: VS5
Size: 4.96 MB
Compatibility: StepMania 3.9 FINAL
SMO: Compatible
Comments: This theme reproduces both legendary DDRMAX (Japanese/USA) Dance Dance Revolution Games.
RC2 UPDATE of the legendary DDRMAX theme.
VS5 Downloads _________________
Takuya20 Related Projects:
Dance Dance Revolution X, DDR SuperNOVA, DDR Party Collection, DDR EXTREME, DDRMAX2, DDRMAX
DS MegaMix, DS Fever, DDR Arrows
Takuya's DDR Page |
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sonic->ddr Basic Member

Joined: 25 Aug 2005 Location: San Diego |
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Friz-Bee Trick Member

Joined: 09 Jul 2005 Location: Cincinnati, OH |
383. Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:31 am Post subject: |
i'm looking for 4th mix, 5th mix and extreme 2 themes _________________
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yanyi Basic Member

Joined: 19 Sep 2005
384. Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 1:05 pm Post subject: |
I've been looking high and low for ITG1 and 2 themes, can somebody please PM or email me if they have it or know where to get it? Thanks. |
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AMxJM Trick Member

Joined: 01 Dec 2004
385. Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 5:26 pm Post subject: |
Have you checked the ITGFreak forums, in Simulation? _________________
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PedanticOmbudsman Trick Member

Joined: 07 Jan 2005 Location: Fayetteville, AR |
386. Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:00 pm Post subject: |
yanyi wrote: | I've been looking high and low for ITG1 and 2 themes |
You didn't check the primary site for ITG-related downloads, because it has themes for both:
On another note, if any of y'all are confused about the multitude of themes out there or have wound up with a very cluttered theme directory, most of which you've never tried, I was in the same boat until I spent a couple days going through every theme I've downloaded, testing them all, and making a list of the themes that meet these three criteria:
1. Don't automatically/routinely crash in Stepmania 3.9 Final or have crippling glitches that make them basically unusable in that version.
2. Aren't 99% identical to the default theme (i.e. just replacing the main menu background image & nothing else).
3. Don't try to emulate the interfaces of any existing dance games (not that there's anything wrong with that).
I also tried to weed out duplicate versions where possible, but in some cases different versions of the same theme were so different that it made sense to keep them both.
Here's a list of all the themes that met the criteria:
Bemani Mike's
Cheesemix 2 (borderline on criterion 2)
Cobalite 1.0PR2
CyberiaStyle (not sure of version, but different from:)
CyberiaStyle 2.6
DDR9thMix (different version of RED themes below)
Foonmix 2
Foonmix A21
Foonmod PLUS (all the Foons are rather similiar)
Nocturnal Dream
RED-pa (somewhat different from:)
SSB (Super Smash Brothers)
SSR (Sonic Sonic Revolution)
Stepmania Stardance v1.3
system zero
Techno Fiend 2.8 (Sufficiently different from:)
Techno Fiend 3 - Eternity
Trance Machina - Zen Rebirth (Other versions I had of this theme didn't work)
So, anyone looking for an original Stepmania theme that works with 3.9 Final, try the ones above.
If anybody knows of any other themes that meet the criteria, please share that information also.
Here are the stats on the ones that didn't make the cut:
Don't work in 3.9 Final: 14 (mostly crashes, but some extreme display glitches)
Almost idential to Default: 15 (many of these were supposed to do more but didn't work right in 3.9 Final)
"Emulating" themes: 19 (not that there's anything wrong with that)
Redundant older versions: 8
TOTAL: 56 |
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WhiteZero Basic Member

Joined: 04 Dec 2005
387. Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:39 pm Post subject: |
Any news on a 5th Mix theme?
Or atleased a theme that replaces Light, Medium and Heavy with Basic, Trick and Maniac? |
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FreakyDDR Trick Member

Joined: 19 Apr 2005 Location: Phillip Island |
388. Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 4:49 pm Post subject: |
WhiteZero wrote: | Any news on a 5th Mix theme?
Or atleased a theme that replaces Light, Medium and Heavy with Basic, Trick and Maniac? |
Stepmania France Has the 5th mix theme, look up "Stepmania France" in google and go to the first one, the sites in french but u can guess when ur going |
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TakuyaMAXX Trick Member

Joined: 02 Mar 2005
389. Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:37 pm Post subject: DDRMAX VS6 Released |
DDRMAX (Japanese/USA)
DDRMAX VS6 (Designed for StepMania 3.9)
Dec, 09: VS6
- Arranged battery graphic (the ddrextreme battery was used for).
- Refined marvelous graphic in gameplay screen.
- Added custom TOASTY.
- Arcade metrics only can use my noteskins.
- Added a new announcer pack and noteskins.
- Fixed BeginnerHelper flash graphic.
- Fixed remaining graphic that shows frame dimension error.
- Arranged final details to select difficulty screen.
- Added BEGINNER graphics, metrics and text to identify this difficulty level from LIGHT.
- Re-arranged MARVELLOUS display and graphic.
- Finalized the correction to select difficulty screen to match DDRMAX arcade aspect and speed (faster display and smaller previews).
- Selecting ONI (in main menu or select difficulty screen) when you're net connected, you'll get a harder mode to play on line: Battery mode.
- Re-added difficulty labels to NetGameplay.
- Results player options zoom was changed to best view.
- Added custom DDRMAX SOLO dancer image to Select Style Screen.
- Setted exact DDRMAX times to each screen.
- Added timer out behaviour (turns red the timer).
- Added both Arcade and StepMania metrics files.
- Added Caution screen to DDRMAX USA theme.
- Deleted useless images from each theme.
- Implemmented COUPLE and SOLO styles.
- Added Score to Endless Mode in Results screen.
- Arranged Marvelous!! glowing effect in gameplay screen.
- Arranged memory card icons to match the theme.
- Added Marvelous judgment to gameplay screen.
- Added "AAA+" grade to results and select music screens.
- Added Joint Premium graphic to Select Style Screen.
- Adjusted glowing timing effect on some elements in Results Screen (grade, bars, new record!).
- Fixed course sort codes, now the bug that show select music won't happen again.
- Fixed small banner out secuence to be like the real DDRMAX.
- DDRMAX USA: Select Style information was posisionated at its real height.
Takuya20: Image ripping, animation, art and metrics work.
Developed by Takuya20.
Autor: Takuya20
Version: VS6
Size: 10.15 MB
Compatibility: StepMania 3.9 FINAL
SMO: Compatible
Comments: This theme reproduces both legendary DDRMAX (Japanese/USA) Dance Dance Revolution Games, it include DDRMAX noteskins and announcer to play in your StepMania simulator.
MIX-UPDATE of the legendary DDRMAX theme.
VS6 Downloads _________________
Takuya20 Related Projects:
Dance Dance Revolution X, DDR SuperNOVA, DDR Party Collection, DDR EXTREME, DDRMAX2, DDRMAX
DS MegaMix, DS Fever, DDR Arrows
Takuya's DDR Page |
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SNK Trick Member

Joined: 31 Jul 2003
390. Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:20 pm Post subject: |
Techno Fiend 3.1: Eternity
Creator: Sestren NK
Program: Stepmania 3.9 FINAL
SMO Compatible: No
XBox Compatible: No
Filesize: 16.5 MB
Comments: Sorry for the late release. I've lost interest in the theme and program all together, so this is the true last one (the last time was a joke) but this was just a personal hobby anyway. I recommend any theme creators to take advantage of the metrics, but DO NOT COPY OR USE ANY OF THE THEME'S CONTENT IN YOUR OWN AND RELEASE IT.
Changes from 3.0:
* Used Condition metrics to alter the look of ScreenSelectCourse based on what mode you're in. Purple BG for Oni, Green BG for Nonstop, and Red BG for Endless.
* Changed cursor look and feel on ScreenSelectDifficulty.
* Slight modifications to ScreenHowToPlay instructions and joke.
* Updated Star Wars joke.
* Fixed PlayerOptions P2 displacement in ExtraStage.
* Changed Random, Roulette, Sort, and All Music banners. Again.
* Added new music and BG to EditMenu and JukeBoxMenu.
* Switched the fallback background and fallback takingabreak graphics.
* New screen: ScreenInformation. This screen displays private and public use information for those who don't respect me or my work on this theme, or if one decides to gain ideas from the theme.
* Modified Evaluation score numbers for clearer reading.
* Modified ScreenCompany again.
* New Background and music for ScreenNameEntry.
* New backgrounds for ScreenPlayerOptions and ScreenSongOptions based on what mode you're in.
* New ScreenSelectMusic Background for ExtraStage.
* Bank Gothic Font graphic redone.
* Due to extensive testing on eMacs, glow effects do not work properly. Some effects have been modified in this case to achieve the original idea. Screens that are effected include Endless Stage, ScreenCompany, and ScreenGameplay cleared.
* Font change in various areas. This is due to the bug in the Edit mode where you prompt the program to change backgrounds. There are no metrics to alter this. This in fact was an error due to the font width size. Unfortunately, there doesn't exist a file where I can only change that font, so one file that controls various fonts throughout the theme was changed. It should not effect gameplay. I apologize if it does. This change fixes the background change bug in Edit Mode. Now your options should be made more clear.
* Modified the Edit Screen to be a little more active.
* Fixed GroupList out in SelectGroup.
* Fixed Oni Mode Stage Animation.
* New Extra Stage intro.
* Added life guage to EvaluationStage.
* Changed Extra Stage ready/go animation.
* Changed Extra Stage look and feel. I hope you like it. (MegaMan Zero reference included)
* Song Position Meter feature added under stage name (above on ExtraStage).
* Player Options in the gameplay correspond with their modes (Nonstop, Oni, Endless, Rave)
* Lyrics fix when playing in Reverse.
* Player Options in Edit Mode has background.
* New gameplay intro in Oni and Endless Modes.
* Modified Evaluation Screen BG.
* Modified Instructions Screens.
TF3.1 Download |
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PedanticOmbudsman Trick Member

Joined: 07 Jan 2005 Location: Fayetteville, AR |
391. Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:34 pm Post subject: |
Sweet... Techno Fiend is one of my favorite themes. I'm sorry to hear it is the last one, but thanks for a great theme which I'll probably be using on a somewhat regular basis as long as it's still compatible. |
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TakuyaMAXX Trick Member

Joined: 02 Mar 2005
392. Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 11:22 am Post subject: DDRMAX VS6 Fix1 Released |
DDRMAX (Japanese/USA)
DDRMAX VS6 (Designed for StepMania 3.9)
Dec, 10: VS6 Fix1
- This release include my custom Default metrics file as default.
- DDRMAX USA: Changed NOTE to TYPE2 in Player Options.
- NotesKins: Fixed both explosion graphics.
- Smziped metrics files instead of the bat file, because I'm not sure if the bat file works in all OS.
- Added default metrics file... this is the one that use to work with the theme and my preferred one.
- Default metrics file: Has Song Options Screen and all available styles (single, versus, double, couple and solo).
- There is a folder named 'METRICS FILES' inside of each theme folder which has the different options to customize your theme.
Takuya20: Image ripping, animation, art and metrics work.
Developed by Takuya20.
Autor: Takuya20
Version: VS6
Release Date: December 10th, 2005
Size: 10.2 MB
Compatibility: StepMania 3.9 FINAL
SMO: Compatible
Comments: This theme reproduces both legendary DDRMAX (Japanese/USA) Dance Dance Revolution Games, it include DDRMAX noteskins and announcer to play in your StepMania simulator.
MIX-UPDATE of the legendary DDRMAX theme.
VS6 Downloads _________________
Takuya20 Related Projects:
Dance Dance Revolution X, DDR SuperNOVA, DDR Party Collection, DDR EXTREME, DDRMAX2, DDRMAX
DS MegaMix, DS Fever, DDR Arrows
Takuya's DDR Page |
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CoasterKrazy Trick Member

Joined: 27 Dec 2004 Location: Northeast Ohio |
393. Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 1:35 pm Post subject: |
I have a few questions...
When playing SM online, I notice that when in any sort of sort mode (take ABC Mode for example), that the last song you scrolled over continued to play, even though your currently under the letter "D"... but it didn't stop until you rolled over another song. With the current DDR Extreme skin I'm using, it plays the main menu music when you scroll over something that's not a song. Also, it pretty much plays the preview of the song instantly as you scroll over it, where as the DDR Extreme Skin I use now pauses for maybe .5 seconds.
Anyone know where I can adjust this so that it works on other themes?
Edit: Edited for clarity _________________
Last edited by CoasterKrazy on Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:18 pm, edited 2 times in total |
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AceJay Trick Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2004 Location: Princeton, NJ |
394. Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:18 pm Post subject: |
Um, it does that in evey theme, doesn't it? _________________
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CoasterKrazy Trick Member

Joined: 27 Dec 2004 Location: Northeast Ohio |
395. Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:18 pm Post subject: |
AceJay â¶â wrote: | Um, it does that in evey theme, doesn't it? |
Edited my first post, tried to clear it up a bit. _________________
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AceJay Trick Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2004 Location: Princeton, NJ |
396. Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:31 pm Post subject: |
The reason for the delay is probably just your computer, might want to upgrade it. As for the Music problem, which I understand now, I'm SURE there is. Ask Katze. _________________
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[DMB]dman.exe Trick Member

Joined: 28 Mar 2003
397. Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:22 pm Post subject: |
Just a heads up...the posts on the first page is pretty old now...most of the themes are dead/links go to 404 pages... _________________
hi |
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AceJay Trick Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2004 Location: Princeton, NJ |
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TakuyaMAXX Trick Member

Joined: 02 Mar 2005
399. Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:30 pm Post subject: DDRMAX VS7 and DDRMAX2 Delta5 Released!! |
.:: DDRMAX VS7 ::.
Theme Information:
Theme: DDRMAX (japanese/USA)
Autor: Takuya20
Version: VS7
Release Date: December 29th, 2005
Size: 5.07 MB
Compatibility: StepMania 3.9 FINAL
SMO: Compatible
Comments: This theme reproduces both legendary DDRMAX (Japanese/USA) Dance Dance Revolution Games.
VS7 Downloads
.:: DDRMAX2 Delta5 ::.
Theme Information:
Theme: DDRMAX2 (japanese)
Autor: Takuya20
Version: Delta5
Release Date: December 29th, 2005
Size: 4.56 MB
Compatibility: StepMania 3.9 FINAL
SMO: Compatible
Comments: This is a StepMania theme that reproduces DDRMAX2: Dance Dance Revolution 7thMix.
Delta5 Downloads _________________
Takuya20 Related Projects:
Dance Dance Revolution X, DDR SuperNOVA, DDR Party Collection, DDR EXTREME, DDRMAX2, DDRMAX
DS MegaMix, DS Fever, DDR Arrows
Takuya's DDR Page |
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