I don't reccomend going onto a website that gives away free mp3s of DDR, since we're going under the whole "free downloading and sharing of music is illegal" crap. I got all my songs for DDR by saving up the money for the CDs, finding a trustworthy friend or adult and paying them the amount of the CD so they could go and buy the CD online, and still not lose money.
As for "A Stupid Barber," that would be done by the artist known as Sho-T.
Hope I helped. A_A
I am a walking, talking, transposing, eating, sleeping, dreaming, and thinking DDR Freak.
My new phrase that I greet every MAX and PARANOiA with:
[quote:83e57aba7c="Angel_With_Healing_Vision"]It's the happy, jump, jump, jump die legs DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! song[/quote]