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How to improve with average time and low cash?
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0. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:58 pm    Post subject: How to improve with average time and low cash? Reply with quote

I just thought I'd throw my thoughts out here so average people can write something intelligent and the others can make a dumb comment that they always seem to do.

Anyways, I've played DDR since December 2004 when I bought DDR Max 2 and a soft pad. It was about two months ago when I started playing in the arcade, which most people will agree that it's a pretty big change the first time. Now that I'm used to the arcade, I'm starting to pass 8 footers consistently with decent ratings.
Now, I thought I was doing pretty well when it came to learning the game: until I started reading the forums. I've read so many stories about how they've played only 3 weeks and they can AA 9 footers, it's not even funny.
So, I'm wondering if anyone has figured out a way to improve without having the money or time to go and play a 2 hour session everyday, and not being able to afford a $200-300 metal pad. I'm obsessed with this game as much as anyone else, but I just can't afford to play it that often.

Please, put down any suggestions/comments you like. I'm already playing Stepmania everyday to learn the patterns, and any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Anyone who read this whole thing should treat themselves to a round or two at the local arcade E4.gif !
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Trick Member
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1. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The best thing you can possibly do is accept that it is ok not to be able to AA 9-footers in 3 weeks, or 3 days, or 3 hours, or whatever else people claim these days. Just play at your own pace, have fun with it, and don't listen to the people who say things like "omgz don tpost f u cnt aaa liek max 300 n00b!!!11!".
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Trick Member
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2. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really appreciate the comment, DJX. Now if we could only lose those people who believe they're the god of the four arrows E4.gif .

On a separate topic, I have decided that a study should be conducted on the correlation of skill in DDR and a lack of ability to type a sentance in FREAKING ENGLISH like you and I do.
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Trick Member
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3. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

People here are insanely fast at improving. It took me 2 years to start passing 8 footers at home, and I rarely play in the arcades, so I've only managed a few there (In the Navy was my first in the arcade, and Cowgirl is my only sight-read arcade 8 -- why yes, I like gallops).

Practice, improve at your own pace. If you haven't modded your softpad, you probably want to, just so you don't shred it.
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Trick Member
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4. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DJX is right.

Just go at your own pace. When I first started, I could never AA 9's until after 6 months of playing (A slow pace, but everyone is different). E7.gif

Also a sidenote:

StealthGuardian wrote:
I've read so many stories about how they've played only 3 weeks and they can AA 9 footers, it's not even funny.

Most of the people who say that are MOST LIKELY bs'ing so that they can make others feel bad. I know it's not funny either because lying gets people nowhere. E7.gif

Also, just practice. So many people say that, but it is true. Practice makes Perfect. biggrin.gif

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Trick Member
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5. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks antimony and XmaxX for your opinions.

To antimony: I'm probably going to mod my next pad. I've already broken 2 pads (one $20 soft one and a $50 foam-insert one. Surprisingly, the soft one lasted longer E4.gif but it might have been because I was improving). Also, In the Navy was my first 8 footer too E4.gif . Gallops really are fun.

To XMaxX: It sounds like I'm moving at about your pace. I still have yet to AA anything 8 feet or above, even though other experienced players say I have good timing for my experience. I also realize that many people could be lying about how quickly they've learned the game.

I'm really enjoying this and appreciate the comments, but I haven't had some tips on saving money and still getting the practice in. Any ideas? Or maybe I could get some tips on what song I should be looking at completing next. I just got past Senorita Speedy, and I'm looking for the next toughest song on DDR Extreme.
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6. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

get more money
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[ES] GARYsurvivor
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7. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

XMaxX wrote:
Practice makes Marvelous. biggrin.gif

Fixed! laugh.gif
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Trick Member
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8. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Everyone learns at their own pace. I stepped up to 9 footers about 4 months after learning to play DDR, and I'm just approaching 10's now. Don't worry about how fast you're learning, as long as you're consistant you'll get up there.

Tip: You don't need a $300 metal pad to be good at DDR. I'm going to go ahead and suggest foam insert. I prefer ignition-style for home play anyways, since I like playing in my socks... but anyways... I spend maybe $20/week at the arcade and an hour a day at home, and my skills are still improving. If you seem to "plateau" at a certain level, don't worry about it, just keep pushing yourself to the next. (IE, Healing Vision ~Angelic Mix~ used to drain me to no end and after whoring the hell outta it I can AA it) That's where homeplay is an advantage, because you can fail as many songs as you like without wasting your money riiight.gif

Basically the moral of the story is buy a pad that'll last you a few months and won't burn a hole in your pocket (foam insert, most likely) and practice at the arcade; and don't be afraid to challenge yourself, especially in the privacy in your own home.
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9. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

[ES] GARYsurvivor wrote:
XMaxX wrote:
Practice makes Marvelous. biggrin.gif

Fixed! laugh.gif

Yay thumb.gif

StealthGuardian wrote:
I'm obsessed with this game as much as anyone else, but I just can't afford to play it that often.

You're not the only one (lucky someone else is like me also E4.gif ).
I don't play that often at the arcade because of money issues(grrr....).

What you should do is make a limit to how long you play at the arcade, for example: maybe once a week for 2 hours (just a suggestion. Many other possibilities). You said you have a home pad right? Even if it does suck up all the time, you can still practice at home (practice makes perfect, or as [ES] GARYsurvivor says: Practice makes Marvelous.).

StealthGuardian wrote:
Or maybe I could get some tips on what song I should be looking at completing next. I just got past Senorita Speedy, and I'm looking for the next toughest song on DDR Extreme.

I would say: Burning the Floor (Momo Mix) if you are going for an 8 like Senorita. If you're going for a 9, you can try Tsugaru

I hope this helps you StealthGuardian! E1.gif

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10. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you can't afford to play it that often, then you'll probably have to choose between either the arcade, or buying a nicer pad at home.

You'll probably have to do a little math to see what saves you more money.
Danamaf wrote:
where can i get "Dance Dance Documentary"? i looked at my local blockbuster and i didnt see it
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11. PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry, but this is a Gameplay topic. Locked.
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