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Beatmania for PS2 redated
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80. PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CStarFlare wrote:
I think 7th Mix had something like scratches that you had to turn 360 degrees or something. It never caught on, and I don't think it made it to The Final.

We have a Final mix here in Jonesboro and it does indeed have the long green scratches. Only a few songs have them and if they do, there are only one of them in the song. Really a wasted technique in my opinion. I'm afraid I don't recall what songs have them, but the next time I play I will keep a mental note of them and let you guys know (if you are still interested.)
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81. PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wolfman Jake wrote:
Cutriss wrote:
In that vein, don't be too surprised if 10th CS has the interface that you end up seeing in IIDUs.
Are you sure the Japanese fans would stand for that? 10th style has an existing interface as introduced by its arcade counterpart, an interface that I'm sure the Japanese fans are all but expecting. The latest interface shown for beatmania US is really just 9th style with a coat of purple paint on it anyway. Don't you think that'd look a bit cheap for the Japanese audience? Konami has never done that to Japan before. Do you think they'd monkey with the interface for the probable future release of IIDX RED? Why go to the trouble of desgining what will be essentially another red interface when one is already available from the arcade release? DDR Festival could get away with such a different interface, since it never had an arcade release in Japan (although the interface is in the arcade release of Dancing Stage Fusion in Europe).
Well, see, that's why I'm thinking so. It just doesn't really make a lot of fiscal sense for Konami to develop a whole new interface just for the US audience for a game that has never been seen here before (If you're about to tell me about HHM, STFU).

Everyone was all surprised when we were getting a whole new interface for Extreme (positively or negatively), but then a lot of people kinda muttered "Figures..." when they found out that Festival was getting it too. I think the general sentiment with regards to that was "We wouldn't have gotten it that way if Festival wasn't made".

So, basically, my opinion of things is that this will either very closely mimic 9th Style (aside from some color changes), or it will wind up being in a future Japanese mix. Whatever winds up being the path of least resistance for Konami.

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Wolfman Jake
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82. PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, it also doesn't make a lot of fiscal sense for Konami to be trying to release beatmania in the US period E13.gif It's possible at this point that Konami would use the same interface for 10th style CS as beatmania US, but I don't think it's all that probable. Again, it's just 9th style with a purple paint job, which is something they could have whipped up pretty quickly (and painlessly) for the US game, perhaps to stifle any comparisons that US players might try to make to similar looking Japanese styles (why, hello people who don't get US DDR =/= JPN DDR). It would look cheap for the Japanese audience, since it's just a 9th style interface hack. It's not even the first time Konami has gone the extra mile and altered the JPN interface for a similar release in another territory (DDR MAX US had foot difficulties added, Euromix2/MAX2 US with Japanese text removed, etc.). If we were instead anticipating the release of 9th style CS, then I would be half-expecting it to get the same purple paint job as beatmania US. It's entirely possible, though, that the ratings system overhaul (as it seems has been implemented in beatmania US) or maybe even revamped options like Sudden and Hidden from Happy Sky will show up in 10th CS, since the CS releases always lag behind the arcade releases, but usually get the same tech upgrades as the current (not counterpart) arcade release (for example: Random+ is in 8th CS, but was introduced first in IIDX RED). That's about the extent to which I think 10th CS and beatmania US will have similar interfaces, solely in the tech of the game, but I expect 10th CS will still look like 10th arcade.
Wolfman Jake
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83. PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As long as beatmania uses the 9th style interface music. I could rock out to that shit all day.

Those spinning things are in Be Lovin? Cool; we're likely to get that since it's in Extreme 2. I wanna try them. :D I hope they put more in or something; I play onehanded and I bet they'd piss off my friends. :D

Also, regular Beatmania plays with the turntable on the right; hopefully they'll still have the capability to switch it over to the left side ingame. (Apparently Beatmania AC games have a "center" mode, where you play with the keys from P2 and the scratch from P1.) Weird stuff.
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DX Manaic
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84. PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It could be used in IIDX Best Hits....?

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Wolfman Jake
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85. PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DX Manaic wrote:
It could be used in IIDX Best Hits....?


I was about to mention the possibility of something like that myself, but then I wondered if Konami would even bother, as every CS release since 6th style (or moreso since 7th style) has been basically a "new songs collection" plus "best hits" to fill out the songlist.
Wolfman Jake
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86. PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, the Best Hits idea wouldn't be too hot. All of the CS released have covered all the games. In 3rd, 4th, and 5th style, we got every song that was on IIDX and 2nd Style. Given that 4th Style has a damn good songlist and is hard to find, that in itself wouldn't be reason to make a Best Hits game.
However. . .
Could this be a 5-key revival (or collection) for a future Japanese market?

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El Mullet
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87. PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cutriss wrote:
Well, see, that's why I'm thinking so. It just doesn't really make a lot of fiscal sense for Konami to develop a whole new interface just for the US audience for a game that has never been seen here before (If you're about to tell me about HHM, STFU).

Okay then, lets bring up the Dancing Stage series. For the past two mixes, Europeans received our interfaces with a different coat of paint, along with some minor changes here and there. (Implementation of lyrics, for example.) Konami of Japan went way out of their way to make the DS series look different than their JP/US quasi-counterparts.

Also, you have to remember that OUR interface will contain support for both the original beatmania and beatmania IIDX. From the screenshots so far, it looks like the support is being implemented in a different way than preexisting beatmania titles. So unless IIDX 10th Style contains support for original beatmania songs, I can't see the US interface being used in a future Japanese mix. Besides, the slightly-altered 9th Style is good enough for me.
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DX Manaic
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88. PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Konami, if you're listening, make sure you put Hell Scaper on 5-key mode. I need a way to practice it nerd.gif
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89. PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DX Manaic wrote:
Konami, if you're listening, make sure you put 20,November as the hardest song. The shock value with that would be priceless to witness. nerd.gif
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90. PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let's hope it'll released in time for Christmas! I bet it'll be worth around $50-60 for both & $25-30 for just the controller. I wonder how many other companies are making non-offical Beatmania controllers.....Now if they could only release Guitar Freaks & Percussion Freaks over here...(I bet when there's a songlist, someone will post it on da Main Page)
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91. PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow. Did you not see the thread title and the first post of the thread?
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92. PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well he would have read the release date, but the bulk of the post was about pricing which I don't think there has been an announcement on...

I am guessing $50 for the game + controller and $30 for each additional controller.
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93. PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmm... considering karaoke revolution w/ mike cost 60 when it came out, it would seem beatmania might follow suit. and for karaoke you actually have to have a mike to be able to play, as opposed to beatmania which can use a dualshock (though a controller is much better). But its also possible they dont want to intimidate target consumers right off the bat. but then again all the next gen games are supposedly $60-70, and thats games without special controllers.... i dunno, this is a toughie.....

i'll just say $60 for controller pack and hope to be surprised
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94. PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

$60 would make more sense, but Beatmania is a little more obscure than KR so I think they may be willing to cut profits in hopes that it catches on. How much was DDR for the PS1 when it came out?
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95. PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Razma wrote:
Well, the Best Hits idea wouldn't be too hot. All of the CS released have covered all the games. In 3rd, 4th, and 5th style, we got every song that was on IIDX and 2nd Style.

Hi Mirrorball Satelite. Hi Deep Clear Eyes. Hi Do You Love Me? ;_: We didn't get everything out of 1st/2nd Style (and we did miss some gems from the old days). Who knows, maybe we'll be suprised when the missing 1st/2nd style songs get popped in to BM:US, since they (almost) all have 5key origins. Guys, Nahanaha vs Gatchoon. Seriously.
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96. PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My sentiments exactly PlatinumHawke. I mostly just miss the ability to play Nahanaha vs Gatchoon. I really dislike putting in the old 5-key Beatmania Best Hits (or anything that's not 6th+core, really). However, I think that Nahanaha vs Gatchoon is just TOO Japanese and weird... then again my friends said the same of Katamari Damashii.

As far as controller price... I'm guessing it'll be around 70 for the bundle. 40 for the game, 30 for the controller. I mean let's be serious, even if the Japanese controller didn't have the ridiculous fees required of importing, the controller would be worth 50 maybe 60 bucks. I doubt that Konami would sell the new, remodeled controllers for 20 bucks. It would be really nice, but I highly doubt it.

Looking at the screenshot, it looks like there is room for at least another star or two (at least I thought so), and even if there are only a few tough songs (that max out at 10) who cares? Beatmania has a much much larger selection of tough songs than DDR did with its what... maybe 8 tough songs total? If there is a sequel, and hopefully good sales will permit this, there's a great chance harder songs will appear on there. Let us also not forget that in ONE home mix, we're presumably bringing players with no experience to the point where when they finish with this mix, they'll be able to tackle at least most 6-7s... (given the songs we know like The Shining Polaris). That's a pretty big jump for not having any Beatmania in the US before (HHM wasn't well received enough to count). It's not really fair to complain about the difficulty about this mix when year after year, the Japanese have been getting gradually tougher games, since what... 1997/8?

I'm not really sure why I went on so long about difficulty, but I've always been irked about the way DDR games were received (rightfully so, the difficulty flat-lined once arcade mixes stopped being produced). I sort of assume the same sort of "This is a n00bs mix" banter to extend to Beatmania as well.
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97. PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

CatchyPhraseOwen wrote:
$60 would make more sense, but Beatmania is a little more obscure than KR so I think they may be willing to cut profits in hopes that it catches on. How much was DDR for the PS1 when it came out?

I remember it being $70. I don't expect a Beatmania bundle to be any less.
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Thomas Hobbes
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98. PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A more realistic cost for them would be probably $99.99 for both the game and controller. However, that'd probably scare off the casual gamer at the higher cost of a game, when an average game is only $50.

Therefore, I think and am probably sure that they will pull a Donkey Konga sort of thing. Buy the game and controller together in a bundle for $50 and other additional controllers at the regular price of probably $30 or $40, but more likely $30.

However, they could also pull a DDR bundle sort of thing. Buy the game and controller in a bundle and get the additional controller for $20 more, for a total of $70 bundle. Any additional controllers at the regular price of $30, most likely.
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99. PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No new news, huh?

I'm definately getting this. Again, there are no IIDX machines within 300 miles of Erie.

Hopefully it will have some of my favorites like "Be Lovin" and "Fire."

Man, I wish I lived in California only for the IIDX systems!!!
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