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DDR for my physical education class
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0. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:02 am    Post subject: DDR for my physical education class Reply with quote

Hello all,
My name is Jason and I work in a small school district in MN. I am very interested in starting a DDR unit throughout our district and am looking for some advice:
1. What would be the most effective way to have 30-34 students active playing DDR in a gym setting?
2. Can more than 2 players play at the same time on the same tv?
3. I would need it to be portable (so I can take it to other schools in the District)
4. Cost; DDR pads (wireless option?), game console, TV's/projector and any other equipment I would need to have 30-34 kids participating.

5. Is it available for different ability levels? K-12?

(could a guy do it for about 8000.00?)
I really appreciate the help and information, I feel that this would be a great opportunity to get kids active and have some FUN!

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1. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:05 am    Post subject: Re: DDR for my physical education class Reply with quote

2: Yes. Up to four can play. This will require the Xbox iterations of the DDR series. There are currently two games available at the moment:

DDR Ultramix
DDR Ultramix 2

If you wait till November, the very next version, Ultramix 3, will be released. E1.gif

3: Well, I guess I already answered it with the Xboxes already.

-New Xbox consoles would set you back $150 per console. Used ones should be starting around $130.

-I know for a fact that Ultramix should be a Platinum Hits game, or a game that has sold so well, it was reduced in price. This is $20. Ultramix 2, I have yet to see. It may still be $40. Ultramix 3 should definitely be no less than $40 since it's new.

-DDR pads are your biggest concern. I will let someone else handle this better. This is your top priority here and they must be maintained nearly flawlessly. That's all I can say, really.

-I am not knowledgeable enough with hardware.

5: You know, that entirely depends on the player. This needs some major eye-foot coordination, as well as a sense of rhythm. E10.gif

$8000? Lessee:
New Xboxes, one for every four students: $1200
Used Xboxes: $1040
DDR Ultramix: $160
DDR Ultramix 2/3: $320

Assuming you don't want the hassle of searching for used Xboxes and not waiting for Ultramix 3, that's $1680 there already.
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2. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Using the xbox versions would probably be best as you can have up to 4 players playing on it. You can use the PS2 version as well which limits you to 2 players but you have 4 different games to choose from instead of 2.

3. Portability shouldnt a problem depending on what pads you use.

4. Ok now on to the DDR pads. See the deal is that most ddr pads are extremely compatable with the PS2, but the Xbox doesnt quite have so many. It also depends on what pads you get that will determain your final cost. You can pick up wireless soft pads for about 25 dollars a piece from best buy while a metal pad for higher performance and playability(on hard surfaces, soft pads dont hold up well on tile.) could run you up to 300 dollars per pad(300 for a cobalt flux, 200 for an afterburner, and it would cost 100 dollars in equip to have your high school kids build them for you as a project tongue.gif instructions for those are all over). PS2 and Xbox's will both cost you about 150 per, and the console games, take a safe average of 30 dollars per and that should be around your final cost.

5. Being good at DDR takes more time than relative age. Id expect almost all your kids to start at the very beginner levels no matter how old they are unless theyve had prior experience. I know 12th graders that cant play at all while I know this 10 year old girl who can beat the hardest songs, so yes it would cater to all of them.

Could you do it with 8000 dollars? Very very easily.
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3. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think Ignition pads are enough, taking into consideration to do some simple modifications with them. I mean, if you can get the setup in a room with a carpeted floor, all you need to do is put some velcro strips at the 4 corners of the Ignition pad and now you're capable of any song or even Double play for that matter.

Since our teacher friend here said a maximum of 34 students, he could put in an extra Xbox for double Double play!
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4. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

erm, I wouldn't go with ignition pads. They wear out way too fast for the price. If there arent too many serious ddr players, you could go with the official licensed soft pad. They're cheap and durable, 1 would cost you around 20$ at the most. Probably less.
JasonTheGreater wrote:
You, sir, are my new hero.

My DDRecall. Challenge me.
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Caleb Brightmore
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5. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Axe wrote:
erm, I wouldn't go with ignition pads. They wear out way too fast for the price. If there arent too many serious ddr players, you could go with the official licensed soft pad. They're cheap and durable, 1 would cost you around 20$ at the most. Probably less.

I don't find those pads very comfotable. Then again, it would be the cheapest. I would just buy a combination of Xboxen and playstations with a combination of Ignition and Metal pads. I know it would be hard to take from place to place, but it would be pretty nice for the kids. Think of the children, Axe...think of the children. E2.gif
Word to big bird.
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6. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let us not forget the portability aspect!

How portable are 8 XBoxes and all those pads? Not very unless you go soft, which is a potential problem on tile as previously mentioned though you could buy a large sheet or multiple sheets of the stuff that is commonly put under large area rugs for a reasonable price (at a place that sells fabrics or rugs).

Don't forget pads will die (especially soft ones) and will need to be replaced frequently if they are abused during play, during improper folding and even transport (heavy things on it).

On the earlier difficulties a soft pad should last a few months at least but on standard or heavy the life of the pads reduce drastically, especially if abused.

I'd wager you'd have to have a big van, mainly for the pads. If you do happen to modify your pads with small slabs of wood and floor covering on top stapled or duct taped together, I can promise it'll weigh a fair bit after it's all said and done.

Because XBoxes have hard drives you don't need to worry about buying memory cards but you will probably want to unlock the games via your friendly full unlock codes available.

I'd say you should be able to fit it all in a van if you remove the back seats. You'd definitely also want to insure everything too against theft. It should cost less than 8000$.
Loving DDR and old school turn based party RPG's like Wizardry and Dragon Quest.
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7. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:17 pm    Post subject: Re: DDR for my physical education class Reply with quote

waldo05 wrote:

(could a guy do it for about 8000.00?)


Well, if you could spare the not being able to take to other districts get a machine!
Fattox, God of Atheism wrote:
EDIT: No way! I reinstalled it, and it's still fucking there. So what's my next move? Suicide perhaps?
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8. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Would I also need to get 1 tv for every xbox, or is it possible for everyone to play off of a projected screen. I apoligize for sounding like a novice, but personally I have only seen DDR in an arcade....Thanks for the info in advance....

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9. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know how much projectors go for, but I'm sure they're a lot more pricier than a TV.

And the TV needs to be reasonably big enough because the more players you have, the smaller the notes on-screen become. So yes, 1 TV per Xbox.
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Max the Legendary Dancer
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10. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

waldo05 wrote:
Would I also need to get 1 tv for every xbox, or is it possible for everyone to play off of a projected screen. I apoligize for sounding like a novice, but personally I have only seen DDR in an arcade....Thanks for the info in advance....


I think that you will need one television set for every console, unless i'm way behind on my technology and people actually found a way to project multiple images on one screen. (I've only seen it on Pimp My Ride, where they projected a Gamecube game and a TV show one one screen).

About your previous questions:
1-yes, 2+ players can play on one screen, the PS2 DDR games have a wider variety of songs than the XBOX ones, but the XBOX is more economical, in your case since The PS2 can only have a maximum of 2 simultaneous persons. In addition, the XBOX songs are, in my opinion, more child-friendly (in terms of lyrics) than the PS2 ones, and, as stated earlier, if you get an XBOX, you don't have to worry about memory or memory cards because there is more than enough memory for the DDR games thanks to its built-in hard drive.

2-In terms of portability, the PS2 is lighter and smaller than the bulky XBOX and, in terms of pads, a Konami pad is more economical and would make more space, but they won't last as long as the more expensive ignition pad.

3-No matter what combination of items, your total will be well under 8k, excluding the extra TVs.

4- 4 of the 5 games for the PS2 have a beginner difficulty for those students who never played DDR, and a couple of difficult songs for those hardcore players.
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11. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

IMO, I would check ebay. I got a brand new RO Igniton 2.0 for 11 dollars still in the box a year ago (Still working). maybe you can find great deals and you can have money left over
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12. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let's not involve the PS2. We want the maximum amount of players possible on a single console.
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Caleb Brightmore
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13. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Reenee wrote:
Let's not involve the PS2. We want the maximum amount of players possible on a single console.

See, I don't agree. I think that the PS2 contains a better quality DDR. In this case, I would go quality over quantity, seeing as how 4 players on one console can get pretty messy if you aren't experienced.
Word to big bird.
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14. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The guy is on a budget. The kids don't care and you're not one of them. Sorry.
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15. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have heard rumors of health clubs wanting to buy rubber mats. So if you wanted cheap, durable and reliable pads I am pretty sure you can buy a bunch of rubber pads for a low price. I may be wrong but I remember hearing something about it a few months ago, so correct me if i am wrong about these rubber pads.
Phrekwenci wrote:
frick the thread.

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16. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If your gonna use one TV oer Xbox, you don't really need a big TV. Somewhere between 17"-24" souns about right.
[quote:ce519f785b="Flamebait"][quote:ce519f785b="_jpoppyz_"]that kid prolly gets 10 times the amount of pussy in a week than any of you guys will get in your lives.[/quote]
10 x 0 = 0[/quote]
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Caleb Brightmore
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17. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Reenee wrote:
The guy is on a budget. The kids don't care and you're not one of them. Sorry.

Hi, I didn't ask your opinion. You're not as witty as you think you are. Sorry.
Word to big bird.
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18. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Caleb Brightmore wrote:
Reenee wrote:
The guy is on a budget. The kids don't care and you're not one of them. Sorry.

Hi, I didn't ask your opinion. You're not as witty as you think you are. Sorry.

Hmm, gee, okay:

$150 Slimline PS2s x 16 = $2400
$40 DDR EXTREME x 16 = $640
$30 DDRMAX2 + DDRMAX x 16 = $960 (DDRMAX is not a Greatest Hits title and is frequently seen at $30)
$20 MEMORY CARD x 16 = $320

DDR EXTREME 2 is going to be too challenging to unlock. More hardware needed to download a complete save OR some effort needed to find somebody to copy the save. In other words, too much work.

Total: $4320


$150 Xbox consoles x 8 = $1200
$20 Ultramix x 8 = $160
$40 Ultramix 2 x 8 = $320

Total: $1680

Oh, WHOOPS. Around 20% of the $8000 used up.

Getting the hardware issue out of the way, it would be obviously cheaper to go the Xbox route. Not only would you have to deal with less games, less hardware, but you leave enough money in the budget to consider a slightly better TV AND putting in some foam softpads AND still have money left over to replace bad pads AND...AND adding in special consideration to allow at least two hard platform pads.

Oh, right, and Ultramix 2 is a quality title.

The draw of the mainstream songs will eventually die down and the kids will eventually move onto the Konami Originals. Gives them a chance for some musical diversity. Besides, EXTREME 2 has the best licenses thus far. The previous three PS2 iterations don't have as many or simply do not have any good ones *cough*Go West*cough*. And let's not forget the Xbox games have THE most songs open as a part of the default songlist than the PS2 games. Not only that, but there's a frigging cheat code for each game too! No effort to unlock the unlocks needed! And then you have the hidden random nonstop in UM2's Workout Mode to at least suffice for the lack of a Nonstop mode.
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Caleb Brightmore
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19. PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

X-box sucks.
Word to big bird.
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