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Marik Trick Member

Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Location: in a sea of fetus |
840. Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:33 am Post subject: |
As what most people, they buy DDr for ps2 or X box and start practicing.
Althogh i started out on the home pad ddr,you should put your diffecult level on arcade 8. It will be a lot harder, but when you go to the are acade, the level at the machine will be a level 5. When it is harder for you at home, the easyer the setting will be at the arcade. That is one way you can better.
To improve more, you must practice. If you are out of engery at the end of the song or the stage, you can take a 5 minute break. The more you are relexed, the more energy you will have to go faster and hit the arrows faster.
If you really think that your all good and want to try level 10 songs, you might want to try to at least AA a good level 9 foot song like Break Down or So Deep. Once you can AA or AAA those songs, Im sure that you will be a good 10 footer.
For Beginers, Try a good song on light like trip machine survier.
The steps will be a a little hard because it is a 6 footer song on light. When my friend wanted to try DDR and do heavy, i would only let him go on heavy if he could do Max 300 on standerd.
You see, the only way you can improve is to practice.
NOW GO AA BREAK DOWN!!!!  _________________
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PÄÅÄ¡Å©Ä«Å⢠â¶â Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jul 2005
841. Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:55 pm Post subject: |
I've been playing for about 3 months now. I can get a high A/AA on many 7/8s and some 9s.
I just recently starting going to arcades and I can't play at all there. I can AA Jet World heavy most of the time at home, but when I try to play it at an arcade, I screw up and lose about 15 seconds into the song because it syas I keep missing the arrows even though I know I'm hitting them and at the right time.
Any help on how to play on a metal pad? Because I just can't do it =\ |
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Slowpoke Trick Member

Joined: 28 Oct 2003
842. Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:13 pm Post subject: |
PÄÅÄ¡Å©Ä«Å⢠wrote: | Any help on how to play on a metal pad? Because I just can't do it =\ |
You either need to practice more to get used to it, or you need to find an arcade that doesn't have crappy pads (if that's what the problem is) |
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nport Basic Member

Joined: 27 Jun 2005 Location: new jersey |
843. Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:26 pm Post subject: |
I found out by switching how you steps makes your feet hurt less. I will agree that when you play on your toes you are more agile, but for the fast half steps useing the side of your foot or your heel does help. This is also personal experience, but everyone is different _________________
nick |
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Solar-Wind Trick Member

Joined: 16 Jul 2005 Location: rumson, nj |
844. Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:20 am Post subject: |
Does anyone have any personal experience going from an Ignition 2.0 pad at home to playing on an arcade machine? I find it frustratingly harder in the arcades.... (although ive only played outside of home 3 times, but plan to do it much more now) maybe its just stamina, and that i'm not used to playing with shoes on, but it kinda sucks being able to A songs like Exotic Ethnic at home and just barely make my way through an 8 footer in the arcade.... any tips from anyone who has had this same experience? what should I be doing at home to help me better myself for arcade play? I know the best way would be to get a metal pad with lowered arrows to start, but that's out of the question right now. _________________
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Griesus Trick Member

Joined: 11 Jul 2005 Location: Stoughton, Wisconsin Arcade: Cyberstation |
845. Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:54 pm Post subject: |
Reading these last few posts have made me flabbergasted.
You do worse on the arcade pads?! I cannot believe that. I dunno about the guys above me, but i have a poopy konami pad that's plastic at me house. I can hardly do 9's. But when I go to the arcade I get at least 300 combo on matsuri japan. I guess what I'm asking is....
What are you doing at your home that makes the songs easier?  |
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Pharcyde Basic Member

Joined: 20 Jul 2005 Location: Leeds - UK |
846. Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:28 am Post subject: |
Solar-Wind wrote: | Does anyone have any personal experience going from an Ignition 2.0 pad at home to playing on an arcade machine? I find it frustratingly harder in the arcades.... (although ive only played outside of home 3 times, but plan to do it much more now) maybe its just stamina, and that i'm not used to playing with shoes on, but it kinda sucks being able to A songs like Exotic Ethnic at home and just barely make my way through an 8 footer in the arcade.... any tips from anyone who has had this same experience? what should I be doing at home to help me better myself for arcade play? I know the best way would be to get a metal pad with lowered arrows to start, but that's out of the question right now. |
maybe it's the pressure of everyone watching you
I've just started playing DDR again a few days ago, (last time I played before that was 5-6 months ago and I could only do songs up to 6-7 feet) apart from that, I've been playing stepmania on my PC, I can do 11 footers on that! lol
Since I picked it all up again though I've been attempting 8-9 footers and passing them 50% of the time (on the default arcade difficulty) I found that if you practice on harder songs you learn a LOT more quicker, now I can pass the old 6-7 footers I used to attempt with flying colours..
Only thing is, I smoke and I get nackered real easily :/ That doesn't bother me too much, I mean I sweat like hell! But what bothers me the most is my legs ache like mad after 2-3 goes on a 9 footer and I have to take breaks.. lol. I have a really tacky metal dance mat off ebay that's always sticking, it's nothing compared to the real thing and it's harder to make steps with very little pressure, because believe it or not.. they don't always register, so I have to press down on the pads pretty hard, I don't think this does my legs any good either  |
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ahkem Basic Member

Joined: 28 Jun 2005 Location: hoffman estates,IL |
847. Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:01 pm Post subject: |
Solar-Wind wrote: | Does anyone have any personal experience going from an Ignition 2.0 pad at home to playing on an arcade machine? I find it frustratingly harder in the arcades.... (although ive only played outside of home 3 times, but plan to do it much more now) maybe its just stamina, and that i'm not used to playing with shoes on, but it kinda sucks being able to A songs like Exotic Ethnic at home and just barely make my way through an 8 footer in the arcade.... any tips from anyone who has had this same experience? what should I be doing at home to help me better myself for arcade play? I know the best way would be to get a metal pad with lowered arrows to start, but that's out of the question right now. |
Yea I have the same problem, I can do 5-6's on standard at home till I can barely walk (usualy takes about 2 hours). But at the arcade I have to stick to 4's on light usually.
I'm guessing its a combo of
A) I am more used to how my ignition responds (I try not to but I do slide on some songs unintentionaly)
B) I am more used to how my home pad feels, the recessed arrows on the arcade machine threw me for a loop first time I tried it.
C) Its hot as hell in most arcades, compared to at home where I have A/C going and a fan pointed at me.
D) Shoes. |
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Darkicarus Trick Member

Joined: 19 Feb 2005 Location: Hudson valley playing DDR |
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NSMH Trick Member

Joined: 01 Mar 2005 Location: San Diego |
849. Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:55 am Post subject: |
Quote: | maybe it's the pressure of everyone watching you |
It's funny, because I seem to do much better with a crowd watching me... _________________
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Solar-Wind Trick Member

Joined: 16 Jul 2005 Location: rumson, nj |
850. Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:05 pm Post subject: |
Griesus wrote: | What are you doing at your home that makes the songs easier?  |
well, i think i've narrowed it down to one thing mainly.... its the extra stamina thats needed overall in the arcade. The things that make it require more stamina/strength are the sunken arrows rather than raised (i have an ignition pad), the fact that you seem to have to hit the arrows harder, and most importantly, shoes. For the hell of it, i decided to take my shoes off at the arcade a couple days ago and BAM.... just like that i was able to blow through Exotic Ethnic and CSFIL:SM no problem whatsoever. of course, when i was finished, I ended up with a nasty blister right under my big toe and near the end i was starting to slip around, so i'm never gonna play in the arcade without shoes again. but with shoes on, it just adds weight to your feet and therefore more stamina required. Also, because the buttons are lowered, i have to raise my legs/feet a lot more rather than sometimes "sliding" my feet around the pad like i do with some real fast songs on my ignition pad.
also i'm guessing you have a crappy cheap pad. ignitions are great, but they'll spoil you like they done so with me.... you gotta really work extra to play in the arcade. _________________
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NSMH Trick Member

Joined: 01 Mar 2005 Location: San Diego |
851. Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:18 am Post subject: |
If you play at the arcade more often, you get used to it. Trust me. Plus it makes home feel like nothing difficult at all. _________________
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trogdor_609 Basic Member

Joined: 19 Jun 2005
852. Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:54 pm Post subject: |
yes, im quite confused with my dilemma(sp?)
ive been playing for about 5 months now, but i cant go for more than a half hour playing on an arcade machine or on the ps2 version at my house. currently i can do almost all songs up to a 9 and get a decent score on them, but i can only go for like 3 songs that are that high of a difficulty.
does anyone know what i can do to improve my stamina? |
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XMaxX Trick Member

Joined: 28 Jul 2005 Location: Cheyenne, WY Team: SSJ-(XMaxX) |
853. Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:54 pm Post subject: |
trogdor_609 wrote: | does anyone know what i can do to improve my stamina? |
Practice, practice, and more practice.  _________________
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MATS Trick Member

Joined: 27 Oct 2004
854. Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 7:15 pm Post subject: |
trogdor_609 wrote: | does anyone know what i can do to improve my stamina? |
play max300 lots n lots n lots n stuphph  |
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Wermo Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jun 2005 Location: Hamilton ON |
855. Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:40 am Post subject: |
I don't think this has been stated in just these words so here goes:
Songs like Rhythm and Police, True, Tsugaru and any other song with gallops. I used to have trouble reading it first then when I could do it easily with the controller I still couldn't do it with my feet (granted I have a poopy pad). Even practicing for a week on True slowed down could I get it even reasonably well.
Until I dreamt of the following (and yes it's probably too obvious for some but that's generally how my brain works). Now I've done True and Tsugaru's gallops without any problem. R&P is still a little fast for me at this point but I see it'll come eventually.
The following is really a "How to read gallops question". If you see LRRUUDDLLR... simply take it as a LR jump then a RU jump then a UD jump (ad infinitum) but instead of landing with both feet at each jump you make sure you land with one foot first.
I hope this answers anyone who wonders "How to gallop?" which was usually answered with "Noob, practice!" |
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Beyondâ¶âInsanity Trick Member

Joined: 27 Jun 2005 Location: New Castle, DE |
856. Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:54 pm Post subject: |
Man, it feels really weird that I was able to pass 300, MU, and PS on heavy in the arcade before I got my first arcade AA's O_O And, I mean, I was really trying for them, too. But, for some reason, now I can't pass those 10-footers anymore, but I get AA's a LOT more frequently. I wonder if anyone else has experienced something like this, gaining a lot of stamina, then most of it just completely switching to PA. _________________
pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884
phi = 1.6180533
Avagadro's Number = 6.02 x 10^23
Joule's Constant = -6.63 x 10^-34
G = 6.67 x 10^-11
Fg = (G x M1 x M2)/d^2
I like numbers O_O |
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Silverpony Trick Member

Joined: 19 Jul 2005 Location: Ewa Beach, O'ahu, Hawai'i |
857. Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:14 pm Post subject: |
I usually play at home on my Red Octane Ignition pad, and I found it's spoiled me for the arcade, too. The RO pad is so amazingly sensitive. I can just tap my feet and the arrows register. I don't have to really stomp, unlike the arcade machines.
Plus, the arcade ones seem to have bigger pads- or, at least, I find I have to work a lot harder, put my feet much further onto the arrows, to make sure they register. And, as someone else mentioned, doing it in shoes means a lot more effort, too.
I notice that playing a song such as Love Love Sugar, which I can do at home over and over for like an hour, tires me out after just a game or two at the arcade.
I wish "Speed Over Beethoven" were on the PS2 version and not just in the arcade. |
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HT Trick Member

Joined: 09 Aug 2005
858. Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:54 pm Post subject: |
Necrosis wrote: | Quote: | maybe it's the pressure of everyone watching you |
It's funny, because I seem to do much better with a crowd watching me... |
it really depends on your personality. some do better alone without peer pressure and some do better being the center of attention |
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SupraDDR30 Trick Member

Joined: 06 Jul 2005 Location: Long Valley, New Jersey |
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