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Euphoria V. Pandemonium
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20. PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rancidfish wrote:
My high score on Euphoria: 65ish%
My high score on Pandemonium: 1.82%
Euphoria (ex) 1x : 70.89
Pandemonium: still 1.82%

Seriously, folks... Pandemonium is hard. Euphoria isn't.

And yeah, 1/32nds at 140 would be really fast if it weren't for the fact that they're only back and forth on two arrows.

I can FC significant chunks of Euphoria, and I suck at this game, so there's no way Euphoria could be "impossibly fast." The rhythms are pretty simple and easy to understand, too. The only thing that throws me off in Euphoria is all the jumping.

There's no way Euphoria could be a 13, because it's one of two 12s I can reliably pass: VerTex and Euphoria. I've passed Delirium, Go 60 Go, and Energizer as well, but every time I play I have about an equal chance of passing or failing.
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Thomas Hobbes
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21. PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What the heck? My Pandemonium Expert score is around a 13%. You can do much better then that.
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22. PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm up to 30% on Euphoria so far
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Thomas Hobbes
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23. PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, as am I. I can also get through half of Hardcore of the North, but I usually give up cause I don't want to go out of breath or injure myself if I push myself too hard. I always give up, even if I know I can do it or pass the song. I just don't want to take the risk of hurting myself.

You only get one body, ya'know?
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24. PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pandemonium is definity harder than Euphoria. I can pass Euphora, I can't pass Pandemonium frust.gif frust.gif frust.gif .... Enough said.
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25. PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

They're two completely different styles of songs...

I can personally get like 88% or so on Euphoria while my friend can only get something like 83, but for Pandemonium he beats me with his 92% (to my 89). The reason is that he has more stamina but lacks complete accuracy when it comes to complex patterns of steps. Depending on what kind of person you are (i.e. do you pass everything with an A, or do you get triple stars on 9 footers but fail 11's such as Hardcore Symphony?) you'll have difficulty on different things.

If you ask upper tier players some might say that Euphoria is a 13 in THEIR opinion because it's the lowest scoring song in the game for them. For others, they just consider passability. It's similar to bag in DDR EX: it's a 10 because it's difficult to PA, but an average player might consider it a 9 because it's the only 10 they can pass.
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26. PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:02 pm    Post subject: Re: Euphoria V. Pandemonium Reply with quote

[ES] RevenG wrote:
Well, I was thinking, about what Pandy is compared to Euphoria and here's what I'm thinking:

- Well Pandy is quite streamy, and fast
- While Euphoria is confusing and many different notes
- 64ths in Euphoria... not fun *pukes*
- Streams in Pandy... not fun *pukes again*
- Pandy's high score on is higher than Euphoria's high score... Pandy 13, Euphoria, 12...?

Any thoughts on this?

What are your opinions on Pandy V. Euphoria?

Whether, it's way harder, way easier, and so on.

Im pissed that u would even put these close together in difficulty. Thats probably just cause i can pass euphoria and my best on pandy is no more than 1%!!!!!!!!!!

I dont know what my problem is with pandy!! I cant get pass the 1st run! I dont know why. But i think i just cant get my feet on the real beat.

Can any one help me on pandy!?!?
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27. PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rancidfish wrote:
My high score on Euphoria: 65ish%
My high score on Pandemonium: 1.82%


Pandemonium is rape. It's fast, it's twisty, it's jumpy, and it doesn't let up. Euphoria has only a couple of hard parts, loads of breaks, and is slow and easy. It was my second 12.

Your just like me E1.gif . about the same scores on the 2 songs, and Euphoria was my second 12 also

edit: Now I have a 28% on Pandy! Ill beat it soon
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28. PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ILl tell you what the deal is.

This comparison is IDENTICAL to MaxX unlimited vs The Legend of Max.

MaxX = Easier to pass because it gives breaks, less streamy. It is however harder to PA because its more complex step pattern wise ALONG with BPM changes.
TLoM = Harder to pass because it is rather relentless in comparison to MaxX, but when you can pass it its much easier to PA than MaxX is.

you can take scores from people like Kevbo, i believe he has scored 98%~~~ on pandy yet complains because he can only get around 93% on euphoria so its just that as an example.
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29. PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bloodrush should be a 13; it's much harder than Euph.
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30. PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:31 pm    Post subject: Re: Euphoria V. Pandemonium Reply with quote

[ES] RevenG wrote:
Well, I was thinking, about what Pandy is compared to Euphoria and here's what I'm thinking:

- Well Pandy is quite streamy, and fast
- While Euphoria is confusing and many different notes

- 64ths in Euphoria... not fun *pukes*
- Streams in Pandy... not fun *pukes again*
- Pandy's high score on is higher than Euphoria's high score... Pandy 13, Euphoria, 12...?

Any thoughts on this?

What are your opinions on Pandy V. Euphoria?

Whether, it's way harder, way easier, and so on.

yeah ive tried them both on pad and well euo give me a harder challenge then panda.. yes panda does too but euo is more techinical
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31. PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

HID.Crufix wrote:
Bloodrush should be a 13; it's much harder than Euph.
But Euphoria is an easy 12, so Bloodrush should be a hard 12.

Bloodrush, I make it halfway through and then die on the one-foot 8ths part. Pandemonium, I die in like 5 seconds. Summer, if I'm lucky I'm still technically alive after the first run. VerTex^2... well, it's still locked but HA HA HA HA HA.

Bloodrush isn't that bad people. It's just tiring. And the one-foot 8ths part is stupid and hard.
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32. PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rancidfish wrote:
And the one-foot 8ths part is stupid and hard.

I've yet to do this myself, but each of the three 8ths you do with one foot can be turned into a 5-step 16th sequence, where you start by hitting the first 8th with whichever foot isn't on the freeze, then you step on the freeze, then the next 8th, then the freeze, then the last 8th; then you jump and do it all over again. It end up being something like x - x x x x x - x - x x x x x. Basically you anchor one foot on the freeze and 16th through the 8th notes. It might be a little less brutal considering you don't have to do all sorts of weird turns, only stepping with one foot; it does add steps though...which Bloodrush doesn't really need. Every time I get to that part it takes too much concentration to get myself to do that so I end up one-footing it anyway.

So, with that and whatever else Rancid said, it's little more than tiring. The 32nd part isn't that hard once you get the hang of it. Its just that the technical aspects of Bloodrush - the 16th crossover runs, difficult-to-read 32nds, one-foot 8th steps - are concepts that haven't really been put to use before, not in quantity like in Bloodrush, at least. It takes as little getting used to as the concept of hands or mines (think about how much Queen of Light scared people at first).

Good example, Setekhx, with the MaxX vs TLOM dealy. Though the general concept of Difficult to PA vs Being Relentless but easy to PA is represented well, I wouldn't say its an IDENTICAL comparison, at least not in a proportional sense. I think MaxX and TLOM have a smaller wall between them, whereas the jump from something like Euphoria to Pandemonium, regardless of FA factors, is much larger, proportionally.

I've noticed people arguing that Euphoria is easier because it's easier to BS, and that people counter this with the argument that its a different story when it comes to trying to PA it well. I don't think that BSing your way through Euphoria is much different from just not being able to FA it well and pass, because the 32nds are something that people generally can or can't do. If someone can so much as BS their way through it, and goes after it with FA in mind, their perfomance on the 32nds is not very likely to improve on a drastic scale, seeing as that's just hard to FA as it is. Even if someone does manage to FA Euporia well, it doesn't require as much extra energy to be exerted as would be needed for FAing Pandy.

However, Pandy would show quite different results between the score of someone BSing their way through, and that same person's meager attempt to FA it. BSing through the song could be managed by both missing all sorts of steps here and there and/or moving at a generally slower speed and practically Great attacking it. The song, regardless of how you are doing in an FA sense, is rediculously tiring. Either way, doing this takes so little effort compared to FAing long runs of 8th notes at 330. As you may know, FAing a song will kill your stamina compared to merely getting to the steps quickly enough to pass.

I would personally conclude that Pandy has Euphoria in both difficulty to pass and difficulty to FA. An exception would be to those people that can do things such as the 32nd note bursts with ease, but lack any decent amount of stamina that would be needed for Pandy. Otherwise, though, I think Pandy takes the win.
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33. PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My best on Euphoria is 72.52% goog.gif at least I passed it riiight.gif

My best on Pandemonium is 26.46%. I think it explains itself.

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34. PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 7:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

D00d I think Delirium is stupid hard on its own. They make you do crazy air and stuff before you actually get to elongated stream at the end. Euphoria is ok, but Pandy reminds me a lot of delirium.. Freakin' Hard!! devil.gif
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35. PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like that long stream at the end of Delerium. It's fun (and challenging to keep up with riiight.gif )

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36. PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 11:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

St00pidBaka wrote:
What the heck? My Pandemonium Expert score is around a 13%. You can do much better then that.
1) I suck at runs.
2) I suck at jumps.
3) I suck at runs ending in jumps.
4) I suck at Pandemonium.

Seriously, Pandemonium still like the hardest song in ITG by a long shot, and that's after having seen all the stuff on ITG2.
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Thomas Hobbes
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37. PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Heh, I'm not that great at runs either basically because my stamina lacks. At the event that I get a little winded, I let it fail even if I'm on the last five or ten seconds. You only have one body, so I don't want to ruin mine. E15.gif I'll just try next time. ^^

Heh, and I've passed all the 11s on ITG1 EXCEPT Pandy Hard, as I always give up cause I get winded/tired.
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38. PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

St00pidBaka wrote:
Heh, I'm not that great at runs either basically because my stamina lacks. At the event that I get a little winded, I let it fail even if I'm on the last five or ten seconds. You only have one body, so I don't want to ruin mine. E15.gif I'll just try next time. ^^

Heh, and I've passed all the 11s on ITG1 EXCEPT Pandy Hard, as I always give up cause I get winded/tired.

So true. You shouldn't hurt yourself so you can say you got such and such %. I tried to push myself too much when I first started playing TLOM, and I almost had to go to the emergency room once because of it (long story). So yeah, i just haveto completely agree with you there.

And yes, Pandy is definitely harder. Today I removed the memory card form my PS2, entered the unlock code, and had some fun with Xuxa, Pandy, Euph, etc. I tried Pandemonium first. I got about to 6% my first try before finally conking out. I hate step jumps. I hate them with a passion. So anyways, I took it to practice mode, slowed it down, and did the usual play through, speed it up, play through again routine. However, this didn't help me at all. I still couldn't get into the song at all.

However, with Euphoria, I got to about 30% my first try. After about 30 minutes in practice mode I could pass it in the high 50's to mid 60's. That's not bad for me. Delerium and Hardcore of the North and Tell are much harder for me.
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39. PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My stamina is okay, but my psychological stamina has always been pretty weak. Once I get more tired than a certain point, I just stop. So, I always used to fail MAX 300, because I'd get tired, but then I think the first time I passed it I had an A. Same for PARANOiA Survivor. Once I reached the point where I could push myself through the whole song, I wasn't getting tired and fudging steps, I was playing the whole thing at full strength.

Pandemonium, though, I'm not tired at all by the time I fail. I just suck so hard I can't get anywhere on it. Same for Hardcore Symphony and Destiny actually. I don't get tired, I just fail because it's too hard.

There's a big difference there... so I'm not worried about stamina for Pandemonium. I'm worried about Pandemonium being RAPE.
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