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rsr2 Trick Member

Joined: 31 Dec 2004 Location: Mancelona MI |
60. Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:22 am Post subject: |
When did you start playing? Idk i belive when it came out in the US. The first machine. i was young so i wasn't really good. It was at the place called kids quest in Mount Pleasent, MI. The best part was IT WAS FREEE. so i played for 6 hours. And couldn't stop.
What got you to start? I saw ppl at a local arcade playing and they were good and i said to myself i want to try to be like them so when my mom bought DDRMAX2 and the dancepad like a month after it was released i couldn't stop playing. after a year i played heavy mode and now i still have the game but i broke 2 dance pads. so now i got 2 more pads off of e-bay.
What made you keep playing? Addiction and i have a blast playing the game. I got my sister addicted to it to but she doesn't play as much as i do. also i liked playing at arcades. i think they are way more fun at home cause
1. Nobody is around at home and i like attention
2. the scoring isn't exactly right
3. More songs.
I just love attention and i dont know why. well thats how i started playing ddr and stuff |
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Frunny Basic Member

Joined: 14 Aug 2005 Location: New Zealand |
61. Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:30 pm Post subject: |
I started playing three days ago
I read about DDR on some online forums, and the people talking about it said that it was really fun, addictive, and good exercise. Just what I needed!
So I bought a second-hand game and pad and started playing. I intend to go an have a look in our (only) arcade to see if it's there, but I don't have my hopes up. Plus, I won't play in an arcade until I stop sucking  |
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Goldeneye Trick Member

Joined: 26 Jul 2005 Location: North Carolina |
62. Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 7:39 am Post subject: |
In the fall of '04, a new kid came to one of my classes at school. He looked intimidated, so I struck up a conversation with him and we later became pals. On a field trip, he was listening to a burned disc of DDR music. I asked him what kind of music it was. He said DDR. I asked what the hell that was. He tried in vain to explain it to me, only confusing me further. Later, when we were eating lunch at a mall, we went to an arcade and there it was. I watched him play and finally understood it.
Several months later, I finally decided to go play on the nearest machine. My first song was Saints Go Marching In. After two songs on Beginner, I went to light. Four months later, I am now playing on heavy.  _________________
Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, so get wasted all the time and have the time of your life. |
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_Heidi_ Trick Member

Joined: 12 Feb 2005 Location: MA, USA |
63. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:50 am Post subject: It's storytime... ^_^ |
Hey people-
Yeah so for any of you who are wondering, here's how I got started with DDR-
*opens storybook* "Once upon a time..."
Alrite, so my one of my present day friends that I presently play DDR with calls me up one day like 2 years ago and is like, "hey u shud come over cuz i got this new game for my ps2 called ddrmax2 or something and it's like a dancing game. So I go over, and I'm impressed by her skill of getting a "D" on 'BreakDown', so I try and of course I suck... and then I'm like "what the heck is this japanese techno junk music- why aren't there any good songs??" and she was like "i dont know..."
so she hasd it for a year and i didnt really like it so I never played...
((2 years later...)) *at my 8th grade b-day party*
Me and a bunch of my friends r all hangin out and my ddr friend brings DDR to the party, and I'm like "oooooo! I remember that. Lemme try again!" So just to reclaim myself I try for like an hour to get an "A" on 'Break Down' (light) and I fail to do so....
Of course I thought it was wicked fun so I kept practicing and I got it for my birthday from my aunt. I wasn't really that good cuz I had a flat wireless mat and as we all know- those r retareded and they screw u up...
Yeah so anywayz, I got pretty good (meaning I could pass ne song on light..)
I chose 'Conga Feeling' on light and failed it...
haha andwayz after a lot of practice and hard times at the arcade I became known as the "best girl at my arcade" and can now pass 9-10 footers...
well thanks for ur time _________________
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QWERTYkid911 Trick Member

Joined: 18 Aug 2005
64. Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:52 am Post subject: |
My brother had sent me a PS2 and DDRMAX2 for my birthday. I recognized it because I had seen it in the arcade, but I never thought it would be on a game system. I waited untill I was all alone-some weeks later-to try it out and I loved it! My cousin and I played it the constantly in the summer. |
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partyboy Trick Member

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Location: Florida |
65. Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:19 am Post subject: |
Well, all it took for me was some guy passing PSMO and I was addicted. Then I slowly got better and better and here I am.  |
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kyronami Trick Member

Joined: 21 Jul 2005 Location: Huntsville Alabama |
66. Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:37 pm Post subject: eh |
When i was like 9 years old (im 15 now :\) i saw some people playing at an arcade in florida (on vacation) and i tried, it was fun altho i failed (stupid me for trying max 300 on my first time) Anyway, i never forgot about it and on my 13'th birthday i got ddr extreme for ps2, i practiced till i could c-b standard mode then i was off to the mall every day or so suring summer practicing, over the summer i moved to heavy mode and could A standard and get c's or so on 6-7 footers, after about another 2 weeks i passed my first 9 footer (cant stop fallin in love speed mix) and ive been playing ever since |
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Maxil223 Basic Member

Joined: 19 Aug 2005 Location: Elk Mound |
67. Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:25 am Post subject: |
Well, Its kind of a mean story. It was 2 weeks ago, I was at the mall with some friends and we were making fun of the ddr players(calling them retards and what not) and one of them told us it wasnt as easy at it looked, so we figured it was a challenge, and me and my friend kyle got set up with 321Stars on Light, and we did pretty good, and I found the game to be extremely fun and kinda felt bad for calling those people names. To this day, Im still playing 321stars on Light at my house. HAha pathetic |
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1ll_egal Basic Member

Joined: 22 Aug 2005
68. Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:10 pm Post subject: |
To be honest the first time i played was about 4 years ago when I was about 8. I went to a friends birthday party and we didn't even know how to play ddr. But in November 2004 my friend showed me ffr and stepmania, i got pretty good at it. I later went to the movies with some friends and we decided to play ddr and i passed my first 3 light songs, yet i still wasn't to interested. Then i saw a guy in the arcade do Maxx and i decided i wanted to play even more. So on boxing day of 2004 i went to buy the ultramix 2 bundle pack with my Christmas money. Within New Years i was able to get a C on B4U heavy and impressed my family. As of today i've AA'ed b4u on home version. |
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DJ Saturn Trick Member

Joined: 19 Aug 2005
69. Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:56 pm Post subject: |
I first got into it around the year '01 or '02. I heard about it from a few friends of mine (Who dissed it at the time but ended up getting into it after I did. XD) It looked cool enough so I thought I'd start getting into it. Played that off and on for a few years. Eventually picked up Konamix. Then later on Max and Max2. Freestyle is what really keeps me into it. It's just a lot of fun to do. |
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dotman557 Trick Member

Joined: 23 Aug 2005 Location: Sparks Nevada |
70. Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:14 pm Post subject: |
When did you start playing?
I started about a month ago and I try to play everyday.
What got you to start?
I went to walmart where they had a Solo 2000 and I thought id try it out since it was a single-player machine. but I looked up at the screen and it said "Disc Read Error." so I went behind the machine, unplugged it, plugged it back in, and it worked fine, so i tried it out, and now Im addicted. Im about a 5-footer right now.
What made you keep playing?
Addiction. It is so fun and its a great alternative to doing homework! Not to mention its one hell of a workout. And I love the attention I get, it makes me feel good. _________________
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Baby Lemonade Trick Member

Joined: 22 May 2004 Location: Chi-Town |
71. Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:43 pm Post subject: |
I started playing DDR my junior year of college (2003). Why? Beer. That's why. We made a sandstorm club, and you had to beat sandstorm to get in. Because of the abbreviations (LGT STD and HVY) we decided there should be levels of the club. So the Sandstorm club was thus split into Legit, S.T.D., and HIV. I'll just say this much... in a few months we all had the Sandstorm HIV... and yes i know that makes no sense. |
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Daddead324 Trick Member

Joined: 23 Aug 2005 Location: Illinois |
72. Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:25 pm Post subject: problems |
I started about 1 year ago when my friend showed it to me and ever since i've always wanted to play it again. Unfortunately, I live on a second floor in apartment building and can't afford it right now. But their's hope. I might move into a house if mother would save her money right |
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xTenshix Basic Member

Joined: 23 Aug 2005 Location: Perth Amboy, New Jersey |
73. Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:20 pm Post subject: |
I started playing at Christmas of '04. My mom bought me the game for Christmas, and right away I went into my room and hooked it up to my PS2, and started playing. Before then my friend and I were at the arcade and she told me to try it. She was only on light, but my first song in beginner was Butterfly. I've grown to like that song. ^-^
But after getting serious and playing whenever I can, I've hit a dead end on standard/heavy. |
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JeN_JeN Trick Member

Joined: 20 Aug 2005 Location: AUSTRALIA! |
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bigrick Basic Member

Joined: 11 Apr 2005
75. Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:33 am Post subject: |
i first started at oct.27 i know because i still remember then,well it was in indiana,downtown and i saw some kids playing it and i thought i give it a try and of course i failed.but i got in the game so much i just keep on playing.well i play it so much that every time i get paid,i go to the mall at gameworks and put at least $20 to $60 the most,well playing on double is a lot more fun than single.well 6 years later i still playing the game i lost a lot of weight from it and i'm still happy about that.i if you want to find me.i'm the big guy at harkins 25 at mesa,az and you might be surpise.and the song i love to play the most on double is... we will rock you and .59.[/quote] |
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Kai-Hikari Trick Member

Joined: 30 Jan 2005
76. Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:07 pm Post subject: |
Okay, four years ago I went to the arcade and saw DDR for the first time. It totally blew my mind, so I wen up there and started playing. I decided to be on Standard Mode -- Standard means everyone can play it, right? -- and I played Butterfly, because it was the default song on the screen and I didn't know how to select. So, I died. And I fell in love.
The End. _________________
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The Game II Contributor

Joined: 06 Mar 2002 Location: Long Beach or Glendale, CA |
77. Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:24 pm Post subject: |
I went to a writing seminar in Irvine, Calif. in late 1999 with a co-worker; the night before the seminar, we both went to the Irvine Convention Center to a GameWorks (dunno if it's still there), and I remember a group of people watching some guy with no shirt playing DDR, and I was like "That game looks dayum awesome." Of course, since it was still "new," and it being Irvine, it was like $3 to play, so I didn't play it. I tried finding information about the game online, but I couldn't find much.
Two years later, I was at a Chuck E Cheese hanging out with my brother and his co-workers before we went to a Raw Is War show. We were waiting for our pizza when I saw a DDR USA mix and was like "DUDE WE"VE GOTTA TRY THIS." So I got on there, and one of my bro's co-workers joins me. The two of us must have played 2 hours straight, cuz she wanted me to keep playing with her, and I was getting very fatigued (back then, I didn't have as much energy as I do now, and she had jolt cola energy). We might have failed once or twice, but we just kept playing.
(The next day, both of us got ill because we wore our sweaty clothes to the show, and we didn't have enough money to buy shirts at the show)
Did some research, and about a month later, bought a home version with a soft pad.
--GCII _________________
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Kristobal Trick Member

Joined: 09 Aug 2003 Location: Chesapeake, Virginia |
78. Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:27 am Post subject: |
I started playing about....*counts on fingers and toes* 2 or so years ago. I never heard of DDR until my vacation to florida. I saw a couple of machines sitting there and they looked interesting. I sat back and watched people play to get the hang of the concept and I was very interested. so, I tried a couple songs on beginner and was hooked. so I tried some on light and was more interested. I was hooked after that. I guess what has kept me going is the fact that I'm getting my brother and my husband to play too. _________________
.... |
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Phantm Trick Member

Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Location: pennsylvania |
79. Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:00 am Post subject: |
I played for the first time in March of 2005. I played at the arcade about once a month after that, getting really into it in July. I saw a lot of my peers trying it. So I said, eh what the hell I'll give it a shot. I progressed to standard during that once a month period, then heavy in May I believe, now I play 9s. _________________
lollerblades! |
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